Tag Archives: build

8 Steps to Build a Successful Social Media Marketing Strategy [Infographic]

If you don’t have a social media marketing strategy in place by now, you need to create one. While “posting and praying” may see you get some results, it won’t enable you to derive the full capability of social media platforms for brand promotion, and sales.

You need a plan. This overview from the team at StatusBrew provides a good rundown of the key fundamentals that will establish a stable foundation for your ongoing social media marketing activities.

These are the basic building blocks for your process – take a look at the infographic below and build a new, successful, social media marketing strategy for your business.


8 Steps to Build a Successful Social Media Marketing Strategy [Infographic]
If you don’t have a social media marketing strategy in place by now, you need to create one. take a look at the infographic and build a new, successful, social media marketing strategy for your business.

11 Tips on How to Build Your Brand Awareness

11 Tips on How to Build Your Brand Awareness
11 Tips on How to Build Your Brand Awareness


Brand awareness is a result of deliberate actions taken over time on a constant basis. Here are 11 tips on how to raise your brand awareness and make people talk about it. How to grow your brand and make money online.

1. Know what people think about your brand

Your brand is not about how you see it, it is rather about how other people see your brand. So, the very first step in building your brand is to figure out what other people think of your product or service.

2. Give your product for free

Giving your product or service for free you will make people know about your product and its quality, especially if your business just getting started. Sampling your product for free or offering free services are two of the oldest tricks in the world of marketing and brand awareness.

Just make sure your product is so good that people would pay to get it.

3. Create Infographics

The well-designed Infographics can be a great way to introduce people to something and give boring information in a fun creative way. Spend extra time to include valuable information into your infographic.

Especially for online appearance, Infographics play a vital role in creating brand awareness. The more creative and beautiful it is, the more it will get shared on social media.

4. Social media

For small businesses, the online world is the perfect market, and a way to have lots of opportunities to build their own community online. You can find your audience and build a community on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and other social media platforms.

The key is to share useful information regarding your niche and connect with your clients or customers.

It’s better to choose one social media network and put all your effort into growing your audience there.

5. Referrals and affiliates

To encourage people to try your product or service, you can also create referral programs. Offer some incentive to anyone who refers your brand to another person or you can create an affiliate program for your business.

6. Create a strong name and logo

A strong brand should be memorable and recognizable. The name and logo of your product or service will be the first impression of your brand on your potential customers.

7. Tell your story

Everybody likes a good story, so when you have a great emotional story behind your brand, it will automatically attract people’s attention.

For instance, you can tell people about the problems you faced that made you create your product in the first place. This way, your story will help people see your brand as a solution provider for their own needs.

8. Don’t try to please everyone

Be prepared that not everyone will be a fan of your brand. We are humans and we all have our own tastes and needs.

Instead, learn to be the best option for a specific group of people – your target audience. Develop your brand’s own voice and focus yourself on your target audience. Remember that you’re task is to grow your business, not to please everyone.

9. Use guest posts

Writing guest posts can give credibility to you and promotion to your brand. Well, when you’re in business for some time you get to know a lot about that specific field and its dynamics.

So when you’ll share genuine knowledge that you gained through your own experiences, curious readers will value it a great deal.

Create an article that digs deep into a topic related to your brand’s niche. It will ultimately prompt readers to know more about you and your brand.

10. Find Influencers

There are people in every field that have a great influence on its audience. They can be celebrities or experts of the specific niche, and getting them to endorse your brand can affect its reputation a great deal.

Send the influencers in your field a sample of your product and ask them to share their honest review on social media, for instance, Instagram or Youtube. Brands that seek promotion send them their products over for review.

11. Collaborate with other businesses

No matter how small or young your business is, you can always try to collaborate with other more established businesses in your niche to get more exposure

Create a strategy to work with similar businesses to share the experience with promotion or events. This way you both can double your effects and get noticed by the audience of other business. It’s a win-win!


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How To Build Trust With Your Target Audience

How To Build Trust With Your Target Audience
How To Build Trust With Your Target Audience


If you’d like to build trust with your target audience you need to invest time and effort. Believe it or not, you can accomplish this with your content. You need to create high-quality content. Also, you need to give value and solutions.

To have a rapport with someone you both need to be interested in the same thing, show care and concern for each other, and coordinate with each other during communication.

Here are some tips you need to know.

Content Appearance – Easy Access

Appearances do matter when it comes to your content and how it looks to your audience. It needs to be easy to access, easy to read, and easy to understand the point.

Personalization Content

Personalize your content as much as you can. For example, on a blog post, say “you” even though your English teacher told you not to. You need to speak to them through your content as if you know them, and the same way you would a good friend.

Friendly Approach – Different Culture

One of the quickest ways to harm your relationship with your audience who likely come from various backgrounds even though they have the same interest is to say something culturally insensitive.

Listen to Your Audience

Your audience will let you know how to talk to them. They’ll let you know what problems they have. They’ll even tell you how they wish their problems could be solved and what they can pay for it.

Share Experiences

Take them on a “behind the scenes” journey. You can do this with video or simply by writing a blog post that describes what you do in a day behind the scenes to make all the great stuff for them that you do.

Show Empathy

Being able to put yourself into someone else’s shoes, even if you’ve never experienced that thing before, is called empathy. Show empathy through your customer service interactions and social media discussions.

Be Reachable

Don’t make it hard for your audience to talk to you. They should easily be able to email you or use your contact form without having to search hard for it. Let them hit “reply” to an email and be open to contact.

Tips on How to Repurpose Your Content and Increase Traffic

Content is what brings people into your website or blog. It’s the story, an idea, or solution to some problem that draws readers to you. But coming up with fresh ideas for content consistently is often difficult.

There is a solution to this problem and the answer solves two problems at once.

If you have a blog and a YouTube channel you have a goldmine of new content! It’s very simple. You just repurpose your old blog posts and videos into new blog posts, reports, eBooks, mini-course or other digital products.

Create a marketing report and give it away to new subscribers, a mini-course to teach readers how to use Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram to get more traffic, develop your own affiliate products.

It’s a great way to promote your content, and in fact, cross promotion on two platforms will double your exposure and your site traffic.

Follow these tips to create new content.

1. Find a video and create a blog post

This is one way to get two pieces of content working for you. Take the ideas and focus of the video, whatever it may be (marketing, blogging, finance) and write an article that is similar to the video.

Make it something that will complement the video and you can link the article to it (and vice versa). Don’t worry, if you have no writing ability or don’t have the time to write, you can always hire a writer to do this for you.

2. Transcribe old videos

YouTube is a great source of traffic and what better way to boost your traffic than sending viewers to your blog to read new content. The idea is to transcribe your old videos and rewrite them to keep the focus and ideas of the content but avoid Google penalties for duplicate content.

3. Rewrite PLR articles

You know the PLR articles. Well, they are still in circulation and people are still using them. There was a problem with them in the past because a lot of marketers didn’t realize they had to be rewritten to 100% uniqueness and used spinning software that made them unreadable pieces of crap.

The benefit of using PLR material is that the research has already been done, all you have to do is present the ideas in a new format and in your own words. Brand new article or blog post that is 100% original. You can link it to your other blog content, social media sites, or affiliate sites.

4. Create Short Posts Series

Another way to get more from your longer blog posts is to break it up into smaller posts and create a series with 2 or 3 parts and post one per day to keep readers coming back to finish it.

5. Create a Newsletter

Make a list of ideas from some old blog posts and create an email newsletter that you send out once per month. You can expand on ideas from favorite posts, or have readers give you suggestions for topics. This works for blog posts, videos, PLR products, and podcasts.

6. Create a Podcast

Transcribe an old video and rewrite the text. Then record it as an audio file. Podcasts can be downloaded through media sites and listened to at the user’s convenience. Use your imagination and get creative here.

These are just a few ideas for repurposing old content and giving it new life. It makes content creation must faster and simpler because part of the work has already been done. Just take those same ideas and put a different spin on them.

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My blog: http://www.bestprofitsonline.com/myblog/

My Pinterest: https://gr.pinterest.com/johnygt/pins/

3 Tips On How to Build an Engaged Blog Audience [Infographic]

3 Tips On How to Build an Engaged Blog Audience [Infographic]
3 tips on how to build an engaged blog audience in this infographic. How to grow your blog audience. How to create better content and generate more blog subscribers.

Tips on How To Build Your Brand and Increase Your Sales With Pinterest

Tips on How To Build Your Brand and Increase Your Sales With Pinterest
                               Tips on How To Build Your Brand and Increase Your Sales With Pinterest


Pinterest is a powerful branding tool and a very effective social media platform. You can create collections of cool photos or infographics and pinning them virtually to your online pinboards can boost not only the traffic to your website but also your visibility and your sales. You can build rapport with your prospects more quickly and easily.

Here are the tips on how to build your brand and increase your sales with Pinterest

Share visuals of your products

Pin images of your products to your pinboards. Add compelling descriptions to each product image, and make sure you include the URLs of your website to make it really easy to access more information.

Pin a free gift or offer to attract more people. You will engage more interested prospects and subscribing to your list is an important first step to building relationships that lead to more sales.

Pin images to promote your services

If you’re only offering services, you can pin photos of you with your clients, pictures taken at conferences, with mentors and/or join venture partners. You can pin images are aligned with your brand message. This way you can attract the interested people.

Pin infographics – A very effective way to impress the prospects

Pinterest is perfect for sharing tips and secrets, giving people the chance to get to know you, like you and trust you. Repurpose your articles by turning them into infographics – visually appealing chunks of information, and adding an invitation to visit your blog for even more strategies and how-to advice.

Also, don’t forget that Pinterest is a very effective and useful search engine. You can find what you need or reach your target market, audience.

How to Market Your Business Successfully on Pinterest

As you know the ‘likes’ and ‘follows’ on social media don’t automatically turn into sales. Pinterest may just be different.

Pinterest is developing into a highly responsive, low-cost revenue generator.

Pinterest is image-driven. Users create online pages known as ‘pinboards’ full of pictures of things they’re interested in. Or in the case of small businesses, full of things they’d like to sell.

Images are not limited to photos, you can use graphs and infographics, but every item you pin must include an image of some kind. Your pins spread as other people ‘repin’ them to their own boards.

As with any social media, you need to add material regularly to create an impact and Pinterest is not just about looking at pretty pictures. People dig deeper into things that interest them. So support your pins with high-quality text.

If you’d rather sell than write about your products and services, hire a professional blog writer for quality and consistency.

It’s not about you

Remember that people are searching for businesses that can meet their wants and needs. They don’t want to read about how great you are. They want to know that you can fill a gap.

For a small business, making effective use of Pinterest or any other social media channel means adding value, not just looking to sell. Typically you can do this by becoming a source for useful, relevant and interesting information related to your field.

Building a reputation as an authentic, knowledgeable voice encourages people to bookmark and share your information with others. That, in turn, leads people to seek out your website.

If that sounds like a lot of work, you don’t have to continually generate new material yourself. You can hire a professional copywriter, or refresh material you’ve already posted and you can also ‘pin’ links to interesting and relevant content you’ve found on other websites.

You can create infographics from your articles or videos. Write how-to articles about the interests of your followers. You have to gain their trust to market your business successfully and increase your sales. Very Simple!