Tag Archives: build

7 Secrets of Successful Affiliate Marketing Business

7 Secrets of Successful Affiliate Marketing Business
7 Secrets of Successful Affiliate Marketing Business


1. The first rule of any successful affiliate marketing business is to identify the demand. With the right affiliate marketing program, you’ll likely be giving a range of products to sell. Check out the demand for these types of things. You should try to stay away from trendy items. They’ll sell like mad one minute but you’ll be giving them away from the next. You want a thing that you know people want and need. That way your long-term sales objectives will get met.

2. Next is don’t limit yourself to just one product. Try to offer a variety of things. Many affiliate marketing programs offer a selection and it is best to go with these. Basing your online business on one product may work in the short term.

3. You need to set your business apart from others. You need to establish what makes you and what you offer better from others. What do you offer that sets you apart from other businesses? You should always use tact when talking about your competition.

A simple tip is to offer many free giveaways with your product or service.

4. You should always do your best to ensure a fast and efficient service to your clients. However, there will come a time when there is a glitch. You need to keep your customers informed and aware of what is happening. Things happen that are beyond your control.

Most customers are very forgiving if they are made aware of this.

5. keep your customers happy. The happier they are the more likely they are to come back. Offer your customers incentives such as savings on their next purchase. It may cost you more but only in the short term. Keeping your customers happy will result is them referring you to others.

6. Write free reports or short ebooks to distribute from your site. There is a great possibility that you are competing with other affiliates that are promoting the same program. If you start writing a short report related to the product you are promoting, you will be able to distinguish yourself from the other affiliates.

In the reports, provide some valuable information for free. If possible, add some recommendations about the products. With ebooks, you get credibility. Customers will see that in you and they will be enticed to try out what you are offering.

7. Collect and save the email addresses of those who download your free ebooks. It is a known fact that people do not make a purchase on the first solicitation. You may want to send out your message more than six times to make a sale.

This is the simple reason why you should collect the contact information of those who downloaded your reports and ebooks. You can make follow-ups on these contacts to remind them to make a purchase from you.

Get the contact information of a prospect before sending them to the vendor’s website. Keep in mind that you are providing free advertisement for the product owners. You get paid only when you make a sale. If you send prospects directly to the vendors, chances are they would be lost to you forever.

But when you get their names, you can always send other marketing messages to them to be able to earn an ongoing commission instead of a one-time sale only.

Affiliate marketing businesses are easier in the fact that they minimize risk. Everything else is like any other business. You need to work very hard to keep your customers happy, build trust, and make more sales.


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You can check out this new software that does most of the work for you! FREE to Join!

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5 Tips on How to Build Your Email List with Articles

5 Tips on How to Build Your Email List with Articles
The articles is a very effective way to build your list with quality leads. Most article directories prefer articles that have about 500-700 words. Your articles have to give valuable content, quality information, and resources that will build trust with your prospects.


The articles is a very effective way to build your list with quality leads. Most article directories prefer articles that have about 500-700 words. Your articles have to give valuable content, quality information, and resources that will build trust with your prospects.

In your articles, you will have the keywords that your target market is using. Writing keyword-focused articles will help you get your web pages ranked well in search engines like Google, Yahoo and others, and thus will generate highly targeted traffic from the article directories.

The articles that you submit include an author’s resource box where you provide information about yourself and your business, including a link to your website.

Then the directory allows other publishers and webmasters to reprint your articles as long as the resource box that you carefully crafted is left intact.

Your resource box should emphasize the benefit of joining your list along with a description of your opt-in gift.

The more articles you have in the directories, the better chance you have of building your list quickly and having your targeted leads find you.

Writing Tips

Write a blog post and then repurpose it as an article

Post your articles in articles directories such as EzineArticles.com, ArticlesBase.com, ArticleDashboard.com, etc.

Post your articles in LinkedIn’s Pulse article directory

Create an opt-in gift like an interesting free report

Write out an email series that can be sent out in your autoresponder to those who opt-in to your list.

Effective Content Writing Tips

The high-quality content for your website will earn you more shares, earn backlinks for your page and earn the trust of your visitors. The great and informative content will attract more visitors and you will increase your traffic easily.

Know your audience

Before you get down to writing, who are you targeting with your content? What audience are you trying to reach? The primary audience is your clients while your secondary audience is anyone else who may need your services later. Make your content accessible and interesting.

Don’t overuse keywords

The keywords make it easy for your readers to find and read your content. It also, makes your content valuable and search friendly. Overdoing the keywords just makes your work look untrustworthy to your readers and to Google too. It starts to look like low-quality content and you get a high bounce rate. Over time, this may cause you problems with the search engines.

Make your content easy to read

The attention span of online readers is a bit short these days so keep it short. Keep your paragraphs short, your sentences short, and avoid repetitions. When writing, make sure your sentence structures, tone, style and word choice drive readers into action. Avoid using passive voice.

Link your articles

When doing content writing, you find that there are topics you refer to often. Instead of repeating these points every time or writing new blog posts on the same, link back to them. Doing this will save you time, help search engines know that your site has related content, boost your search results, make your content useful and help it stay fresh. Search engines use these links to understand how pages across your website are related.

Keyword research

Now that you know your audience, use keyword research tools like AdWords Keyword Planner and Moz Keyword explorer. This will help you discover what your target audience is searching for on Google. This also helps you discover how competitive a keyword is.

Incorporate these keywords into your content when writing. Look for secondary keywords to blend into your content. They will help you rank for a wide array of long tail keywords which leads to more traffic to your site.

Edit your content

Make sure your work is refined before publishing. Use tools like Grammarly to check for grammar and sentence structure. Double check for spelling mistakes and only use words that you are sure of their meaning.

How to Build Your Social Media App

How to Build Your Social Media App
Many people and companies are coming up with new mobile app ideas. They either want to reach a new audience or better serve their existing customers. Most of them don’t know how to build a social media app.


Many people and companies are coming up with new mobile app ideas. They either want to reach a new audience or better serve their existing customers. Most of them don’t know how to build a social media app.

Consider the right platform – Do you wish to create a web app, mobile app or both? The next question will be is it for iOS or Android users? Your decision will depend on your target market preferences.

However, web app requires a bit longer to get developed compared to mobile apps. Also if you are considering two app versions via cross-platform development, it will still take more time and of course a bigger budget.

Android apps in a native platform contain 40% more code and take 30% more time to develop compared to iOS. Hire best app developers and other parts of North America work at about $150 per hour and those from India and Eastern Europe charge about $30-50 an hour.

User Experience is important – Your app can only be appealing if it is easy to use and pleasing to the eye. The design and usability should be self-explanatory. With innumerable apps storming the app store, people will stop using your app if it has poor UX.

Ask your developer to take care of the structure – wireframing -prototype – and finally add design and usability principles. Start with a well-supported MySQL or PostgreSQL database for structured data. Facebook, Twitter, etc. use it too.

Features of your app – Basic features of the app like easy registration, users being able to add, edit and remove personal data, manage personal information and preferences, one-click invite, contact import, search bar and algorithm around hashtags and random words, selections of new users to connect with, private messaging, newsfeed, multi-language support, posting media content, tools for self-expression, geotagging and the likes are mandatory.

Mobile App Idea and Creation

Your Feature List

Conceptualize your idea begins by taking some notes. Writing down the feature list on a piece of paper helps you focus on your idea and expand on it. This list also will be helpful when you are discussing with your co-founders, designers, investors or developers; they all are going to ask for it. Note that you should have them sign an NDA before you share your feature list.

Market Research

After writing your strong list of features, you want to do market research to find the competition, trends and market needs. Make sure there are no similar apps on the market. If there are, find out their reviews, ratings, feedback, and what is missing in them.

Add features in your app that would make it unique and more attractive to the audience.

Identify the Target Audience

It is very important to find who would use your app and who the audience would be for your product. Your users are from a particular industry, gender, region, age group, existing customers, income group, specific profession, or any other group.

Once you identify some demographics about the audience, you can find out what people from these demographics prefer or like. Knowing your audience helps you re-engineer your app and the features in it to cater to them.

Your whole project moves around user engagement. You can also conduct focus group studies to find out what your audience may like or dislike. Your audience will decide your product’s success.

Identify the Strategy

Making money is the biggest reward and energizes your idea. You can make money from your app idea in several ways: subscription fee, in-app buy, in-app ads, user data, sponsorship. You want to know which one works for your app, audience, and market.

Launching a paid app does not work these days, but you can make the app free with in-app purchase option for more functions. In-app ads are also losing their shine these days due to the user experience.

Having user data is becoming a big monetization technique, as you can use it to make indirect money. You can find sponsorship for the app; this works for an app with a social mission. It is important for you to select the most profitable techniques.

Approach Mobile App Developers

Once you have your first version of the feature list and wireframe, you want to start identifying vendors who can build your mobile app in a high-quality, cost-effective way. You should search for local vendors and some global vendors and reach out to them.

Once you shortlist 5 to 6 good vendors send them the project details. A good vendor should check your details and ask you lots of questions.

You should get proposals from multiple vendors, with time and cost of development, and compare them. You should check the vendors on past performance, process, price, time, testimonial and their eagerness to work for you. Finally, you should be able to select one vendor and start working with them.

The UI/UX of App

Once you have selected the company, you should work with them to create the UI/UX of the app. You should have them first create the detailed wireframe of the application so that you can visualize each screen, function, and flow of the application.

After review, you can decide to add or remove features. Once the wireframe is complete, you want them to create the visual design of the application. It should give the color, theme, fonts and visual appeal for your idea.

This step will give you a near-final picture of what your mobile app would look like and how it would flow. After completing it, have your vendor reevaluate the development plan, time and cost.

Test the App

Have your app developer start building the app for you. They should be able to send you the app (in progress) every week and you should be able to test and give them feedback. It is very essential for you to QA the app as they develop it, as this helps you control the quality, cost, and timeline, and learn whether the mobile app needs some tweaks.

You can involve your friends in the testing as well. If you come up with new sets of features during the development, discuss those with your app developer and get the time and cost estimate.

Market the App

Once you are satisfied with the app, launch it in the iTunes App Store and Google Play Store. You should also start marketing the app. Get some consulting from experts on app marketing.

You can also do self-marketing. Start on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as this is an easy way to spread the word about the app. You should also reach out to reporters and bloggers who may be interested in your app and write about it.

A press release on free sites or a paid site can be very handy. Also, you can hire a PR or app marketing company.

4 Tips on How To Build Your Brand with Content Marketing

4 Tips on How To Build Your Brand with Content Marketing
It’s very simple. If you know what your target audience needs it’s very easy to build your brand and increase your sales.


1. Your Target Audience

Without having an audience who wants and needs your product, you wouldn’t have any customers and sales. Your target audience decides how to structure your content and what will engage their interests and values.

You should discover the interests of your target audience and how you can create content that engages with that audience. If your audience is interacting with videos then you have to create videos.

It’s very simple. If you know what your target audience needs it’s very easy to build your brand and increase your sales.

2. Create a Blog to Build Your Brand

People always look for fresh content. If you post the repeated information as your competitors, it won’t help you to stand out in the market. Also, ensure that the information provided in the content is accurate to your customer’s expectations.

Taking new angles on topics related to your industry can help to establish your brand as a creative and an authoritative one. Focus on the upcoming technologies and trends is very effective for your brand.

Frequently spy on your competitor’s blog post to see what topics are doing well. You may quickly rework general ideas to your content that are helping your competitors connect with customers.

3. Promote Your Content Effectively

Optimize the content with relevant keywords. Italicize or bold the most important keywords to be ranked in the search engine result pages.

Create an eye-catching header. Provide Headline tags – H1, H2, and Meta tags.

Use bullets to make reading easier.

Create titles and subtitles to make sure that search engines will find your content easier.

Provide a short description of your product. Write a by-line for your article.

Use Social media platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+ are a great way to promote your brand-building content and reach a broad audience. Social media platforms are great for content marketing because the information you share with your followers isn’t only available to them but to their friends as well.

By posting, you’re opening the doors for your content to go further than just your audience.

Guest posting on leading websites: Guest posting on significant sites like Forbes or Entrepreneur increases your traffic.

Send Email Newsletters: Sending email newsletters regularly to your clients are one of the best ways to promote your business.

4. Use Google Analytics and Improve Your Strategy

Google Analytics is a great platform for understanding how your content is doing online. Analyzing the results of your different marketing strategies will allow you to understand which techniques work and which don’t so that you can improve your marketing strategy.

You can analyze which pieces of content are bringing you the most traffic and through which channels. Use this information to determine which types of content are the most valuable to your goals and take a data-driven approach to select new topics.

WordPress: 5 Tips on How to Build Your Own WordPress Website

WordPress: 5 Tips on How to Build Your Own WordPress Website
It is not that difficult to learn how to build your own WordPress website. In fact is is possible to build a website of your own in a few minutes. Here are the 5 tips you need to know.


It is not that difficult to learn how to build your own WordPress website. In fact is is possible to build a website of your own in a few minutes. Here are the 5 tips you need to know.

1. Purchase a domain name relating to the theme or niche of your business. Try and purchase a .com domain name whenever possible. Good places to buy domain names is Go Daddy and Name Cheap.

2. Set up your own website hosting. This is true whether you will be selling other people’s products in business models such as affiliate marketing or network marketing.

If you are going to be doing blogging you should also host your own blog. Avoid using the free platforms. The free platforms are not the best option for professional websites.

Good website hosting companies include Blue Host and Host Gator. These are inexpensive and very easy to work with.

3. Transfer the name servers from the domain company to your new hosting company. You can find easy to follow instructions on how to do this from the hosting company themselves. There are many videos on hosting companies to help you.

4. Use the Fantastico feature in your hosting member’s area to set up a blog. Even if you will not be blogging using a blog as a website is the easiest way to build one from scratch.

Word Press offers many excellent themes you can choose from. You can also purchase more professional themes if you want.

You want to keep it as simple as possible if you plan on using your blog as a website. Keep in mind that people read from left to right, so whenever possible put your sidebar on the right-hand side.

The upper left one-third of a website is the hotspot. This is where you want to concentrate on any offers or products you are going to sell. This might also include where you put a sign-up form to your newsletter or free offer to help build your mailing list.

5. You can customize your website more in the future as you develop it. There are many tutorials on how to customize a WordPress blog. Also, there are many videos on Youtube to learn about WordPress.

WordPress offers several plug-ins that are easy to install. You do not need any technical experience to do this. You can also install your own header and footer as well as monetize your site as you see fit.

Following these steps, and using WordPress as your website platform, allows you to get started without any technical knowledge or experience.

5 WordPress Tips for Bloggers

When it comes to blogging, WordPress is the best platform. WordPress is a frequently updated blogging package that allows the most novice of computer users to set-up and updates their very own blog. The software is programmed in a way that it is not only easy to use but easy to modify and be creative with as well.

Here are five WordPress tips and shortcuts that will make your blogging experience better, easier, and more effective.

1. Permalink

This is very important for your SEO and ranks as a top tip no matter who you speak to. Most new bloggers go through this.

You just created a well thought out post, published it and then see it assigned an ugly URL that ends in “p=145″ or something like that.

You have to change this if you want Google and other search engines to respect your site and rank you higher. Go to the options section and then click on “permalinks”. Select custom permalinks and then type in “%category%/%postname%” (minus the quotation marks) as your new permalink structure. This will put the name of the post or the name of the category followed by the name of the post in the URL.

2. Search News

Do a Google News search using the keywords or niche of your blog. Then recap a news event and expand on it with a comment of what you think of that event.

Don’t just do a straight news recap as this will most likely be seen by your audience as poor content because they can get news anywhere. But giving some personal experience with regards what is going on in the news does make for some interesting reading.

3. The Error Page 404

Another great tip you can use with a WordPress blog to help keep people from leaving your site involves the Error 404 page. Most themes used with WordPress have an Error 404 page for when there is an error in a URL.

Hopefully, it doesn’t happen often, but when it does happen that someone runs across this (just like the search engine robots do) wouldn’t it be nice to put something more than just the standard error message there?

You’ll need to edit the 404.php file, which can be accessed from your WP Admin Control Panel. Redirect the error page to your homepage.

4. Plugins

If you’re using WordPress and want to make your blog a “do-follow” blog, meaning that links from your blog pass on the benefits of Google page rank, you can install one of the many do-follow plug-ins available.

5. Repost Your Old Posts (Pretty Smart Tip)

Repeated and regular postings will boost your page rankings. A great tip that can solve this problem of having to write and post every day or every week is to write a supply of blog posts ahead of time and then either save them as drafts or change the post timestamp option to a date and time in the future.

If you save them as drafts, you can use them whenever you need them. If you change the timestamp to a future date, then without you doing anything those blog posts will show up on those pre-defined dates as if you were blogging that day.

The power of the WordPress blogging platform is great as its flexibility allows for many tweaks, tips, and tricks to be used. All this customizes your blog and makes it that much more appealing to your visitors.

WordPress Tips for Beginners

WordPress is not merely a blogging tool but can also be used to create an awesome and pretty effective website. Here are some important tips for WordPress beginners to create an attractive website.

Keep it simple

One of the most important things you need to know before getting started is to figure the navigation as per the services offered. Your website is the same as a library where people are walking to find what they want. Thus, creating different pages for various products and services is fundamental. It helps to create your site simple and attractive.

Buy a domain name

Doing a little planning to purchase a domain name is crucial. Some people decide the domain name as their brand name and some focus on services.

Choose a theme

Choosing the right theme is difficult but not impossible. Plugin and themes, both are usually specific to an industry. A theme helps to give an attractive look and it includes widget locations, page layout, color choices and default font.

Create image gallery

Images help to make the site beautiful and attractive. Whenever you upload new images on site, you need to add a specific keyword with the title and little description as alt text.

Focus on the footer area

Footer is vital because here you can add links to important pages, write a little message or give a brief description of your website. Generally, people scroll down to look at your site at a glance. So, provide an informative footer for the users.

Keep WordPress secure

Hackers always follow the path of least resistance. Make sure, you always keep plugin and themes up to date and use a strong password. There are some plugins on WordPress to secure your website.