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Pinterest Strategy: 9 Tips For Affiliate Marketing Success

Pinterest Strategy: 9 Tips For Affiliate Marketing Success
Pinterest Strategy: 9 Tips For Affiliate Marketing Success


Social media and social networks are very popular and effective platforms for affiliate marketing. One of the most popular social networks is Pinterest. If you want to increase sales and revenue you need to use Pinterest.

Here are 9 tips for affiliate marketing success. How to make money online with Pinterest.

Pinterest is, in many ways, a unique social network. It brings together people who have a common interest. There is a simple model of communication among users through images.

You have to share images through pinboards and you get to attract followers, repins and endorsements.

Using Pinterest is much simpler than other social networks. It is also more effective due to its simplicity. Uploading images that can be catchy, convincing and have the ability to arouse people’s curiosity can go a long way to promote anything.

The style of communication is only images or photos, there is no scope for a lot of blurb or fluff. No user can upload endless textual contents or fill up the social network with all kinds of contents.

As a result, the place is neat, people like the tidy presentations and you as an affiliate marketer, you can show and promote your products or services without much hassle.

Using Pinterest is very simple. Before you strategize your approach, you should determine your objective. Do you want more traffic and sales or you want only to grow your brand?

If you want to have more followers or endorsements then you must target the audience on this network and impress them so they start to follow you.

If you are looking for more sales of your products then your approach should be a promotional one, targeting the users as customers or prospective clients instead of social network users.

Tips for Successful Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing can be an extremely effective method to make money online. It also means you do not need to create your products for sale as you advertise the products of others on your website, earning a commission for each sale made.

Here are some effective tips about affiliate marketing you need to know.

1. Create your website using an easy-to-use platform such as WordPress which provides advice and guidance from the start. It is straight forward to create posts, insert images and even videos.

2. Select the niche you would like to promote by researching what is currently in fashion, being advertised on other sites or simply a hobby you have. As long as you have some knowledge on the subject and can create articles and posts or comments on your niche, people will read.

3. Decide which products you would like to promote from an established marketplace such as ClickBank. Check the credentials of the product by viewing the statistics provided which includes the sales to date, gravity, refunds requested and more.

4. Advertise the products on your website using the advertisements or banners provided. The code is provided which you copy and paste into your site and when viewed, displays an image explaining the benefits of the product.

When clicked on by the viewer it leads to a landing page already created by the vendor.

5. Choose different methods to drive traffic to your website as there are numerous ways to do so. They include paid advertising, use traditional offline advertising such as adverts in newspapers, flyers and business cards.

6. Create a social media page or link to further promote your products and increase sales on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Linked-In.

7. Write content-rich articles and publish these on online directory sites such as EzineArticles, Reddit, etc. Linking back to your website.

8. Link into other websites promoting similar or complementary products to get referrals and comments, inviting guest comments and also creating guest comments on others’ blogs.

9. Create your products, e-Books, free reports, and newsletters and offer these as bonuses or gifts.



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8 Reasons Why You Need Artificial Intelligence To Increase Your Sales


You need to know that creating awareness for your brand, product or services online and converting this into sales are two different things. You need to have an effective marketing plan (business strategy) that would convince potential customers to become loyal customers.

Now business owners are beginning to turn to new effective technologies, like Artificial Intelligence, to give them an edge in this competitive terrain. Also, a survey revealed that AI technology encourages 50% of consumers to spend more.

Here are the 8 reasons why you need to use artificial intelligence to increase your traffic and sales.

1. Data Analytics

Before the introduction of AI (Artificial Intelligence) businesses often find it difficult to utilize the data they collect from consumers. The data that could give them insight on how to increase their profits it was wasting away.

They had valuable data but they can not use it!

2. Personalized Marketing

With the help of AI, analytics businesses can now create advertising contents for individual customers. You can use different data like the customer’s location, search history, lifestyle, demographics, to identify the best range of products or services to market to them. This personalized approach increases potential customers’ chances of visiting your website and engaging with your services or making purchases.

3. Custom Emails

Today, if you want to establish customer loyalty you need an advanced level of commitment that highlights how much you value your customer base.

The personalizing emails are very effective to establish customers’ trust in your business. It is very common for businesses to employ AI to analyze and identify factors like the best email frequency, the most appropriate time of the day to send emails to each client and the right title to use.

4. Chatbots

Relying on human labor to offer 24/7 customer service to potential clients is often inefficient and very costly. As a result, businesses now using AI-powered chatbots that give swift and relevant responses to queries on their websites and other social media networks.

These chatbots come with machine learning and AI that give them the ability to tackle open questions. This new trend has led expert to forecast that the Chatbot market would worth a whopping $1.25 billion by 2025.

5. Predictive Analysis

Predictive analysis is the use of data and AI applications in forecasting the probability of a prospective client is becoming an active customer as well as to identify individuals that could spend more if effectively motivated.

This information helps businesses identify marketing targets and new trends. Also, prices would improve their conversion rate.

6. User Experience

User experience is a very important factor for your business. It determines users’ ability or inability to navigate your site. And with the advent of AI user experience has suddenly become more sophisticated.

Businesses are using these technologies to automatically curate the services, prices, and contents that tends to attract each user based on the data collected about them.

7. Content Creation

For businesses that offer users subscription plans to access the latest news content and other forms of contents, AI has become an essential tool in this highly competitive industry.

Already, news websites have started using AI to utilize existing templates for writing new contents.

8. Voice Search

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and voice search are factors that determine the number of organic traffic websites generates.

While both factors are strongly tied to AI, content optimization is also increasingly leaning towards AI-enabled solutions to construct marketing contents that conform with the latest search trends that tend to rely on conversational keywords rather than long-tail keywords.

More and more people prefer to use their mobile phones and voice search to search online for products or services.


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5 Effective Tips on How to Get Inbound Links

5 Effective Tips on How to Get Inbound Links
5 Effective Tips on How to Get Inbound Links


There are many ways and methods to get inbound links. from the beginning methods to the advanced methods, the ones you should use when your site is a little bit older and you’re already getting a fair amount of visitors.

Here are 5 effective tips on how to get inbound links.

An important detail: don’t start promoting your site until it has some content – it’s unlikely that you’ll get good results when you promote an empty site!

1. Directory submissions – this is a very important step for a new site because this is probably how search engines will first find you. What you will need:

* 5 different versions (except for the site URL) for each of the following: site URL, title, description, list of keywords.

* An email address, specially created for directory submissions. This email should be on the domain of the site you are submitting or else it will be rejected by some directories.

* a list of SEO-friendly directories

Take that directory list, visit each directory and submit your site cycling your titles and description on each submission. This is the hardest part mainly because of the amount of workload.

2. Reciprocal links (link exchanges) – Link exchanges used to be a very powerful method at the beginning of Google and PageRank, but not anymore. This doesn’t mean that reciprocal links don’t work anymore, it’s just that they’re not that important anymore.

However, this is one step you could follow when you have little competition, somewhere in the range of 300 000 or 400 000 results for your search word or phrase.

3. Submitting articles to article directories – this is a very popular method of obtaining backlinks: it requires little time, it’s free and you can (possibly) get a lot of backlinks.

Writing articles gives you perfect control over the environment your links are in and even a little control over the site where your article resides (because webmasters usually post only articles that have the same topic as their site).

Writing articles of high quality will ensure that your articles will be posted on many sites – a good article will get you a good number of backlinks!

One last thing about article writing: never post the article that you’ll distribute on your site! Considering the article could appear on very important sites, Google may apply a duplicate content filter on your site, thus possibly burring it in the SERPs.

4. Buying links – Attention! if you are not an expert in search engine optimization you should not try buying links to improve your rankings. There are a lot of factors you need to know when looking to buy links: the theme of the site, the traffic that the page or site gets, whether that traffic is from natural and sustained (not from PPC, traffic exchanges,), PR, anchor text and many more!

However, if you decide on buying text links on other sites, do the following:

* choose well-established sites that have the same theme (niche) as yours.
* The link should be spiderable: check the robots.txt file, nofollow metatags, and the rel=”no follow” link attribute.
* make the link look as different as possible from a bought link: surround it with text and avoid placement in the site’s footer or an “Advertisements” or “Partners” box.

5. Link baiting is one of the most powerful methods of online promotion, but this should be used only when your site is a little bit older and stable – getting a lot of links in a short time can hurt your site.

There are a few hooks that you can use to attract links:

* news: get an important story first and you could be the focus of your industry sector, even if for only a few hours! People are always on the look-out for fresh stuff, and if it’s good you could end up with a lot of backlinks.

* resource: gathering a list of useful pages in your industry, or maybe offering a new viewpoint on a certain research paper.

Make your research and you will find more methods and tips to get inbound links. Test them out and decide what works best for your website.



“How To Pocket DAILY Internet Commissions Starting As Quickly As THIS WEEK!”

Backlinks Guide: How to Boost Your Rankings on Google [Infographic]

Backlinks Guide: How to Boost Your Rankings on Google [Infographic]
The more backlinks you have pointing back to your site from relevant and reputable sources, the more popular Google thinks you are – so you can improve your SEO and boost your rankings