Tag Archives: rank

4 Tips How to Rank Your Videos on the First Page of Google

4 Tips How to Rank Your Videos on the First Page of Google
4 Tips How to Rank Your Videos on the First Page of Google


It’s very important to know how to rank your videos on the first page of Google. The majority of online users are searching only the results of the first page. So
you need to upload your video, explainer, marketing or tutorial, on YouTube.

YouTube gets more than one billion unique users a month: that’s a great opportunity to promote your business and increase traffic and sales.

When you upload your video to YouTube, don’t forget to make sure that it is optimized for search. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of doing all of the right things to make sure the search engines can find, understand and index your content.

Here are 4 tips on how to rank your videos on the first page of Google

1. Content Is King

The best tip is to focus on content. Videos that aren’t worth watching won’t rank very well because no one will watch the video all the way through, share it, like it, comment on it or subscribe to your channel. Total video views may be the most important factor in achieving first page results.

High-quality content is content that gets views and gives people a reason to share it. The more traffic and social signals a video generates, the higher that video will rank in Google’s search results. Also, creating high-quality content means that it’s more likely to get shared by other social media users and website owners.

2. Titles and Tags

Search engine rankings are primarily decided by text-based variables. Write great video titles, research and tag your video with the correct keywords and write a compelling description.

Google can index and understand the text associated with your videos. Creating a compelling, keyword-rich title is the most important factor in getting a video ranked, but tags also are very important.

If you don’t tag your YouTube video, then it won’t rank well – it’s that simple. Because tags make videos more discoverable, they relate directly to a video’s search engine ranking.

Some have suggested that the video’s description on YouTube may be more important than the video itself when strictly speaking about search engine optimization.

3. Closed Captions

If there is dialogue or text-based animation in your video you must upload a closed caption file to your video. Search engines CAN and DO index the closed captioning files you can upload to YouTube with your video.

Videos with captions rank higher because they make video content more accessible to the hearing impaired, viewers who speak a language different than the dialogue in the video and those viewers who are in an environment in which they cannot hear the audio track of the videos they’re watching.

Optional closed captioning probably provides a better overall user experience.

4. Views and “Watch Time”

Bounce rates greatly affect a website’s search engine rankings, but YouTube has their own version of this variable. YouTube utilizes this metric by prioritizing videos that lead to longer viewing sessions over those that receive more clicks.

When users stay longer, your video’s search engine ranking improves. More watch time means more money for Youtube!

You can increase your watch time by creating quality content that is relevant to the title and it liked and shared.

You make videos discoverable by properly tagging the video, writing a detailed video description and captioning your videos. You can also include video annotations and calls to action that keep them on YouTube, like linking to another video in a series that you’ve posted.

These are a few simple tips you need to use to improve your video’s YouTube and search engine rankings. Creating great videos is important but keep in mind that all text you create online has the capability of being spidered and indexed by Google, too.

More Videos, Infographics, Articles http://www.bestprofitsonline.com/myblog/


How to Get More Backlinks – How to Rank Higher On Google

How to Get More Backlinks - How to Rank Higher On Google
How to Get More Backlinks – How to Rank Higher On Google


Google algorithm still determines backlinks as the major indicator as to the authority of a blog. The more backlinks you have, the higher you rank in search results. It’s a terrible headache for webmasters.

Plenty of services offer to get backlinks for you and it sure sounds good but be careful. You can get penalized by Google for this. Then you will lose whatever ranking you currently have and you will need to start again!

Backlinks – The Reasons

Some of the main reasons for backlinks are:

They send traffic to your site
When you get a backlink from another blog you will get traffic from that blog as people click through to read the article.
They make your blog seem really important
A backlink is a lot like an endorsement from another blog
They provide new resources for readers
When you link out to other blogs it gives your readers new information. Don’t be afraid to link out a lot as it shows that your posts are well researched and valuable sources of new information.
They get your noticed by the owners
When you link to another blog and someone clicks through that click shows up as a site visitor in statistics programs. This is a good way to get other blogs to notice your blog and should form a valuable part of your blogging strategy.
They help you rank better on Google

How To Get More Backlinks

1. Produce high-quality content

We all know it’s a good idea to use your target keywords with content and intent that is geared towards your niche and target audience. The other part of that is that Google looks for content that is relatable but also valuable and exciting. Something slightly different and not the same old duplicate, boring content.

2. Promote other blogs

This is one of the best ways to get backlinks and have your blog shared. I recently commented on a top blogger in one of my posts, sent her out an email and she added my post to her blog.

This is a great way to get reciprocal traffic!

If you look at other big, popular blog sites like Nichehacks.com their articles are filled with helpful links.

This not only gives the readers more resources but it also gives them more promotion.

Just make sure you always tweet out to the owner that you’ve mentioned them in your blog. Do this for 20 minutes 5x per week and your blog will get more traffic for certain!

3. Local business opportunities

Many states and local cities or townships have websites or online magazines that regularly feature local businesses as a way to support and encourage them.

Sometimes you can find a way to get mentioned by creating some content that helps their website.

If your business or blog was related to health or doing something to help this issue or could offer advice, it’s quite possible you could submit an article to them.

4. Collaborate with other bloggers – Promote an event

This is a really clever idea because both individuals then go their own way and promote the event to their own audience which has the double effect of building interest for the event and also tapping into the other guy’s readers.

What’s more, this type of event helps internet business people succeed and, as such, they are much more likely to link out to the event or the people that helped them.

Think about something that is missing in your niche and then makes contact with another blogger who might be interested in teaming up with you to either develop it or just promote it.

5. Write valuable content off-site (not just guest posts)

We all know that guest posts can be important but there are a lot of other options that can really help to build backlinks.

There are sites like Medium.com or Quora.com that have an original articles section where experts write about topics in depth.

You can, of course, include links to your own blog in these but the main advantage is getting in front of other bloggers and site owners who might link to you if think your stuff is really good.

Make sure to also share on LinkedIn and share on mix.com or forums as they really love quality content.

The best advice in relation to link building is to focus on improving your site’s content and everything–including links–will follow.
Attention! Don’t try to fool search engines (Google). The search engines now are pretty smart and they will ban your website!

More Videos, Infographics, Articles http://www.bestprofitsonline.com/myblog/


8 SEO Mistakes You Should Avoid [Infographic]

8 SEO Mistakes You Should Avoid [Infographic]
How to get your website to rank well on Google. 8 SEO mistakes you should avoid. know the common mistakes that prevent your SEO strategy from success. 8 SEO mistakes that weaken your ranking on Google in this infographic.