Tag Archives: successfully

The Secrets on How to Promote Successfully Yourself Online

The Secrets on How to Promote Successfully Yourself Online
The Secrets on How to Promote Successfully Yourself Online


If you have an online business then you need to discover how to promote yourself and your business effectively. Here are the secrets you need to know.

Identify your Target Market

Think about your online business and what it is exactly that you are able to provide to your customer. If you have already created a product or a service think about that particular product or service and what the benefits for the people who purchase it.

Who are you trying to target? Who actually needs what it is you have to offer and where are those particular people likely to be found online?

Identifying your unique selling point

When you know who your ideal customer is and exactly why they are ideal, you will need to identify something about your business that is unique so that you can communicate this to your customer.

When there is plenty of competition you need a reason why people should do business with you rather than someone else. What’re the advantages of your products or services that would appeal to your target customer? Some ideas are:

delivery method
customer service

How to position yourself

You now know who your ideal customer is and you know what it is that you can offer that is unique to your business. Now you need to know how to position yourself so that people will come to you.

Ideally, you will want to create a situation whereby your customers are talking about you and your brand and recommending it to others. Therefore everything that you do in your business must add value to your customer.

You have to position yourself as an expert, the ideal person to go to when people who have a particular issue or need particular help with something, will really help you to market your business and raise awareness of your business to a bigger audience.

A good way to do this online is to make sure that you gain visibility on a range of websites, like social media platforms, that your ideal customer is likely to visit. This will send a message to your potential customer that you are an authority in your particular niche and that you are someone who understands what they need. You are an expert and you can help them.

How To Promote Yourself With Article Marketing

If you are interested in making yourself popular, then you would have to decide on how to promote yourself. It takes a lot of effort, energy and time for the establishment of a stellar reputation. One of the most effective ways to promote yourself is the article marketing.

Basically, article marketing is writing articles about a specific topic that is related to your own website and posting them on different websites. It has the intention of creating traffic for your website.

This would make your site popular. At the same time, you will be able to establish a name for yourself and a lot of people will be able to recognize your name in relation to the topic.

Professionals find this marketing method very effective. Also, the act of writing requires a degree of expertise that would ensure the good quality of the output. This would mean that what a lot of people would be accessing good materials only.

When the quality articles are posted or published online, then a greater number of people would be informed of the subject in relation to the writer.

It is worthy of note that while the initial target market of this marketing strategy is persons who have internet access, there is no limit as to the number of possible population of the audience.

Once several articles have been created – all with the intention of self-promotion – then the next step would be posting them on different websites. This must be done continuously and regularly to establish reliability in the field chosen.

In the beginning, it is natural to merely introduce yourself or the topic that you have chosen. This would mean creating a base that one can refer to over and over again in the course of going through your website.

Nevertheless, it is essential to take note of the queries, comments, and suggestions that are posted in your articles. By responding properly, either in the comments section also or by writing a separate article, you would be able to show that you are serious in your project and that you welcome the readers’ participation.

You must make sure that the articles you have produced are posted on websites that have a good reputation. This would increase your standing in the eyes of the readers. This would also ensure that you have a greater number of possible readers.

The satisfied readers will advertise you, your articles, and your business. Very Simple.

50 Social Media Tips to Grow Your Business [Infographic]

50 Social Media Tips to Grow Your Business [Infographic]
How to grow your small business. Want to know how to utilize social media to achieve your business growth goals? 50 tips to get you started in this infographic.

Pinterest: 8 Tips to Promote Successfully Your Business


The Pinterest is the fastest growing global social network. It’s a very effective tool to promote your business. Many businesses and entrepreneurs know that and use the Pinterest to market their products or services.

Pinterest Effect

A recent study provided by 3M Corporation showed that humans process visuals 66% faster than text. This is the Pinterest effect. Beautiful visuals of a life we want. Pictures of glamorous, clever, or simple products or services to improve our life grab our attention. The proof is in the stats.

In a study of a fashion website, researchers looked at where traffic came from. They looked at how much sales volume was generated from each site, as well. The analytics showed that the average amount of traffic generated from Facebook visitors to this website produced $85 in consumer spending. The average spending amounts from Pinterest users was $180!! Great Results and Sales!

The more we understand about the way humans process information and how it affects spending habits, the more businesses will see the value in Pinterest. To think, Pinterest was the fastest growing site to ever break past 10 million users. Advertisers are beginning to take this site for “killing time” a bit more seriously.

What does a typical US Pinterest user look like? About 86% are women. That’s enough to make entrepreneurs’ pulses race. The ones who get REALLY excited already know women have input to how 85% of American dollars are spent.

Also, between 70-75% of users have a college education. Generally, the greater one’s education, the more stable the income, and a higher amount of income available.

Half of US Pinterest users had an annual income greater than $50k. More than half of Pinterest users have children. Most live in a Midwestern state.

The 88% of users who pinned something on Pinterest purchased an item they pinned. Also, 49% of users purchased 5 or more products they pinned or repinned.

The Pinterest results are extraordinary! Now you understand why marketers use the Pinterest for their promotions. Very simple.

Obviously, the women have the upper hand on Pinterest. She doesn’t just like what she sees. She BUYS what she likes. Retailers like The Gap saw the potential early on. The Gap takes beautiful pics of women wearing clothes and places them on their Pinterest Board. It strikes a chord with a viewer. She likes what she sees. She pins it. She moves over to The Gap website. She buys.

Pinterest – 8 Easy tips to promote your business

1.) Start a Pinterest Business Account. A business can have a virtual storefront. Images of hot, trending products will attract more people easily. Pinterest has a way for businesses to even include the product price for the item pinned.

2.) Pinterest boards. Your pages are called Boards. On each board are the pins (images). Think about how to organize your business on these boards. Your boards are your virtual storefront!

With Pinterest Boards, you have created a virtual store for free and you even don’t know it!!

3.) Create a board and begin pinning. Pinterest has made it easier to move pins around from one board to another if you don’t like the placement. (This takes away all reason for your boards being disorganized!)

4.) Share pins on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media channels. Leverage your entire social network!

5.) Optimize your Pinterest site with SEO to achieve higher search engine rankings.

6.) Add a “pin it” button to your website.

7.) Use high-quality pins. Do your research on photos which are more appealing. The wearable product sells better when displayed on a person rather than just on a surface. Use smiling models.

8.) Use visual calls to action. If you’re selling swimming pools, pin images of not only the installation process but families enjoying the pool on a summer afternoon. You are NOT selling a container that holds water. You ARE selling family enjoyment, family bonding, and a social outlet that includes friends. Don’t overlook the imagery that sells.

The emotion and feeling make the sales, not the logic!! A Great Marketing Principle!

How to use Pinterest if you are selling services.

Well, it works about the same way. It’s all about driving traffic back to your home page. Very simple. You will drive your Pinterest visitors to your website. Then you have the opportunity to build relationships with them and gain their trust.

A simple marketing tactic or strategy, but very effective. If they don’t trust you they never buy from you!

Don’t forget. Including your URL on each of your posts, you will increase the traffic back to your website.


Follow me to learn more secrets. https://gr.pinterest.com/johnygt/

How To Create and Launch Your Product Successfully

How To Create and Launch Your Product Successfully
The main reason you want to create a product launch is that this will create hype and buzz. And by creating hype and buzz, you’ll be able to ensure that people are more receptive to your product when it goes live.


The main reason you want to create a product launch is that this will create hype and buzz. And by creating hype and buzz, you’ll be able to ensure that people are more receptive to your product when it goes live.

The best way to make people want something is to tell them they have to wait. This also gives them time to save the cash and generally, it means that when the product goes live, a lot of people are going to buy it.

A product launch can help you to build authority. Simply by launching a product rather than releasing it quietly, you make that product seem far more desirable and much more interesting and this means that you get many more sales when it eventually goes live.

Verifying an audience is very important to your success. In other words, you need to ensure that there are people out there who actually want to buy your product before you go ahead and spend time developing it.

By having a product launch and a build-up to that launch, you’ll be able to consult your audience and ensure that they actually want to see your product before you spend a lot of time and effort to make it happen.

You can ask your audience for ideas and essentially end up making the exact product that they request, thereby essentially guaranteeing your success!

Creating Awesome Products

When it comes to building digital products to sell, there are a large number of different types of product that you can create. You can make an eBook for instance, or you can make a piece of software.

One of the very best options, though, is to create video content and sell it as a course, a seminar, etc. A video will automatically lend itself to easily creating lots of marketing materials and is generally something that you can market very easily.

You Need Video Equipment

Up first is the equipment you’re going to need. If you intend on making high-quality videos, then, of course, you’re going to need a good, high-quality video camera in order to film those videos.

You also need a tripod and this will further help you to film yourself without hiring a team. You’re going to want to light too and a good option here is a softbox. In many cases, the lighting is actually more important than the camera! Good sound is likewise essential, so get a lav mic that you can use.

Editing and Presentation

Also highly important, is that you have great presentation skills so you come across as a professional sounding individual and so that the video will be engaging.

From there, it’s all about the way you edit the video together; and you’re going to need a good piece of software such as Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere Pro to do that with.

It’s a lot of work but if you pull it all off, you’ll be left with something that sells itself!

How to Create a Product to Sell

If you are looking to start up your own business then creating products that you can sell and deliver via the internet is the cheapest and easiest solution. The internet can help you at many stages of your product creation. It’s an excellent source of ideas and an easy way to research whether there is likely to be a demand for your product.

You can access and download many of the resources you might need for creating your product. And, of course, it is fantastic for launching your product in so many different ways.

Expert Interviews

Conducting and compiling interviews with experts in your niche is one of the fastest and easiest ways to create a must-have product. It may seem a daunting prospect to approach these leaders but surprisingly many of them are only too happy to give you an interview.

They love to talk about their area of expertise and are eager to reach out and get their message to as many people as possible and make a big impact. If you really are intimidated then you could start by interviewing rising stars who are successful but less well-known.

To prepare you need to consider what questions your potential customers would like answered. You can start by listing the questions you want to know the answers to or wanted to know before you moved on to a higher level of understanding and experience in your niche.

You can survey your potential market regarding the challenges they are facing and most want solutions to. It would be helpful to send your interviewee the questions in advance so they can be fully prepared.

Articles/Blog Posts into an eBook

The second really quick way to produce an online product is to use articles or blog posts that you have already written and compiled them into an ebook. Even though people could potentially get all of this information for free by reading all your articles or posts, you are making it quicker and easier for them by combining them into one source.

You are also giving them a structure so that can grasp how all your nuggets fit together to help them learn and achieve the desired end result. Apart from cutting and pasting the information into the right order, you will need to tie it all together by adding a suitable introduction and final summary.

9 Tips On How to Promote Your Blog Successfully

9 Tips On How to Promote Your Blog Successfuly
You don’t know how to promote your blog and how to increase your traffic. There are 9 tips on how to promote your blog successfully and attract the visitors who are interested in your niche.


You have a blog you publish content every day but still not able to get enough visitors. You don’t know how to promote your blog and how to increase your traffic. There are 9 tips on how to promote your blog successfully and attract the visitors who are interested in your niche.

1. Create High-Quality Content

Producing quality content is one of the biggest challenges for bloggers because creating high-quality content on a regular basis isn’t easy. Quality and unique content makes a powerful impact on your audience and attract more people.

It is very important that you take the time to create the high-quality content that can increase your blog’s reputation and traffic. Also, with high-quality content, you achieve higher ranking on search engines. It’s not a secret that the search engines love the blogs with fresh and quality content.

Great content is a go-to source for informative and helpful content for your target audience. This way you will grow your business and your brand.

2. Don’t Focus On Monetizing Your Blog Too Much

Many new bloggers create blogs to earn money. Although there is no harm in earning money, putting too many banner ads on your blog can become too distracting for your audience.

If there are too many, they can make your blog look really ugly and they can actually take your visitors away from your blog. In fact, you should focus on building your email list. This will help you to get what you’re looking for, more visitors and more money by re-targeting your visitors through paid ads.

3. Research Your Niche

A very important step you should take before starting your blog is to research your niche. You should need to know about the competitors. You should make a list of all the competing sites, channels, influencers, communities and groups that are working within your particular niche.

This way you will be able to see what they are doing and talking about and also all the items they are putting for sale and products that are popular among your audience.

4. Reach Out Your Target Audience

Once you have your blog and great content, start promoting your blog. Take out the detailed list of all the influencers. You need them for blog promotion. It’s time to build relationships with influencers in your niche.

You can start by offering them testimonials, case studies or even a blog post they would be interested in publishing. It is important for you to start a one-on-one relationship.

By contribute on other people’s’ sites through commenting and sharing their work on your blog, they will start to recognize you and connect with you.

5. Become An Expert In Your Niche

Whether your niche is SEO, Digital Marketing, Content Marketing or any other, you should not only attain extensive knowledge about your niche but also present it in an interactive and engaging way through your blog.

Your future audience is waiting to read content that addresses them and their needs. It is the power of your writing and expert analysis that will help you attract your audience. You give value and help to your target audience.

6. Post Comments

Commenting on blog posts and participating in various forums and social groups is often seen as a way to get backlinks. Always post comments on blog posts only when you have something meaningful and informative to add.

Make sure to use your own name to do it, and not your brand. Participate in niche groups and influential communities on social media. Present yourself as an authority in your niche and genuinely help people. Don’t just drop links.

7. Engage and Acknowledge Your Readers

When creating content, make sure it is engaging enough to get the audience talking. Your posts should pose questions from your audience and encourage them to respond or share their own similar experiences. Your audience can talk to you via blog comments or email, make sure to acknowledge them and reply to them. This will encourage to facilitate interaction.

8. Monetize Your Site

When it comes to earning money from your blog, take a proactive approach, because it can bring organic traffic. When you offer a product or service on your site you can attract your target audience. By creating a profit funnel, you cannot only generate more leads but also generate a lot of revenue in the next few months.

9. Use Paid or Sponsored Media

Utilizing paid or sponsored media is an effective strategy for blog promotion. It includes blog promotion through Facebook ads, Google ads, promoted tweets, YouTube ads, and much more. These social networks can bring an incredible amount of traffic, as well as, hundreds of leads to your site.

If you follow these 9 tips on how to promote your blog successfully, you will be able to boost traffic to your site and also generate revenue from it. Remember, promoting a site or blog is not a difficult task. It just takes a little time and understanding of what works.