Tag Archives: reasons

Digital Marketing Strategy: 8 Reasons Why You Need to Use Infographics

Digital Marketing Strategy: 8 Reasons Why You Need to Use Infographics
8 reasons why you need to use infographics. Why infographics are very effective for your digital marketing strategy. Discover the secrets…

5 Reasons Why You Need a Blogging Strategy: The Benefits for Your Business

5 Reasons Why You Need a Blogging Strategy: The Benefits for Your Business
5 Reasons Why You Need a Blogging Strategy: The Benefits for Your Business


These days the consumers expect to be educated before they buy. Education-based marketing is not new, but today, it’s very important for businesses of all sizes, and in all industries. And one of the best ways to educate and build authority in the marketplace is to have a solid blogging strategy in place.

According to a recent inbound marketing report, nearly 80% of companies which use blogging as part of their marketing strategy report acquiring customers through their blogging efforts. Additionally, 82% of businesses admit that blogging is now critical to their business.

But blogging, like any business activity, needs to have both a purpose and a plan to ensure that you’re getting the best results from the time and resources invested. This means having a blogging strategy that’s focused on achieving your desired business goals.

A blogging strategy is a comprehensive plan which outlines the essential steps you need to follow when creating your blog and blog posts.

Defining your goals
Developing your buyer personas
Analyzing your competition
Developing a keyword strategy
Creating a content calendar
Determine how to promote your blog

Failure to create a strategy, or follow it, can lead to a variety of critical issues, all of which will waste your time and resources.

For example, if you write a blog post without doing any keyword research, your post will get lost in the sea of Google and Bing search results, getting limited, if any, views from your target audience.

Having a blogging strategy, and planning out a blog calendar in advance, will ensure that you post strategically and successfully.

Understanding the value of blogging, and its specific business benefits are essential to helping you stay committed to the process.

Here are five specific benefits that a blogging strategy will give your business

1. Blogging can help you build your brand

Blogging provides your business with two key benefits.

Develop your brand and create more brand awareness.

Many businesses write blog posts without a schedule or plan, posting randomly. That approach will not be nearly as effective, nor cohesive as it would be if you took the time to create a blogging strategy. Having a blogging strategy will help you stay organized and consistent, helping you create a powerful brand image.

By having this singular, powerful brand image, you’ll make clear to your ideal clients:

Who you are
What you stand for
Whom you help

2. Blogging will increase your authority – Become an expert

Blogging done correctly can also help you establish authority on your focus topic/s, or niche, increasing a sense of trust your readers feel toward your brand. That will also help you with your broader business goals because people buy from people they know, like and trust.

You can blog on all kinds of topics related to your industry, but if your posts don’t address the key needs or challenges of your ideal clients – using the language that they commonly use – they won’t resonate with your ideal clients. Nor will your posts prompt them to reach out to you for a solution to their problem/challenge.

Solving the challenges of your ideal clients through high-quality content will increase your authority, and perhaps even position you as an influencer in your industry.

3. Blogging will increase traffic from search engines

While you can increase traffic to your blog in many ways, you cannot overlook the value of organic traffic – traffic you get from search engine results.

Showing up organically on the first page of the search engine results, for the topics your ideal clients search for, will create a strong, positive impression in their minds, and can greatly increase the number of people reading your blog.

Without SEO, you could be losing thousands, or even tens of thousands, of eyeballs on your content. With all the information out there competing for readers’ attention, your posts must show up high in the search engine results.


When you create new content, search engines, such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo, will crawl your site to index this fresh content. The best way to achieve better results in search engines is to purposefully incorporate search engine optimization into your blogging strategy.

This means pre-planning the keyword phrase each post will focus on, adding appropriate headers, sub-headers, tags, internal and external links and optimizing your site for mobile.

4. Blogging can help you to engage your target audience

Your blog content enables you to facilitate important discussions in your industry, and build a community of people interested by, and engaged with, your posts.

These discussions can help you shape the future of your business – by communicating with your target market, listening to what they want and need, and providing high-quality content for them, you will encourage them to keep engaging with you.

To achieve that level of engagement, you have to employ a strategic and intentional approach to blogging. When creating your blogging strategy, include content that will foster valuable discussions about current or ongoing issues within your industry, as well as any new or growing trends.

Remember, your ideal clients can find coverage of these topics in many places online – what makes your content unique is your perspective on the topic.

When people align with your point of view, they’ll not only read everything that you create, but they’ll share it too.

5. Blogging will generate leads for your business

Perhaps one of the most rewarding benefits of having a well thought out blogging strategy is the conversion of your web traffic into leads.

These are qualified leads, with whom you’ve built some trust and authority through the content you’ve shared, and who knows who you are, whom you help and what you offer.

That’s why all good blogging strategies should include the creation of one or more lead magnets.

A lead magnet provides value through content, solving a very specific problem in exchange for an opt-in (being added to your email list).

When you identify a common issue your ideal clients struggle with, use it to create a more detailed piece of educational content in the form of a lead magnet.

Once you have one or more lead magnets, you can use several strategies to convert your blog readers into leads. Keep in mind, your lead magnet must:

Be interesting enough for someone to give up their email address for
Be something that can be consumed quickly or easily

It’s great to have a blogging strategy for your business, but simply having one in place is not enough.

The business benefits of blogging are immense for those who do it strategically and consistently. The most important part of any blogging strategy is to put it into action and keep your process on track.

Take action today. Create an effective blogging strategy and attract your target audience to grow your business.


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The Reasons Why Failure is A Necessity to Success for Your Business

The Reasons Why Failure is A Necessity to Success for Your Business
The Reasons Why Failure is A Necessity to Success for Your Business


Failure is almost a necessity for entrepreneurs and business owners. Fear of failure is one of the most common reasons people don’t go into business for themselves. Failure’s a lesson not the end of the world!

Here are some of those parallels and what they ultimately mean for you, as an entrepreneur.

Why is a failure a problem?

It isn’t! Failure itself is not a problem. According to Neagle, the only problem with failure is the shame that our society has wrapped around it.

We’ve all experienced shame from failure. We experienced it at a young age in school and from our parents. But many of us have also been on the opposite side, tearing down those above us for making even the smallest of mistakes.

Unfortunately, our society is great at building people up in their success, but the second they make a mistake, we demonize them and shame them.

As a result, people have become obsessed with avoiding failure. Parents seem to be especially fearful of their children failing. But in reality, failure is one of the best things that can happen to anyone–especially children! (And entrepreneurs!)

Failure builds confidence, provides invaluable learning opportunities, creates new and unique experiences, and helps make people more self-sufficient. All of which is incredibly valuable for children, entrepreneurs, and everyone in between.

Failure is the quickest path to success

Failure shouldn’t be avoided; it should be welcomed. In fact, failure is the quickest path to success. As a business owner, failure allows you to find out where your weak spots are, where you’re ignorant, and what skills you or your team needs to learn. It shows you what you need to do to scale your business–and the faster business owners can learn that the faster they’ll succeed.

Alternatively, avoiding failure can cause a business to stagnate and fizzle out. It means you’re never taking risks, and therefore, you’re missing opportunities. But there is another, more critical phenomenon: The more you avoid failure, the more likely it is that failure will happen in a way that will completely devastate your business.

Important Tip. Learning how to bounce back from failures at an early age (in life or business) helps prepare you for anything down the road.

Getting to know failure

As we now know, the key to success with your business is to embrace failure–however counterintuitive it may seem.

The first step is to acknowledge that YOU are not a failure. Instead of looking at a mistake and saying, “I’m a failure,” you need to be saying “what I did failed,” or “what I did didn’t work.” It has nothing to do with you or who you are as a person, and by extension, business failures have nothing to do with the business itself.

Even if a company goes bankrupt, the company itself is not a failure–what the people at the company chose to do simply didn’t work. And that’s okay.

In your company, it’s important to allow your leaders to encourage responsible failure. Do this by focusing on radical accountability and honestly. Encouraging failure with the people that work for us brings about creativity. It encourages people to try new things and adapt to adversity that’s happening within the workplace. And ultimately, that is where big breakthroughs happen in business.

Companies who aren’t ready to embrace failure become fear-based. And in fear-based organizations, people only stick to what worked yesterday (or last month, or last year). In business, doing things “the way you’ve always done them” is a death sentence. It removes any room for growth or improvement.

Instead, we need to embrace failure to find out what’s going to work next. Not what used to work.

Failure’s an opportunity to improve your self and your business strategies. Don’t forget, businesses without failures and risks don’t exist!! Very Simple Lesson. Work hard every day and Never Give Up!!


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The Reasons Why Blogs Are Very Popular: How to Make Money Online

The Reasons Why Blogs Are Very Popular: How to Make Money Online
The Reasons Why Blogs Are Very Popular: How to Make Money Online


The blog phenomenon is growing rapidly and is not likely to downsize anytime soon. Everyone is blogging these days. Everyone wants a chance to express their thoughts, and a blog allows them to do just that. The expression is one of the most precious traits and it should be practiced often.

You are probably wondering what a blog is if you don’t already know.

A blog, which is short for a weblog, it’s like an online journal. It is a personal website that is updated frequently. With each posting, the blog is essentially updated. Blogs can include anything the blogger wants it to include.

You can write about personal experiences, political views, gossip, books, television, marketing, make money online, or music. There are no limits on what you can write about on your blog. Today’s blogs are allowing bloggers to post photos or little profiles telling their readers more about themselves.

Many blogs are so popular that readers will visit them each day to see what is new in the blogger’s life. These readers may or may not personally know the blogger, which makes the phenomenon that much more interesting and maybe mysterious!

The most notable thing about a blog is that it is the first online journal type that offers a place for reader comments. These comments can be helpful to the blog and draw interest to it.

Some advertisers are using blogs today to get their website link or product information out to more people. This can be annoying to bloggers, but the fact is that the advertisers are using other peoples blogs to advertise for free. Although it is annoying, it is a pretty smart idea on the advertising side of things.

It is assumed that blogs are so popular for two main reasons. The first reason is simply that everyone wants to be heard. By posting your opinions, views, or experiences on the web, you are essentially being heard by anyone who reads your post.

With more and more people reading blogs, you can count on more and more people reading yours as well. Expressing your opinions allows you to be free from any stress they may cause when you keep them inside. A blog is a socially safe way to express your views without having to worry too much about a reaction from someone else.

The other main reason the blog is so popular is that due to amazing blogging software, it is so simple to do. When personal websites came onto the scene, everyone wanted one.

The problem was that the good ones were very difficult to construct unless you had programming experience. Many people hired professionals to create their personal spaces. Blogs, on the other hand, are very easy to create. The software allows you to post your thoughts in a typing box and the system automatically updates itself when you are done.

Because of these two reasons, people love blogs. They love to post on their blog and they love to read other blogs. The phenomenon is one that is so well-loved it will likely continue to grow and grow.

How to Make Money With Your Blog

Having a blog can be useful and exciting. You can share your opinion, ideas or comments. But besides that, you can also get profit with your blog.

Earn money with Adsense

Google asks the website and blog owner to join in AdSense in displaying ads on your blog. By displaying ads in your blog, you can earn money if your reader clicks the ads. To join Google Adsense is free, so you can join now!

Beside of Google Adsense, you can try other ads network service (bidvertiser, Adbrite, etc) but many people chose Adsense as their ads on the blog because it’s very popular.

Earn money with Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate programs are another great way to earn money from your blog. You just provide the link to your affiliate market and let your visitor click. Your visitor will be linked to affiliate web, and if they follow the instruction or even purchase the product, you can earn money.

Affiliate marketing is a very effective and extremely popular way to make money online!

Earn money with Business Blog

Blog as a journal or diary also could be a business promotion. You can sell your products or services with your blog



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