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Why SEO is Important: The benefits for Your Small Business

Why SEO is Important: The benefits for Your Small Business
Why SEO is Important: The benefits for Your Small Business


SEO has many benefits for small and start-up businesses. The companies that still don’t use SEO might be missing out on the important advantages of SEO. Even the companies that have invested in SEM (Search Engine Marketing) are also at a competitive edge over others that don’t.

Here are the benefits of SEO for your small business

User-friendly website

SEO is a very important tool to create a user-friendly website. SEO involves more than just search engines. The focus point here is the users. It is because, when users are happy, the search engine is also happy. When there is a favorable on-page SEO, it enhances the customer experience. It also has many long-term and short-term advantages.

New customers and brand expansion

One of the essential reasons for having a corporate website is to grow your existing customer base. Also, a site helps to distinguish your company website from others. Small scale businesses that have a site and follow good SEO practices expand faster.

SEO helps these businesses to experience increased ranking.

Reach and explore new untapped markets

The internet makes it possible for businesses to connect with customers globally. A smart SEO strategy will enable you to find out the untapped, fresh markets and also explore fresh new economies.

Today, the mobile markets and social media platforms help to take your website traffic to all new level. It helps to enhance the SEO performance.

Increase conversion rates

When your website gets optimized for SEO, it becomes easy to use. It can operate smoothly in the tablet and mobile devices. It helps in attaining an increased conversion. The online users that browse through your site are more likely to become loyal customers, visitors or subscribers.

The ROI (Return on Investment) that generates from SEO is much less in comparison to PPC or any other online marketing platforms.

Generate brand awareness

One of the secret benefits of ranking high in SERP’s is your brand awareness. Online users tend to have faith in the brand when they get to see it in high search engine ranks. And if this occurs for a longer period, then one may conclude that the concerned website has a positive web presence.

The small businesses that want to enhance their brand awareness should invest in SEO. It will help the businesses get the desired online visibility and also acquire a higher position in search engine.

Generate a dedicated follower base through email marketing

Email marketing is still one of the potent forms of marketing. It is considered to be one of the best SEO approaches. And you can use the email list to develop a follower base.

Email marketing was present even before social media, and it helps to generate both revenue and online traffic. Today, there are several successful bloggers whose major revenue stream is the email list. Sometimes, social media followers also contribute to online brand visibility and revenues as well.

Stay updated with the latest developments

Search engine marketing is always changing. Additionally, the SEO best practices and rules also keep changing. And if you want your website ranks to stay high, it is important to keep updated with the latest changes. You have two methods to go about it:

Keep a tab of all the changes taking place in the SEO industry. Also, make all the necessary changes that you want to in your site by complying with the latest standards.

For this, you don’t have to become an SEO expert. You simply need to well updated about the changes.
You can also hire a consistent SEO service provider to help you stay updated on all the recent developments so that you wouldn’t miss out on anything.

It helps you to stay ahead of the competition

You can consider two businesses of the same industry, selling the same products at the same price. And one has an SEO optimized website and the other not. Every other thing being equal, the company that has its website SEO optimized will attain maximum digital success.

The idea is never to overlook the potential of SEO and search engines. You shouldn’t forget that your competitors too have the chance to adapt the best SEO practice along with effective social media marketing.

SEO is a gradual process. For SEO to work in your favor, you need to give it time. Small business companies can benefit from a customized SEO strategy if they can use it well in their favour.

It is essential to keep checking on the changes that happen from time to time. It will help you to make the necessary changes to your SEO strategy.

Make your research and discover the latest SEO trends, tips, and techniques. So you can achieve higher rankings on Google and other search engines.


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7 Reasons Why WordPress is The Best Platform for Your Content Marketing Strategy

7 Reasons Why WordPress is The Best Platform for Your Content Marketing Strategy
7 Reasons Why WordPress is The Best Platform for Your Content Marketing Strategy


When it comes to picking the best content management system (CMS) and website platform, it’s important to create an effective content marketing strategy. 79% of B2C content marketers agree that content marketing increases audience engagement. And 65% report that it increases leads.

There are many options to choose from when selecting your CMS and creating a website these days. But, WordPress is the best platform for your content marketing success.

WordPress powers over 60 million websites on the internet and with good reason. Thanks to its powerful flexibility and adaptability, WordPress is one of the best blogging platforms on the market.

Here are 7 reasons why WordPress is the best platform (CMS) for your content marketing strategy.

1. Customization and Flexibility

The best CMS platform is one that is highly customizable so that you can add any feature you want and create more advanced websites. And WordPress is the most customizable platform on the market, thanks to its open-source code, content collaboration tools, implementation with all kinds of hosting options, and thousands of plugins and themes.

WordPress currently offers over 54,000 plugins. In comparison, Drupal offers about 42,000 but only about 9,000 that are stable and supported. Joomla currently only has around 8,000 plugins.

Plus, these numbers are just the official extension directories and do not include any third-party offerings.

WordPress provides you the flexibility to sync it with any of your other favorite content marketing tools to enhance your content, such as:

Easy Content Templates
Edit Flow
Editorial Calendar
WP Inject

Many Chrome extensions also work with WordPress to improve your content. For example, the Grammarly Chrome extension integrates with WordPress to edit your content with ease.

2. Knowledge Base Integration – Customization

Another strength of WordPress is its smooth integration with knowledge base software, as shown above. You can use this ability to produce tons of content around your product, service, or tool.

For example, knowledge base software can support the creation and centralization of answers to the most commonly asked customer questions. It can also embed meta tags and titles, and help you structure your content for improved SEO and audience readability.

Want to create your knowledge base rather than integrating one? WordPress can help with that as well. There is a WP Knowledgebase plugin you can use to create and customize your knowledge base in minutes.

3. Video and Audio Integration

Video content is overtaking the market. Predictions claim that 82% of all Internet traffic will be video by 2021.

While WordPress originally began as a blogging platform, its functionality has grown over time. Thanks to the WYSIWYG Visual Editor, you can easily embed video and audio content into your WordPress site.

WordPress offers multiple plugin options to further customize and enhance its visual content editor. Whether you want to grow your blog traffic, create a million-dollar e-commerce site with video development, or share your podcast, WordPress’ video integration capability can help you.

4. Creation and Publishing

When it comes to content, there is no question that quality is more important than quantity. If your content is infrequent it’s much harder to drive repeat customers and grow a loyal following.

WordPress supports the creation and publishing on frequent content.

A basic text editor. If you can create text using Microsoft Word or Google Docs, you can create it using WordPress, with no knowledge of code required.

Page builders. When you want to move past simple text, page builders help you build even more complicated designs. Again without needing to know a single line of code.

A powerful editor. WordPress enables content formatting, as well as the publishing new posts and pages with its built-in editor.

Taxonomy options. As you create more content, it becomes more important to organize it in a way that is searchable by bots and humans alike. WordPress enables you to create categories, assign tags to your articles, and build hierarchies to group your content.

5. User Experience

If you don’t optimize your content for the best user experience, people will go away. The good news is that better user experience (UX) design can increase your conversion rates by 4x.

WordPress offers all the tools you need to offer a topline user experience.

Thousands of themes are ideal for creating websites that support easy browsing and usability. Plus, WordPress’ easy customization allows you to add non-intrusive call-to-actions (CTAs) and subscription boxes. So that you can convert your audience without killing their experience.

WordPress even supports accessibility for peoples with physical or sensory impairments. Plus, it offers translations for up to 180 different locales. So no matter what language your readers speak, you can provide a translated version for them.

You can also use one of the many WordPress plugins, such as Polylang or Weglot to create a multilingual site.

6. Design Flexibility

The WordPress Customizer allows you to easily tweak your site, change headings, colors, and other aspects with the click of a button or the drag of your mouse.

Considering the importance of design in content success, this is invaluable for content creators. Check out these design trends for 2019:

Vivid color
Typographic focal points
Futuristic influences
Light and dark color schemes
Color minimalism
Hand-drawn illustrations
Genuine stock photos

The WordPress Customizer allows you to easily embed, enhance, and change visuals to keep up with changing trends. For example, you can include the above trends in your background header, featured images, and other site widgets.

You can further optimize your design by creating a personalized experience that represents what you have to offer in a clean, appealing layout, using one thousand of mobile-friendly themes.

Their responsive design ensures that whenever you change your design, it’s still completely navigable on your audiences’ phones.

7. SEO Friendly

With pages that rank at the top of Google receiving 36.4% of search traffic, your SEO strategy needs to be very effective. WordPress helps support this with an easy to crawl framework that appeals to search engines.

The platform also supports further on-page optimization with plugins such as Yoast and All in One SEO. Even if you don’t understand SEO, these plugins can offer recommendations to help you optimize your content.

Another SEO consideration is the site load speed. There have been some complaints that WordPress can tank your speed if you install too many plugins. But with a little optimization, it’s possible to achieve page load times under one second.

Here are some other ways WordPress helps you modify your content for SEO:

Allows you to implement rich snippets.
Enables you to add structured data to your site.
Supports the implementation of Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP.)
Has direct integration for competitive analysis tools

Whether you’re using WordPress as a blogging platform, a forum, an e-commerce store, or something else, its many strengths make it the ideal solution for content creation and management.

WordPress offers endless customization, personalization and design capability. So, you can easily modify your content without any knowledge of code.

WordPress is the best platform for your successful and profitable content marketing strategy.


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SEO Guide: Why You Need to Use Semantic SEO to Grow Your Business

SEO Guide: Why You Need to Use Semantic SEO to Grow Your Business
SEO Guide: Why You Need to Use Semantic SEO to Grow Your Business


Search strategies change as quickly as consumer interests. Surfing the web is evolving to include semantic search. Marketers are beginning to use semantic SEO when they create content. The user’s experience and content is the king, semantic SEO strategies focus on whether a reader can find answers to their questions. A very important tip for your business.

Semantic SEO means you need to optimize your content by focusing on the meaning behind the query. What is the visitor asking? Content should focus more on an overall topic rather than one specific question.

Attention! Semantic SEO takes content one step further by proactively addressing additional questions your visitor might have. Google wants to direct users to web pages that offer them in-depth, valuable information.

Content that is filled with relevant and natural language is attractive to Google.

Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Today’s computer scientists are pushing to advance tomorrow’s technology into the domain of artificial intelligence, or AI. Elements of it are already in use. Why AI is a very important tool for your business.

Facebook feed
Tesla electronic cars
Siri and Alexa

Connected words and phrases employed in semantic SEO searches are linked with the AI movement, which does, after all, depend on algorithms. Google’s search processes have always moved toward natural conversation, so semantic SEO is the natural progression.

It is about providing interactive experiences for users and predicting user intent.

Google’s Hummingbird algorithm recognizes the connection of keywords to each other and ranks web sites based on their relevance to search queries.

Hummingbird is a game-changer in that it almost demands more semantically driven SEO strategies. There are ways you can use new language-driven SEO strategies to increase your rankings and possibly even boost your sales.

Keywords – The New Way

Change the way you think about your keywords in the new semantic search area. Try to incorporate LSI keywords, or latent semantic index-based words, from three different levels into your content, with each level performing a specific task.

Level One—Core words that are quite similar to initial target keywords
Level Two—Theme words that, while not synonyms to target and core words, have related concepts
Level Three—Stem words that answer questions of users after they locate your page, such as “finding affordable Vermont homes” instead of “affordable Vermont homes.”

These three levels work together in targeted keyword searches to help users not only find what they want but also to deliver relevant content that answers related to user questions.

You need to focus on semantically connected keywords and phrases. A keyword planner from Google AdWords may help you.

Structure and Natural Sound

Structure your sentences carefully. Use the Subject Predicate Object format.

Language must sound natural, so read what you write out loud. While long-form content is great, keep your copy direct and concise so search engines and readers can understand your content easily.

Organize Data

Don’t forget the value of schema markup. Organize data on your web pages using elements such as tagging and marking to help search engines read or crawl your pages.

Your content marketing strategy must incorporate relevant words as well as information that is easily understood and accessed to rank higher in search results.

Social Media

Social media is very important for your online searches and SEO strategy. With Google’s Hummingbird, social networks take on even more important in terms of personalization and search results pages.

Noticing not only the words used in social searches but also the essence of the search parameters is an essential aspect of incorporating semantic SEO into your overall marketing strategy.

SEO experts recommend that you pay attention to consumers’ social searches and incorporate their interests into the content you share on your social networks. This natural link will organically draw potential customers to you.

Thanks to Google’s Hummingbird algorithm, semantic SEO is here. Today’s marketing strategies require close attention to details and to what users are searching for, but semantic searches go beyond this.

You must also understand and anticipate what users will be asking and answer those questions using layers of carefully devised keywords and value-added content.

Natural, semantically driven language is taking searches to another level. If you optimize your content strategies to keep up, your search rankings could rise dramatically as well.

Make your research and find the latest trends in SEO and Google algorithms. The online world, search engines, and technology are changing pretty fast. So, it’s very important to know how to create a successful SEO strategy for your business.


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Why You Need Quality Content to Improve Your SEO

Why You Need Quality Content to Improve Your SEO
Why You Need Quality Content to Improve Your SEO


Content is King. This is not a new saying and certainly not a new concept. Most website owners continually fail to provide visitors with fresh, relevant, and quality content. Those same business owners then want to know why their websites don’t rank well, or why their web pages aren’t converting.

If your website isn’t performing well, you need to improve your SEO. So, why you need quality content to improve your SEO.

Understand SEO

Before you can understand the import of great content, you need first to understand SEO. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of obtaining website traffic via natural, organic, or editorial means. In short, SEO is the process of generating FREE website traffic.

There is a reason why website owners pay for traffic. Gaining natural traffic is by no means easy, and it involves a great deal of strategy, effort, and resources.

In the end, generating organic traffic is not free, but the results are much more sustainable than paid traffic.

For instance, Moz’s Beginner’s Guide to SEO has been up since December of 2018, and it still ranks in the top three search results. The guide probably took a month to create, but it likely paid for itself ten times over since it was published.

SEO may be an overall process, but it involves several smaller processes to work. SEO involves keyword research, creating a user-friendly website, gaining backlinks, generating awareness, and creating quality, fresh, and relevant content.

Content may be the number one contributing factor to a website’s rankings, as companies that utilize effective content marketing strategies get 7.8 times more unique visits than those that don’t.

Once you understand the very basics of SEO, it’s time to explore why content is so crucial to its success. Below are just a few reasons marketers continue to tout the benefits of content:

SEO Relies on the Strategic Use of Keywords

Although the search engines now place less of an emphasis on keywords than they do the quality and relevance of content, keywords still matter.

How important are keywords? Very. The pages that often rank the best are those that include relevant search terms or alternatives either in the title of the article or in the headers.

Those that rank second-best include search terms and alternatives in the body of the content. That said, if there is no content, there is nowhere to place keywords, thereby making it difficult, if not impossible, for you to rank for specific search terms.

Google Needs Content To Rank

This point may be more obvious than the last, but it needs to be made. If you don’t have content, Google has nothing to rank, period.

Content is not just written material, however. Content can be images, videos, infographics, or even social media posts.

This is why it is so important to keep creating new content. The more content you have, the more there is for Google to index and present to searchers.

Content Helps You Obtain Quality Backlinks

One factor of SEO is obtaining backlinks. According to Google, backlinks are so effective because they are based upon the idea that a link is akin to a vote of confidence, meaning that if a page doesn’t get links, it’s because it doesn’t deserve them.

Link Building Tactics, involve creating and sharing quality content.

All of Google’s Algorithms Focus on Quality Content

Finally, you need quality content because Google says so. Though Google has released various algorithms over the years, each new update has emphasized doing away with spammy, keyword-stuffed content and ushering in an internet era of quality, relevant content.

Each algorithm is designed to address new concerns and to improve upon the old way of doing things.

Content may not be all of SEO, but it is most of it. If you want to succeed online, you need to be regularly publishing quality, relevant content, give value and solutions to your readers.


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