Tag Archives: rules

Viral Marketing: 7 Rules to Create Viral Blog Posts [Infographic]

Viral Marketing: 7 Rules to Create Viral Blog Posts [Infographic]
Are you just getting started with your business blog? Want to create posts that people share? How to create viral blog posts. 7 rules for creating content that generates links and shares…

6 Rules To Submit Your Website Successfuly To Directories

6 Rules To Submit Your Website Successfuly To Directories

If you’re like most webmasters, you’re always looking for ways to get links to your site. Of course, if they’re one way links, all the better! Well, submitting your site to directories not only offers you one ways, you can get them for free.

If you follow a few rules when submitting your site to various directories, you’ll greatly increase the number of directories that accept your link, so increasing the number of links you get.

Many directories publish a comprehensive list of rules for submitting to their site, but here are a few general rules that will put you in good stead.

1. No promotional language avoid promotion type language in your title and description. Avoid things like click here save big, etc.

2. Don’t keyword stuff While you want your keywords in your title and description as possible, don’t stuff them with your keyword. You want it to look official and natural.

3. Give valid contact info When you submit your listing, use yourreal name and email address. It will greatly increase your chances of acceptance.

4. Submit to the deepest relevant category Don’t submit to a main category unless there is not a subcategory that fits your site. For examle, google.com should be submitted to Computers > Internet > Search > Search Engines, not just to the Computers category

5. Site guidelines in general, directories will only accept unique, content rich sites. Most directories will not accept Adsense sites, scraper sites, doorway pages, etc.

6. Submit your homepage Don’t submit sub-pages unless the directory states you may most directories will deny sub-page listings.

Bonus tip Here’s a way to greatly speed up your directory submissions. Use a form fill plug in for your browser that automatically fills in your url, title, description, etc. It’s RoboForm, but you may find a better free one somewhere.


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Small Business Marketing: The Rules You Need To Know About

Small Business Marketing: The Rules You Need To Know About

Marketing Never Ends

Most people say they understand, even if their actions say differently, that marketing is an ongoing activity. Marketing isn’t like a vacation where you have a final destination and then you stop traveling because you’re there.

Unfortunately, many small businesses get frustrated or burned out when they work on their marketing. They want to know, “how long this is going to take”.

And far too many times, they abandon their marketing “campaign” because it wasn’t getting them results and taking them where they wanted to go. But even worse than that, many times the “are we there yet” mentality didn’t even let them finish planning or put the idea into action.

Eventually they start planning, or maybe just take off on, another marketing trip. Once again, they start wondering how much longer it will be.

Marketing needs to be an ongoing, lifelong kind of journey for your business. It takes regular and consistent effort to keep your pipeline full of good, high-quality leads and to keep moving your prospects forward until they become paying clients. That means continuously marketing even when you have clients you’re busy working with.

Keep Moving On.

The question is “how do we keep going?” You do need to monitor results so you can assess how well things are working to get you where you want to go. When your measurements show you that something is working, keep doing it. In fact, do more of it.

But you can also keep striving to reach new heights as well. How can you continuously improve even the things that are working to get even better, more consistent results?

If you continue to ask the question, “Are we there yet?” you might just stall out on your journey. You see, eventually you’ll discover some marketing strategies that will start to attract attention and generate the response you’ve been hoping for. It might seem like in fact, “you are there” and so you put the marketing on cruise control.

How to keep moving forward.

When you find yourself asking this most asked question, consider any or all of the following ideas to keep you continuously moving forward.

Study up on marketing. There is no shortage of resources out there. You need to find them and begin trying them. There are lots of books available on the subject. Look for the ones that offer proven, hands-on strategies and tactics. Remember, one or two good ideas now and then could make a significant difference to your business.

Form or join a “think tank” or mastermind group. Find a group of people who care just as much about your success as you do, just as you’ll care about their success. This is not a group of friends who will simply stroke your ego. Look for an honest group who will ask the tough questions and demand accountability from each other while supporting each others’ efforts.

Attend talks and workshops. If you go and participate fully, you’ll often get just as much from the other participants as you will from the session itself.

Get hands-on assistance. Working with a coach or marketing consultant who can help you focus, set goals, prioritize, create action plans and help hold you accountable could be an invaluable experience for your business.

Support from outside resources like this can help you shift from a mindset of “are we there yet” to a mindset of “how can we keep going.” They’ll help you continue to see possibilities beyond where things currently stand in your business.

Keep learning, keep trying and you’ll find the right marketing formula for your small business.


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The Affiliate Marketing Rules: What You Need To Know About

The Affiliate Marketing Rules: What You Need To Know About

You are into affiliate marketing, and want to know the rules. You have your website and or blog all set up and ready to go. You have chosen your niche and market that you want to promote and to make money. You just need links to start making money. Promoting other’s services and products is not something that is difficult to do. However, you will find that with all of the many companies that offer affiliate programs, and referral options, they all have their own rules that you must follow.

Affiliate marketing is pretty easy to follow, that is unless you have many different programs that you are a part of. When you start getting so many that you cannot remember the rules, or the guidelines that you have to follow, you might have a problem. This is because the rules for affiliate programs are as different as the companies. Each company is allowed to make their own rules. However, you might see many similarities.

Affiliate marketing rules can be so very different. They can range from not mentioning the brand names that they sell anywhere on your website, to not have that particular market in your website URL. Because they are so different for each program and company that you promote, you are going to have to be sure that you read each one well and make sure that you understand it fully. If you all ready have your URL for your website, you may not be able to participate in some of the affiliate programs. This is because you will not meet the requirements for the rules.

Another rule that you are going to see often when you are into affiliate marketing is the page rank rule. Some of the companies that will allow you to promote their services or products will not want you to have a higher page rank than they do. Nor will they allow you to have a website that is higher in the search engine rankings. The companies that have this rule in place for their affiliate marketing programs feel as if your website were higher than theirs for the product that they are selling, that it would hurt their business tremendously. And, it just might. They would rather have the straight sales any day, than the commissioned sales.

Keeping a spreadsheet of the affiliate marketing programs that you are a part of and their rules is a great idea. This way you are never confused and know just where you need to stand to be a part of that program. This is the best thing that you can do for your affiliate marketing business. Not only that, you will also find that some of the sites that have broken rules and have been caught have resulted in law suits. Cover your tracks and make sure that you are following the rules that are set by that company for the best results.

You will also find that there is a thing that is called affiliate marketing software. If you can find a program that fits your needs and will help you keep everything straight, you may not have to worry about keeping track of them yourself. Use your software to keep track and make sure that you are doing your affiliate marketing the right way. Your efforts will pay off eventually, and you will be glad that you followed the necessary affiliate marketing rules.


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