Tag Archives: high

Good News: This Will Replace SEO…

Good News:This Will Replace SEO...


Have you been struggling to get Google rankings lately?

If so, then you’re not alone…

Unfortunately Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as a stand alone traffic strategy is officially DEAD (may it rest in peace)…

…and everyone, including all the the big name players have abandoned ship…

The good news is…

There’s now a brand new kind of optimization which:

* Is way more effective than SEO for generating traffic

* Doesn’t require paying for ads or clicks

* Works like a treat in Google, Youtube and Facebook; And

* Is so easy a 10 year old can do it…

Watch this Ultra-Timely Presentation to discover exactly what this new optimization is, and how you can apply it in your business to quickly generate a flood of free, high quality traffic…

Here’s the link:


It might take a minute to load but it should play automatically.


John Tsantalis

P.S. The video has a VERY nice surprise right around the 7:11 minute mark, and by surprise I mean, it will BLOW YOUR MIND 😉

Check it out here:


4 NO Tips On How To Rank High Your Website On Google

4 NO Tips On How To Rank High Your Website On Google


1.NO keyword analysis. Keyword analysis is that the most vital method of SEO. The aim of keyword analysis is to spot the key phrases and words that your prospects are going to be looking for. You ought to not prefer to optimize keywords that are too generic. Generic keywords are very competitive and it’s terribly exhausting for you to realize high rankings for them during a short amount of your time. If you target the incorrect keywords, your SEO effort can go all the way down to the drains.

2.NO Keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing is taken into account an unethical technique of SEO. Keyword stuffing happens once the net page is loaded with too several keywords within the META data and content. Once search engines feel that you simply stuff too several keywords on your web site, they’ll not award your sites with high rankings. After you write your copy, you ought to perpetually write for human, not search engines.

3.NO Keywords are missing in necessary hypertext markup language tags. You wish to put keywords in Title, Meta, H1 and tags. Search engines cross-check these tags to work out what your sites are concerning. Thus if there’s no keyword to explain your sites, it’s each exhausting for you to rank them well. The Title tag is that the most vital tag.

4.NO Stop building links. Link building isn’t a one-time project. It’s a nonstop method to stay your SEO campaign victorious. Every day, there are new optimized websites that are competitive program result positions with you. After you stop building links, you lose the competitive edge. Thus once you see some initial results, you ought to still build a lot of links. Some effective link building methods are article marketing, blog commenting, forums, directory submission and social media.