Tag Archives: ppc

4 Reasons Why PPC Marketing is The Best Promotional Tool

4 Reasons Why PPC Marketing is The Best Promotional Tool

Many marketers say that there are two effective online Marketing tools that generate the highest return on investment (ROI) for any Business. These two tools are: pay per click (PPC) and email Marketing. Between the two, PPC is even more preferable. PPC opens up new revenue channels and brings in more profits so fast that ROI has become the topmost reason behind the popularity of this Marketing tool.

1. Email Marketing is effective only when you have a big list and you are not looking for new customers. However, PPC helps you serve both purposes: updates existing customers and reaches new customers. You can compare the ROI of different years with regard to PPC, and certainly, you will get to know how stronger PPC is than any other advertising and Marketing channel.

2. Business owners, especially those who have just set up their new websites, want instant results. Search engine optimization is a long term process and it cannot be ideal for newcomers, since the results may take months to years. Though SEO must go on always, PPC offers an excellent way to get immediate Traffic and to your surprise, it helps you get significant sales within a few weeks. Overall, both strategies, SEO and PPC, should go in parallel because of their complimentary pros and cons.

3. As soon as you launch PPC campaigns and start getting more Traffic, you can easily judge which part of your website is working and which does not, how your website operates, etc. If your highly targeted Traffic does not convert into sales leads, you are lacking somewhere. In this case, you need conversion optimization and site improvements. When your white label PPC services agency notices it, takes the action to investigate what’s wrong. When you start Marketing with SEO only, it may take months or years to detect conversion problems with your website.

4. Even if you don’t get the expected number of customers through a PPC ad, but every ad contributes to your brand building by exposing you among potential customers. It is not pure branding, but a kind of branding that can be measured with usual PPC metrics like: More impressions equal more exposure, higher click-through-rate and good conversion rate that itself means direct selling success.

It is true that you can’t always start sell directly online and PPC is not ideal for all websites, but Pay per click is almost always a very good promotional tool for almost every Business, if you have a right PPC account manager

3 Tips On How to Create a Free Viral Report

3 Tips On How to Create a Free Viral Report

A free report that goes viral can bring in traffic much faster than SEO and PPC combined. It can bring you free targeted visitors, in addition to generating hundreds of backlinks that’ll help you rank in the long run.

How do you create a viral report that others can’t help but pass on? Just follow these guidelines.

1. Extremely Controversial or Extremely Useful

There are basically two kinds of reports that get passed around: those that are controversial and shocking, or those that are so useful that others save them and use them as references.

For example, when John Carlton and Rich Schefren published a list of phrases – words to start sentences with that catch attention, the report caught fire and was passed around to thousands in the marketing community.

Why? Because it was useful. It was a list that had never been compiled before, an extremely valuable list for copywriters, given away for free.

2. Getting the Initial Distribution

In order for your report to have the chance of taking off, it needs to get initial distribution. In other words, it needs to be downloaded by between 100 to 500 people first, before the power of virality can take effect.

How can you get those initial users?

Lists are a big one. If you have an email list of a few thousand people, or know people with such lists, send them the free report. If you report is really great, other list owners should be glad to pass it on.

Post the free report to internet forums. Pay to post it in a commercial section if necessary. Again, if your report is great, it’ll generate many replies which will in turn get you more viewers and even more downloads.

Finally, don’t neglect your own network. Even posting it to your Facebook wall, if you have several hundred friends, can help you get the much-needed initial distribution.

3. Tools to Increase Virality

There are a few ways you can increase the viral flow of the report.

The first method is to require an opt-in in order to download the report. While this can really help you capitalize on the traffic generated, it can also turn some people off from downloading the report. Often they just want the report, without the list.

Another method is to embed Facebook and Twitter links inside the report. Make it easy for them to Like, Comment or Tweet your report.

Finally, one often forgotten secret to getting your content passed around is to just ask. Let them know that they have permission to pass the report on and ask them to share it with their friends.

Creating a report that spreads like wildfire does take creativity and market knowledge. It entails creating something original, getting it to a few hundred people and the having the mechanisms to help to spread. Done well, this tactic can launch an obscure business into the limelight.

Great Tips For Your Adwords Campaign

Great Tips For Your Adwords Campaign

To increase your traffic flow and get your share of the Google pie, your first step is to sign up with Google, go to your Adwords login and set up your first campaign. Adwords is Google’s version of Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising. All the search engines have their own variations of PPC and they are all called something different.

Pay per click means just that: when someone clicks on your ad, you pay. How much you pay can vary depending on several variables such as the quality score of your ad and the competition of your keywords. Since no one really knows just how Google calculates their quality score, it can be somewhat difficult to figure things out.

If you have an ad with a high quality score you can get a higher ranking when your ad shows up in the results. So instead of your ad being shown in the last position on the first page, or not on the first page at all, your high quality score ad will show up within the top ads shown for that keyword.

Quality score is thought to be made up of, at least partially, how many clicks you get per number of views. This is called the Click Through Rate (CTR). So the more times your ad is clicked on the higher your quality score will be since Google thinks that your ad is getting a lot of clicks because it’s highly relevant to the keywords it’s targeting.

For example, you’ve just set up your first campaign and you’re targeting the keyword: dog training. You’ve carefully chosen many keywords that are very directly related to your niche. Your ad is well written and intriguing. Your ad is shown a lot and a lot of people who see it will actually click on it so you have a high CTR. Google will reward you for your high CTR by showing your ad more often and charging you less per click than some of your competitors will have to pay.

This whole process tends to get very complicated. Since you are paying for the clicks you get, and you may be paying a premium since you’ve not had the time or experience to dial it in and get that high quality score, you have to make sure that you have enough money in your advertising budget to be able to stick with your PPC campaigns long enough to make changes and tweak things until you get to the point where you are getting a high CTR and the best price possible on your keyword bids.

With PPC so complicated and having so many elements that you have to keep track of, you may be wondering why people use it at all. The answer to that is because it works. Again, if you can afford to stick with it while you are learning it, you can get a lot of visitors and make a lot of sales.

Adwords Tool For Profitable Keywords
There are other programs online that will help you find great keywords, but most people use the Google keyword tool. This tool will give you most of the information you’ll need to set up successful advertising campaigns online.

Of course, as with everything, the keyword tool is not the do all end all. It’s a really good place to start but you really have to drill down to find as many possible results as you can.

Most people will use this basic approach when doing their keyword research: type in a broad phrase and then take some of the results and drill those down even further.

Enter a general term and make note of the results. Depending on what you are using the keywords for, you may want to set the keyword tool to show you specific things such as the estimated cost per click, or the amount of competition, etc.

Once you’ve gotten a general list of possible keywords to target you can then get more specific in your search. For example, if you’re searching for dog toys you would enter ‘dog toys’ in the keyword tool. You will get back a fairly comprehensive list but you can than take those results and narrow them down further.

So if you got the term homemade dog toys you may be able to further hone that down to wooden home made dog toys. You get the idea. Start broad and narrow your selections down until you’ve got a complete list of highly targeted keywords to use for your online advertising campaigns.

The narrower you make your list the more targeted, and likely to actually make a purchase, your visitors will be. Also, you’ll have less competition for the term wooden homemade dog toys then you would for dog toys. True, you’ll also have fewer searches but the searchers you do have will be very targeted and they won’t cost you as much.