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Business News and Trends: The Future of Work and Innovation

Business News and Trends: The Future of Work and Innovation
Business News and Trends: The Future of Work and Innovation

These days (2020 and beyond) we will see even more innovations that will drive the future of business and work. For businesses, innovation offers many opportunities. But we don’t know yet which will be the most beneficial.

Here are the business news and trends you need to know.

The Jobs of Tomorrow: Using People and Technology to improve the Skills.

LinkedIn recently released its Jobs of Tomorrow report for 2020, predicting emerging jobs for the next year. Three areas they talk about.

Demand for artificial intelligence (AI) roles – such as cybersecurity specialists and data scientists.

Emphasis on remote work, offering flexibility for recruiters and employees.

The need for valuable soft skills, such as communication, creativity, and collaboration.

At the same time, many manufacturers have reported skill gap challenges.

Two trends can help bridge this gap in 2020:

a) Retraining Employees

One way that businesses might bridge the skills gap in 2020 is through retraining candidates. For instance, one software company recruits medical technology professionals and trains them for information technology roles.

Companies may also perform more corporate training to retrain current staff. Harvard Business Review reported that In July 2019, Amazon announced plans to invest $700 million to upskill 100,000 employees.

b) Automation Technology

Another trend for businesses is to employ automation technology to perform skilled roles. For instance, order fulfillment automation is an emerging trend that can fill orders faster with less overhead and resources — plus it limits the need for skilled staff members.

While AI and automation won’t replace the need for humans, in 2020 we expect to see more robust and strategic technology used to improve the workforce of the future.

AI Improvement and Demand-Driven Models

Supply chain innovations abounded in 2019, and it’s predicted that in 2020 more businesses will continue to find improvements.

According to IDC Manufacturing Insights, by the end of 2021, half of all manufacturing supply chains will have invested in supply chain resiliency and AI resulting in productivity improvements of 15%.

Many organizations have reaped the rewards of transforming the manufacturing planning process from traditional to demand-driven. In 2020, we expect to see demand-driven operating models becoming the norm.

Traceability, a critical part of the supply chain process, will take precedence in 2020. According to the World Health Organization, 600 million people suffer food poisoning every year and 420,000 dies as a result. In 2020, SYSPRO CIO Kevin Dherman predicts that advanced food tracking and packaging will play a pivotal role in risk detection vs. disaster recovery.

Other notable innovations in supply chain automation have also gained traction in 2019. For instance, Material Handling & Logistics reported that researchers at the University of Washington have used machine learning to develop a system that assesses ergonomic risk for warehouse workers.

In 2020, the use of AI in supply chain and manufacturing processes will only continue to grow.

Global Economic Uncertainty and Consumer Expectations

Globally, the economy is predicted to face some challenges in 2020. Coronavirus, economical crisis, slowed down global growth, international competition.

At the same time, consumers are also demanding more from businesses — more transparency, more sustainability, and more personalization.

These global trends present challenges for businesses, but also the opportunity to grow.

As competition increases, improving the customer experience and the supply chain process will become increasingly important. Technology should be utilized in the digital transformation journey to help navigate economic uncertainty by making more accurate demand forecasts and promoting agility.

Technology can also help achieve a better brand reputation, such as through improving production process sustainability and reducing businesses’ carbon footprints by using a demand-driven operating model.

While uncertainty may be coming in 2020, digital solutions are what will help guide businesses through the doubt with big data, predictive analytics, and more efficient workflows.

You need to use innovation and new technologies to build a successful business in a very competitive and difficult global area.

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Visual Search: The Future of SEO [Infographic]

Visual Search: The Future of SEO [Infographic]
The guide to visual search in this infographic. Discover the future of SEO. What you need to know about. How to use visual search to grow your business…

Happy New Year!! – Awesome News: The Secrets Of Successful Work From Home Business

Happy New Year!! - Awesome News: The Secrets Of Successful Work From Home Business
Happy New Year!! – Awesome News: The Secrets Of Successful Work From Home Business


A successful work from home business requires from you to do a lot of things correctly. Here are the secrets you need to know about.

1. Go where the money is spending. Today work from home business opportunities allows you to make money in various niches.

You can combine a hobby or a passion with products in a niche where people are currently spending money. The good news is there are thousands of these available online and you can make money from home.

2. Build an email list. Even content websites that concentrate primarily on Google AdSense as their main income stream should still be building an email list.

Being able to follow up with your website visitors in the future gives you a big advantage in your business. It also gives you a way to generate money easily. As you promote products to people they will buy if they trust you.

3. Create a blog. Search engines love blogs because they provide fresh and quality content to their readers.

This gives you a good source of building a list and making sales, as well as branding yourself as an expert on the niche your work from home business is in.

4. Paid advertising. Google AdWords and Bing ads are two of the best PPC advertising strategies on the Internet.

However, there are many other forms of paid advertising that can work well for you. This may take some trial and error on your part, but paid advertising on a consistent basis is something you need to use on your marketing mix.

5. Do not put all of your eggs in one basket. If you can make a little bit of money on one website think how much more you could make if you had many profitable websites.

There are Internet marketers that have several hundred websites. Also, some ambitious Internet business owners have thousands of blogs generating them a little bit of money every day.

It is a good strategy to work more than one business opportunity at a time. It’s also a good strategy to develop income in multiple ways. This way you always have money coming in even if one income stream starts to dry up.

Good News: The Work From Home Business Are More Successful

Things are tough for large corporations. It is difficult to avoid all the bad news. It is everywhere and is having an effect on everything.

The subprime mortgage market initiated the collapse of many well-known organizations which in turn caused the housing market meltdown, banks collapsing and the stock market crashing to an all-time low.

Is your job safe? No one really knows. Even the large multinationals are cutting back big time. Just thinking about all these things brings you into a negative state of mind.

You may already know that the new traditional business startups have an 80% failure rate in their first 3 years. But did you know that a new business started from home has an 80% success rate!

The main reason for this is low overheads and flexibility for change according to market demand. If a new traditional business had a success rate of 80% than the banks would be falling over themselves to lend them money.

Unfortunately, in the current economic crisis banks are not eager to lend money to many well-established businesses, never mind lending to new business. They know the risks too well. When they do decide to lend they want security.

It seems large companies will have more bad news and a work from home business will not become just a possibility but a necessity for many new entrepreneurs.

Large corporations have been around a long time. They are necessary for certain industries and different areas of the economy to provide stability as well as support a large number of jobs. But they have to get leaner and fitter to survive. Here are some of the reasons why large corporations have to change:

They have far too many overheads.

Government taxes and compliance with Health and Safety legislation is expensive.

They are unable to change with the times quickly, easily and cheaply.

More small businesses will start up from home. With all the bad news work from home has become a strong possibility for many thinking of going into self-employment. Especially for people who are not sure if their job is safe.

Do not forget the good news, work from home has an 80% success rate. So, start your work from home business today, and never give up!


Top New Years Resolution: Lose Weight – Great News! Red Detox Tea

Top New Years Resolution: Lose Weight - Great News! Red Detox Tea
Top New Years Resolution: Lose Weight – Great News! Red Detox Tea

OK, it’s almost that time… once again on New Year’s Eve, you will promise yourself you’ll lose weight.

Millions of people have tried with no successful results. Great News! Red Detox Tea to lose weight pretty fast

When it comes to top New Years Resolutions, losing weight is always in the top three and most often No. 1.

1. The bad news: Losing weight is the hardest resolution to pull off. Never mind the evidence from your own past failed attempts – just take a look around at all the overweight people you see daily. I guess their New Year Resolutions didn’t pan out, either.

The problem: People decide on Dec. 31 that they are going to shed 10, 20 or even 30 pounds, but give up within the first couple of weeks in January because they aren’t losing weight quickly. They want instant results.

Women, who are more body conscious than men, give up on their new diet/healthy lifestyle faster than men, according to a British opinion poll. “The average woman will give up their new healthy lifestyle and fall back into their old routine just six days into the New Year,” says Sheilas’ Wheels car insurance.

Six days!! That’s 12 days before men “throw in the weight-loss towel”, according to the survey of 2,000 men and women.

New Year diet is a tough resolution to keep.

2. The Great News! The Secret Of New Year Diet Success – Red Detox Tea

Many people are preparing to start a New Year diet as part of there list of New Year Resolutions.

People are often worried about how that they are going to make their diet stick to they can have long-term weight loss.

This year the secret for diet success can be part of everyone’s diet. It’s the Red Detox Tea

The RED tea is more effective for your health and it can clear your body of toxins and shed a lot of extra pounds.

The Weight Loss Experts share practical tips and tricks for your health and reveal why red tea is better for You

the secret to a successful New Year Diet is the red tea. Also, prepare your brain to be successful.

First, prepare your mind and your body and then start your new year diet with red tea

The Red Tea Detox program is fresh and awesome!

Click here to check it out http://bit.ly/2SMGbMf

Get ready to ensure long-term success!

Weight Loss News: Why Red Tea is More Effective for Your Health

The RED tea is more effective for your health and it can clear your body of toxins and shed a lot of extra pounds.

Green tea has long been acknowledged for its health and wellness benefits, including weight loss assistance.
But are we overlooking something better? (The Red Tea)

It is true that green tea contains powerful antioxidants. These components contribute to
minimizing health risks such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.

The Weight Loss Experts share practical tips and tricks for your health, and reveal why red tea is better than green tea.

Rooibos, also known as red tea, is equally high in antioxidants, however sourced from
different substances to that of green tea.

The antioxidants contained in rooibos are comparatively rare, and help to regulate blood sugar,
reduce excessive fat production, stress, and inhibit metabolic disorders.

After the results of recent studies, the red tea is pretty effective for your health.

In addition to preventing heart
disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and more, it is an accessible and effective answer to weight gain.

A primary goal was to discover the benefits of rooibos whilst combining the ingredient with a number of other, equally
valuable elements.

This particular Red Tea Detox program is fresh and matchless.

Click here to check it out http://bit.ly/2SMGbMf