Tag Archives: network

How To Give Your New Business Builders Fast Results

How To Give Your New Business Builders Fast Results

One of the most important steps when building a Network Marketing business is to get your new business builders results fast. Giving your new business builders fast results builds belief in the program, sets them on a path for long term success and creates duplication in your business. With this in mind we set out on a mission to create a better way to fast start new business builders to maximize the success rate of each new business builder.

We looked commonalities in many successful networkers and realized one thing they have in common is that they maximized the use of their warm market (people you know) and continue to maximize the use of the warm market of their new business builders to sustain consistent growth. They use each new business builder as an opportunity to open the door to potentially hundreds of new leads for their organization.
We also realized that the success of a new business builder was directly related to the following:

The number of people the new business builder approached.
The way they approached the people they knew setting an appointment
The way they conducted their presentation or follow-up appointment to enrol the prospect in their business.

We found that there was room for improvement in all of these areas using HomeSuccessPro.

In this article I will focus on the first area, the number of people the new business builder approaches. Typically, when starting a new rep they are given a worksheet to fill out and a memory jogger to give them ideas about who they know. The fact of the matter is we just can’t think of everyone we actually know. This method usually results in a list of about 50 people if the new business builder is coachable. However, the reality is that this new business builder has over 300 friends on average and in many cases quite a lot more.

If there was a way to start each new business builder approaching 300 friends instead of 50 this would give them 6 times better results.

This means if on average your new business builders get 3 enrolments in their warm market, if you get them all contacting their “full warm market” you could expect them to get 18 enrolments.

Before we didn’t have a way to accomplish this, but now we do. We have created a way for each of your new business builders to create an organized list of their warm market.
Introducing the Contact List Builder…

The contact list builder grabs all of the contacts that you know using the devices and services you already use.

all of the contacts from your cellular phone iPhone, Android phone or windows phone.
all of the contacts from your email program on your computer (outlook or mac contacts)
all of the contacts from your web email program (outlook.com, msn, live, hotmail, yahoo, aol, gmail, iCloud.com )
all of the contacts from your professional social network (linkedIn)

Its a simple process that allows you to grab all these contacts from wherever you have ever digitally stored contacts and places them into a special organized list inside your HomeSuccessPro account.

This warm market list inside HomeSuccessPro doesn’t send any emails unless you choose, to ensure you have full control of the communication and approach with your warm market contacts.

This FREE service is now available to everyone in HomeSuccessPro right now and is built into the getting started training for all your new referrals.

If you haven’t notice we have also included new training on how to approach your warm market to get the best results and How to do follow-up appointments the right way.

Our goal is to provide a system that allows you to duplicate the new business builder and continued success of your team members through all stages of their growth in the Network Marketing profession.

Go check out the new contact list builder in the getting started training section or by clicking add contacts from the contacts page. All you have to do is share the system with your new business builders to start them off right.
There’s more..

One of your key roles as a mentor is to make sure your new business builders take advantage of this getting started strategy and that is where our next feature shines.

You need to know which business builders are taking action.
When a business builder first starts you need to know…

What step they are on in the getting started training
Did they use the contact list builder to create the list of people they know?
How many apporoaches did they make to their warm market? (people they know)
How many appointments did they set with their warm market using the approach provided?
Where their prospects are getting stuck in their sales cycle for this strategy.
How many new members they are getting to join the team in this phase

Once a business builder has properly approached their warm market it doesn’t end there. You need to be able to move them out of this phase and evolve the strategy in place to continue to get new leads on a consistant basis moving forward.
When a business builder has finished approaching their warm market you need to know…

How many new leads are they capturing on a monthly basis
How many approaches are they making to those leads
How many appointments are they able to set approaching leads outside their warm market (or are they having a problem with this approach?)
Where their prospects are getting stuck in their sales cycle for this strategy.
How many new members they are getting to join the team in this phase

All of these key metrics help you point out where your business builders are getting stuck.
Its your job to simply make sure they stay “un-stuck”

Now you can.
Introcuding the Mentor Report

This report shows you the critical activities that drive growth in your business.

When was the last time they logged into the system
What step are they on in the getting started training
Did they use the contact list builder to add the people they know?
How many calls or interations have they made with their prospects?
How many appointments have they booked?
How many new leads did they add in the last 30 days
How many leads do they have in total
Where are all those prospect opportunities sitting in the sales pipeline?
How many members have they brought on to the team
How are they key metrics for all those new members?

We beleive that this report is going to give you the actionable data you need to make small improvments throughout your entire organization that will yeild big results for the growth of your team and make you a better mentor.

You will now notice there is a new icon next to your contacts icon where you can get instant access to these critical metrics that drive growth for your team.
It’s a Big Opportunity. Discover How To Get 100 Free Leads and grow fast your business.

Why Share Articles with Fellow Network Marketing Professionals?

Why Share Articles with Fellow Network Marketing Professionals?

Reason #1

You want to arm your team with the skills to attract business partners while giving them the opportunity to get 100 free prospects for their primary business.
Reason #2

When 3 people check out the training or article and choose to register for free to get their 100 free leads, you get your pro account free for that month.
Reason #3

On average 12% of people that register for free decide to get the pro subscription which earns you 20% commission (even if they are in a completly different business)
Reason #4

Build relationships with other networkers that might be open to other opportunities. Give back to the industry as a whole and establish yourself as a student of the game. This shows others that you have made the choice to make it as a Network Marketing Professional.
How to Share Articles with Network Marketers to Grow Your Primary Business

-Share it via direct facebook messages to your key team members

-Share in your team facebook group ( company marketing groups )
tip: use the #hashtag that your team is using or the #hashtag that your company uses to promote distributor trainings. (but don’t use the main company #hashtag, that is for prospects that are not yet in Network Marketing)

-Share articles on Network Marketing Message Boards

-Share on LinkedIn Network Marketing Groups you are a member of to give them all 100 free leads for their primary business (if you are not a members of any groups, make it a mission to join a few groups on each social platform)

-Share on google+ with specific circles that are in your team or in groups that are focused on elevating their Network Marketing skills.

-Share on twitter but only if you have followers that are in network marketing. Use the #hashtag that your team is using to promote training events.

Read more here. How To Get 100 Free Leads.         http://www.bestprofitsonline.com/myblog/1g0s

Myth And Truth About Networking Marketing

Myth And Truth About Networking Marketing

Myth 1: The more you network, the more effective your networking activities become.

Truth 1: It’s much more important to become well-known in 1-2 circles than to spread your networking activities over many different groups.

See if this networking scenario has happened to you:

You meet someone for 30 seconds. They mumble something about real estate as you are tuning them out. They ask you what you do, and you say you are in insurance. After 10 seconds of staring blankly at each other, you both head to the celery sticks for lack of anything better to do.

Myth 2: The cocktails and miniature wiener circuit is the way to network to success

Truth 2: Networking with strangers to build business is about as effective as going to a bar to get married. In the words of Dr. Phil, “It simply ain’t gonna happen that way.”

Here’s why you’re not going to meet your business soul mate at a networking event:

1) You aren’t going to do business with someone after meeting them for a few minutes and getting handed a poorly printed card.

2) Businesses are built on relationships and not “30-second commercials,” no matter how effective and intriguing.

3) Most of us have major trouble in explaining what we do, much less getting past that explanation and listening for what prospects need.

4) Networking with strangers is not targeted or specific and in fact is completely random. For some people, networking is exactly as effective as cold calling, which is the least effective marketing tool.

So am I saying that networking is a waste of time? Absolutely not. What I’m saying is you need to start networking smarter.

Here are a few thoughts to jog your noggin:

* Network by having coffee or lunch with people one on one. Get to know them and their business. They may become a prospect, alliance partner, or referral source. But aim first and foremost to make them a friend. The rest will follow naturally.

* If you’re going to network with strangers, go with the goal of making 2-3 lunch or coffee dates with people you find interesting.

* Ask every happy customer you have (they’re all happy, right?) for just one referral of someone who would be interested in your type of goods or services, then call and use their name. (“Hi I’m Fred and Ginger said I should call you. Isn’t Ginger great?”) You already have one thing in common – Ginger!

* Create a network “hit list” of the exact kind of businesses you want to network with – maybe you sell software and you want to meet IT managers at medium-size companies. Make the list and put it in your little black book or PDA. Focus your networking and outreach activities on only those people – or others who can refer you to those people.

* Join non-business groups and spend time doing non-business activities: Civic, social, religious, recreational, musical, athletic… the list is endless. Establish relationships with people in your group. Perhaps you’re a Moose and a realtor. A Moose, as it turns out, wants to by a house from another Moose. If so, you have the Moose Market cornered! Are you into hand-drumming. Guess what? A hand-drummer will want to do business with another hand-drummer. Get it?

* If you do go to a “mixer” go with a targeted goal in mind. For example, your goal might be “to meet three people on my target list and get their card so I can follow up for breakfast, lunch, coffee or badminton.” A traditional “networking event” now becomes simply the first phase of your targeted plan for global domination, and not an end in itself.

Here’s a final thought to shake up your networking mindset: Network with people who already know you, like you, or have done business with you.

Myth 3: Networking is all about getting more people to know what you do.

Truth 3: Networking is all about getting people that already know you to share opportunities where you can be helpful to each other.

Make 2-3 phone calls a day to connect with people from past jobs, former clients, or influential people who have expressed interest in you in the past.

We all have a “fan base” that we grossly underutilize.

Think about tapping into friends, colleagues, mentors, and family to mine the connections you already have at your fingertips.

So get out there and network – but make it worth your investment of time and energy by networking smart. As your mother always said, “Don’t network with strangers.”

The Big Lies About Network Marketing And How To Avoid It

The Big Lies About Network Marketing And How To Avoid It

Did you know that 70,000 people sign up into a network marketing company EVERYDAY?

But did you know that 95% of the people that sign up into a network marketing company will quit within the first year?


Well there are a lot or reasons, poor support, poor company, poor product, poor compensation plan, poor upline. But to me one of the biggest reasons is…


Most people have been lied to from the get go.

Many of the people who are recruiting people into companies are lying to people and telling people what they want to hear so they will join their company.

Now on one had you can’t blame many of these people, there’re just doing what they were taught by the person that signed them up, and that’s usually some person with the recruit, recruit, recruit mentality…those are the people I blame.

Hey the great news is you DON’T have to be a statistic. You just need to be taught the correct way of building your business, but first you need to know some of the lies you’ll probably be told or already have been told.

My first and favorite lie:

Make a list of your friends and family because that’s who were calling first.

Hey upline line guy, are you crazy? That’s the last thing, no that’s what you NEVER do. Because of this one lie there are thousands of people that have been shunned by their families.

Your friends and family members turn off the lights and pretend there’re not home when the see you coming. Ring any bells?

By all means share your product or service with your family and friends but not the business opportunity. Many of your friends and family members are NOT looking for a business opportunity, the truth is most of your friends and family are going to spend more time discouraging you then helping you. But don’t get mad at them they think there’re protecting you, ignore them and build your business.

Let them come to you, once you become successful in your business, your friends and family will notice and then they’ll ask you what you’re doing.

Here’s a tip. This is your business and you DON’T want everyone in your business that includes your family and friends. Only share your business opportunity to people who have raised their hand to you and say. “I’m interested” or “Show me what you’re doing”.

Lie number two;

Recruit, Recruit, Recruit. You need to make a 100 phone calls a day and remember for every NO you get you’re one step close to a YES.

I would love to track down the putz that said this. Let me ask you a question.

How many times do you like hearing the word NO?

How much do you like being on the phone every day hearing the word NO?

I think it’s safe to say, “You don’t like it very much”

The word NO has taken so many good people out of this business. Here is an example my mentor shared with me and it really hit home for me.

You’ve set up candles, soft music some good wine a great dinner a bit of hugging and kissing then your spouse says “NO”. All right just 99 more times and you’ll get lucky.

That put things into perspective for me real fast.

Did you know that 90% of the population is sales resistant, no wonder you’re hearing the word NO so much.

And some knucklehead say’s NO is a good thing. Moving on.

Lie number 3,

If you have no warm market you need to spend money and buy leads.

WRONG!! You DO NOT have to buy leads. Personally you’re just wasting your money. There’re people spending hundreds of dollars every month for leads. STOP IT!!!

Remember a bought lead is a bought lead. I don’t care if you paid $5 or 5 cents a lead is a lead. When you call these leads chances are they don’t remember what forum they filled out or the person gets upset because you called them.

Once you truly understand that people are not numbers, they have goals and dreams just like you. And they’re real people. And just like you they don’t want to be lied too and just like you they want a true opportunity to fulfill those dreams and goals. If you get just this you’ll go very, very far in this business.

Network marketing is a Relationship Business NOT a Sales Business. As soon as you understand that you’ll have people saying to you “PLEASE sponsor me into your business”

Until then you’re DEAD in the water.

I have NEVER bought a lead with my network marketing company and I don’t spend 10 hours a day making phone calls, I have people contacting me everyday asking me about my business.

If you had people calling you how do you think your lead calls would turn out compared to you calling people? Please tell me I don’t have to answer that for you.

For those of you buying leads stop wasting your money, prospects are everywhere.

I have tons of ways of getting leads for free, but here’s one tip that will reveal prospects to you everyday.

First LISTEN to people, that’s the most important thing you need to do. You’ve heard this “One mouth two ears” Listen twice as much as you speak.

Ok how do you determine if someone is a prospect?

Let’s say you have a company that provides a nutritional product that helps with weight loss. And now lets say you’re talking to someone and they are complaining about how they can’t lose weight.

All you have to say to this person is this: “Have you ever thought about doing something about it”?

If they say “YES” you have a prospect, depending on the time and place this person has just given you permission to provide them with a presentation of your product. You could give them your business card, send them to a web site or provide them some brochures about your product. Or ask them for there contact info so you could send them some info later.

If the person says “NO”…you say, “OK”.

THEY ARE NOT A PROSPECT, REPEAT NOT A PROSPECT… forget about them, move on and keep listening.

This is just one-way there’re lots of other ways to find prospects. The point is you never have to buy leads to find prospects.

It’s a shame that so many lies are being told just to get people into a business, just because the rest of the world is doing it doesn’t mean you have to. Tell people the truth, listen to them and truly hear what they are saying. Build relationships; help a person, that’s how you build a business.

If you can help them GREAT if not that’s ok too. Not everyone is suited to fit into your business; and you would be a fool to think so.

Personally I would rather have 10 people that wanted to be in my business and that I told the truth, than 100 people I told what ever they wanted to hear so they would join my business.