Tag Archives: fast

Small Business: Growth Hacking Strategies You Need to Know

Small Business: Growth Hacking Strategies You Need to Know

In today’s online world traditional marketing methods cannot always achieve the rapid growth required for startup businesses to become profitable and successful. Here are some growth hacking strategies you need to know.

Growth Hacking – The Origin

The origin of growth hacking is attributed to Sean Ellis, an entrepreneur and startup adviser, who in 2010 coined the term “growth hacker” as someone who focused specifically on accelerating business growth by identifying ways in which a company can accelerate the product development and marketing cycles to get new products out to customers in the shortest possible time.

Growth Hacking Steps and Tips

Successful growth hacking is an iterative process that consists of the following steps:

Develop your product(s) to directly address the needs of your target market. Growth hackers refer to this as “product-market fit”—having a superior product in a high-demand marketplace is the foundation for growth.

Set specific goals. Your main goal may be, for example, to reach $1 million in sales in the first year. However, to do so the main goal should be broken down into a series of shorter, smaller goals so that you can monitor your progress and be prepared to make changes on the fly as required.

A clothing vendor might want to become the next new trend, but reasonable short term targets should be the day-to-day objective.

An online content site might have a long term goal of reaching a million page views per month but weekly and/or monthly targets will demonstrate a steady rise to the desired levels.

Implement methods of tracking results. Growth hacking is a data-driven methodology that relies on accurate product metrics. Aside from the traditional results from product sales, you can use social media “buzz” to gauge the level of interest in a new product.

For example, by posting information about your product releases on Facebook you can monitor and measure shares, likes, and feedback from “friends”.

Twitter analytics can tell you how many times the Tweet about your product was re-Tweeted or the embedded link to your product information has been clicked. Customer feedback via reviews or emails regarding product usability and/or reliability (even if negative) can provide valuable information.

There are a variety of sophisticated analytical tools available to monitor the popularity of content via page view statistics.

Test drive your product in the marketplace and measure the results. One of the great things about the digital revolution is the ease of testing the demand for new products or services.

Introducing a product or an idea for a product on social media in a “what do you think?” survey can get you immediate customer opinion including suggestions for improvements that can be incorporated into the finished product before it goes to market.

Selling a few sample items on eBay or Craigslist can also allow a business to quickly gauge customer interest in a new product without the time and effort required for a traditional approach such as setting up focus groups, etc.

Similarly, crowdfunding sites such as Kickstarter have also become platforms for introducing products to potential customers. Accompanied by photos, video, and ad copy, a product can be launched on Kickstarter and discounted or even given away for free to encourage customer reviews, ratings, and general feedback.

Using the customer feedback you can refine the product, the pricing strategy, and re-examine the target market as needed. The feedbacks will help you to achieve a deeper understanding of the needs of the customer base and greater growth possibilities.

Whether your product is a new line of clothing, a content website, or a coffee shop, growth hacking strategies can improve your sales and increase your bottom line.​

The growth hacking strategies will help you to improve your marketing plan. So you can grow your business and your income pretty fast.

— Free Trial. Boost Your Marketing with Highly Interactive Content https://www.bestprofitsonline.com/myblog/grow

How to Lose Weight Fast: “Weight-Loss Doubling” Trick for Women


Stop dieting and try this 1-step trick before bed to lose 6 pounds a week. You could do it before breakfast and lose 84lbs.

Or if you want to lose 2 dress sizes in the next 12 days, just make you do it at least once a day for 10 seconds.

The only catch is that you have to be a woman over 20 years old with 15 or more pounds to lose for it to work.

And just in case this sounds too good to be true. If you need more proof with step-by-step instructions on how 21,748 women have lost 364,701lbs.

Click Here: http://www.bestprofitsonline.com/myblog/0m6o

Almost 110 million Americans were overweight or obese in 2000. Obesity continues to be a serious problem and is predicted to reach epidemic levels by the year 2020.

One way to prevent this scenario is to make people aware of the risks of being overweight or obese.

Here are some diseases that you are putting yourself in the risk of if you are carrying a lot of extra pounds:

1. heart disease
2. stroke
3. diabetes
4. cancer
5. arthritis
6. hypertension

Losing weight helps to prevent and control these diseases.

The quick weight loss methods which have spread like fire these days do not provide lasting results. More often than not, dieting methods which involve dietary drinks, foods and supplement or pills do not work. If they do, the results are just temporary.

It is better to rely on a healthy weight loss option which will provide lifetime results. You have to set realistic goals and not expect to lose a lot of pounds in a short span of time.

Here are some tips on how you can lose those unwanted pounds the healthy way:

1. Do not starve your self.

The key to a healthier way of losing weight is: Do not diet.

You may seem happy and feel that you are losing those unwanted flabs on your belly and thighs by skipping meals. But remember that this would not last long. Your body cannot tolerate having insufficient food to fuel the energy that you use up every day.

If you get used to skipping one or two meals a day, your stored calories will be used up instead of the energy that should have been provided by your meals. So if you just eat one huge sandwich in one day, it will end up straight to your problem area (i.e. highs, buttocks, hips).

2. Start your day right.

Mothers always say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Have a healthy meal in the morning to jump-start your metabolism.

Your food intake after you wake up will be used to burn fat all day long.

3. Eat small, healthy meals frequently.

Five small-serving snacks per day are better than three hearty meals. Eating more frequently, and in small servings, can prevent over-eating. This will also increase your metabolism and make calories burn faster.

4. Decide on how much weight you want to lose.

Keep your goals realistic. In the long run, it is virtually impossible for you to lose 40 pounds in 2 weeks. Have a mindset that you want to eat healthy to stay healthy for the rest of your life.

Once you have decided on a weight loss plan or program, stick to it and make sure that you follow your own set of dieting rules.

5. Drink lots of water.

Your body needs sufficient water to burn fat and keep your cells hydrated and healthy.

6. Avoid too much sugar.

Plan your meals around lots of fruits and vegetables, some bread, rice or pasta for that carbo fix that you need, plus lean meat and protein-rich foods. Sweets, sodas, and pastries should be once-in-a-while indulgences only.

7. Watch your fat intake.

Fat is not the culprit of being overweight. You need this to keep your weight at the proper level.

There is such a thing as healthy fats. Olive, peanuts and canola oil have them. Tuna, salmon, and mackerel have omega-3 fats which is good for the heart.

8. Exercise.

Leave your car if you are only going a few blocks from home, take the stairs instead of the elevator, jog, cycle or skate. Use these activities and other home chores if you are too lazy to go to the gym and take exercise classes. Make sure that you do this regularly and you will not even notice that you are already shedding pounds with these mundane activities.

It does not matter how much weight you plan or need to lose. What is important is that you set realistic goals for yourself.

Eat healthily, drink lots of water, have enough sleep and exercise. This will give you a higher chance of losing weight and improving your health, which would result in a new, healthier you.

D.I.Y. 10-Second Flavor-Pairing Trick for Female Weight Loss

Flavor-Pairing’s weight-loss-doubling response signals the rapid-release of fat deposits from your hips, legs, and stomach by using the carbs you crave the most.

The weird thing is that it only works for women because it reconditions the 3 female fat-loss hormones to eliminate any possibility of storing fat.

Click Here: http://www.bestprofitsonline.com/myblog/0m6o

How To Lose Weight Pretty Fast Without Diet and Effort

How To Lose Weight Pretty Fast Without Diet and Effort
How To Lose Weight Pretty Fast Without Diet and Effort


The solution is the detox supplement. The detox supplement is the safest option. You can reduce your weight without diet or exercise by following a few simple tricks. Here is an awesome way to lose weight pretty fast without diet and effort.

The Advantages of Detox Supplement.

Flush Toxins from your Body
Burn fat faster
Increase the metabolism
Reduce the bad fat in the body
Reduce the blood pressure in hypertensive people
Increase Energy Levels

There is an awesome Detox Supplement to Accelerate Weight Loss, Flush Toxins from your Body, and Increase Energy Levels.  http://bit.ly/2o6Rdij


How To Lose Weight Pretty Fast Without Diet and Effort
How To Lose Weight Pretty Fast Without Diet and Effort

#1. Drink Plenty of Water

An overweight person should keep himself hydrated to the maximum. Always keep a bottle by your side and keep on drinking frequently. Plenty of water is required to burn carbohydrate and fat. Drinking a lot of water is one of the best tips to lose weight pretty fast.

#2. Slow Food

A very effective way to lose weight is the slow food

#3. Sleep Well

There are good hormones produced while sleeping, which reduce your hunger. If you deprive yourself of sleep then you will feel very hungry. Sleeping well will help you to lose weight without diet or exercise.

#4. Have a Stress Free Life

Excess of stress is related to fat deposition in the body. Have a stress free life for your optimum weight. A stress-less life will help you to reduce weight without diet or exercise.

#5. Have protein-rich foods

Avoid the carbohydrates and fat, make sure you consume as much protein as you can digest.

#6. Have Fiber-Rich Foods

fiber-rich food adds bulk to your meal and does not add calories to your body.

#7. Stop taking sugary beverages

Cut the sugar. Don’t consume sugary drinks.

#8. Have Some Coffee

Coffee reduces your hunger so drink it to stop binging on food. Having coffee a couple of times is a nice way to lose weight without diet or exercise.

#9. Have Water Containing Foods like Salads and Vegetables


How To Lose Weight Pretty Fast Without Diet and Effort
How To Lose Weight Pretty Fast Without Diet and Effort

It will keep you hydrated and nourish you with essential nutrients. Adding a salad to your plate is one of the ways to lose weight without diet or effort.

There is an awesome Detox Supplement to Accelerate Weight Loss, Flush Toxins from your Body, and Increase Energy Levels. http://bit.ly/2o6Rdij