Tag Archives: effective

Blogs: 9 Effective Writing Trends for Bloggers

Blogs: 9 Effective Writing Trends for Bloggers

If you want to create an effective content marketing strategy for your business you need to have a blog. Also, you need to know the effective writing trends for bloggers. So you know how to create a successful and profitable blog.

  1. Long-Form Content

Long-form, information articles, between 1,000 – 5,000 words long are becoming very popular. Blog posts that are over 3,000 words in length tend to receive the most traffic.

These blog posts (easy-to-read articles) are almost like mini e-books.

Long-form blog posts are informative and reward readers with high-quality valuable material!

A quality long-form piece of writing will keep readers on the page – and your website – for longer and will help them relate your brand to being a helpful source of information.

Next time readers are looking for similar advice, they’ll turn to your brand for more knowledge.

Also, there’s another reason for the popularity of long-form content.

Google favors long-form blog posts, with the average word count of a blog post on the first page of search results coming in at 1,890 words. That means in 2020, shorter posts won’t cut it when it comes to hitting the top spot in Google’s search results.

While you should strive to write content that’s longer than 1,000 words, you must do so with direction. There’s no point rushing to write a 3,000-word article if the content isn’t going to be well-organized, relevant, or useful for the reader.

  1. You Need to Spend More Time on Content

Brands are no longer happy with quick and poorly researched content. Instead, companies are happier to invest in quality research and writing that will result in a longer, more informative blog piece that will provide real value to consumers.

A survey has revealed that 56% of bloggers receive better results from spending over six hours writing a post. While it may sound like a long time, an evergreen, piece of writing is worth the investment if it ranks highly in search engines and draws readers to a company blog.

As well as spending time on research and writing a blog article, time will need to be spent analyzing the audience of a blog to determine the audience their blog posts will need to attract.

Brands will need to work with buyer personas and psychographic targeting to personalize content to cater to the right audience.

  1. Snippet Reads

While long-form content is king, you shouldn’t leave short-form content out of your editorial calendar.

With many people skimming through content on their mobile devices, short-form content that can be quickly absorbed is also a popular content marketing trend.

Snippet reads should range between 300 – 1,000 words and should provide quick, to-the-point material. While readers will appreciate such posts, don’t expect these blog posts to rank well on Google.

Add value to such posts with quick videos and attention-grabbing graphics which can be as easily consumed. Visual content is very effective!

  1. Post Regularly

Once you’re creating both long and short-form content for your blog, it’s important to keep up the momentum and frequency of posts. If you post regularly – daily if possible – expect higher traffic to the website.

If you post content regularly, you’ll soon become a recognizable source of valuable information within your niche or topic.

With time, consumers will become more dependant on your brand for providing them with the information they’re seeking.

Becoming a regular source of information to consumers puts you ahead of your competitors that aren’t posting as frequently.

Likewise, many internet users are interested in time-relevant topics and seek everyday access to update-to-date news and information.

It’s important to stick to a routine when it comes to posting content too. If you plan to post weekly, it isn’t wise to stop posting for a couple of weeks. If you have loyal readers that return to the blog weekly for new content, they may look elsewhere for a more consistent brand if you decide to stop posting as usual.

  1. Outsourcing Writers – Freelancers

Many companies can’t afford a full-time in-house copywriter, and even if they could a lot of the time they wouldn’t have enough writing work to provide a full-timer.

That’s where the popularity of outsourcing freelance writers comes in for 2020. Brands can save time and money when it comes to keyword research, topic generation, content creation, and social media marketing by outsourcing writers that do all the hard work.

  1. Blogs and Mobile-Optimization

Writing blog posts with mobile viewers in mind is more important than ever.

In 2020, blog posts viewed on a mobile device are expected to be structured in simple, easy-to-read formats featuring bite-sized chapters so people can read posts anywhere.

Also, plenty of white space is important for the mobile-responsive blog post design so the writing can be absorbed from a small screen.

  1. Video Content

Many marketers are already using video in their marketing strategies. Plus, mobile consumption of video content has been rising by a whopping 100 percent annually.

If you don’t create visual content like videos, then you’re being left behind in the world of blogging.

While written content is still crucial to communicate with your audience, video is becoming one of the most popular ways to engage browsers and build an audience.

The inclusion of a video with a blog post helps to deliver ideas more successfully in a quicker amount of time whilst striking the viewer’s emotions through visual and auditory elements. Paired with organized and informative written content, your blog piece is on to be a winner.

All you need is a smartphone with a decent camera and you’ve got your filming equipment. From how-to-videos to product reviews to comedic material, all these work wonders merged into a blog post. Not only will videos entertain your readers, but it will also add some variety to the blog piece.

  1. Interactive Content and Engagement

Interactivity increases engagement. So more brands and marketers will create interactive content.

Interactive content can include anything that can get the reader involved in the post. For example, quizzes, surveys, and infographics.

Fun activities like these can keep the reader engaged and can help them understand the topic better.

  1. Marketing Your Blog

Writing blog posts is half the work. If you aren’t marketing your blog articles, then they’re only going to be viewed by those that happen to be browsing your website.

To gain real traffic, you need to engage with readers. You need a successful marketing strategy to promote your blog.

Social media as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, this is a great place to start.

Post your blog articles regularly across these platforms to entice readers to read your posts.

This way, you can encourage new interested people to visit your website and view your content. And if they like what they see, maybe you’ll build relationships and generate new followers and trusted readers.
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Digital Marketing: 7 Effective Trends for 2020

Digital Marketing: 7 Effective Trends for 2020

Technologies such as AI and data-driven marketing will be big trends for 2020, but you should focus on people, not technology. You need to make digital marketing more human again.

  1. Customer Experience

2020 will be the year of the customer. There is a massive shift in beliefs about what marketing is. It’s no longer about trying to convince people to buy from or work with your company.

Instead, the priority has moved towards providing fantastic customer experiences that will keep people coming back for more.

The growth of online content has given consumers more power. They are no longer a passive party when it comes to learning about products. They’re not waiting for you to tell you how great your products are. Instead, they’re going out and doing their research.

Customer experience is already the hottest trend in marketing circles. 73% of people say that customer experience is an important factor in their buying decisions. You need to provide a great experience to keep your customers and attract new ones.

  1. Employees and Engagement

Research also found that 46% of consumers will abandon a brand if its employees are not knowledgeable, and bad employee attitude is the number one factor that stops individuals from doing business with a company.

Your employees are the human face of your brand, so the interactions between your employees and your customers should be a key part of your marketing strategy.

So a high level of employee engagement is the first and most important step in improving customer experiences.

  1. Visualization

Many studies have shown that people prefer visual content to plain text. You just have to look at the growth of image-focused platforms Pinterest and Instagram to see the proof of this.

Google and other big companies are investing in visual search technology. Images are already returned for 19% of searches on Google, and 62% of millennials say they are more interest in visual search than any other new technology.

Adding infographics, images, and videos to your text you make it more interesting and attractive.

  1. Personalization

Today’s consumers are flooded with marketing messages from multiple channels and they have started to avoid (don’t trust) messages. Traditional advertising is losing its effectiveness.

You need to create Personalized marketing messages to build a real connection between the brand and the target market. 80% of consumers said that they’d be more likely to do business with a brand that provides a personalized experience.

  1. Marketing Transformation

Marketing transformation can help companies to improve customer service and experience, boost brand awareness and reputation, and ultimately increase revenue and profits.

It’s a combination of data collection and modern technology. Building customer relationships and engagement, publishing quality content and improving their online presence.

All of these things are part of a strategy that influences every department and employee in the company, not just the marketers.

  1. Voice Search

Voice search will continue to be a major influence on how brands create content and market themselves online. The smart speaker business is booming, with around a quarter of US households now owning a Google Home, Amazon Echo, or another smart speaker.

Consumers are also expecting to use voice search more soon – 61% of those aged 25–64 who already use a voice device intend to use it more in the future. (research by PwC.)

Voice searchers use search differently. They use longer, more conversational queries, so your content needs to serve these queries, as well as answering questions directly, can help to make it more visible to voice searches

  1. AI Technology and Automation

Many businesses using AI-powered technology and automation to assist their marketing efforts. AI is the technology behind voice search and smart assistants. It’s also made chatbots possible, which are now popping up on more websites.

AI technology and automation are helping to take some of the grunt work out of marketing so brands can concentrate on strategy and creating an effective customer experience.

Big data, supported by AI and predictive analytics, is also helping brands to learn more about their audience and customers.

Important! Content marketing will continue to dominate the digital marketing in 2020. Most of these trends rely on content in some way. You need to have a solid base of quality content across all your marketing channels.

7 Effective Work from Home Business Opportunities

7 Effective Work from Home Business Opportunities
7 Effective Work from Home Business Opportunities

The best work from home business opportunities involves little to no startup capital and minimal risk. But you need to love what you are doing; it is rare to find a successful entrepreneur who is not passionate about his business.

Choosing a path that will make you happy and feel satisfied with your life is very important.

Starting a business often does require lots of startup cash, but it also always requires time and energy investment.

Here are just a few ideas for work from home business. You may love cooking but do not want to open a restaurant, so think catering and other food-offering fundraisers. You might even want to start your own home delivery service or food products that can be sold in stores or at the local farmer’s market.

Focus on something you love to do but put a “you” emphasis on your business idea to make it unique amongst your competition.

Here is some effective work from home business opportunities you need to know.

  1. eBay Sales

With the right marketing tools, you can sell anything on eBay. The giant of online auction services, eBay continues to be an inexpensive, lucrative selling tool for everything.

Best eBay business tip: search for retail stores going out of business or discontinuing product lines. Buy as many items as you can at a discounted price and sell them on eBay.

Devoting 20-30 hours per week to serious eBay sales, you can easily make about $2,000 a month. That may not sound like a lot of money, but you could easily earn as much as if you were working full-time at a minimum wage job, only with the perks of running your own business!

  1. Become a Mediator

Mediators are neutral, disinterested persons who try to reconcile differences between parties to avoid arbitration or costly litigation. In most of the U.S., there is no special licensing or certification required to become a mediator, but you will have to be good at networking among lawyers.

Mediators charge $80-$100 per hour for their services, but obviously, rates will be affected by your location and experience. Start by contacting the American Arbitration Association to learn more about the requirements and rewards of becoming a peacemaker!

  1. Telephone Services

If you have a pleasant speaking voice, excellent communication skills, and are attentive to details, consider starting a home-based telephone answering service.

Depending on the range of services you offer (weekend, weekday, or after-hours) phone services typically charge each client about $200 per month for handling after-hours calls. Startup costs include telephone service, business licensing, and advertising.

  1. First-Aid Kit Supply Business

In 2003, the USPS awarded a $10 million contract to a one-man business for customized first-aid kits. Medical and first-aid kits are popular among fundraisers because they sell.

Specialized, pre-assembled first-aid kits are in high demand by schools, corporations, and industries that are required by law to have first-aid kits on site. You will need to purchase parts wholesale, assemble customized kits, and find a market. Customized kits can be sold for $5 to $150, depending on your market.

  1. Financial Advisors and Planners

Only 20% of Canadians have confidence in their math and money skills according to a survey by Ipsos Reid for ABC Life Literacy Canada – which means that there is a huge pool of people in Canada who need and want help with their finances.

In the U.S., financial advising jobs are expected to be one of the faster-growing occupations over the next decade, with a projected growth rate of 32% between 2010 and 2020, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Retirement planning, financial planning for small business owners – whatever the specialty, this is a real growth industry.

  1. Teach English from Home

Teaching English used to be job folks would take as an excuse to travel. If you have kids and a home to maintain, why not take advantage of technology and teach students online?

VIPKid is is an online teaching and educational company based in China. Chinese parents specifically want their kids to learn English from native speakers, preferably from America.

  1. Become a Copywriter

These writers put together promotional materials for businesses, including ads, websites, newsletters, commercials, direct mailings, and many others.

Copywriters generally have a degree in advertising, marketing, English, or communication, but any excellent writer can do a great job copywriting.

Attention! The Most Important Investment is Your Time

Starting and running a business often does require lots of startup cash, but it also always also requires a significant time and energy investment. Don’t forget that it’s a business and you need to work hard every day to earn money from home. Very Simple!


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