Category Archives: business

How To Find The Best Home Business Opportunity

How To Find The Best Home Business Opportunity

Do you want to find the best home based business? With so many ads online and in newspapers there sure is a lot of so-called opportunities to choose from. Many are scams and many are complete rip-offs but there certainly are legit ways to start your own business. Working a day job is just not for everybody but so is a business. With a business the potential is unlimited and you can reach as high as your dreams can take you.

Choosing the right business is critical. Most people who fail at their new venture simply chose the wrong business. So often people “fall” into business opportunities on the recommendation from someone else or because a family member starts something. This is a recipe for disaster and something you need to be careful of.

So, how do you find the right business for “You”? While you have to do your homework on any sort of business there are some more fundamental things you need to look at. Here are a few questions that you need to answer to help you make a better decision.

What is your experience and expertise?

Having some experience or expertise in a particular field will not only give you a head start but it will save you a lot of time and money. Experience buys you time and expertise buys you that which you might have to pay someone else to do.

How Much Capital Do You Have?

No matter what kind of business you want to start, you will need some start up capital. In many ways your capital will determine the size and type of business you start. You could start an online business for $100 or a corporation for $100,000 depending on your capital.

How Much Time Can You Devote?

Chances are that you will still have to bring in some money while you start your business. If you are starting part time then you need to access your time and see how much time you can devote to your business. Certain types of businesses simply can’t work with only 3 or 4 hours of your time a day while for other businesses its more than enough.

Stop searching the web. Your best home business is ready for you. Save time and money

Now there is a real home business opportunity and it’s your “done-for-you” profit machine.
Even if you are a newbie and you don’t have a website or a product.

1. Someone else does all the website set-up
2. Someone else does all of the email follow-up with your leads
3. Someone else does all of the product creation
4. Someone else sends all the traffic for you
(you just determine how much you want based on your budget)
5. Someone else builds your email list
6. Someone else does all of the selling
7. Someone else does all of the customer support
8. You split all of the profits 50/50

All that’s left for you to do is to activate it!

Try it out for yourself for just $1

Yours In Profits
john tsantalis

7 Tips On How To Create SEO Friendly Content

7 Tips On How To Create SEO Friendly Content

Do you want your website to rank high on search engine results pages (SERPs)? In that case, you need to make sure that the articles you have on your website are SEO friendly. Whether you offer products or services, good content appeals to your audience and leverages your position on SERPs.

7 Tips to Create SEO-friendly Content

1. Offer answers and solutions

Searchers look for solutions to their problems.

Before you start writing, you should know what you are going to write and who your target audience is. If any question comes to your mind, you should write it down and try to find out answers to it. You should realize that your audience too may have the same questions. So, offering them the answer to their queries is essential to get search engine ranking.

2. Break into paragraphs

A SEO expert can suggest you to break the content into two or more paragraphs. Your audience finds it convenient to read if you use paragraphs. Each paragraph should consist of an idea.

3. Use keywords wisely

It is important that you do not overwhelm the audience with keywords. If your audience does not like the content on the website, they are not going to visit your website again. Low traffic can lead to low rank on search engine results pages.

A SEO expert can suggest you to use keywords meaningfully throughout the write-up. For instance, if you have to use the keyword three times, you should put it in the first paragraph, middle paragraph, and last paragraph.

4. Keep the content short and informative

You should not make the article very big. A limit of maximum 500-600 words should state your views. Your audience may lose interest, if you present them with a very big article. Since searchers are looking for information; you should offer it to them.
By the way Google loves the big articles (1000 words+) but only if they are interesting, original and informative.

5. Give an appropriate title

The title of your article should reflect what the article is about. If you attract an audience with a title and do not offer the solution you promised in the title, traffic to your site will decrease.

6. Add the link to your website on the document

An SEO expert can suggest you to add the link to your website at the end of the article. This is a useful tool to increase traffic to your site. When your audience reads the article and finds solutions, they visit your website for further information.

7. Link to former content on the same topic

If you have already written content on the same topic, you should add the link to that content. This helps to convince your audience that you have strong knowledge on the subject.