Category Archives: business

3 Tips On How To Promote Your Website On Twitter

3 Tips On How To Promote Your Website On Twitter

Twitter is all the rage these days for online business and marketing.

If you don’t know what Twitter is, then let me do my best to explain it to you:

Twitter is a mixture between an instant messenger and a forum that only allows you to type 140 characters at a time. You can log on to your Twitter account at any time and find people chatting amongst themselves, ‘tweeting’ out inspiring messages, ‘retweeting’ cool stuff or linking out to interesting websites.

So great stuff, right? You’ve probably heard that Twitter is a great way to build relationships and your business, and you’re also probably wondering just how to promote your website on it.

Twitter-marketing is all about building relationships. When you give first, you’re setting yourself up for success on this social media site. So with that in mind here are some of my best tips for promoting your website with tweets:

1. Don’t Auto-DM!
A DM is a direct message. Beyond the actual public tweeting there are private direct messages that get sent to the receivers email address. Some people think it’s a good idea to automate their social media marketing by sending automatic DMs that do things like:
– thank people for following
– ask the new follower a question
– invite the follower to visit their website
– etc

It’s just bad form and most people find it extremely annoying.

2. DO be YOU
Don’t try to be someone you’re not. Be you and be proud! Twitter works best if you just let your own personality shine through. You are the only 100% original thing about your business and you are your best asset. People want to do business with people they know, like and trust and they can’t do that if they don’t know you. Let them in.

Being you doesn’t mean you have to post what you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner. There’s a fine line between being social and being too personal and it’s up to you to decide where that is.

3. Give Before Taking
Absolutely you should be promoting yourself on Twitter if that’s something you choose to do. But don’t go and tweet ‘buy this’, ‘click here now’, ‘sign up here’ every time or you’ll promptly be ignored and/or blocked.

A great way to give first is to find genuinely useful information or websites and tweet it out. Start following a lot of quality people and retweet their good tweets. Start conversations and provide value where you see the opportunity.

Overall using Twitter to promote your website means using common sense and acting like you would in any social setting. Consider Twitter like a social event where you’re there to mix and mingle, to find people with like interests and to make some great connections.

Remember that marketing your website and your business on Twitter starts with marketing yourself. It’s a website all about connecting with others – do that well and you’ll see success to follow.

4 SEO Tips: How To Use Correctly Your Keyword Placement

4 SEO Tips: How To Use Correctly Your Keyword Placement

Your SEO efforts may prove futile without the strategy of correct keyword placement. Basically you need to have a good grip on this practice to be successful in your climb up the search engine ladder. After all it’s only through your keyword or keyword phrase that potential customers find your products and services. So you want to make sure you’re placing them in a way that they are most effective.

Arguably keyword placement can be confusing. But once you know the basics, you don’t have to be an SEO expert to figure it out.

Consider keyword density

In practicing keyword placement, one of the first things you want to consider is keyword density. That is, how much keyword you use in a particular piece of content. So how do you decide? Well that’s dependent on who you’re writing for, whether you’re writing for your audience or for the search engines. Arguably if you’re building a relationship with your audience, don’t worry about it, just write. But if you’re just offering information you need to pay special attention to the amount used.

Content should sound natural

Correct keyword placement should allow the content to sound natural. It should flow logically and make sense. You should respect your audience and the search engine bots enough not to give them gibberish to read. Your audience should be able to read your content and the search engine spiders should find pleasure in crawling it.

How much is too much?

But if you choose to write for just for the search engines bear in mind that the accepted keyword density is between 1-3% of the content. Meaning if you have a 400 word article, your keyword should be used at least 4 times but no more than 12 times. More than that and you can be accused of keyword stuffing.

When is keyword placement most effective?

Keyword placement is most effective in the title of the content, in the first paragraph, throughout the body, and in the ending paragraph. Try to avoid placing keywords more than once in each paragraph. Keyword stuffing your content can send you back down the rungs of the search engine ladder as fast as you climbed up.

That’s it basically. Hopefully these suggestions will help somewhat in clearing up your confusion about correct keyword placement and you’ll realize that it’s nothing to be scared of. Like I said before, you don’t have to be an SEO expert to figure it out. Do enjoy your climb to position one in the search engines.