Tag Archives: common

Guide For Entrepreneurs: 6 Common Startup Mistakes To Avoid [Infographic]

Guide For Entrepreneurs: 6 Common Startup Mistakes To Avoid [Infographic]
Here is the guide for new entrepreneurs. How to avoid 6 common startup mistakes. The 6 common startup mistakes to watch out for in this infographic.

9 Common SEO Mistakes: How to Fix Them

9 Common SEO Mistakes: How to Fix Them
one of the most common mistakes many people do when building their website. They completely ignore keyword research


1. Ignore Keyword Research

It’s one of the most common mistakes many people do when building their website. They completely ignore keyword research. So, they built a website around keywords that nobody actually searches for or they build a website using the most competitive keywords online. This way it’s very difficult to achieve high rankings on Google and other search engines.

You should use the free Google AdWords Keyword tool and type in a few keywords. Take a look at the results and be sure to pick those keywords who have a good number of searches per month. Also, type your keywords into Google and make sure that you can win the competition and getting your site onto the first page of results.

2. Keyword Spamming

Mentioning your keywords many times on your web page or making big lists of keywords with a font color that is the same as the background color is not going to help your search engine rank. Neither is adding keywords that have nothing to do with the content of your page.

Always remember to concentrate on making your content good for your visitors, not just for the search engines. You do want to mention your keywords in specific places such as the TITLE tag, H1 tag, alt text, etc, but don’t overdo it.

3. Optimizing Only the Home Page

The homepage is often the most important page on your website with the most visitors, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore the rest of your website. You have to optimize all the pages of your website. Many people will spend all their time optimizing the home page. But it’s a great mistake.

You have to choose different keywords for each webpage on your website and for each blog post you create. This will enable you to get many times more traffic than you would if you only concentrated on the home page. Even if you choose less popular, less competitive keywords this can have a dramatic impact on your traffic if you have optimized pages on your site.

4. Bad Linking

You have to be very careful about who you link to. Linking to sites that have been penalized by the search engines could have a detrimental effect on your own ranking.

You should be careful about how many links you have on a single page. The Google webmaster guidelines state that you shouldn’t have more than 100 links on a single web page.

5. You Don’t Know Your Competition

Knowing your competition is very effective for your successful SEO strategy. Before you go ahead and optimize a page on your website for a particular keyword phrase you should take a look at the websites that you are competing with.

Enter your keywords into Google without the quotes and take a look at the web pages on the first two pages of results. Most people don’t go past page 2 of the results when they are searching, so you need to be able to compete with the sites on the first two pages.

Are these sites of big companies? Do they have high page ranks? If there are authority sites or popular sites in the results it doesn’t necessarily mean that you cannot compete with them, but you have to understand how much work you need to win them.

6. Poor Navigation Website

Developing a site using a poor navigation structure or using exclusively javascript menus could result in your website not getting fully indexed by the search engines.

Search engines can’t read javascript, so you need a text-based menu. Be careful and ensure that the search engines and visitors to your website can quickly and easily navigate to all the pages on your site.

An easy way to do this is to generate an XML or HTML sitemap. There are many free sitemap generators available on the internet.

7. Backlinks and Off-Site Optimization

One of the things you can not ignore is the off-site optimization and backlinks of your website. This means getting lots of backlinks from related, good quality websites and using your keywords and variations of your keywords in the anchor text.

Building backlinks is the best way to increase your search engine rankings and improve your SEO.

8. Slow Load Pages

It’s a big mistake if you have slow load pages on your website. We live now in the fast online world and if you have not fast load pages you will lose traffic, clients, and money. Also, you will lose high rankings and the first page on Google.

9. Mobile-Friendly Website

The same goes for not mobile-friendly websites. You can not create an effective SEO strategy without a mobile-friendly website.

Now you know the common SEO mistakes and how to fix them. It’s up to you to take action and create a very effective SEO strategy to achieve high rankings and the first page on Google.

7 Common Tips on How To Make Money Online

7 Common Tips on How To Make Money Online
There are many ways to make money online. Here are common 7 tips on how to make money online.


Have you ever wanted to have an online job that can make you finally financially free? There are many ways to make money online. Here are common 7 tips on how to make money online.

1. Affiliate Programs

Do you know that many people make money online with affiliate marketing? To do this you don’t necessarily have 10 years of marketing experience or so, also it doesn’t involve calling people to recommend that product.

Also, there are a lot of free ways to advertise these products like forums, blogs etc.

2. Online Surveys

Industries pay over 250 Billion dollars on market researching every year, why? Simply because if they launch an unsuccessful product they lose a lot of money and time. They do what is known as “Market Research” they ask people what do you need? What is your opinion about? What would you like to see in this product? Etc. so they can target the market needs successfully.

Market researching companies offer its participants money to fill market researching surveys, do you know that you can make 5-75$ for spending 15 minutes online giving your opinion in one survey?

3. Make Money with an Advertisement Car

Many companies use cars as a successful advertisement poster moving everywhere around the town, and they are really willing to pay for it.

How does it work? It is simple, you have two options,

You can register your own car to be wrapped with advertisement and you get paid per month


You receive a free new car wrapped with an advertisement to drive.

It is as simple as this!!

4. Make Money Shopping

Would you like to go shop and get paid too?

Many companies spend millions of dollars to know how satisfied their customers are? What are their customers’ needs? Etc. and they are going to pay you to do this for them.

5. Making Money with Forex Trading

Forex trading are online platforms to buy and sell different currencies, many people make thousands of dollars from this business.

You don’t have to have a degree in commerce or anything like it, there are dozens of step by step simple guides that teaches you when to buy, when to sell and how to make money.

6- Make Money with eBay:

Nobody doesn’t know eBay, but just in case you don’t, eBay is an auctions website allows people to buy and sell cars, software, computers, books etc.

Some people make thousands of dollars on eBay, some others don’t, what is the difference between these two kinds of people? The difference is What to buy? What to Sell? What are the products with the least competition and highest demands?

This is what matters if you want to be an eBay power seller you must consider these questions.

7- Make Money with Adsense:

Adsense allows you to put an advertisement on your website and get paid every time an advertisement is clicked.

But the problem is most of the people don’t have websites on the internet, but what if I could tell how to get a ready to be launched a website, not only that but how to get paid $2 per click, which means you can make $100+ a day.

3 Common Ways to Earn Money Online with Affiliate Marketing

3 Common Ways to Earn Money Online with Affiliate Marketing
Almost all the online businesses have their own affiliate program. It’s a smart and effective way for businesses to increase traffic and profits.


There are many affiliate marketing programs these days. Almost all the online businesses have their own affiliate program. It’s a smart and effective way for businesses to increase traffic and profits.

The key to the success of these affiliate marketing programs lies in the understanding of how you can earn from them. Here are the 3 common ways to earn from these programs.

1) Pay per Sale

This can be equated to retail sales. With this method, you can put up a website and then offer certain items for sale. No need to stock up on the product or buy it up front because the agreement with the merchant would be that you will sell for this certain amount, and then get a percentage for every sale.

However, retailers do not get a huge percentage of the sales. This means that a participant in the affiliate marketing program would need a huge amount of sales in order to generate income.

2) Cost per Click

One of the oldest marketing programs on the internet, the cost per click has a simple concept. An affiliate displays a banner with a merchant’s name.

This affiliate will get paid whenever someone visits the merchant’s website by clicking on the banner. It is a simple marketing tool that can offer you the potential of earning without doing much.

A lot of merchants do not use this anymore because they pay for marketing, but are unable to confirm if the sale did come from the affiliate or not.

3) Cost per Action

This is the preferred way for many businesses. Opposite the cost per click model, the cost per action not only requires that the customer is redirected to the merchant’s website, but a payment is only made if the customer makes a purchase.

The difference between this model and the pay per sale model is that the sale is made on the merchant website itself, and not through the affiliate site. The job of the affiliate with the cost per action is to convince the customer to make a purchase.

There are a lot of ways that you can make money online. All you need is a little knowledge on how you can be an affiliate, and how to set up an effective marketing strategy.

Affiliate Marketing tips

Affiliate marketers earn money by selling products created by other companies and get a commission. But things online have become much more competitive than when affiliate marketing first started out nearly 20 years ago.

Affiliate marketing is still a good way to make money online, but the rules have changed in recent years.

Today’s successful online marketers have figured out how to make affiliate marketing work more effectively so their efforts bring the results they want.

Make Affiliate Marketing Work For You

The best way to make affiliate marketing work effectively is to increase the exposure of your affiliate links. These are the links that take your prospects to a sales page or website and which track sales back to you.

Your Own Website

One of the most important elements of affiliate marketing today is to have your own website or blog. This is where you produce content relevant to the products you want to sell.

You can write articles, create videos, or infographics and provide links to suggested products at the end of the content. The most important things to remember are that everything you write or create should be factual and true. This helps position you as an expert worth paying attention to.

Automation Software

There is a Free automate software to grow your business easily. The automation is the new trend for online business and marketers. The software works for you and makes your life better, business work easier. Discover how to http://bit.ly/2mHXG2F

Building an Email Marketing List

It can be challenging to build an email marketing list these days because people have bored the junk emails. knowing your niche and your target audience you can help them by giving solutions to their problems or needs.

This would be an eBook or eCourse on a hot topic related to your niche. Think of the kinds of problems people have in your niche and create an information product which offers real solutions.

Keywords In Your Content

Keywords related to your niche will help drive free traffic via the search engines. Your keywords should be related to your topic or niche. They should be words that an ordinary person interested in your niche would search for. With the right keywords, you will achieve higher rankings on search engines.

Guide: How to Avoid Common WordPress Mistakes [Infographic]

Guide: How to Avoid Common WordPress Mistakes [Infographic]
You run your business website on WordPress, you’re worried about getting hacked, and you want to ensure you haven’t left your site open to an attack? The most common WordPress mistakes to avoid in this infographic.