Tag Archives: guide

Blogging Guide: How to Choose A Domain Name for Your Blog

Blogging Guide: How to Choose A Domain Name for Your Blog

These days it’s pretty difficult to find an effective domain name for your blog. With so many blogs online the good domain names have disappeared! But, here is a helpful guide about how to choose an effective domain name for your blog.

If you’ve already chosen a blog niche or have some blog name ideas and know what topics you’ll cover, this guide will help you to find a good and effective blog domain name.

  1. The Benefits of Your Blog

In the URL you need to explain what your audience will get out of your blog. For example, howtohockey.com, freelancing.com, and howtoloseweight.com.

To find the benefits of your domain name, ask yourself what readers will get out of your content.

  1. Target Audience of Your Blog

This idea is based on the target audience your blog is meant to serve. So, copyblogger.com is for copywriters and bloggers, campergroove.com is for campers, Fitnessnews.com is for fitness, etc.

  1. The Topic of Your Blog

This idea uses the topic of your blog as the URL, so readers will know what you’re writing about when they see it. For example, zenhabits.com, insightfulmanager.com, goodfoodrunning.com, etc.

Warning: Avoid being too cute or clever when trying to put your topic into the domain name. Being clever is the enemy of domain names for blogs. They’ll confuse your readers to the point where they’ll not stay long on your site. And a high bounce rate will impact your blog SEO.

  1. Use Your Name

You can also use your name in your domain, which can be good to demonstrate your thought leadership on the topic. For example, LilachBullock.com, or NeilPatel.com. Their names are their brands, and so people know what they’re going to get when they type in the URL.

  1. What You’re Doing With Your Blog

This idea flips the topic around to be about what you’re doing as a blogger, rather than what your audience is doing or wanting to learn how to do. For example, Foundr.com tells the stories of founders, entrepreneurs, and business owners. MakingSenseofCents.com tells stories about personal finance.

  1. Use a Domain Name Generator – Easy Solution

If you have a list of keywords, topics, or general ideas, but you’re still struggling to come up with a good domain name, you should try a blog domain name generator.

Just type in a few words into the domain name search tool and see what domain name suggestions pop out. Try searching on your hobbies, your favorite sports, the types of books you like to read, or the food you like to eat.

Important Tip. There are a few things you need to avoid

What to Avoid for Your Blog Name

Longer than 20 characters. Anything longer than that is hard to remember and hard to type and will lose blog visitors, traffic, and search engine results.

Include confusing letter combinations. A domain name with multiple letter combinations is harder to type. You’ll lose a lot of traffic because people will either misspell your domain, or they’ll forget a letter and get redirected to someone else’s site.

Hard to pronounce. Your domain should always be easy to say and write since you’ll never know when you’ll be asked to share it live.

Mention brand or trademarked names. Your domain name should be unique to you, even if you’re talking about a brand or trademarked name. The whole point of a trademark is to protect it from illegal use, so it doesn’t harm their reputation.

Unless you want to spend all of your blog’s income on lawyers to fight any brand infringement lawsuits, it’s best to avoid them entirely.

Use obscure abbreviations. It can be tempting to include abbreviations in your domain name, especially to get under that 15 character limit. But when you use them, you might rule out beginners that don’t understand the term you’re abbreviating.

Include hyphens. Hyphens are a big risk because any similar site without the hyphens will probably get all of your traffic. Why? Because people forget to add the hyphens when they type the URL in their web browsers. So, if your site is herb-gardeners.com and there’s already a site called herbgardeners.com, guess which one they’ll visit first? Not yours.

Have too many keywords. Domains that are “keyword-rich” or “keyword-targeted” can be viewed negatively by search engines. Use only obvious keywords, if you must, but generally speaking, try to avoid more than two.

Are too narrow in focus. While your domain name should be narrow enough to be unique and gain good traffic, it should leave you room to expand. Your domain will earn SEO love over time as it builds links and authority, so you’ll want to keep using it.

A flexible domain will allow you to do this.

Finally, it’s time to run your choice through a blog domain name checker to make sure it’s available. Domain registrars can help you with this. Run through your shortlist on the registrar to see which ones are available

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Pinterest Guide: How to Get More Followers and Make Money

Pinterest Guide: How to Get More Followers and Make Money
Pinterest Guide: How to Get More Followers and Make Money https://www.bestprofitsonline.com/myblog/

Pinterest is a fantastic and very effective social media network to increase traffic, followers, and sales for your business. Here are 12 tips you need to know how to get more followers on Pinterest and increase your sales.

  1. Social Networks

One of the quickest and simplest methods to get more Pinterest followers is by attaching your Pinterest account to your current Facebook, Instagram, and Tweeter. So, every new item you pin will be shown to your followers on these social sites.

Since you already have established relationships with members on these websites, they will follow you on Pinterest.

  1. Pin Buttons on Your Content

Integrating Pinterest buttons into your content, pages, of your website can boost your articles on Pinterest. The pin buttons provide a visible memory for individuals to interact with your articles. They will promote your content to their followers. More traffic more sales.

  1. Create Boards on Pinterest

The boards on Pinterest are very effective because on each board you have similar articles. Like a marketing board, SEO board, Blog board, etc. So your visitors will search for interesting boards, not articles.

  1. Pin Regularly

You have to pin every day. But not too much and not too little. For best results, you can pin between 5-20 new items a day, with regards to the variety of active Pinterest boards you have.

  1. Board Name

Giving each board fun and exclusive, but easy to understand, the name is an important part of gaining new followers.

  1. Create Your Own Pins

Create your own new pins based on articles you discover on other internet websites or from resources you are familiar with that have not yet been presented on Pinterest.

  1. Follow Other Pinners

On Pinterest – as on Tweets, Google+ and Facebook – following other customers is a great way to get your articles across a much bigger network of individuals. To discover other pinners look for a few of your industry’s general keywords and words on Pinterest and take note of the customers that appear to post the most articles and have the most supporters.

Follow these customers yourself and repin some of their articles – many will return the benefit by following you back. You will get more followers

  1. Increase Your Boards

When you have plenty of different boards across a wide range of subjects, you are developing more opportunities for individuals to follow you. While it’s a wise decision to develop boards that are appropriate to your website or business, consider developing boards on your personal passions and activities as well to reach more people.

  1. Pin Newsworthy Content

It’s essential for your business and you to be an expert in your market – not just someone who repins articles from other individuals. Try to be the first to develop pins for news items within your market. You could even create boards for new products that are launched in your niche.

  1. Use Pinterest to Create Tutorials

People love tech tutorials. On Pinterest, you could develop a “step-by-step” tutorial. Create lessons on subjects that you know will interest folks and you will gain trust and sales.

  1. Keywords

One of the common methods that new Pinterest customers use is by searching the website for interesting keywords to find new pinned articles or boards. It’s essential to include appropriate keywords and words into your pins.

  1. Use Excellent Pictures

Pinterest is a visually-focused website, the images you use in your pins will gaining new followers. The great images will attract more people and will increase your traffic pretty fast.

How to Make Money with Pinterest

Pinterest Virtual Assistant: Make Money from Home

Pinterest is a very popular social media website for business owners, bloggers, and affiliate marketers. The problem is it’s time-consuming. There are tips and tricks to learn to get pins seen and repinned. If you know Pinterest well, you may be interested in becoming a Pinterest virtual assistant.

There are plenty of bloggers and business owners looking for someone who understands the Pinterest social media well. Here’s all you need to know about how to be a Pinterest virtual assistant and make money from home.

Manage Your Own Pinterest Profile

Don’t worry too much about a website at first. Focus on the social media platform that you want to work within. Make it clear that you know what you’re doing by creating the perfect Pinterest profile. This is more than just putting up a few pretty images.

Your pins need to convert. They need to be repinned regularly and you need to be part of group boards. Your descriptions need to be good and convert viewers into customers or clients.

You can set up a different account to the one that you currently have. However, you will be working from scratch. Create a business profile.

Create Your Virtual Assistant Website

Create a good website for your business. This needs to follow the same branding as your Pinterest profile. It’s essential that you use the right keywords, which means finding out about the keywords your target audience is using to find someone like you.

Make sure your website has all the legal and professional requirements. These include your Home Page, About Page, Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Contact Page. Make it easy for people to get in touch or learn more about you.

Your website helps to build trust. If you worked with someone who didn’t have a website, you’d question their professionalism, right?

Make Your Pinterest Assistant Services Clear

There are two ways of selling your Pinterest services: either as an account manager or an assistant. You want to be a Pinterest virtual assistant, so you need to make this service clear.

On the Hire Me page of your website, detail the types of services you offer. You’ll need to:

• Make Canva images (or similar) for Pinterest
• Know how to use automation services like Tailwind.
• Understand group boards and how to find them
• Write converting descriptions
• Monitor the accounts for any comments

As an account manager, you’ll also need to watch the analytics and understand more about the profile settings and promotion.

Market Your Skills

Now that you have your website and Pinterest profile set up, it’s time to start marketing. You can use Pinterest for this, but you want to be where your target audience is likely to be. They could be on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or search on Google for assistant jobs.

Virtual Assistant Jobs From Home

Many people are searching online to find virtual assistant jobs from home. There are lots of factors that affect a person’s decision in picking for a job to apply on, some of these are: if the skills and traits they possess are fit for the job, hourly and monthly salary rates, and the difficulty of the jobs that clients mostly give.

Here are three jobs that you can do as a virtual assistant.

  1. Graphics Designing

Clients need virtual assistants that can make graphic designs. Visual planners make visual ideas, utilizing PC programming. They build up the general format and generation outline for different applications, for example, notices, ads, magazines, and corporate reports.

As a graphic designer, you should have your client’s vision realized. It’s tied in with satisfying their needs in a way that is proper for their business.

  1. Social Media Manager

Online businesses need a VA to manage advertisements and customers’ inquiries on social media sites. Numerous companies have seen a magnificent advantage in social media marketing. You know how Social media drives traffic, leads, and sales.

The social media manager is an exceptionally energetic, imaginative individual with enthusiasm for associating with present and future customers. Connects with customers daily and transforming fans into customers.

  1. Content Writer

Content writing is very important for websites. The site content has to be quality, valuable and useful to website visitors. You need to know about SEO and the utilization of keywords to achieve higher rankings on search engines.

As an online worker, I always remember that there is a wide variety of online jobs and services a virtual assistant can offer. If you are still starting in this kind of work, don’t think much of the salary but think of every job you receive as your training ground to be a better virtual assistant.


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