Tag Archives: successfuly

How to Advertise Your Business Successfuly

There are many ways to advertise your business. And they all are promising. But, the truth is, There is only one way to advertise Successfully… So, what are the best ways to advertise? Remember the one who advertises the most, makes the most money.

There are many ways to advertise your business. And they all are promising. But, the truth is, There is only one way to advertise Successfully… So, what are the best ways to advertise?

Remember the one who advertises the most, makes the most money.

Think of advertising like going fishing:

1. You need good equipment (website, products to sell)

2. The best bait (ads, sales letter, advertising)

3. Know where the fish are biting (target the right prospects, every where)

4. Patience (relax and wait for a bite. Then reel them in)

The ABC’s of successful advertising:

A. Advertise

B. Business

C. Continuously

Advertising is the very heart beat of your business.

No matter what business you’re in, doctor, lawyer, babysitter, internet entrepreneur, etc. Why are some businesses so successful? Is it their products? Maybe, but I don’t think so. The main reason is not their products, it’s their advertising.

Advertising is the key to your success. Stop or slow down on your advertising and your business will soon die. I guarantee!

You have to be dedicated to advertising 90% of the time and the other 10% should be used to find other products to sell, or creating better ads or sales letters.

Have you ever stop to think about all the advertising around you every single day?

Pick up anything around you right now, and you will see the brand name or logo of the company on it.. Any thing from remote controls, magazines, toys, ink pens, pencils, clocks, etc. Hey, what about your vehicle you drive, see the advertisement, Chevrolet, Ford, Toyota, etc. Tires have Goodyear, Firestone, and so on.

Advertising is powerful and the way to your success. Did any of these advertisement have a single prospect in mind? No, they flashed their message before everyone.. Why, because like fishing you just don’t know which fish are hungry and which ones will bite at any given moment… So you always have to be prepared for a bite from the strangest places…

What are the best places to advertise? Everywhere online, offline. Make up some flyers, index cards, business cards. And place them at laundry matts, bulletin boards at the super market. In magazines while you wait at the doctors office, dentist office.

Be creative.

Should you use free or paid advertising? Use both at all times. When you can’t afford to pay for any more ad postings, start placing free ads.

Hey, did you ever think about exit signs along the highway. Those signs are a sort of advertising. They are advertising the most popular exit. It’s the one your looking for to get off the highway.

Now, I know this may sound off the wall, but I don’t think so. Even nature itself advertises. Yes, it’s true. Say you are driving down a road and see a beautiful sunset.. And you say I would like to have a picture of a sunset hanging on my wall… What about pets nature gave us. Say you see a certain breed of cat, and you say I want a cat just like that one. What about dogs, You see a collie and you say man I would love to have a collie.. What about trees,

Advertising is every where.. You can’t escape it.. If you tried you would only run into another one. So, you also should be advertising every where you can.

Hey, check your cell phone. What brand is it? You might be that companies sales person and not even know it. How? By word of mouth.

Say someone says to you, Wow, I really like the look of your phone, it looks cool. What kind is it, and you tell them. And now that person goes out and buys a phone just like yours. See what happened. You advertised that companies brand of phone by word of mouth.. And that company just got free advertising…

See how important advertising is.

It’s like a river flowing free.. Until someone builds a dam and stops its flow.. How can we stop our cash flowing in, from our business? By stop advertising. And our river will dry up…(cash flow.)

If you follow this advise, you will in time become successful.. Just wait and see. Don’t be a quieter, be a doer.. Stay focused and advertise everywhere…

Now here is another example: Say you are going on a trip to see someone Or vacation. Make sure you take some flyers, index cards, and business cards along with you..
Leave them in all kinds of places. Leave one on the table at a restaurant with the tip… How about placing business cards in the envelopes when you pay your bills.

Don’t just place 100 ads and say your done. You are never done placing ads. This is the life line of your business, your success depends upon it.

The one who advertises the most, makes the most money.

Look at it this way. If you get up only to watch TV, you spending money. But if you place ads you making money.

Tip for today: Start searching the web for new places to advertise. New ones pop up every day.

6 Rules To Submit Your Website Successfuly To Directories

6 Rules To Submit Your Website Successfuly To Directories

If you’re like most webmasters, you’re always looking for ways to get links to your site. Of course, if they’re one way links, all the better! Well, submitting your site to directories not only offers you one ways, you can get them for free.

If you follow a few rules when submitting your site to various directories, you’ll greatly increase the number of directories that accept your link, so increasing the number of links you get.

Many directories publish a comprehensive list of rules for submitting to their site, but here are a few general rules that will put you in good stead.

1. No promotional language avoid promotion type language in your title and description. Avoid things like click here save big, etc.

2. Don’t keyword stuff While you want your keywords in your title and description as possible, don’t stuff them with your keyword. You want it to look official and natural.

3. Give valid contact info When you submit your listing, use yourreal name and email address. It will greatly increase your chances of acceptance.

4. Submit to the deepest relevant category Don’t submit to a main category unless there is not a subcategory that fits your site. For examle, google.com should be submitted to Computers > Internet > Search > Search Engines, not just to the Computers category

5. Site guidelines in general, directories will only accept unique, content rich sites. Most directories will not accept Adsense sites, scraper sites, doorway pages, etc.

6. Submit your homepage Don’t submit sub-pages unless the directory states you may most directories will deny sub-page listings.

Bonus tip Here’s a way to greatly speed up your directory submissions. Use a form fill plug in for your browser that automatically fills in your url, title, description, etc. It’s RoboForm, but you may find a better free one somewhere.


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