Tag Archives: ranking

Website SEO: 8 Google Ranking Factors for 2023 [Infographic]

Website SEO: 8 Google Ranking Factors for 2023 [Infographic]
Website SEO: 8 Google Ranking Factors for 2023 [Infographic]

Are you thinking to create a website SEO strategy for 2023? Do you know the ranking factors of Google?
Here are some SEO tips you need to know.

Website SEO: 8 Google Ranking Factors for 2023

Page speed
Core Web Vitals
Intrusive interstitials

Ranking Factors – Explanation

Ranking factors. These are signals that search engines use to sort the search results according to their quality and relevance to the particular query.

Website SEO: 8 Google Ranking Factors for 2023

Search engine optimization (SEO). This means that you optimize the website according to these signals to improve the rankings.

Well-optimized sites get more and more traffic over time (that means more leads and sales). Without SEO, searchers won’t be able to find your site.

Google has various and deeply complex algorithms to decide which content gets displayed and in which order.

According to Google’s search quality ratings, when it indexes the main content of each page, it checks factors like:

Purpose of the page
Content quality and amount
Website info and info about the content creator
Website reputation and content creator reputation
User interaction with the page (time on page, bounce rates)
Expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (E-A-T)

Website SEO: 8 Google Ranking Factors for 2023

You need to create awesome content that your users will love.

Then optimize that content to help Google understand why your audience loves it. But always begin with your user in mind.

Create high-quality content for people, not search engines.


How To Improve Your Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy

Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy
Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy


How to Write Compelling SEO Content – How to Google Ranking Success [Infographic]

How to Write Compelling SEO Content - How to Google Ranking Success [Infographic]
How to Write Compelling SEO Content – How to Google Ranking Success [Infographic]

Are you looking for ways to improve search engine rankings? Want to write compelling SEO content?

Here are some SEO content writing tips.

A quick summary:

Write for your audience
Create eye-catching headlines
Use phrases that are keyword rich
Plan your posts
Incorporate visuals


How To Improve Your Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy

Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy
Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy


Google SEO: 4 Tips and A New Ranking Factor (Again?)

Google SEO: 4 Tips and A New Ranking Factor (Again?)
Google SEO: 4 Tips and A New Ranking Factor (Again?)

Organic rankings drive the most traffic and they are free. You don’t have to spend money and you’ll get a significant traffic flow to your website.

But top organic rankings require an SEO strategy according to the search engine guidelines and ranking factors. You need to know the guidelines and follow the best practices to win the top organic rankings.

Search engines always try to provide the best experience to users, and that’s why they keep updating their algorithm, webmaster guidelines, and ranking factors.

Otherwise, your website will lose rankings and traffic. Google is like a dictator. Google decide and Google execute!

Google SEO: 4 Tips and A New Ranking Factor

Google recently announced a new ranking factor and you need to optimize your site to improve your rankings in the search results.

Here are some tips about the new ranking factor, Google SEO, and how to improve your website.

Google SEO: 4 Tips and A New Ranking Factor

Core Web Vitals – The New Ranking Factor

This ranking factor will focus on your site’s user experience. It has some parameters to analyze your site and decide if you are suitable for users or not.

Current page experience factors are Mobile-Friendly Website, HTTPS Security, and Intrusive Interstitial Guidelines.

  1. Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
Google SEO: 4 Tips and A New Ranking Factor

LCP measures the time your website takes to show the largest content in the viewport. It tracks the website’s first fold without scrolling and analyzes how fast your website loads the maximum content completely.

The largest contentful paint will measure the loading time of content you are using in the first fold, like images, video thumbnails, text content, etc.

A good score for LCP will be less than or equal to 2.5 seconds. It means your largest content in the first fold should load in less than 2.5 seconds.

How to fix LCP

Here are some tips you can use.

Optimize Image Sizes
Use an Image CDN
Avoid Javascript to Load Images
Get Faster Hosting

Google SEO: 4 Tips and A New Ranking Factor
  1. First Input Display (FID)

FID will focus on the interactivity of your site. FID will track how fast your site becomes ready and functional for the first user action.

Many sites don’t respond to user actions like click or touch for a significant time which ruins the user experience. You need to optimize your site such that it becomes ready for interaction ASAP.

Users and search engines won’t like it if your site is not responding quickly to a user’s actions.

The recommended time for the First Input Display is less than 100ms. (Google thinks that website owners are Superheroes!)

Google SEO: 4 Tips and A New Ranking Factor

How to fix FID

You need to work on your website to make your site user interaction ready right away.

You need to ensure that your website’s UX has the highest standards.

The next thing you’ll be working on is JavaScript. JavaScript is responsible for long loading and many processes which increases FID time. You may want to try delaying long-lasting processes by 50ms while loading to smooth the load and achieve a good FID score.

Your priority for initial loading should be the components that are responsible for the interactivity.

Google SEO: 4 Tips and A New Ranking Factor

Good FID allows users to fill forms, sign in, sign up, buy, etc. So, you’ll not only get the rankings but earn more conversions as well.

  1. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

CLS will focus on the visual stability of your website. When the website loads, many elements are loading simultaneously, and the layout changes accordingly. Users have to wait till the website gains its stability to interact.

How to fix CLS

You need to identify the elements that are causing layout shifts. Ask an expert to help you.

Google SEO: 4 Tips and A New Ranking Factor

When you improve your CLS, users can engage with your site effectively, and you can increase your sales and rankings.

These are the three core web vitals that will roll out soon.

  1. Last Tip

Improve Site Navigation

Google seeks to improve the user experience. A user-friendly website will improve your SEO rankings. By improving your website navigation you make your site more appealing and valuable to visitors.

Google SEO: 4 Tips and A New Ranking Factor

Google’s goal is to help users find the information they’re looking for as quickly as possible. By making your content relevant and valuable, you ensure that the traffic coming to your website is targeted.

The accuracy of information will ensure that your site ranks well in search engines.


Many marketers and website owners disagree with Googles’ ideas and algorithm updates. They say that Google is trying to create the perfect online world but it forgets that there is no perfect world. Google will create an online world only for AI machines and not for humans.

YouTube Video Marketing: Effective Ranking Tools You Need to Know

YouTube Video Marketing: Effective Ranking Tools You Need to Know

YouTube is the best video platform to upload and promote your video content. But uploading great video content on YouTube is only half the battle.

If you want your videos to rank well you need to know how to find the best keywords, how to create attractive titles and descriptions, and also spy your competitors. The competition in video marketing is very high.

YouTube Video Marketing: Effective Ranking Tools You Need to Know

Here are some of the most effective and useful ranking tools for YouTube videos.

  1. TubeBuddy

TubeBuddy is the most effective and popular tool for tracking YouTube video rankings. Their software platform integrates right into YouTube’s website and provides a variety of tools that helps marketers to make their videos more engaging.

  1. SEMrush

SEMrush is a great digital marketing tool that offers more than 40 different tools and reports to help you monitor and optimize your site for search engine rankings. You can track traffic, rankings, domain authority, and backlinks.

YouTube Video Marketing: Effective Ranking Tools You Need to Know
  1. VidIQ

VidIQ is a very effective tool. It helps you to grow your channel by delivering YouTube analytics. Also, it helps you to create SEO-friendly titles, descriptions, and tags using vidIQ’s SEO feature.

  1. YTCockpit

YTCockpit is a very useful online platform where you can find top keywords and publish videos on YouTube. You can get data from YouTube Suggest and Google Ads. Also, YTCockptit can analyze hundreds of videos each minute and generate the top 20 ranking videos instantly.

  1. AccuRanker
YouTube Video Marketing: Effective Ranking Tools You Need to Know

If you need to grow your organic traffic and win your competitors then you need to use AccuRanker. It can help you to filter your data in various ways and track your keywords.

  1. GeoRanker

GeoRanker is an effective tool that allows users to research, collect, and track local SEO across many locations. You can monitor where and how your page ranks in Google.

  1. Rank Ranger

Rank Ranger takes custom SEO and analytic data to a new level. Rank Ranger aligns with your company’s specific needs and preferences. It helps you to create a better SEO strategy and improve your video rankings.

  1. YouTube SEO – Chrome Extension
YouTube Video Marketing: Effective Ranking Tools You Need to Know

YouTube SEO Cheat Sheet. A Curated Collection Of SEO Ranking Factors & Tips to Optimize Your YouTube Videos

You can optimize your YouTube Videos to get higher search engine rankings and also get more traffic. You learn how to optimize your YouTube video titles, description, and tags for search engine traffic (and suggested video optimization).

You’ll discover some extra CTR (click-through rate) optimization tips and techniques to improve click-through rates from Google and YouTube.

These ranking tools will help you to improve your video rankings, increase your traffic, and reach your target audience.

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SEO: 7 Tips for High Ranking Websites

SEO: 7 Tips for High Ranking Websites

The sites on the first Google search results page receive a whopping 91.5 percent of the total traffic share. If you want people to click on your website and see what you have to offer, you need to be on that first page and as close to the top as possible.

Here are 7 tips about high ranking websites.

  1. Security and Accessibility (Sitemap)

Website security and accessibility play a significant role in how well a particular site ranks on Google (as well as other search engines, for that matter).

One way to indicate a secure and accessible website is the type of URL your site has. If your URL is one that search engine bots can reach and crawl, with ease, your website will be rewarded with a higher ranking.

Some ways you can make this happen are by installing a robots.txt file. This tells Google where it is and isn’t able to look for information about your site. A sitemap that lists all the pages on your website is very important.

Having an “HTTPS” at the front of your URL is better than an “HTTP,” too.

  1. Fast Load Page

The faster your pages load, the more likely it is that people will stick around to see what’s on them.

There are plenty of ways to speed up your load times, from getting rid of clutter to compressing images. Talk to your web developer to figure out how you can start to make your site more efficient.

  1. Mobile-Friendly Website

These days, the majority of online searches come from a mobile device. If your website doesn’t look good on a smartphone or tablet, people are going to be less inclined to spend a lot of time on it.

If you want to enjoy a high ranking, make sure your website is optimized for mobile devices. The easiest way to do this is to work with a developer who specializes in this aspect of website building and design.

  1. Domain Age

The longer your website has been around, the easier it’ll be to get on top Google site lists. In most cases, sites that have existed for less than a year are less likely to rank near the top of any search engine results page.

  1. SEO and Technical Optimization

Technical optimization is an often-overlooked component of search engine optimization. It plays a key role in improving search engine rankings, though. Some important technical aspects you need to know.

The use of keyword phrases in your website’s page titles
Using header tags to organize content and create a hierarchy
Writing a clear and concise meta description
Using keyword phrases in your images’ alt tags

Many people overlook these factors when trying to optimize their sites, but they can make a significant difference in your website’s overall performance.

  1. Optimized and Quality Content

Bringing in organic traffic is difficult. One way to increase the number of people visiting your site is to make sure your content is quality and well-optimized.

There are lots of ways to do this.

Including the right keywords in your content (in an organic, non-forced way)
Answering common questions
Using videos and infographics to appeal to a wider range of visitors
Writing long-form content is also helpful. Posts that are in the 2,000-word range tend to outperform those with lower word counts.

  1. Social Media Signals

Google wants to see how your website is performing on social media. Positive social signals can lead to higher search engine rankings. For example, if lots of people are tweeting links to pages from your website or sharing them on Facebook, that will reflect well and lead to rewards from Google.

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