Tag Archives: ecommerce

eCommerce: 10 Tips on How to Attract More Customers and Increase Sales [Infographic]

eCommerce: 10 Tips on How to Attract More Customers and Increase Sales [Infographic]
eCommerce: 10 Tips on How to Attract More Customers and Increase Sales [Infographic]

Do you have an eCommerce website that does not generate sales? Do you know how to attract more customers and increase sales?
Here are some tips you need to know.

eCommerce: How to Attract More Customers and Increase Sales

Flash Sale
Run a competition
Give free samples
Partner up
Write targeted blog content
Offer a new product/service
Use social media
Incentivize first purchase
Incentivize customer referrals

eCommerce: How to Attract More Customers and Increase Sales

Boosting eCommerce sales isn’t as difficult as you might think. It’s a combination of effective techniques that can help you succeed and generate more sales and profits.

These tips are popular. They can help you to attract more customers and increase eCommerce sales.

Research to find more tips and tricks about eCommerce marketing and how to increase sales.


How To Improve Your Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy

Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy
Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy


eCommerce: Psychological Tricks To Boost Your Sales [Infographic]

eCommerce: Psychological Tricks To Boost Your Sales [Infographic]
eCommerce: Psychological Tricks To Boost Your Sales [Infographic]
   Do you know how to increase sales on your eCommerce site? Do you know that psychological tips and tricks can boost your sales?

Here are some psychological tips you need to know.

eCommerce: Psychological Tricks To Boost Your Sales

Social proof
Pricing tactics
Scarcity – FOMO (Fear of missing out)
Website design
Photos and video
Checkout process
Reciprocation and commitment

eCommerce: Psychological Tricks To Boost Your Sales

Psychology has a huge role in marketing and sales. You’ll notice one of these psychological tricks being used in a marketing campaign at some point in the next few days.

These psychological tricks are effective. Many brands and businesses are using them every day.

Research to find different psychological tips and tricks that you can use on your eCommerce website and boost your sales.


How To Improve Your Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy

Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy
Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy


eCommerce: 7 Tips on How to Overcome Cart Abandonment – How To Increase Sales [Infographic]

eCommerce: 7 Tips on How to Overcome Cart Abandonment - How To Increase Sales [Infographic]
eCommerce: 7 Tips on How to Overcome Cart Abandonment – How To Increase Sales [Infographic]

Do you know how to increase sales on your eCommerce site? Do you know how to overcome cart abandonment?
Here are some eCommerce tips you need to know.

eCommerce: 7 Tips on How to Overcome Cart Abandonment

The shopper is just browsing
Shoppers don’t trust the site
The checkout process is too complicated
Creating an account is too complicated
Shipping times are too long
Shipping is expensive
Returns are complicated and expensive

Cart Abandonment – Explanation

eCommerce: 7 Tips on How to Overcome Cart Abandonment

Cart abandonment is when a shopper on your eCommerce site initiates the checkout process for an order but abandons their cart without completing the purchase.

If the item is added to the cart but it doesn’t purchase, it’s considered “abandoned”.

Shopping Cart Statistics

Several shopping cart abandonment statistics show how serious this problem is.

eCommerce: 7 Tips on How to Overcome Cart Abandonment

90% of online shoppers abandon their carts due to slow load times or prolonged checkout times (more than 30 seconds).

The global cart abandonment rate stands at 76%.

Almost 50% of all cart abandonment emails are opened.

By using personalized retargeted ads, companies can increase their ROI by 1,300% (Amazing).

You can use tips and tricks to reduce your abandonment rate and entice your online visitors to become customers for your business.

eCommerce: 7 Tips on How to Overcome Cart Abandonment

Always remember, abandoned carts don’t mean that your sale is lost. Retarget your lost prospects via email marketing and invite them back to your eCommerce store to help them complete their checkout.

Also, you can use split tests and improve your online shop’s performance.


How To Improve Your Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy

Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy
Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy


eCommerce: 6 Tips to Create a Successful Product Description – SEO Tips [Infographic]

eCommerce: 6 Tips to Create a Successful Product Description - SEO Tips [Infographic]
eCommerce: 6 Tips to Create a Successful Product Description – SEO Tips [Infographic]

Do you have an eCommerce website? Do you know how to create successful product descriptions for your eCommerce website?
Here are some eCommerce tips you need to know.

eCommerce: 6 Tips to Create a Successful Product Description

eCommerce: 6 Tips to Create a Successful Product Description

Length and structure
Customer value
Call to action
Buyer persona

You need to provide value to your customers. A list of technical features does not offer value because a customer wants to buy a product based on what it can do for them.

Your customers want to learn the benefits of your product, not the technical details.

eCommerce: 6 Tips to Create a Successful Product Description

Use sentences that are short and readable. Also, you can use bullet points because they are highly informative and rich with product details.

Bullet lists, pictures, headings, and line breaks can improve readability.

SEO Basics

Use keywords naturally in the body text and title.

Avoid sentences over 20 words.

Don’t use the passive voice.

Use headings and subheadings.

Use interlinks.

Don’t Forget to Use a Call to Action

eCommerce: 6 Tips to Create a Successful Product Description

Writing an excellent product description with not a call-to-action doesn’t give your reader direction. Create a powerful call to action that encourages the reader to buy the product.

Talk about the benefits and advantages of your product.


How To Improve Your Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy

Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy
Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy


eCommerce: Why You Need To Improve Your Shipping Options [Infographic]

eCommerce: Why You Need To Improve Your Shipping Options [Infographic]
eCommerce: Why You Need To Improve Your Shipping Options [Infographic]

Do you know how to generate more sales on your eCommerce website? Do you know that online shoppers want better shipping options?
Here are some statistics about shipping options you need to know.

eCommerce: Why You Need To Improve Your Shipping Options

eCommerce: Why You Need To Improve Your Shipping Options

Overall satisfaction with delivery options
How cost trumps speed
How free shipping draws customers
Top factors shoppers consider when shopping online

More and more people are shopping online. eCommerce businesses need to differentiate from the competition. Updating your shipping policies and options to help your customer base is a perfect way to stand out from competitors.

As an eCommerce owner, you need to create effective shipping options for your customers to grow your business and win competitors.


How To Improve Your Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy

Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy
Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy
