Tips On How To Improve Your Website Design

Tips On How To Improve Your Website Design
Tips On How To Improve Your Website Design


If you’d like to improve your website design, you need to know the latest trends and tips about design. Here are a few tips that will help you to create an awesome website design.

1. Ask Your Customers

You have to know that your site meets the needs of your visitors. In other words, you must have a solid plan in place. You need to interview some of your existing customers. You can ask them what they like and dislike about the design of your site. Then you can make the necessary changes.

2. User Experience

Some elements of your site may not provide the value you want to deliver. For instance, lengthy articles, complicated animations, many images or videos are bad for user experience.

It’s important to keep in mind that the visitors have a short attention span. On average, visitors spend 8 seconds on a website. If they find your site appealing, they will stay. Otherwise, they will click away.

So, make sure you use images and videos effectively.

3. Social Media Buttons

It’s very important to have quality content on your site. But if you don’t allow your readers to share your content, you can’t get the attraction you need. So, you need you to add social media share buttons on your site. This will help you get tons of traffic from social media sites as well.

Ideally, you may want to place on the bottom or top of each blog post. These buttons will allow your readers to share your posts directly on their favorite social media site.

4. Calls-to-Action

As soon as your visitors visit a web page on your site, what do you think they will do next? At the end of each blog post, you should have a call-to-action button. This button could be a link to another post or a product or service you want to sell.

5. Images

On a web page, images are used o make the content more compelling and convey the right message. You need to choose high quality, relevant photos.

You can get photos from stock photo websites.

6. Navigation

Navigation is one of the most important elements of your site. it’s a type of map that shows the primary places on your site that the visitors can check out. It’s disappointing for the visitors to land on a site that has poor navigation interface.

So, it’s important that your site can provide your visitors with the information they need in a few seconds.

Web Design Trends in 2019

Now there are many new awesome technologies in the online world. Today, we can entertain ourselves from the comfort of our homes by visiting thousands of websites.

From a business owner’s perspective, web design is very important. If you want to make your website design as good as possible, you need to know about the latest trends.

1. Flat Design

Flat design is a simple approach that involves clean space, two-dimensional illustrations, and bright colors. It started just like other trends but gained popularity over time.

The popularity of this design is due to the need for quick-loading web pages. Since the illustrations are simple, the site doesn’t take ages to load. This style is quite popular among web designers.

Also, people love the fast-load websites. They don’t like to spend their time with slow-load sites.

2. Animated GIFs

Online people don’t want to struggle when looking for information on the Internet, which means websites don’t have much time to grab their attention and offer the required content.

With GIFs, it’s easy to convey ideas and messages in a short span of time. They are engaging and entertaining at the same time. The beauty of GIFs is that they are compatible with almost all mobile devices and web browsers.

3. Machine Learning and Bots (Artificial Intelligence)

These days, we all chat with computer bots when looking for answers to our questions on the Internet. People love the artificial intelligence of bots. The bots give the answers you need pretty fast and effectively.

They are the new era of internet technology!

For instance, Google gives you suggestions when you search for something by typing relevant keywords. It will auto-complete your sentences to make it easier for you to get what you want. So, websites are also taking advantage of this feature.

4. White Space

Today, we prefer the “less is more” approach, which means you can find many websites that feature simple layout and lots of white space. It’s kind of empty space on web pages.

This space helps you create a difference between different sections on your blog or site, which makes it easier for the visitors to read the content and digest it. So, it’s pretty effective to have white space on your site.

5. Sketch and Photoshop

For many years, Photoshop has been the most popular choice for professionals. However, Sketch is gaining popularity with time.

The sketch is a simple software program that allows designers to create prototypes for presentation purposes. Experts predict that it will replace Photoshop in the coming years.

These are the most popular trends in the world of web design. You may follow these trends to create an effective web design for your website. You can try these trends and decide which work best for your site.


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