Tag Archives: posts

Blogging: 4 Tips on How to Create Interesting Blog Posts

Blogging: 4 Tips on How to Create Interesting Blog Posts
Blogging: 4 Tips on How to Create Interesting Blog Posts

Are you blogging? Are you looking for new ways and tips to create interesting blog posts?

Blogging: How to Create Interesting Blog Posts

Many marketers and bloggers know that content marketing is the best way to reach their target audience, build relationships, and generate more sales.

There are many smart ways you can use and find new blog post ideas.

Blogging: How to Create Interesting Blog Posts

Here are some tips and tricks about blogging and how to create interesting blog posts.

1. Use Google (Autocomplete Feature)

Google is one of the best ways to find blog post ideas. These days 86% of all website traffic goes through Google.

 Blogging: How to Create Interesting Blog Posts

So when someone has a question, wants to buy a product or service, or wants to learn more about businesses or brands, they use Google.

You can use this knowledge to discover powerful topics for your blog.

When you go to the Google Search homepage, start typing in your keyword and look at the suggested searches.

 Blogging: How to Create Interesting Blog Posts

Google autocomplete feature is very helpful for content writers and bloggers.

The best part is the suggested terms are based on popular search trends, so these topics will resonate with your target audience.

2. Ask Your Audience

Your audience can help you to find ideas for new blog posts. You can learn what visitors and existing customers think of your content.

You can use this knowledge to improve your content marketing strategy, connect with visitors, and attract more interested people to your blog.

Blogging: How to Create Interesting Blog Posts

One way to find out what your audience thinks is to simply ask. You can send surveys to your email marketing subscribers or include customer feedback forms on your blog.

If someone is interested in a specific topic, you may have just found a new blog post idea.

You can also get audience insights on social media. The average social media user spends about 2 hours or more on their preferred networks every single day.

Blogging: How to Create Interesting Blog Posts

If you can reach your target customers through your posts, social listening tools, and collaborations, you can learn more about what your visitors want to see or learn about.

This is an excellent resource for new content or blog post ideas.

3. Use Free Brainstorming Tools

There are many excellent and free brainstorming tools that you can use to discover new topics for your blog.

Blogging: How to Create Interesting Blog Posts

AnswerThePublic is an excellent free resource and you can find many potential ideas in seconds.

Once you navigate to their homepage, you can type in a string of keywords and see an organized list of ideas.

Also, you can use a headline analyzer tool to help you to create awesome blog posts.

Blogging: How to Create Interesting Blog Posts

There are plenty of free options that can help you improve how you structure your topic ideas.

Attractive headlines can help you to increase targeted traffic and generate more sales.

4. Use Google Analytics

Google Analytics data can help you write better blog posts. With the help of analytics, you can dive deep into your website’s analytics and discover how people engage with your content and brand.

Blogging: How to Create Interesting Blog Posts

You can look in your popular posts and learn about the topics that appeal to your audience.

When you see that 47% of shoppers read 3-5 blog posts before completing a purchase, it’s easy to understand that analytics can help you to generate more sales.

You need to learn more about your customers and visitors if you want to provide help, solutions, and gain their trust.

Last Tip

Blogging: How to Create Interesting Blog Posts

Finding new topic ideas for your blog it’s time-consuming, but it’s crucial to your success.

If your blog posts are boring or not interesting and helpful your content strategy will fail. Also, if your blog posts don’t resonate with your target audience you will lose traffic and sales.


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Social Media Posts: Tips on How to Create Effective Posts [Infographic]

Social media is not about posting random content. Social media it’s about interacting and engaging. Brands, businesses, and marketers need to engage with their followers. It’s pretty important to build relationships and create interesting social media posts.

How To: Social Media Posts Success

Here are some tips about how to create interesting and effective social media posts.

  1. Color and Style

These days people on social media platforms are scanning through their newsfeeds quickly. If they don’t find something interesting, eye-catching, or unique they will ignore it.

Use colors and create a unique style for your business’ social media posts. Your content will be more attractive and recognizable. So your followers will read and interact with your social media posts.

How To: Social Media Posts Success
  1. Be Helpful and Authentic (Original)

You need to create quality and helpful social media posts. But also you can mention your products or services. Important Tip! Don’t oversell

Your followers come to your page because they want to find something interesting or useful. You need to be authentic and also you need to help your followers. You need to gain their trust!

  1. Spark Curiosity – Use Attractive Headlines

Successful marketers know that the headline of an article is the most important part. Stats show that 80% of people read headlines, only 20% read the body copy. A great, attractive, headline can increase traffic, followers, and engagement.

How To: Social Media Posts Success

To make your social media posts more fun, try new ideas or ways to spark curiosity. Playing with headlines that will provoke your readers’ curiosity or make them laugh. Humor and fun are pretty effective!

  1. Use Visuals – Visual Marketing

Visuals in social media posts is a great way to generate more engagement and more social sharing. People love visuals. Don’t forget that people like visuals or video much more than plain text.

  1. Be Creative With Your Social Media Posts
How To: Social Media Posts Success

it’s very important to be creative and playful with your social media posts. But depending on who your target audience is, you may need to experiment a bit to find the perfect social media outline for you. Search a bit for new trends and tips about social media posts and use new ideas to surprise your followers!

  1. Have Fun and Entertainment

Fun social media posts are very effective and useful to entertain your target audience and promote your business. Your followers will share your content if it’s an amusement and they like it.

  1. Share Quality and Value
How To: Social Media Posts Success

For brands, businesses, or marketers success on social media means you need to offer value and quality content to your target audience. You need to become a trustworthy source of relevant content in your area of expertise. (Topic or Niche)

  1. Share Useful Blog Posts

Blog posts are a great content option for social media. Blog posts will attract more interested people and they will encourage your followers to engage with your business online. Also, blog posts will increase targeted traffic and even sales.

You can use blog posts you’ve posted in the past too. Be sure to maintain a good variety of content between reposts.

How To: Social Media Posts Success
  1. Create Evergreen Content

When creating content you need to keep the long game in mind. Evergreen content is useful forever. You can use a valuable blog post, an informative infographic, or a how-to video.

If a social media post offers timeless value to your target audience, it can remain relevant for a long time. and will be shared many times.

  1. Post Schedule and Consistent

As you know it’s important to create content for humans, but you need and the search engines (Big Trouble). One of the best ways to do that is to post engaging content on a regularly.

How To: Social Media Posts Success

Stats show that a business that posts daily or at least five times a week generates more engagement, traffic, and higher rankings on search engines.

Important Tip! Social media and the online world are changing pretty fast. You cannot use past tips and techniques. You need to learn about new trends and tips. Also, you need to use innovation and new ideas! You need to create quality and effective social media posts to generate engagement and sales.

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Instagram Tips: How to Create Engaging Carousels [Infographic]

Instagram Tips: How to Create Engaging Carousels [Infographic]

Instagram is a very popular visually-oriented social media platform. Many brands and marketers are using Instagram to advertise their products or services. Also, Instagram can help you to build relationships with your target audience.

Instagram has a very effective post format known as a carousel. It enables users to add up to ten photos or videos in the same post.

Here’s everything you need to know about to create engaging Instagram carousel posts.

  1. Instagram Carousel – Explanation

Instagram carousel is a format that allows you to add up to ten images or videos into one single post.

These types of posts are visually appealing and interactive.

There are three ways in which you can use an Instagram carousel: for posts, stories, and Instagram carousel ads.

  1. How to Create Instagram Carousels

a. Use templates

Make a few templates so that you can access them easily and create your carousel faster.

b. Quality and Interesting Copy

Visuals are important, but people pay more attention to the copy, and if that is not interesting or useful enough, people will go away.

It’s important to create quality copy for your Instagram carousel slides. Also, your carousel captions need to be captivating.

People should want to find out more about your business after seeing your content, so you need to grab their attention.

c. Research and Find Interesting Ideas

You need to find new interesting ideas. Research your competitors and see what new ideas they have or what your target audience is searching for.

A very effective strategy is to interact with your users, study what they find attractive on your page, and what they follow you for.

  1. Use Hashtags and A Call To Action

Hashtags are very useful to increase your visibility. Important. They should be relevant to your target audience.

Always end your carousel with a call to action to engage the audience. It can be anything from prompting them to write something in the comments or to share your content.

  1. Tell A Story

People love to tell or listen to stories, and carousels are a very effective medium to tell yours. If you create interesting stories your viewers will appreciate it and keep coming back for more.

Also, it’s very important to have your style and leave your mark on every carousel so that the viewers can feel like they know you and they will trust you and your content. (Carousels)

Instagram carousel is a new trend that can help you to grow your business and your brand.

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Blogging: 7 Effective Types of Blog Posts You Need to Know

Blogging: 7 Effective Types of Blog Posts You Need to Know

There are many different types of blog posts you can create. Here are 7 effective types of blog posts you need to know. These blog posts are fun to create and will keep things interesting for you and your readers.

  1. Step-by-Step Tutorial (How-To Posts)

Tutorials are one of the best types of blog posts for any niche, topic or business.

“How to” headlines tend to get more traffic and shares. That’s because they solve a specific problem the reader is having right now.

To come up with a tutorial topic, just think of the biggest problems your audience is dealing with. Then teach them how to solve it, step-by-step! The easier your tutorial is to follow, the better.

  1. Checklists or Cheat Sheets

Everyone loves cheat sheets and checklists because they make things easy! You can create cheat sheets and checklists as handy references for any kind of task.

Think about what tasks are common in your niche or industry. What do most of your audience do regularly? Could they do it better if they had a handy checklist or a cheat sheet to reference?

This type of blog post is also great for getting more email subscribers because you can offer a downloadable PDF version of your cheat sheet if the reader signs up to your email list.

  1. Free Giveaway or Contest

Looking for a blog post that will get you tons of traffic and shares? Then you need to run a giveaway on your blog!

This type of blog post can quickly go viral and help you grow your traffic, shares, and email list fast.

Free giveaways don’t always have to be physical products. You can also offer digital downloads like an e-book, an infographic or anything around your niche of work.

To run your giveaway, you can use RafflePress if your site runs on WordPress. Also, there are some other WordPress plugins you can use.

  1. Storytelling

Storytelling is scientifically proven to have a powerful impact on the reader’s brain. Also, success stories are some of the most popular stories to share.

You can write a case study about yourself or someone else. Think about the biggest successes in your blog or business, and share how you achieved them. Be specific and give numbers and facts whenever possible.

  1. Influencers and Expert Roundup

Every niche has its influencers. These are popular, influential people who are thought leaders in their specialty. They often have huge social media followings and everyone shares their blog posts.

To inspire your followers, you can share a list of the best influencers to follow or the best blogs in your niche. You can also add a link to their Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook page. If they have a website leave a link to that too.

This “expert roundup” type of blog post has a lot of benefits!

Establish you as an industry expert
Serve as outreach to connect with powerful influencers
Attract a lot of shares and backlinks to your blog
It’s a win-win-win for you, your readers, and all the influencers you include.

  1. Answer All Questions

Compiling answers to frequently asked questions in your niche is a great type of blog post.

Where should you get the questions from? If you’ve already built up an audience, you probably get questions via your blog comments, social media, or emails from your readers.

You can easily find frequently asked questions online.

Here are a few places to look:

Try a few Google searches related to your niche and look for a “People Also Ask” box with related questions.

Use forums related to your niche and look for popular or repeat questions.

Use AnswerThePublic.com to look up questions and other keywords.

Use Quora to find common questions

  1. Share What Others Are Saying

You can also come up with a post that covers what people are saying. The subject can widely vary. It can be about a newly launched product, a video that just went viral or a social campaign.

Choose a topic that your audience can relate to.

Start to create these types of blog posts and will generate more targeted blog traffic. Keep going and create useful, informative and high-quality posts to help your target audience.

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