Tag Archives: revenue

How to Increase Revenue from Your Website

How to Increase Revenue from Your Website

Useful Stats about Revenue and Business Websites

35% of visitors fail to achieve their goal when they visit company websites! By following 2 simple rules, you can increase your web-derived revenue by 1/3 or more!

Renowned website usability researcher, Jakob Nielsen, published results of his latest study. His test subjects used 139 websites. On average, they failed to find what they were looking for 35% of the time. Shockingly, 37% of users couldnt even find company location details!

What was surprising was that users didnt give up. They generally found the information they were after but they found it at a competitors site!

So how do you stop potential customers falling into the hands of your competitors? Nielsen is right when he suggests user research. Yes, its imperative that know what your users need at your site. But what he doesnt say is how to structure your website so it meets users needs.

There are two golden rules:
1) Write first, build later
2) Write to your customer

Write first, build later

The real message on most websites is in the writing. It makes sense, then, that the writing should determine the structure.

Unfortunately, this is not the case for most businesses. For them, the writing is an afterthought. They structure and design their website first, then try to fit the writing to the structure. This flies in the face of common sense. When you speak to someone, you structure your speech around your message. You dont decide on a structure, then change the message to suit!

For a truly usable website, you need to plan what you want to say before you create the site perhaps even write the whole thing. The message the writing should determine the structure.

Write to your customer

So how do you decide what to write?

Firstly, dont think, What do I want to say?. When youre writing a website, you have to think, What does my customer want to know?. Its a very subtle difference, but its the key to engaging writing. And thats what you want to do engage the customer.

Most customers will want to know the basics:

– What do you do?
– What benefit do you offer them?
– Why should they choose your service or product?
– Why should they choose your service or product and not your competitors?
– What does it cost?
– How can they contact you?
– Where are you located?

Your website has to communicate a lot of information. And to make matters worse, youre going to have limited screen real-estate. Ideally, your customer wont have to scroll especially on your homepage (all your information will fit within a single window). And you cant fill the whole screen with writing, either. The design and navigation elements take up about a third of the window, and you should leave a bit for white space (you dont want to overwhelm your customer). As a rule of thumb, you should expect to have about 1/3 of the window at your disposal for the writing.

Chances are, right now youre thinking, How am I going to fit it all in?. Well, thats where your writing skills come in. Choose your words very carefully

Websites can be an extremely powerful piece of marketing collateral. You can reach millions for just a few hundred dollars. Unfortunately, your competitors can do the same thing. Its a level playing field, but there are a lot of players. Its important that your thoughts are structured, otherwise your site will be a mess. If your message is clear, your site will be simple and easy to use. Its all in the words

8 More Reasons to Write for Your Audience

1) There are approximately 550 billion documents on the web

2) Every day another 7 million are added

3) Workers take so long trying to find information that it costs organisations $750 billion annually! (A.T. Kearney, Network Publishing study, April 2001)

4) Reading from a monitor is 25% slower than reading from paper. (Sun Microsystems, 1998)

5) Helpful content develops site loyalty. The average person visits no more than 19 websites in the entire month in order to avoid information overload. (Nielsen NetRatings in Jan 2001)

6) 79% of users scan read when online (Sun Microsystems, 1998)

7) Information gathering is the most common use of the Internet – 73% (American Express survey, 2000)

8) 48% of people use the Internet to find work-related information as opposed to 7% who use magazines. (Lyra Research, 2001)

How To Increase Your Adsense Conversion Rates

How To Increase Your Adsense Conversion Rates

Most online marketers are familiar with Google Adsense which is a Pay-Per Click (PPC) service. Every time someone clicks on an Adsense advertisement on your blog or website, you are paid a portion of the revenue which Google collects from the advertiser. But do you know how it all works and how you can make more money with it?

How well you do with Adsense all depends on how well you are using your keywords. All you need to do is find the keywords that bring in more revenue per click. Sounds simple enough but you need to do a little research to get these keywords.

While getting a lot of traffic will get you more impressions of your Adsense ads, you also want to get more clicks. There are several things that you can do to increase clicks. First of all, make sure that your ads are placed in a prime location where visitors will see them. Next, make sure you don’t have too many other links on your pages that visitors might be tempted to click rather than clicking on the Adsense ad. You can also change the graphics/style of your Adsense ads to make them more appealing to the eye and/or to fit better along with your blog or website theme.

But the real determiners of your Adsense conversion are the keywords that you use. One reason that Adsense is so popular is that you aren’t just randomly shooting your ads to millions who don’t care at all what you are promoting. When you able to customize an ad for your target audience based on where they find the ad and what they are interested in, your conversion rates will increase.

Google can evaluate what your site visitor would be interested in based on the content/keywords that your website/blog contains. When used in the right way, this can be more powerful and effective than the biggest, loudest, most popular commercials on television.

It’s important to keep in mind that the costliest clicks are not necessarily the best ones in terms of conversion. Although you can find some keywords that pay $40 to $50 per click, you really won’t earn very much if no one is clicking on them anyway. So, it’s better to seek out the keywords and keyword phrases that people are often clicking on. There are many free tools that you can use to find these words. Google Trends or the Google Adwords Keyword Tool are just a couple.

Just as important is finding the highest converting keywords. Your goal is to find the keywords that effectively balance the quality of the keyword and a high possibility that people will click on it. When you hit that right optimized balance, your Adsense conversion rates will increase dramatically.
Adsense Tips for Bloggers
It doesn’t matter what type of blog you have, you can blog about virtually anything and still have the potential to make money.
All you have to do is sign up for Google’s Adsense program, for free, and they will place adds directly on your site for products and services related to your site. When someone clicks on one of the ads on your site you will get paid.

1. Get more traffic. There are a lot of ways you can do that and the processes can be as simple and free or as advanced and technical as you like, it really depends on whether you are online to make a living or just online to have some fun and making some extra cash. More traffic to your site is more money from Adsense.
2. Leverage your money making potential by setting up many blogs. Don’t let the idea of having multiple blogs scare you off, there are easy ways you can automate the system to make it very easy to build your own ‘blog empire’. If you want to make a full time income online, that’s one of the best ways to go.

Adsense blogging is a simple and easy way for anyone to make a little extra cash online. The bottom line is that it’s really all up to you to increase your adsense conversion rates.