Tag Archives: attraction

Digital Marketing: 5 Effective Attraction Marketing Tips

Digital Marketing: 5 Effective Attraction Marketing Tips
Digital Marketing: 5 Effective Attraction Marketing Tips

These days digital marketing is changing. But the basic goal of marketers, businesses, and brands are the same: to convince members of a target audience to become paying customers.

Stats show that consumers are becoming displeased with marketing tactics that are “salesy.”

Digital Marketing: 5 Attraction Marketing Tips

This is one of the reasons why many marketers and brands have started using attraction marketing.

Digital Marketing: 5 Attraction Marketing Tips

Attraction marketing involves giving a customer a reason to buy a product or service without directly asking them to do.

Attraction marketing makes a customer buy a product by demonstrating its value.

Here are some tips you need to know about attraction marketing and how to increase sales.

1. Provide Valuable And Quality Content

One of the reasons attraction marketing works is because it helps a brand to build a positive reputation.

Digital Marketing: 5 Effective Attraction Marketing Tips

Brands can improve their reputation by providing valuable and quality content. Many businesses now are using blogs and podcasts to offer their audiences information they may find useful or even entertaining.

Valuable content will allow businesses and brands to show off their products or services in a natural (physical) way.

This tactic shows consumers why they should buy the products, but it does not force those products on them.

Remember, this is important because consumers have become tired of traditional marketing strategies.

Digital Marketing: 5 Effective Attraction Marketing Tips

Think about ways you can provide valuable content to your target audience and also show them what your products can do.

By publishing this type of content regularly, you’ll have a better chance to build a strong and loyal customer base.

2. Marketing Channels To Market Your Brand

This is very important when developing attraction marketing campaigns. If you want to show off your products to customers, you need to market your products via marketing channels that give you the best opportunities.

Digital Marketing: 5 Effective Attraction Marketing Tips

Many fashion brands collaborate with influencers to market their products on Instagram.

This is because Instagram is a visual platform and people visit it with the expectation to find products that appeal to them.

Also, some brands are better to tell stories about their values and missions. They can create effective attraction marketing campaigns by using channels that allow them to tell stories while demonstrating how their products and services can benefit consumers.

Digital Marketing: 5 Effective Attraction Marketing Tips

Attraction marketing is like any other form of marketing. You can achieve the results you wish if you take the time to consider which marketing channels are best suited to your specific goals.

You need to study the strategies of other brands and how they used attraction marketing for lead generation and sales.

3. Use Testimonials

Stats show that many people trust user reviews and not the promotional content of businesses or brands.

Digital Marketing: 5 Effective Attraction Marketing Tips

So if you’ve collected positive reviews and testimonials from happy customers you should promote them through your website or even ads.

This is a simple but powerful way to generate interest among new leads who might be skeptical that your products are valuable and useful for them.

4. Target Audience And Needs

It’s essential to remember that when marketing a product or service you need to prove to your target audience that what you’re offering can fulfill a need they have.

Digital Marketing: 5 Effective Attraction Marketing Tips

Don’t forget this principle when planning attraction marketing campaigns.

Make sure that you can show new leads very clearly why they need your product or how your product can improve their lives.

5. Use Email Marketing

Email marketing can help you to build a relationship with new leads.

Even if an ad or campaign generates interest you can’t expect them to immediately become paying customers. You need to gain their trust!

Digital Marketing: 5 Effective Attraction Marketing Tips

So it’s smart to use attraction marketing campaigns with other types of marketing.

Many research indicates that email marketing can be highly effective. It allows brands to manage and improve lead engagement.

If a lead subscribes to your email list you can send them messages to describe why your products offer value to them.

You must always remember to show off your products naturally instead of promoting them in a manner that is pushy or intrusive.

Last Tip

Like any form of marketing, attraction marketing is both an art and a science.

You need to experiment with many strategies before determining how to take advantage of this marketing trend.

Digital Marketing: 5 Effective Attraction Marketing Tips

It’s not enough to have a good product – you need to market it well.

The key to marketing successfully your brand is to understand what makes people buy.

So, you need a deep understanding of who your target audience is and how they want to be marketed too.

Now it’s time to take action! Create an effective attraction marketing campaign to generate more sales.


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The “Magical” Science Behind The Law of Attraction


Many people are interested in learning how to create the life they desire and attract abundance, but are still looking for a way to ground the magical science behind the law of attraction in some kind of scientific reality. The result is a new era of research into the brain and body, mind and consciousness and a way to connect new scientific concepts with ideas about creating reality that have been around forever.

The law of attraction is about matching energetic frequencies to attract the things we desire into our experience. It is based on the idea that like attracts like, and equally dislike attracts dislike. Whatever you are focused on grows – be it good or bad, negative or positive.

It doesn’t make any difference whether you believe in the validity of the Law of Attraction or not, as a law, just like gravity, it is working its effect on you regardless. Your thoughts dictate your reality. Wouldn’t you like to know how to deliberately harness this powerful law?

The Law of Attraction and some Simple Quantum Physics:

Delving just a little into basic quantum physics we can see where scientific concepts make sense of the Law of Attraction (The Magical Science Behind The Law of Attraction). Einstein’s Theory of Relativity showed us that atomic energy vibrates at different rates. His famous equation E= mc2 proved that energy and matter are two sides of the same coin.

The entire universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. The same energy that exists all over the universe exists within us. Energy therefore is at the basis of all physical reality.

Just like EVERYTHING else in the universe, each atom that makes up our physical bodies is vibrating at a specific frequency.

Our cells communicate with each other in tiny impulses (biophotons) – tiny sparks of light energy carried inside our bodies.

This energy is light and is always moving both within and around our physical beings, but it is too difficult for us to perceive these different vibrations with our human senses.

Just KNOWING that we are made up of the same energy as everything else that exists can help us to BELIEVE that intelligence, an invisible consciousness exists within all of us.

Our destiny really is controlled by our conscious and unconscious thoughts and feelings. We have the power as human beings to manifest into reality any potential future that we choose to attract. The power lies within our own minds and within the universal mind in all its potentiality.

There are simple, everyday ways you can begin to align your energy with the energy of your desires.

Find the feeling place
Practice acting, speaking and being like the person of your dreams.
Take positive action towards your dreams.
Understand that what you desire on some vibrational, energetic level already exists. You have to open your mind to the infinite, limitless potential of the universe, and the fact that time and space are man made constructs of reality.

There are different future potentials that already exist on an energetic level – you get to choose which one you want to experience by your clear focus and attention.

1. FIND THE FEELING PLACE – Think Positive

Practice the fun of imagining what it would feel like to have the thing you want. Go as far as you can in your imagination before negative “reality” thinking takes over. What would it feel like to not be worried anymore about your finances or your health? Try to spend some time each day to really conjure up those feelings within your emotional and physical body.

Neuroscience teaches us that we have something like 70,000 thoughts a day and 90% of them are the same as the day before. During our lifetimes we hardwire patterns of thought into our brains and these patterns just reinforce our beliefs, perspectives and attitudes over and over again.

You have to make a deliberate effort to think differently to how you are used to. You have to access new thoughts by finding the feeling place of the things you want. When you FEEL your way forward, you attract new thoughts that will then begin to hardwire your neural pathways into new positive patterns.


To attract whatever it is you desire, you have to act as if you already have it. Now you might find that hard right,

how can I act as if I have lots of money when I know I earn minimum wage? That is where the power of thought, imagination and visualization comes in.

Imagine what this newly manifested reality would feel like to you as the person living it. How would you act differently? How would you speak to others and importantly to yourself? Would you walk differently or wear different clothes? One of the best things you can do to start drawing in new experiences to your life is to act as if.

Do you want to be a professional writer? Start behaving as if you already are one. Get a routine that you know real professionals follow, project that image in your mind and don’t let criticism from your self or others ruin it.

Once you start to embody who you really are you cannot help but actually become that person. The Law of Attraction has to respond to you, and remember our brains do not know the difference between real and imagined. Our minds are so powerful, whatever we believe is what begins to be shown to us over time.

One of the hardest parts of the law of attraction that people don’t tend to talk about is the fact that it is difficult, near impossible to create a new reality, i.e. the manifestation of your desires, from a mental and emotional place that is the same as your old or present reality.

The solution is on a different frequency than the problem. That is why literally going into a new frame of mind is essential. You have to strip away limiting beliefs, outdated self-image and any feelings of unworthiness and negativity.

You have to create from a place of open-minded belief and self-love. You have to be prepared to change.

When you love yourself, anything is possible. When you love yourself, you do not have to force things or convince yourself of anything, you just expect good things to happen and so they do.


Clearly you have to actually behave in a way that supports the manifestation of your dreams too. Attitude is everything; there is a difference between forcing yourself to do something you don’t want to and taking positive action from a place of happy, optimistic expectation.

For example, if you want to make money in a freelance business but are currently stuck in a 9-5 job you hate (make that more likely 8 -7) you could begin by doing research on the type of thing you would rather be doing.

Read articles about people who made it as entrepreneurs and note how they did it, what steps they took. There is always time in the day to do something, even just ten minutes extra a day that you put aside as your “positive action” time will help to boost your confidence and self belief that you are doing something for your future.

If you want to get fit, it could be the ten minutes a day you go for a longer walk or a run. Maybe you start small and you add in some extra stretches or yoga before bed. Whatever it is, the key is make it fun and feel good about yourself while doing it.

How many people sit on their dreams and don’t actually do anything towards making them happen?

Take a leap of faith, control what is within your control regarding your dream and then leave the rest up to the simple science of the Law of Attraction.

Click on the link here to discover more about how Manifestation Magic can help you.



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