Tag Archives: visual

Visual Content: 8 Visual Trends for 2022 [Infographic]

Visual Content: 8 Visual Trends for 2022 [Infographic]
Visual Content: 8 Visual Trends for 2022 [Infographic]

It’s a new year, and online culture has shifted significantly over the last 24 months. Have you changed your approach to visual content and/or branding in line with evolving trends?

Visual Content: 8 Visual Trends for 2022

Of course, you don’t have to update your visual approach, necessarily, as a key part of effective branding is developing a recognizable, consistent strategy.

But even so, updating the presentation style of your posts, or re-arranging your photoshoots and product displays to match consumer interest, can yield solid results.

So what are the latest trends of note, and do they fit with your 2022 brand aesthetic?

The team from Depositphotos recently asked a range of digital marketing experts for their insights on the latest trends, and matched that up with their own data insights to provide some perspective on where people are looking, and what’s catching their eye in social feeds.

Visual Content: 5 Tools to Create Excellent Visual Assets

Visual Content: 5 Tools to Create Excellent Visual Assets
Visual Content: 5 Tools to Create Excellent Visual Assets

We’re living in a visual content age. These days people prefer images to text, videos to articles, or even emojis. Visual content it’s the new universal language.

Visual Content: How to Create Excellent Visual Assets

The percentage of marketers who say that video is an important part of their marketing strategy grow from 78% in 2015 to 93% by 2020, and 48% said that they saw ROI on video increase last year.

Visual Content: How to Create Excellent Visual Assets

Also, stats show that 41% of marketers say that visual content was their most efficient marketing tactic in 2020. But only 27% said they were using visual content creation tools.

Here are some useful tools that you can use to create excellent visual assets without spending all day on them.

1. Visme for infographics

Infographics have been used by social media marketers and businesses for decades. But infographics remain the best and most beautiful way to present a lot of data and statistics.

Visual Content: How to Create Excellent Visual Assets

Infographics are easy to consume, but they can be tough to produce. Thankfully, Visme helps make it much easier.

Visme offers more than templates. It has pre-made elements like text blocks, editable graphs, graphics, statistics blocks, and a drag-and-drop editor.

2. Filtertune for photos

Stats show that posts with images get more traffic than posts with text only. Also, they generate 30% more shares and 25% more backlinks

But one of the biggest challenges for marketers is to produce visuals that match their branding.

Visual Content: How to Create Excellent Visual Assets

Filters and presets can help. When every image is processed using the same preset, it creates a consistency of branding regardless of the content.

Filtertune is a mobile photo editor with thousands of filters for images and videos that are simple to use for non-designers.

You can produce awesome results in a few seconds. You can use one of the community-created filters offered for discovery, or you use the editor to create your filter.

Visual Content: How to Create Excellent Visual Assets

With Filtertune, you can choose one or a combination of filters and apply them to your images.

Also, you can save your filters to your library, and then you can apply the same look to all of your visuals.

3. Elementor for visual web assets

Websites and landing pages are very effective in engaging and converting leads.

In a recent survey, 90% of people said they’ve bounced from a site because it was poorly designed

Visual Content: How to Create Excellent Visual Assets

Everything from the navigation to the color scheme can make a difference, but if you’re not a design expert, it can be difficult to create these visual assets.

Elementor is an easy-to-use website builder platform. It has a library of designer-made website kits and also it has educational design resources.

Elementor can help you to understand a wide variety of design-related issues and create a professional-looking website.

4. Crello for animation

With animation, you can take visuals and create funny and memorable videos that are ideal for tutorials, training videos, and explainer clips.

Visual Content: How to Create Excellent Visual Assets

Video content is popular, and consumers like to share video content more than any other type of content.

Stats show that 94% of marketers saying that video converts better than other content forms.

Crello has a large library of animation templates and pre-animated objects and characters. Also, you can upload your animation if you have a corporate character or favorite sequence.

Visual Content: How to Create Excellent Visual Assets

You can use Crello’s free editing software to combine videos and GIFs with animated images.

The platform also integrates directly with social media channels, making it easy to publish your completed creations.

5. Blush for illustrations

Illustrations and drawings are very effective in customer engagement, but what do you do if you can’t draw?

Visual Content: How to Create Excellent Visual Assets

Use Blush. The cloud-based platform has more than 10,000 illustrations, sorted into collections of different styles created by artists from around the world

You can choose the illustration style you prefer, swap out different elements, mix and match characters and backgrounds, and tweak the colors to match your branding.

You can save the designs to re-use them later on. Blush offers downloadable copyright-free vectors, so you can scale images up and down at will.

Visual Content: How to Create Excellent Visual Assets

Last Tip

There’s no need to compromise on your visual marketing assets just because it takes too long

Use one of these tools to make awesome illustrations, websites, images, animations, and infographics that add value to your marketing mix.

Take action now and never give up!

Visual Content: How to Create Excellent Visual Assets


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Visual Experiences: 5 Tips on How to Increase Your Sales with Quality Images

Visual Experiences: 5 Tips on How to Increase Your Sales with Quality Images
Visual Experiences: 5 Tips on How to Increase Your Sales with Quality Images

Visual experiences are a powerful way to attract new audiences and impress your customers by improving your visual marketing techniques.

Visual Experiences: How to Increase Your Sales – Visualization Techniques

These days online competition is pretty high. So it’s vital to ensure that you have a successful visual experience marketing strategy to increase your sales.

Here are some tips you need to know about visual experiences and how to increase your sales with quality images.

1. Use Infographics

When you’re selling online your first step is to grab customer’s attention. So infographics is a great way to pique their interest.

Visual Experiences: How to Increase Your Sales - Visualization Techniques

You could use a graph to quickly illustrate information, or use a flow chart that helps your clients find the answer they need.

You can position your infographic in a prominent position on your website so it makes an immediate impact.

2. Use Quality Images

Visual selling requires high-quality images that make your products look their best. You can use editing software to tidy up your photographs.

Visual Experiences: How to Increase Your Sales - Visualization Techniques

Also, you can use methods such as darkening the area around your product while putting it in the spotlight to make it stand out.

Make sure that your pictures give an accurate representation of what you are selling on your e-commerce store or website.

3. Use More Visual Options – Impress Your Customers

The more visual options you give your customers, the more likely they will see something they like and want to buy.

Visual Experiences: How to Increase Your Sales - Visualization Techniques

For example, if you sell shoes or clothes, you could provide images with different colors, sizes, or shape options for the same product.

Tip. You can use a plugin such as variation images for WooCommerce. (WordPress)

You can also include pictures of a model wearing your clothes so people can see how they look on a person.

This can be an excellent way to encourage customers to keep looking at your products for longer.

4. Use Social Media

If you want to increase sales, you need to go where your customers are. There are plenty of consumers on social media platforms.

Visual Experiences: How to Increase Your Sales - Visualization Techniques

The good news is that people love to share images with visual appeal, so you can encourage shoppers to send your content (Images) to their friends and families.

Sites like Instagram, Facebook, even Twitter, are superb platforms for posting images. They already have huge online audiences for you to appeal to with your brilliant images.

5. Boost Your Brand With High-Quality Images

When you create excellent visual experiences for customers, they will love your website.

Visual Experiences: How to Increase Your Sales - Visualization Techniques

You can take them on a journey that grabs their attention and guides them through your sales funnel.

You can also provide them with attractive content and quality images. So they can share online to further boost your brand awareness.

If you know what to do, some of your visual content could even go viral!


Start Your Successful Business Today! – Watch the Video – Affiliate Marketing System


Visual Marketing: 7 Trends and Tips You Need to Know in 2021

Visual Marketing: 7 Trends and Tips You Need to Know in 2021
Visual Marketing: 7 Trends and Tips You Need to Know in 2021

Visual marketing is a top priority for marketers, businesses, and brands. Stats show that 55% of marketing experts say that visual marketing is very important to their overall marketing strategy.

Visual Marketing: Trends and Tips You Need to Know in 2021

The main reason is simple. Reports show that people who read information only 10% remember it 2 days later. If the same information is in a visual format, 65% of people remember it after 2 or more days.

Visual marketing is predicted to keep growing (80% of businesses predicted to use visual content in 2021).

Visual Marketing: Trends and Tips You Need to Know in 2021

Here are some visual marketing trends and tips you need to know and use in 2021.

  1. Mobile Video Content (Effective and Popular)

Many experts are predicting that mobile video content will generate 82% of global consumer traffic by 2022.

These days more people are consuming content on the go. So mobile-optimized video content will be a top priority for marketers and brands. More users are craving video-first content. Also, 55% of consumers looking for more video content from the brands they support.

Visual Marketing: Trends and Tips You Need to Know in 2021

People love video content that educates, inspires, and entertains.

How to create video content for your mobile audience.

Add captions: 80% of viewers watch video content with sound off. So you need to add captions to your video content.

Use vertical dimensions: It’s better to create video content in vertical than horizontal dimensions. (Mobile Phones)

Visual Marketing: Trends and Tips You Need to Know in 2021

Use live videos: live videos will help you to engage with your audience in real-time.

  1. Short Videos and Social Media (TikTok)

TikTok is the fastest-growing social media platform. (1.2 billion average monthly active users in 2021).

Also, Instagram has started to use TikTok-style video with the launch of Instagram Reels.

Visual Marketing: Trends and Tips You Need to Know in 2021

For marketers and brands, short-video content is an important visual content marketing trend. Videos need to be short, fast-paced, with a playful blend of video, audio, and text overlays to communicate your key message.

The faster you communicate your key message, the faster you can engage your audience.

  1. Visuals and Augmented and Virtual Reality

AR and VR are interactive technologies that provide exciting opportunities for brands and businesses in 2021.

Visual Marketing: Trends and Tips You Need to Know in 2021

Reports show that customers love to shop at retailers using VR and AR technology.

This interactive technology allows businesses to surprise and delight customers in innovative ways with visual content marketing.

  1. Educational and Visual Content Marketing

These days there is a rise of educational visual content marketing that teaches your audience something new. (Pandemic Effect).

Visual Marketing: Trends and Tips You Need to Know in 2021

E-learning will become a significant trend in 2021. Stats show that e-learning has already grown by 36.3% and will keep growing.

There are many ways to use visuals to educate your audience throughout your content marketing strategy.

Infographics are a great way to do this. (67% of marketers are using infographics).

Visual Marketing: Trends and Tips You Need to Know in 2021

Research shows that people who follow text and visual directions do 323% better than those who follow directions without visuals. Infographic is a great way to engage and educate your audience and it’s more effective than text.

  1. Live Streaming and Brands

All the major social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and even LinkedIn now offering live streaming to brands and businesses.

Visual Marketing: Trends and Tips You Need to Know in 2021

Stats show that 82% of users prefer to see live video from a brand, rather than a standard social media post. Also, 70% of users who engaged with live video content watch a live stream at least once per day.

The opportunities of live video content (Live Streaming) are endless for brands and marketers.

3 Tips for effective live video content. (Live Stream)

Define who your audience is, what format you’re going to use, and where you’re going to host your live stream.

Plan an agenda for your live stream. You need to cover the most important or interesting information in the time allocated.

Visual Marketing: Trends and Tips You Need to Know in 2021

Promote your live stream ahead of time to build anticipation and boost attendance.

  1. Stories and Social Media Platforms

500 million users are engaging with Instagram Stories daily. Branded stories inspire action from users.

Visual Marketing: Trends and Tips You Need to Know in 2021

The same goes for Facebook. 500 million users interacting with Facebook Stories every day.

And most recently, LinkedIn launched its version of stories.

Stories encourage users and brands to build trust and start two-way conversations using more candid Stories content.

Visual Marketing: Trends and Tips You Need to Know in 2021

The Stories format is designed for mobile-first engagement. So this visual content format is a powerful way to interact with and build relationships with other users.

  1. Shoppable Visual Content will Increase Sales on Social Media

Already, 71% of social media users are using social media for purchase discovery and research. New platform features are making it even easier to convert followers into customers.

Visual Marketing: Trends and Tips You Need to Know in 2021

Instagram’s new shoppable post features are giving brands the ability to use visual content marketing to sell their products.

It’s important to create and share engaging visual content that will inspire users to buy your products.

Last Tip

Visual Marketing: Trends and Tips You Need to Know in 2021

It’s important to know the new visual marketing trends and tips. The latest trends are all about capturing interest using visual content.

Also, video content is very effective for brands and marketers. You need to create short videos to boost your reach on social media platforms and increase your sales and profits.

Visual Marketing: Trends and Tips You Need to Know in 2021

New Tip!

Discover the Best Platform to Promote Your YouTube Videos. https://www.bestprofitsonline.com/myblog/videopro

Digital Marketing: Tips to Boost Your Visual Content [Infographic]

Digital Marketing: Tips to Boost Your Visual Content [Infographic]

These days visual content is one of the most effective tools for businesses, marketers, or bloggers. The visual trend keeps growing because people love visuals much more than text.

Social media platforms now are using videos, graphics, pictures, images, and memes. Also, most recently they are using GIFs, 360 photos, and live video.

Most famous marketing executives believe that visual assets like photos, videos, illustrations, and infographics are amazing tools and they are using visual marketing to promote their business or brand.

But not everyone knows how to effectively use graphics, images, photos, and videos.

Here are some tips about how to improve your digital marketing strategy and boost your amazing visual content.

  1. Share Images

BuzzSumo found that posts with images have 2.5x more engagement on social media in comparison to posts without. So you need to publish content featuring images or videos to engage more interested people or your target audience.

Attention! It’s very important to use high-quality, eye-catching, images for your website, blog, or social media.

  1. Use Infographics

Infographics are a visual way to present data. Infographics are pretty effective for your content marketing strategy.

Many stats show that infographics are liked and shared 3X more than any other type of content on social media.

Infographics are very useful to present research results, showing the passage of time, or even showing a how-to guide.

This type of content is most useful and effective for bloggers who want to create a better explanation for complicated concepts.

Readers love to learn new things in a unique and amazing way. (Infographics)

  1. Use Memes

Memes are known as images that are accompanied by humorous captions. They have their own, unique, way to attract more and more people. Some of the most famous blogs are using memes as a funny way to present a certain point or a quote.

The most effective memes will engage your readers with humor and creativity. Also, you will get more likes, shares, and comments.

  1. Create Presentations

Presentations are a very effective tool for your visual content marketing strategy.

The use of presentations is similar to that of infographics. Visual elements, shapes, and colors are used to create an attractive design and gain the attention, interest, of your readers.

You can use popular online platforms, like Slideshare, to share your presentations and generate targeted traffic to your website or blog.

  1. Vlogs and Videos

Vlogs and live videos are very popular on social media. Videos are useful and pretty effective to promote your business, products, or services.

Also, a live video event is a perfect way to create a more intimate bond with your social followers.

All types of visual content can help you to generate engagement and increase your traffic and followers on social media.

So you need to create an effective digital marketing strategy to take full advantage of visual content.

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