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Influencer Marketing: How Micro-Influencers, AI, and Data are Changing the Market

Influencer Marketing: How Micro-Influencers, AI, and Data are Changing the Market
Influencer Marketing: How Micro-Influencers, AI, and Data are Changing the Market

These days social media platforms are changing, algorithm updates and the online world is changing too.

Influencer marketing is impressive and now influencers are more valuable than ever.

Influencer Marketing: How Micro-Influencers, AI, and Data are Changing the Market

Here are some tips you need to know about influencer marketing and how Artificial Intelligence (AI), micro-influencers, and data are changing the market.

1. Micro-Influencers: The New Trend

Some influencers (macro-influencers) are buying mansions, yachts, or even lear jets. They are on the top, but another group has built its empire: micro-influencers.

Influencer Marketing: How Micro-Influencers, AI, and Data are Changing the Market

While cost and demand tend to be attractive for brands looking to partner with what is known as macro-influencers (over 50,000 followers), what’s becoming apparent is that micro-influencers generate better engagement and higher conversion.

Micro-influencers have three times the engagement rates as mega influencers.

Micro-influencers are better than brand influencers. Micro-influencers have garnered the one thing brands are looking for: a very loyal audience.

Why brands prefer micro-influencers:

• Unlimited choices of influencers

• Brands can diversify the influencers they partner with and can use multiple influencers per campaign

• The ability to reach a new targeted demographic (new moms, new marketers, etc.)

Influencer Marketing: How Micro-Influencers, AI, and Data are Changing the Market

Micro-influencers have become experts in converting their audience into buyers. Even influencers that aren’t very well-known have credibility.

They speak the language of a specific audience, and that audience is motivated to buy as a result.

2. Data, Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence

While follower count and reach are important metrics for influencers to track, brands are now more interested in conversions. How much of your audience is motivated to buy?

Influencer Marketing: How Micro-Influencers, AI, and Data are Changing the Market

Now marketers and influencers can work together to track results and gather data with the help of AI.

Brands want to know what they’re getting for their money. Data is important.

Analytics show how much an influencer is interacting with its audience. Brands use that to decide who will represent their campaign.

AI also gives power back to social media platforms. Instagram is changing its algorithm pretty often with the help of AI.

Influencer Marketing: How Micro-Influencers, AI, and Data are Changing the Market

Social media platforms also use machine learning and voice recognition to learn what followers are looking for and what influencers are talking about. This data is used to inform the next algorithm.

Brands get the most out of their influencer ad spend. The influencers get exposure and opportunities.

3. Authenticity, AI, and Virtual Influencers

Many people who use social media say that authenticity is still king. But now, users know if an influencer is promoting a product just for the money.

Influencer Marketing: How Micro-Influencers, AI, and Data are Changing the Market

These days artificial intelligence is changing the market with virtual influencers. They’re real influencers, but not real people.

Virtual influencers are computer animations of actual people. And while it might come as a surprise, these virtual influencers are doing what actual influencers are supposed to do.

They gain followers, establish credibility, and promote products intelligently and authentically.

Influencer Marketing: How Micro-Influencers, AI, and Data are Changing the Market

Virtual influencers are a supplement to actual influencers. They provide entertainment and education, which is what social media is all about.

While young audiences crave authenticity, they also want to be part of something fun and exciting.

The best influencers provide that — even if they’re not real.


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Artificial Intelligence and Web Development: How AI Can Help Your Business

Artificial Intelligence and Web Development: How AI Can Help Your Business
Artificial Intelligence and Web Development: How AI Can Help Your Business

Businesses are using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to make their websites more efficient and improve user experience.

Artificial Intelligence and Web Development: How To Grow Your Business

Social media platforms like Facebook rely on AI to deliver the right content in your news feed. It also uses AI to weed out fake news.

1. How AI can improve your website and web design

Reports show that 75% of users judge the credibility of a business based on the design of its website. The same report showed that credibility is also achieved when a website is easy to access and useful.

Artificial Intelligence and Web Development: How To Grow Your Business

While usefulness is mostly based on the content of your website, ease of access and use are both reliant on the design.

For people who don’t know how to code, AI can make it easy for them to build and manage their website, content, and preferences.

2. Voice assistants & intelligent chatbots

AI-based chatbots and voice assistants have become more popular because they can provide a better customer experience.

Artificial Intelligence and Web Development: How To Grow Your Business

AI-based chatbots can help your customers because they can understand what the user is asking even if the question is worded differently.

Voice assistants have become more personalized. These AI tools can analyze past conversations, learn user preferences, and respond to ensure better engagement and increase customer satisfaction.

3. AI and web development

Many experts predict that this technology will become even more prominent in our lives. IBM states that 85% of retail and 79% of consumer products intend to implement an AI-based supply chain management solution by 2021.

Artificial Intelligence and Web Development: How To Grow Your Business

Also, 86% of CEOs stated that AI is a mainstream technology in their office. And 80% of retail company executives expect that they will be using AI-powered intelligent automation by 2027.

AI is flourishing in a variety of industries and will continue to do so.

Here are some of the benefits of integrating AI in web development.

a. Low-cost website

The creation and design of a website require the expertise of professionals, and the cost can be expensive. For businesses with a limited budget, web design and creation can be more affordable using AI tools.

Artificial Intelligence and Web Development: How To Grow Your Business

Moreover, it makes the process easier because the AI uses user preferences and themes to guide the “creators” in the design, layout, and even content of the website.

Managing the website is also less costly. AI can perform various tasks related to website management but also it can help developers create solutions faster by creating code from scratch.

b. Elevates website design

AI can design your website according to your specific preferences. Also, AI can use current market trends as well as analyze customer behavior to create a website designed for all your users.

Artificial Intelligence and Web Development: How To Grow Your Business

c. Improve experience with customers

First impressions last. You have only 0.05 seconds to make a good one before the user decides to stay on, or leave, your site.

A personalized homepage experience can ensure that your customers stay on your website and keep coming back.

AI can help you gather valuable customer data and analyze it to provide real-time customer insight.

Artificial Intelligence and Web Development: How To Grow Your Business

This technology can help you understand how people are consuming and interacting with your website.

More importantly, it can use that understanding to provide your customers with a positive experience.

AI can provide customers with personalized recommendations such as helpful articles or products they might be interested in.

Another way AI can create a positive experience is by providing 24/7 assistance to your customers. AI-based chatbots can easily understand customers’ questions even though they are phrased differently.

They can even tailor their response based on the language and behavioral cues of the customer.

Artificial Intelligence and Web Development: How To Grow Your Business

More importantly, AI-based chatbots get smarter over time using data they’ve gathered on their interactions with customers.

They can get better at their job at making sure your customers find the answers they’re looking for.

d. Performs more tasks and help your business

AI can also perform a lot of other tasks that can help your business to become successful. Lead generation is one example.

Instead of having a dedicated sales team you can use an AI-based chatbot to handling some of the leads or even all of them.

Artificial Intelligence and Web Development: How To Grow Your Business

Using data and machine learning, the chatbot can sound more conversational and provide a more personalized experience.

AI can also help your sales team qualify leads by gathering and analyzing data much faster.

They can categorize leads based on where they are in the pipeline. They can even analyze data and determine who the company’s “best prospects” are.

Sales are not the only aspect of your business that AI can help improve. Ai can help you to improve your marketing strategies by gathering and analyzing current marketing trends and tips.

Artificial Intelligence and Web Development: How To Grow Your Business

It can use data to identify issues on your website that affect your ranking on Google and provide you with solutions on how to improve it.

Last Tip

Artificial intelligence will become more smart, fast, and helpful for businesses. Advancements in AI are not just about making our lives easier, but also better.

With the AI of today, anyone can create a fully functioning and accessible website that will help them reach their business goals.

Artificial Intelligence and Video Marketing: How to Improve Your Video Marketing With AI

Artificial Intelligence and Video Marketing: How to Improve Your Video Marketing With AI
Artificial Intelligence and Video Marketing: How to Improve Your Video Marketing With AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a great tool for brands, businesses, and marketers. AI has changed the way of how brands and businesses can reach their target audiences.

AI can provide user insights, campaign results, and awesome data.

Artificial Intelligence and Video Marketing Tips

Artificial intelligence can help you to improve user experience because AI can help you to discover their preferences and interests.

Also, AI can help you to create successful video marketing strategies.

Here are some tips you need to know about artificial intelligence and video marketing. And also how to improve your video marketing strategy with the help of AI.

Artificial Intelligence and Video Marketing Tips

1. AI Analytics and Video Marketing.

Many brands and businesses begin to realize the importance of video marketing. These days video engagement keeps growing and many businesses will invest in video marketing.

Stats show that 54% of marketing experts say that video generates the best ROI.

2. AI can Help You to Create Great Video Content

Video marketing content will become more relevant to consumers. Brands and businesses with the help of AI can make data-driven decisions to inform their content.

Artificial Intelligence and Video Marketing Tips

With artificial intelligence analytics, brands now know more about their customers. AI tools and algorithms can help brands discover the data and browsing habits of their customers.

So, now brands can create a video marketing strategy and content that is shaped by customer insights.

Video marketing strategy can be relevant and developed to cater to specific customer profile interests. So customers will watch and click on video content that reflects their interests.

Artificial Intelligence and Video Marketing Tips

AI will create video marketing perfectly tailored to each customer. (It’s Amazing!)

3. AI Can Create Personalized Video Content and Boost Engagement

There are many reasons why personalized marketing is essential these days. Personalized marketing has many benefits and also boosts engagement.

But personalized video marketing is not used a lot yet. (It will become the new trend of video marketing).

Artificial Intelligence and Video Marketing Tips

Stats show that generic marketing content will decrease because of AI marketing customization tools.

AI data can create hyper-personalization video marketing that customers will love. You will love the video content that speaking directly to you.

4. AI can Improve Customer Experience

Many people don’t like video ads if they aren’t relevant to them.

If you can provide video ads only to those customers who have searched for a specific product or service, you will not disturb their viewing experience.

Artificial Intelligence and Video Marketing Tips

Stats show that more customers will purchase a product if they have seen a video about it rather than just read about it.

Video content can promote products or services in a way that text simply can’t. So it’s time to start using AI in your video marketing strategies.

Artificial Intelligence: 5 Tips on How to Grow Your Small Business With AI in 2021

Artificial Intelligence: 5 Tips on How to Grow Your Small Business With AI in 2021
Artificial Intelligence: 5 Tips on How to Grow Your Small Business With AI in 2021

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has many applications for small businesses. Many experts agree that AI has many benefits for businesses. AI may seem expensive in the beginning but it is cost-effective in the long run.

Artificial Intelligence: How to Grow Your Small Business in 2021

Here are some tips you need to know about how to use AI to grow your small business in 2021.

1. Use AI Chatbots to Improve Customer Service

Artificial Intelligence: How to Grow Your Small Business in 2021

The most popular use of AI in business is chatbots.

As a small business, you need to build your brand and gain customer trust. It’s important to provide good customer service and improve your credibility.

AI can help you to solve the biggest customer service problem: long wait times and problem resolution.

AI chatbots can provide prompt service to your customers 24 hours a day.

This will improve your customers’ experience with your business and you will gain their trust and loyalty.

Artificial Intelligence: How to Grow Your Small Business in 2021

2. AI can Help You to Automate Repetitive Tasks

One of the big benefits of artificial intelligence is that it can help you to automate routine or repetitive tasks. You can find specific AI tools and software that can help you to automate those tasks.

Do your research and find the most relevant AI tools for your business.

3. Create Personalized Email Campaigns

Another benefit of AI for small businesses is to create and run automated and personalized email campaigns.

Artificial Intelligence: How to Grow Your Small Business in 2021

You can use AI-powered email marketing platforms to create highly targeted email campaigns. You can invest in a good AI tool to do that for you and save a lot of money in the long run.

Email marketing is a very effective marketing strategy to increase your sales and grow your small business. AI can help you optimize your campaigns and run automated email campaigns.

4. Use AI to Track Your Visitors – Get Insights

AI can track your website visitor’s behavior and activities. So you can get customer insights.

Artificial Intelligence: How to Grow Your Small Business in 2021

You can understand how your visitors move through your sales funnel or what they are searching for. This will help you to understand your customers’ buyer journeys and design better sales funnels or a better website.

AI-powered analytics tools also can help you to optimize and improve your marketing and SEO strategy. So you can get more traffic and conversions through your website.

5. Use AI to Generate More Sales

AI chatbots also can help you to generate more sales and improve your marketing strategy.

Artificial Intelligence: How to Grow Your Small Business in 2021

Chatbots can ask questions and direct your visitors to relevant resources and product pages. This will improve the customer experience. Chatbots will help your customers to find exactly what they are looking for.

AI can also make personalized product recommendations to your visitors based on their past purchases and search histories. This can help you to generate more sales.

Also, AI can help you to personalize your ad campaigns. AI will show different ads to different users based on their past online behavior and the products they are interested in.

Artificial Intelligence: How to Grow Your Small Business in 2021

AI can help you to increase your sales by creating targeted and personalized marketing campaigns.

Last Tip

AI has a lot of benefits for your small business. AI will change the future of marketing and the way we do business. Take action now and start using AI technology to improve and grow your small business.

Artificial Intelligence: AI Trends in Marketing – How To Grow Your Business [Infographic]

Artificial Intelligence: AI Trends in Marketing - How To Grow Your Business [Infographic]
Artificial Intelligence: AI Trends in Marketing – How To Grow Your Business [Infographic]
Artificial Intelligence: AI Trends in Marketing - How To Grow Your Business [Infographic]
Artificial Intelligence: AI Trends in Marketing – How To Grow Your Business [Infographic]

Artificial Intelligence: AI Trends in Marketing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the best trends in marketing these days. This technology (AI) can help you to create successful marketing strategies. So you can grow your business and profits.

Artificial Intelligence: AI Trends in Marketing

AI can help you to analyze customers’ behavior, preferences, interests, and provide solutions to your customers and target audience.

Here are some AI trends in marketing you need to know and also how to grow your business with the help of artificial intelligence.

  1. AI and Predictions
Artificial Intelligence: AI Trends in Marketing

Artificial intelligence would grow into a $190 billion industry by the year 2025.
Artificial intelligence and social media would help businesses, brands, and marketers.
37% of companies are leveraging artificial intelligence for content development.

  1. AI and Chatbots
Artificial Intelligence: AI Trends in Marketing

Chatbots help automate response
Chatbots improve conversation based on past inquiries
47% of organizations implement chatbot to improve customer service

  1. AI and Predictive Analytics

AI helps analyze what would customers purchase in future
AI uses machine learning, data models to plan the next step
AI predicts seasonal products based on previous purchase
AI can predict when a customer would be sales-ready

Artificial Intelligence: AI Trends in Marketing
  1. AI and Personalization

AI helps target based on behavior, demographics, etc.
AI helps in cross-selling and upsell
AI helps in the best product recommendation

  1. AI and Customer Sentiment Analysis

AI helps to understand microelements
These elements include customer’s reactions
It helps understand unique behavioral traits
You know when they are satisfied with a specific product

Artificial Intelligence: AI Trends in Marketing
  1. AI and Customer Relationship

AI can help you to maintain better customer relationship
The technology pinpoints the customer who needs more engagement
It then sends out individual campaigns for holding them back.
It’s always helpful in the long run to retain an old customer

  1. AI and Dynamic Pricing

The technology (AI) can help you to plan a dynamic pricing
These platforms can suggest the optimal prices
It would motivate a customer to acquire the product

Artificial Intelligence: AI Trends in Marketing

Last Tip

AI trends can help businesses, brands, and marketers to improve their marketing strategies. Also, Artificial intelligence automates marketing tasks and helps businesses to have better relationships with customers.

Artificial intelligence is a necessity and not simply a trend!

Artificial Intelligence: AI Trends in Marketing

More Details. https://www.tdinsights.com/

New Tip!

Discover the Best Platform to Promote Your YouTube Videos With The Help of AI Technology! https://www.bestprofitsonline.com/myblog/videopro