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5 Tips On How To Improve Your Web Presence

5 Tips On How To Improve Your Web Presence

Having a strong web presence is one of the most crucial things that you can do for your business. It builds your credibility, reach new customers and establish your brand online. Many business owners don’t realize that they don’t use or don’t know all of the advantages of an online presence.

Here are five of the top tips on how to improve your web presence.
1. Not using a strategy and a marketing plan

If you want to get success with your web presence, you can’t just create a website and hope that it will benefit your company. You need to make sure that you have established a strategy that you can actually use to build an online presence. You have to create a successful marketing plan.
2. Not using the newest and growing social networks

If you want a strong web presence then you need to do more than just commit to the old social networks. Yes, Facebook is a great social media tool, but don’t forget to include the newest and fastest growing social networks. Any successful campaign should include some of the emerging social network as well, such as Snapchat, Instagram and Periscope. If you want to be successful in building a campaign, you must use the new social media sites.

3. Not utilizing the explosion of video

Video has completely changed the way the web works. If you want to be successful in building a web presence, it doesn’t matter what type of company you have you need to use video. Over the past few years video has completely exploded on the scene, especially live streaming. It isn’t enough to hear about what is going on over the web anymore, people need to see it live.

4. Not optimizing their website conversions for email list opt-ins

Email lists are great for building a web presence, however many companies are not utilizing their email list opt-ins properly. Business owners need to optimize their website conversions if they want to build a strong following. One of the best tactics for persuading visitors to opt-in to your list is to offer free valuable content. In marketing this is called a lead magnet and it could be a free report, ebook or video. The key here is to provide value to your visitors for free. It’s how you build trust and get them to come back. Create an offer form on each page of your website offering your lead magnet in exchange for visitors’ email address.

5. Not using SEO(Search Engine Optimization)

This is one of the most basic things that any company can do in order to boost their web presence, yet it is an approach that is surprisingly left out of many websites. If you want to build a web presence, then web searchers need to be able to find you. This means your website needs to appear in search engine results.