Online Marketing Trends and Affiliate Marketers: How to Make Money Online

Online Marketing Trends and Affiliate Marketers: How to Make Money Online
Online Marketing Trends and Affiliate Marketers: How to Make Money Online


One of the pretty effective online marketing trends that used by many affiliate marketers are the blogs. Blogs attract thousands of prospects who will be exposed to affiliate links in blog posts, banner ads, text ads, and videos.

Also very important it’s the email marketing. This is the most effective way to generate sales because you have the ability to email your subscribers anytime you like and establish a good relationship with them before you promote your affiliate products.

URL cloakers are often used to cloak affiliate links to make the promoted product seem more sincere.

Another way affiliate marketers make money is through backlinks in their products. Backlinks which are actually affiliate links can be included in free e-books, viral reports, main products or newsletters.

Free products often have the tendency to get shared virally and thus this proves to be a good way to promote affiliate links.

A very common marketing trend is to have affiliate products as backends to your sales funnel. After customers buy your main product they will be sent to the next step of your sales funnel. – A one-time offer page (OTO) an upsell or a downsell –

Also, a very effective affiliate marketing trend is by making review sites of a certain product. The review site is often more credible than the product site itself because you are seen as a user of the product who wants to share the pros and cons of the product rather than a person trying to hard sell.

People will be more likely to believe you and click on the affiliate link if they are interested. (People prefer to read reviews before buying a product)

4 Tips for Affiliate Marketers

1. Choose the right affiliate program

This is very important. There are so many sites out there that promote numerous affiliate programs that reader’s just feel lost upon visiting their pages. You should concentrate on one or two programs that you have personally tried, tested and proven to have delivered their promise.

Also, you should promote a program that is related to the theme of your site in general.

2. Generate traffic to increase conversion.

Generating traffic has always been an issue to any Webmaster. It is hard to generate substantial traffic for a startup site more so if the site deals with affiliate marketing.

Present relevant topics that will also interest your target visitors. You should continue to commit in updating your pages, by these your site’s links status will increase eventually.

3. Create a mailing list or set-up free user accounts.

Mailing lists have the advantage of gradually converting potential visitors to consumers that will benefit your affiliates. Once a visitor subscribes to a mailing list, the chances of conversion will increase with the help of the attached well-written promotional articles that are sent regularly.

You can also set-up free user accounts in your site that will entice a consumer to take advantage of the free offer and inside their pages are affiliates programs that they can readily join.

4. Affiliate marketing trends.

You should always check out other affiliate programs that are gaining ground in the market. This will enable you to be updated in the latest trends. As you know the internet and technology are changing pretty fast.

So you need to improve your marketing strategies and to attract more interested people to your affiliate marketing business website.


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