How to Create Effective Social Media Posts and Increase Sales

How to Create Effective Social Media Posts and Increase Sales
How to Create Effective Social Media Posts and Increase Sales

Social media marketing and content marketing are working together. Both of them will help you to grow your business and increase sales. You need to create effective social media posts. So you target audience will read and share.

How to create effective social media posts

You need to write high-quality, informative, articles and attractive titles to grab the attention of your readers or target audience. People searching online for valuable information and solutions to their problems.

The How-To Articles

How many times have you seen articles on ‘How to Get Abs’? Or on ‘How to Make money online”

It’s a very popular category of articles that everyone wants to read but the articles are written in a way that is highly generic and that doesn’t seem to offer anything new.

The title is very effective but the content most of the times does not give you what you need.

On the other hand, you have the articles that go the other way. They are either incredibly hyperbolic, or they create some kind of a mystery so that people will be tempted to click.

They might be ‘The One Amazing Trick That Will Give You Power and Abs Overnight’ or “You’ll Never Believe the One Easy Way to Be Rich Overnight”

These titles work because they grab attention and offer something completely new… but rarely does the actual content deliver on its promise.

Instead then, try to use the same strategy and offering something real and interesting to your readers.

How about: ‘How the Walking Burns 73% More Fat’ or ‘Discover How The Successful Marketers Make Money’.

These articles include technical terms that people haven’t heard of and that suggests something new. These are actual real methods that you can write about and your readers want to know more.

You have to give value and real methods, tips, techniques, to help your target audience. Also, this way you will become an expert. The satisfied readers will advertise you for FREE! (The old classic Mouth-to-Mouth advertising)

The Reader ‘Persona and the Content Sharing

Always have in mind your ‘reader persona’.

This is a fictional profile of your reader that your content is very effective and helpful for him. This makes them far more likely to share as a way to express themselves – because your content reflects their personality – and it means that their friends are more likely to share it with them, knowing that they’re like it.

The Secret of Successful Marketers! How to Increase Your Sales

There are 2 internet marketers promoting the same product…

They are using the exact same traffic method and promoting the same product…

However, the one is making $100 online, while the other is making $1,000 online.

Why only one marketer making more money online?

Because he added a FUNNEL inside.

And that’s the #1 secret of a successful marketer – having a sales funnel.


With a converting sales funnel, you can turn more prospects into customers and sell more products, which will automatically make you more money.

Here’s how you can get converting sales funnels instantly, and get started to make more money online TODAY…
