Tag Archives: shiny

The Online Shiny Object Syndrome and Online Business Opportunities

The Online Shiny Object Syndrome and Online Business Opportunities
The Online Shiny Object Syndrome and Online Business Opportunities


If you searching online for legitimate ways to work from home and make money online, you’ve probably been exposed to hundreds of different business models. Some of these business models are legit and others are not.

Many people especially the beginners have the “Shiny Object Syndrome.” This syndrome has left some people depressed, others without money and disappointed.

What is the Shiny Object Syndrome?

It is the promise that there is an easier, faster and cheaper way to make money online. It is a promise of doing for your marketing. Just sit back, do nothing and collect a paycheck. It is the promise of “push button” profits. It is the promise of easy money. A big Lie!

You need to work hard to succeed and to create a successful, profitable business. If you want to make money without work it’s better to play lotto or something like that. Avoid online business. You will lose money and time!

The Truth

You need to know that no legitimate online or offline business is fast, free or easy. Businesses cost money and take time to launch, grow and stabilize. Sadly, most people don’t want to hear this.

Many people looking to make money online and they are looking for that magic pill to solve their money problems forever.

These ads promising “instant riches” do well because they appeal to people’s greed. Many people want something for nothing. What these folks don’t realize is that these “easy money business” do not exist.

Tips you need to know.

1. Find a Need – Fill the Demand

All successful businesses offer products and services that people want or need. There must be a legitimate demand in the marketplace for what you are promoting, whether it is a product or service. The demand can already be in place, or you can create new demand by developing a new product or service that is unique.

2. Offer a Solution – Solve Problems

Entrepreneurs provide solutions to their client’s problems. We are solution providers. Our job is to identify a need and then offer a simple solution. The solution must provide value and solve your client’s problem. If you can do that, you will make sales.

3. Focus and Work

All businesses cost money to start, nurture and grow. More importantly, all businesses take time to grow. It takes time to learn the skills, learn from your mistakes, and figure out how to do everything you need to be doing.

Once you start a new business, make a commitment, stay focus and work hard.

Legitimate Business Models

Some legitimate online business models, you can try.

Network Marketing
Affiliate Marketing
Selling Items on eBay or Craigslist
Video Editing
Work as a Freelancer
Social Media Manager
Information Marketing
Sell Your Own Product or Service

Of course, not all of these business models will be a good fit for everyone. You have to pick something that aligns with your strengths, personality, skills, budget and available time.

You need to research and find a legitimate way to make money online. Don’t forget that you need to work hard to succeed.

Effective Marketing Tips for Your Online Business

Here are some effective marketing tips to make your online business more profitable.

1. Know your Target Customers

Knowing your target customers or clients and having the “know-how” of targeting them are the two most important things. What you need to do is do deep research to find out about your target market.

Here is what you need to find out. The demographics, buying habits and the likes and dislikes of your customers. Once you have found these details, your next move is to find a way to target them. You can create articles, videos, infographics to reach your target audience.

2. Website Optimization – SEO

Today, most businessmen know that their website should be optimized for search engines, which is important for better search engine ranking. If you are new to SEO, you can easily learn the basics.

Basically, if you want to optimize your site for search engines, what you need to do is have the right tags, titles, keywords, meta descriptions, alt texts, and quality content. There are software tools that can help you with this.

3. Ad Campaign Trick

If you run ad campaigns for your website, ad congruence is an important thing. Ad congruence is a situation when your business advertisement and the home page of your website look similar. In other words, both will have the same message.

If your landing page content is entirely different from the advertisement, your visitors will get confused and may click away. So, use this ad trick.

5. High-Quality Blog Posts

With a blog, you can improve your SEO drastically. Each blog post should be longer than 500 words and should include relevant keywords, which is important to trigger a positive response from major search engines. Moreover, high-quality content can help your customers as well.

Also, with high-quality content, you will increase your traffic and search engines rankings pretty fast and effectively.

6. Get Backlinks From Authority Sites

Backlinks play a great role. If you don’t know, backlinks are the links to your site on another website. If you have a lot of backlinks, Google thinks your content is valuable and it gives your site a boost.

P.S. A Smart Solution for Your Online Business

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