6 Tips on How To Grow Your Twitter Followers

6 Tips on How To Grow Your Twitter Followers
The Twitter is a very powerful business tool when used correctly. The Twitter help you to increase your followers, generate leads and grow your brand.


The Twitter is a very powerful business tool when used correctly. The Twitter help you to increase your followers, generate leads and grow your brand. Also, every lead you generate with Twitter is interested in your business. This way you have the right target audience.

Here are 6 tips on how to grow your Twitter followers.

1. Give Value

You can turn off your followers if you pushing them to buy. It is good to monetize your Twitter handle but this should be done with some sense of maturity. One of the main reasons that you are being followed is because they are interested in your tweets and hope to get value reading it.

To retain and keep growing your followers, you’ve got to focus more on adding value to your followers and pitch mildly. With Twitter-like the most social media it’s better to build relationships and trust not sales.

Apply the 80/20 rule which states that 20% of your social media content should be about your brand and the 80% should be dedicated to adding value to your audience. Give value and help to your followers.

The great benefit about value is that you become an expert in your niche, and wins trust and loyalty.

2. Optimize and Create Effective Twitter Bio

Optimizing your Twitter bio you will attract the right audience.

Here are the components an effective bio should have:

• A clean profile picture which could your business logo or a picture of yourself clearly showing your face

• Your personality: giving your followers a sense of who you are, what you do, what company you work with and where you operate.

Ensure your bio is complete, professional, and representing you and your business.

3. Follow Your Followers

This is one of the tips used by many of the influencer marketers on Twitter. When you receive notification of someone following you, check their profile and follow back. This way the person will have the feeling of being valued and will always visit your page.

Always try to follow your followers.

4. Tweet Every Day and Create Visual Content

Remember, you are not the only person in your niche and some of your followers might also be following other persons in your niche too, any little mistake can make you lose them to your competitors.

Posting valuable content. Your post could come in form of quotes, motivational talks, videos, infographics or any other valuable content

As you may already know, humans love visuals and this is one of the reasons why Instagram is so successful. You should always create tweets with photos.

5. Use Of Hashtags

Hashtags offer you the avenue of reaching out to a larger target audience if used properly. And mind you, you’ve got to be careful using hashtags to avoid your post looking spammy. Out of the 140 characters available for you to work with, use the hashtags effectively (2 to 3 hashtags is okay).

Always look out for trending hashtags in your niche and include them in your tweet. Follow influencers in your niche and add their hashtags in your tweets.

6. Drive Traffic To Your Twitter Page

This is another way of growing your Twitter followers. You can drive traffic from your Facebook account and other social media by adding your Twitter username in the “About” section.

You can also drive traffic with marketing email and your website. You can use the social media buttons to grow your followers.

Twitter is a very powerful marketing tool for your business. The higher your Twitter followers, the higher your Twitter conversion rate.

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