3 Reasons Why to Use Free Article Marketing to Promote Your Business

3 Reasons Why to Use Free Article Marketing to Promote Your Business
There are many ways that you can use to promote your business or affiliate products and most of these methods are FREE. You can start for free and after you have made money, you can use paid traffic. Here are the 3 reasons why to use free article marketing to promote your online business.


There are many ways that you can use to promote your business or affiliate products and most of these methods are FREE. You can start for free and after you have made money, you can use paid traffic. Here are the 3 reasons why to use free article marketing to promote your online business.

These days, the article directories don’t work like it used to work before. The reason is that article directories don’t rank like they used to rank before.

1. Article Directories is still a very good source of traffic and if you don’t have money to promote your business or affiliate products, then you can focus on article marketing. You can start for free and you will make money which you will re-invest in your affiliate marketing business.

To be successful with article marketing, you have to choose the best article directories, which ranks highly in the search engines and they should receive millions of visitors every month. FREE Traffic for your business.

2. Article marketing is also very helpful because you will be writing articles that you will submit on these article directories. People will trust you and the products that you are recommending if you are submitting high-quality articles.

Don’t use low-quality articles because most of the top article directories will reject these articles and if they accept, then you will never make a sale because people will not read your articles. People are going to read your articles, so you have to focus on them. The quality articles increase your sales!

3. Create a Blog. There are also some article directories that don’t allow direct linking of affiliate products. If you are facing this problem, then don’t worry because you can create a blog and then link to that blog in your article. But your blog should contain high-quality content and don’t insert a lot of affiliate links.

A blog with high-quality articles and the right keywords will achieve higher rankings on search engines like Google, Bing, etc.

Article marketing is still the best way of promoting your business or affiliate products for free. You can start for free and start making money in a few weeks. You are not going to make money quickly, but if you continue submitting high-quality articles, then you will increase traffic coming to your website and you will make a lot of money.

The Benefits of Quality Free Online Articles

You want more website traffic, more blog visitors and views, and more exposure.

What you need to do is write more articles for a broader audience. You need to allow your content to help you expand your potential opportunities and your target market. You can simply start by writing beyond your niche or specialty, creating articles that speak to a broader audience.

Develop Articles Beyond Your Niche

Having a specialty is very good, but your audience is narrowed by your niche. Everyone is not interested in your niche. The broadened topic allows you to expand your audience and increase your exposure.

To go beyond your niche, you have to get out of your own comfort zone and dig a little deeper to produce articles that have a broad appeal. Make your research to find out the trends and topics people read about.

Your articles should be:


If you fail to capture the attention of the reader, then you have failed to attract the reader. From the very title of the article, you have to grab the reader’s attention and hold the reader’s interest by delivering on the topic promised via the title.

Opening with an attention-grabbing first line or paragraph keeps readers glued to your article. However, you have to deliver interesting content throughout the article.


Your articles need to provide readers with information that they did not have prior to seeing your title or reading your article. It can be either entirely new information or a totally different spin on a well-known topic.

No matter how you approach your topic, you need to craft an article that remains informative on a variety of levels from novice to experienced. Allow for insights and innovative perspectives to draw readers further into your article. Include stats and facts that support your article’s direction.


People read articles for more than just interest and information. People desire to be inspired. Allow readers to find inspiration through your articles. Stir up their interests to the point where they want more and desire to put some of your pointers into practice.

Make readers feel like they can implement new ideas on their own or do something different by utilizing a step-by-step method that you have written about in your articles. You want to leave your readers feeling inspired to the point where they want to try out on their own.

Benefits of Free Online Articles

Writing free articles have their own benefits. Some of these benefits include additional writing opportunities, information product sales, increase traffic to your website, grow your brand, become an expert, etc.

Now you know the reasons why to use free article marketing to promote your business. Also, you know the benefits of creating high-quality articles. It’s up to you to act now and grow your business.

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