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Small Business: Top Opportunities for 2021 – Trends and Money

Small Business: Top Opportunities for 2021 - Trends and Money

2020 was a disaster. Pandemic has hit businesses and markets pretty hard. Business trends and opportunities in 2021 are about technology, consumer preferences, and behavior.

New trends will help small businesses to grow sales, offer better customer service, and effective operation.

Here are some small business trends and top opportunities to look out for in 2021.

Small Business - Trends and Money 2021
  1. Work from Home and Remote Work

Many people are now choosing to work from home. Companies and employees have realized the benefits of remote work during the lockdown.

So, in 2021, this trend is expected to become the norm for many new entrepreneurs and online workers.

Remote work gives companies more options like hiring remote workers to handle digital jobs. Also, having remote workers mean more savings on electricity, office overheads, and equipment maintenance.

Working 9-to-5, five days a week, will no longer be the norm.

Communication technologies will encourage workplace collaboration when everyone is working from a different place. Employee communication apps will make it easy to video conference, chat, send messages to the team, fill out online forms, etc.

Small Business - Trends and Money 2021
  1. Freelance Work and Gigs

With the rising trend of remote work, the gig economy will grow. Many people are also choosing to do several freelance jobs. Gig work is becoming more and more popular because people like flexibility and prefer to be their boss.

Gig work is very popular with new entrepreneurs. Many people who start working as freelancers, after some time, decide to create their consultancy or professional services business.

With the gig economy, small businesses will no more need to hire permanent employees. Gig work allows companies to hire someone temporarily who can work remotely instead of working at the office.

Gig jobs have many benefits to businesses, including paying lower compensation packages, no need to pay employee benefits, and less equipment maintenance.

Small Business - Trends and Money 2021
  1. E-commerce

With the popularity of online shopping increasing, global e-commerce is estimated to grow exponentially in the next years. So, new entrepreneurs and start-ups should know and use this trend.

These days more retailers are moving from brick-and-mortar stores to online stores and e-commerce portals. (Pandemic and Lockdown Effect).

e-Commerce businesses can generate more sales and increase profits, reaching a new target audience worldwide.

  1. Mobile Devices and Online Shopping

With the new mobile technology and the internet, mobile businesses (Mobile Commerce) are booming pretty fast! Many people are using their phones all day. Also, many consumers are choosing to access online shops through their mobile devices.

Small Business - Trends and Money 2021

Reports show that by 2021, mobile commerce will get 54% of the total e-commerce sales.

  1. 5G Technology and Networks

These days businesses need better, faster, and smarter technology. In 2021, 5G networks will be all over the world and will open new avenues and opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs.

5G offers higher bandwidth, lower latency, and high download speeds. So 5G makes interactions on the internet more instantaneous, allowing businesses to communicate and get things done much faster.

Small Business - Trends and Money 2021
  1. Social Media Marketing

Many businesses are now using social media to engage with their existing and potential buyers and promote their products or services. With social media marketing, they generate more web traffic, more sales, and more revenue.

Many businesses are investing in social media marketing because they can reach more customers and generate more profits.

Social media are attracting many people, and people like to buy things. So, buying and selling on social media (social commerce) is increasing.

Small Business - Trends and Money 2021
  1. Online Content and Marketing

Many young entrepreneurs like gamers, comedians, musicians, artists, and educators are creating online niche content. They use social networks to create and monetize content and create media outfits for their followers.

There are many sites and platforms to share, promote, media, and content. (gamers have Twitch, musicians have Spotify, and everybody else has YouTube).

Media and content seem to be a good fit for young entrepreneurs.

Small Business - Trends and Money 2021

The great tip for their business success is making relatable, engaging, and shareable content for target audiences.

The new trends and opportunities are about technology development and use. So technology will play a significant role in small businesses’ and entrepreneurs’ success in the future.

Small Business Tips: Effective Types Of Online Business to Make Money Online

Small Business Tips: Effective Types Of Online Business to Make Money Online

A successful online business can increase your income and you have the advantage to work from home. But like other businesses, starting an online business you need to have a plan and also you need to work hard to succeed.

The first step is to figure out how you’re going to make money online. Obviously, you’re going to sell products or services.

Small Business Tips

Here are some effective types of online business you need to know.

  1. E-commerce Site

The classic eCommerce site can help you to make money online by selling products. You can set up your own online store from scratch or choose one of the online store solutions to start an online business.

  1. eBay Auction Type
Small Business Tips

Instead of using an e-commerce site to make money online, you use someone else’s. eBay Stores are available, you don’t need one to sell products through eBay. You can sell online by using eBay’s auction system.

All you have to do is register, sign up for PayPal if you wish, and fill out your first Sell Your Item form.

The eBay auction type is attractive to people just starting an online business. People who want to make money online often use the eBay auction system as an easy solution to get started and test demand for the products they want to sell.

Then, if things go well, they move on to an online store through eBay or develop one themselves.

  1. Create a Blog
Small Business Tips

Blogs are very popular and many people start a blog to make money online. The beauty of blogs is that anyone can self-publish their work online easily.

The standard online business type for blogging is to run ads on the blog pages. Google AdSense is a popular choice. There are many other ways to make money online through a blog.

  1. Service Business Website

The typical service business website combines an online portfolio with a persuasive copy. Often, what’s being sold is the talents and skills of an individual (freelancer) but these are difficult to show online so the mainstays of service business websites are biographies and testimonials. Samples of a person’s work may be included if possible.

Small Business Tips

If you’re starting an online business of this type, It’s better to use testimonials from satisfied customers as a first step.

It’s become almost standard for those seeking to sell their services online to offer prospective customers free content, such as a newsletter, email, tips or ebook. These are great ways to get to collect customer data and stay in touch.

  1. Info-Site

The info-site is a website that focuses on presenting information (often on a specific topic). The various sites on the About network are examples of this online business type. So these are portal sites such as Yahoo and Excite that serve as directories to the ‘Net and online magazines.

Many people will be interested in the information to seek it out. So they visit the website (info-site) and support it by clicking on or buying something.

Small Business Tips

Some info-sites make money online by selling their content and others make money through advertising or affiliate programs.

Some info-sites also include an e-commerce mini-site and selling products related to the information the site provides.

An info-site doesn’t have to be huge to be successful.

Tips to Succeed: Create engaging content

You Can Use Many Online Business Types

You don’t have to stick to just one online business type at a time. You can use 2 or 3 types together.

Small Business Tips

You can incorporate a blog on your e-commerce or service business website, so you can generate more traffic, and increase your sales by giving your business a personalized voice.

Another approach when starting an online business is to have several different sites operating that may use different online business types. You could have an e-commerce site, a separate blog site, and an info-site, all selling the same products and driving traffic to one another, which could really boost your online income.

A successful combination of business websites can increase your income pretty fast.

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Small Business and Christmas 2020: Marketing Strategies to Increase Your Sales

Small Business and Christmas 2020: Marketing Strategies to Increase Your Sales

2020 was a pretty difficult and strange year (pandemic) for people and businesses worldwide. But now Christmas is near and the end of the pandemic is closer. Now it’s time to create new, effective, marketing strategies to promote your small business and increase sales.

  1. Help Your Customers

Create useful content that relates to your products or services, and don’t forget customer needs. It’s important to help your customers.

You should only encourage users to consider your products. Avoid hard sales techniques.

  1. Gratitude – Say Thank You
Christmas 2020: How to Increase Sales

An excellent holiday marketing strategy for keeping consumers dedicated and loyal to your brand is to use gratitude.

Show shoppers and customers how valuable they are to your business. Sending out a thank you email or a physical card can motivate consumers to do their Christmas shopping with your business.

  1. Free Rewards
Christmas 2020: How to Increase Sales

You can motivate shoppers to not only buy your product but also spend more with your company. For example, if you offer a free item with a $40 purchase, it encourages users to spend more. Rather than buy $20 worth of product, they will spend $40 or more.

The holidays are a time of giving. Highlight special offers, savings, and free promotions to increase your sales during Christmas.

  1. Use Email Marketing
Christmas 2020: How to Increase Sales

Christmas holidays many businesses send shoppers a variety of offers. That’s why consumers frequently check their email during the holiday shopping season. They want to get the best deal, and email campaigns can help them to find the best offers.

You need to engage your subscribers during the Christmas holidays. Send out emails that highlight your promotions, sales, or seasonal products. A simple email can encourage shoppers to spend more money.

  1. Use Social Media and Hashtags
Christmas 2020: How to Increase Sales

Many people love social media and have a social media profile. You can reach new shoppers and approach your target audience. If you already use social media marketing, you need to optimize it for the Christmas holidays.

Also, use hashtags on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. It’s very effective to use hashtags on platforms that make the most of them.

With hashtags, you can spread the word about your business, sales, and promotions. Also, you can encourage user-generated content by creating a hashtag for shoppers to use when posting a photo or status that features your product.

The right hashtags can help you reach new shoppers who are looking for the perfect gift or best offer this holiday season. With hashtags, you can create more Buzz and “Noise” about your business. It’s a free, effective, promotion!

  1. Use Retargeting Marketing

Many people (96%) will leave a website without making a purchase. This means that only 4 out of every 100 people visiting your site buy your product or services. With a remarketing campaign or retargeting you can change that.

Christmas 2020: How to Increase Sales

If a shopper likes a product but doesn’t check out (don’t buy) you can send a follow-up email. This email reminds the reader that their cart still has an item in it, which can encourage the user to complete their purchase.

  1. Christmas Emotions and Feelings

Christmas generating a mixture of emotions like happiness, excitement, nostalgia, or childhood memories. A smart holiday marketing strategy appeals to these emotions, which can encourage users to visit your business for shopping.

Christmas 2020: How to Increase Sales

Share inspirational messages on social media or provide a behind-the-scenes look at how your company celebrates the holidays to create powerful feelings.

  1. Video Marketing

Video marketing is a very effective Christmas marketing strategy. Stats show that 90% of users say that video helps them make a purchase decision.

Christmas 2020: How to Increase Sales

Adding a video to your website or social media page can help you share your company’s message in a way that invites users to learn more about your brand. Videos are user-friendly too, plus make it easy for viewers to learn more about your products or services.

  1. Promote Your Brand

It’s important to promote not only your products or services but also your brand. Your brand can leave a lasting impression on shoppers. If your business offers exceptional customer service, you can use it as a unique selling point (USP) for your brand.

Christmas 2020: How to Increase Sales

You can provide your company’s values and what users can expect as a customer. Improve your brand, and you can attract more customers.

You can use more marketing strategies to increase your sales at Christmas. It depends on the type of business.

Small Business: Tips on How to Grow Your Business in The Pandemic Era [Infographic]

Small Business: Tips on How to Grow Your Business in The Pandemic Era [Infographic]
  1. Promote Your Business (But Don’t Forget Pandemic)

The global health crisis (Pandemic) has changed consumer priorities and behaviors. Pandemic has generated new gaps and new needs in the global market. Promote your products and services and show how they might be more relevant or helpful during the crisis or fulfill the new needs of your target audience.

Because of the pandemic, customers want to know which businesses are still operational and if they have solutions for their needs.

  1. Use Social Media

More people are spending time at home and your business may benefit from the visibility of social media platforms. By boosting your online presence on social media, you can promote your products to a wider audience, connect with your customers, keep your brand visible and alive.

  1. Use Live Streaming
How to Grow Your Business in The Pandemic Era

These days e-commerce and online businesses are gaining more traction. But some consumers don’t want to buy products because they are not sure about the quality. The effective solution is live streaming.

Popular social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram make it possible to go live with a smartphone. So you can show off a product’s functionalities, quality, or recreate an in-store shopping experience to entice viewers to buy from you.

Live streams also allow your audience to communicate with you and ask questions.

  1. Communication Is Top Priority
How to Grow Your Business in The Pandemic Era

Now communication is a top priority (for your team and the customers). You need to have a reliable communication channel that delivers your message as soon as possible.

You can use various digital tools and software to ensure smooth and fast communications.

  1. Create New Business Plan

These days there are many health and safety measures. So it’s important to take a look at your current business plan. Create a new business plan, more flexible and effective, to avoid troubles with your customers.

You can learn new tips from this health crisis and you can update your plans. (Business and Marketing Plans)

How to Grow Your Business in The Pandemic Era
  1. Invest More Time in Online Marketing

Lockdowns and quarantines keeping consumers to their homes. These days traditional marketing is not as effective as it used to be. Online marketing can help you to reach your customers where they are. You need to invest more time in online marketing to grow your business.

Social media is a powerful platform to promote your products but you need to create quality, engaging, and informative content. Also, you can use paid ads, or video to improve your brand’s visibility.

It’s important to create an SEO strategy to optimize your content for better search engine rankings.

How to Grow Your Business in The Pandemic Era
  1. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing can help you to generate new leads. Powerful lead generation methods include sharing engaging and informative content and hosting digital events, like webinars and podcasts.

Also, you can use video conferencing. With effective digital tools, you can build long-term relationships.

How to Grow Your Business in The Pandemic Era

The pandemic has changed the way businesses operate. The right strategies can help your business overcome the crisis and keep growing.

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Small Business Ideas: Tips for New Entrepreneurs

Small Business Ideas: Tips for New Entrepreneurs

These small business ideas and tips are useful for new entrepreneurs. If you like to start a new small business you need to know that is not an easy task. You need to have courage, passion, and faith in your abilities. Never forget that you need to work hard. You need to learn new skills, and most important, never give up!

Here are some useful ideas and tips for new entrepreneurs.

  1. Business Consulting
Small Business Ideas

You need to have knowledge and expertise about businesses. So you can use that know-how to start a new career as a business consultant. You can get paid to speak at industry conferences or events. Also, you can use your expertise to create a strategy for a new business.

  1. Marketing Service – Business Plan

Many business owners have an idea of how they want to market their business, but they don’t know how to create a marketing plan. They don’t have marketing experience.

You a marketing professional, you can work with small businesses that don’t have marketing knowledge. You can create their SEO strategy, generate ad campaigns, use inbound marketing tips, and help them to grow their business.

Small Business Ideas
  1. Video Production

If you love to create videos, one of the best small business ideas is video production. With the popularity of video on social media, there is a demand for those who can shoot video, cut video, or both. (video production)

There are many courses online that can teach you how to cut and edit video using programs like Adobe or Final Cut Pro or even how to make videos with your smartphone. Technology is changing pretty fast.

Video production is a profitable business idea that you can start at a low cost, in your home.

  1. Podcasting
Small Business Ideas

These days podcasts are very popular (trend). Many people are using this trend and turn a hobby into a small business.

Podcasting will require a small investment in audio equipment and editing software, but once you get started, you can talk, produce, and of course market your podcast.

  1. IT Consulting

Do you have experience with computers and other types of technology? If so, you can use this knowledge to start an IT consulting business. Many small businesses are hiring consultants to help them with installing, managing, updating, their technology.

As an IT consultant, you can offer remote services or on-site assistance, giving you more freedom and flexibility.

Small Business Ideas
  1. Social Media Management

Social media marketing these days is a necessity. Many small business owners don’t have the knowledge or time. So many business owners need help managing their social media platforms. They need You!

  1. PR Agency Services

If you have a background in public relations a PR agency might be the perfect business idea for you. Small businesses often hire PR agencies to assist with their public image and presence. They need your help in business marketing, events, press releases, and more.

Small Business Ideas

If you have a network of contacts in a specific industry, your services will be more attractive to businesses in that industry.

You can easily start your own PR business without spend time or money. You can use your contacts to help you in the beginning.

  1. Photography Freelancer

Professional photographers are in high demand for weddings, corporate events, social media photos, and more. You can build this business in your home. A freelance photography business has low startup costs.

Professional or freelancer photography is a great way to build a side income while working full time elsewhere.

Small Business Ideas
  1. Graphic Design

If you have a background in design or art, then this business idea is amazing. Even if you don’t have a background in this field, you can take a course in graphic design. It’s not very difficult.

You will need some computer programs like Adobe or Canva. Also, you will need to find clients. So try networking with small businesses in your community or your local market. All the business owners need a well-designed website, online materials, email campaigns, and more.

  1. Freelancer and Content Marketing

If you like to write effective and quality articles, then a copywriting or content marketing creation service could be one of the best work from home small business ideas for you.

You know that ”content is king.” Many businesses (big or small) trying to produce high-quality blog posts, ebooks, white papers, and even video scripts. The need for quality content is evergreen (Never End).

Small Business Ideas
  1. Website Development and Design

Every business needs at least a website to grow and succeed. But many business owners don’t know how to set up. So, if you’re an IT and design fanatic, you’ll have endless opportunities to build or set up websites.

You can use a platform like Upwork or Fivver to find your first clients. Then you can use your portfolio and recommendations to grow your business.

  1. eCommerce Store – Sell Items Online

These days it’s very easy to open up an eCommerce store and sell your items online. Also, eCommerce stores are open 24/7, and many people are loving to shopping online because of the pandemic. You need to market successfully your eCommerce store to attract more customers.

  1. SEO Agency
Small Business Ideas

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving a website or web page’s rank for specific keywords in organic search engine results. An SEO agency needs to generate more visitors and leads by optimizing the client’s website, building links to the website, and using effective keywords.

It’s a low-cost startup business but it’s not so easy because search engines are changing pretty often their algorithms. So you need to create new SEO strategies to achieve higher rankings.

  1. App Development

Launching a successful app is not an easy task. But there are many resources to help you get started. App development is an excellent small business idea because many businesses want apps to improve their marketing strategy.

You can search online to find more ideas about small business. But keep in mind that only you know your background, skills, knowledge, etc. So only you can determine what kind of small business is most realistic and effective for you to start.

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