Digital Marketing in 2018: Social Media and SEO

Digital Marketing in 2018: Social Media and SEO
Digital marketing is a great tool and a necessity for all the businesses. If you want to create an effective online marketing plan for your business it’s important to have a strategy for SEO, content marketing, and social media, too.


Digital marketing is a great tool and a necessity for all the businesses. If you want to create an effective online marketing plan for your business it’s important to have a strategy for SEO, content marketing, and social media, too.

People are continuously turning to social media platforms to search and interact. So it becomes very important for businesses to improve their online presence and especially content.

Social media is crucial for growing a successful business presence online. And equally essential is SEO. However, there’s something else which most people miss: how SEO and social media marketing are closely linked. So how is social media marketing connected to SEO? Does posting to various social channels improve the business’ ranking? How important is SEO and social media for your success?

Social Media Channels are nothing but search engines. Treating social platforms like search engines is the best way forward. That way, the likelihood of increasing discoverability and rank is more. The idea is to be where the potential customers are, presenting them with the information, results, and content that they are specifically looking for.

It’s important to mention that the search visibility is not considerably improved by the information presented on the social media page. Social profiles could help users in fetching information; however, it is done indirectly.

When Google assesses the local rank of a certain page and provides information, it takes does so through an external network of third-party sites and directories. These directories gather their information from multiple web sources, such as the social platform of a business.

What are the Social Signals?

This is another category many people ignore. Many believe that if an article is shared several times, then its rank is improved on Google. But it’s not so. Social signals are not about the popularity of a piece of information.

It’s about the number of users who share the piece from the business’ on-site page using the social share buttons. This is how Google can measure the rankings. However, the quality of content, the business’ authority and inbound links all play a more crucial role in deciding a page’s rankings.

Get more visibility and inbound links

This is possibly the best and most value method by which it can help a business’ SEO. As long as they are earned naturally, inbound links are probably the most dependable authority builders in the world of SEO. But often it gets difficult to earn them unless they’re built directly with guest posts or with some other method. A sure-fire way to grow the number of inbound links a website receives is to increase the number of people who encounter its content.

Very simple. When your content is high-quality and people like and share it you increase your search engine rankings.

Why You Need SEO for Your Website Success

SEO is critical for a website to succeed as it is acutely noted by Google and other search engines which would accord high or low page rankings on it. This would affect the flow of traffic to your business website as web users are influenced by the recommendation of the search engines.

It is quite natural for web users to click on URLs that are placed on the first page of the SERP listing then scroll down the page.

This would offer businesses more opportunities to convert web traffic into sales. A well-defined SEO website boosts your brand, traffic, and sales.

SEO is very effective and a necessity for all the online businesses. Organic traffic generated from the search engines and social media is a great advantage of a successful business.

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