Tag Archives: channel

YouTube: Top Video Channel Ideas To Make Money and Best Time To Upload Videos

YouTube: Top Video Channel Ideas To Make Money and Best Time To Upload Videos
YouTube: Top Video Channel Ideas To Make Money and Best Time To Upload Videos

Do you like to start a YouTube Channel? YouTube has more than 37 million YouTube channels worldwide. Starting a channel is not difficult but making money with a YouTube channel is pretty difficult in 2021.

YouTube: Top Video Channel Ideas To Make Money

Here are some ideas about YouTube and how to start your YouTube Channel and make money.

  1. Gaming
YouTube: Top Video Channel Ideas To Make Money

If you love playing games, you can start a gaming channel right now. Gaming channels are popular because many people are playing games on YouTube every day. Give it a try and start your gaming channel today!

  1. Educational

Many kids and older people are studying from home. Start an educational channel that will help students and people to understand and learn easily. Online education is a topic that will keep growing. So you can start an educational channel now.

YouTube: Top Video Channel Ideas To Make Money and Best Time To Upload Videos
  1. Comedy and Entertainment

Entertainment is a classic trend! If you have a good sense of humor you can try to start a comedy or entertainment channel.

  1. Fitness and Health

If you love fitness, health, or Yoga, you can start a fitness channel today. Fitness is an evergreen topic! Many people worldwide are trying to lose weight and improve their lives. Start your new video channel now!

YouTube: Top Video Channel Ideas To Make Money and Best Time To Upload Videos
  1. Travel Vlogs

Do you love to travel and explore places? Do you love adventures? Travel vlog is trending on YouTube. You can share your lifestyle and daily routine and help people to explore new places.

  1. Music and songs

Do not hesitate to upload your videos on YouTube, if you create music or songs. YouTube can help you to become famous as a musician or artist.

YouTube: Top Video Channel Ideas To Make Money and Best Time To Upload Videos
  1. Product reviews

Many people do not buy products or services without reading reviews. You can start sharing reviews and tips about the products or services that you use.

Useful Tip

YouTube: Top Video Channel Ideas To Make Money and Best Time To Upload Videos

If you start a YouTube channel, you need to know what your interests and what you love to do. These YouTube Channel Ideas will help you to give a start to your channel.

Best Time To Upload Videos On YouTube

As a YouTuber, you need to know the right time to post videos on youTube and attract the attention of your target audience. Many thousands of people log in to YouTube every day to watch videos.

YouTube: Top Video Channel Ideas To Make Money and Best Time To Upload Videos

Getting many views is one of the key factors to rank your videos on YouTube. To gain more views you need to know when your subscribers or target audience are active on YouTube.

The majority of YouTube users are 18 to 45 years old. Many people are busy all the week and spend time over weekends. So weekends are the best time to upload videos and gain many views.

YouTube: Top Video Channel Ideas To Make Money and Best Time To Upload Videos

Fridays and Saturdays are the days when people spend time on social media and entertainment. YouTube is the best video-sharing platform and has a variety of videos that educate, entertain, guide, etc. So people tend to engage mostly over weekends and holidays on YouTube.

Sunday is the most ideal time of the week to attract many people with your videos. The best time to post is either early in the morning between 8 am to 11 am and later in the evening after 5 pm to 9 pm.

YouTube: Top Video Channel Ideas To Make Money and Best Time To Upload Videos

If you want to post videos in between the week, Wednesday is the day to keep driving your audience to your videos! You can share snippets or shorts videos of your upcoming video on your channel to raise the curiosity of your subscribers!

You can work hard to create content, but if you post it at an incorrect time, all your efforts will be at a toss!

Posting time always depends on the audience that you target.

YouTube: Top Video Channel Ideas To Make Money and Best Time To Upload Videos

If you want to target people from the eastern and the west coast the best time to upload a video will be between (8 am to 9-am EST). At this time people on the eastern coast are beginning their day and people on the west coast are in the middle of the day.

It’s better to test different hours and days to upload your videos on YouTube. Many people still are working from home (Pandemic Effect). So you need to test or ask your subscribers what time of the day they prefer to watch your videos!

YouTube Marketing: 10 Tips on How to Optimize Successfully Your Video Channel

YouTube Marketing: 10 Tips on How to Optimize Successfully Your Video Channel
YouTube Marketing: 10 Tips on How to Optimize Successfully Your Video Channel

YouTube marketing and YouTube optimization strategy is a great idea to promote your video and your business.

YouTube is the second largest search engine. So when you market your business on YouTube and improve your search rankings, your business videos will be seen by your target audience and many potential customers or interested people.

YouTube Marketing: How to Optimize Successfully Your Video Channel

Here are some useful tips about YouTube marketing and how to optimize successfully your video channel

YouTube Marketing: How to Optimize Successfully Your Video Channel
  1. YouTube Channel Rankings Techniques

Effective techniques to boost your channel rankings on YouTube

Length of videos: To get good rankings on YouTube, post videos of the same length.

User interactions: Getting likes, comments, and shares will boost your channel ranking on YouTube.

YouTube Marketing: How to Optimize Successfully Your Video Channel

The number of subscribers: Getting many subscribers will increase your channel community and help you to achieve higher rankings.

  1. Keywords and Channel Name

On-page SEO works the same as it works on websites.

Choose your channel name keywords very carefully. Try to focus on keywords that define your channel and business. This name will always be your YouTube channel name.

YouTube Marketing: How to Optimize Successfully Your Video Channel
  1. Use The “About Us” Page

The ‘About Us’ page is not only used to tell about the company or your channel but also is important to improve your SEO strategy. You need to fill out at least 50 words!

YouTube uses these words to show your page in the search results. YouTube also uses these words to understand your channel.

Tell your target audience about the videos you upload. Don’t forget to add your target keywords. It will help your channel to rank higher on YouTube.

YouTube Marketing: How to Optimize Successfully Your Video Channel
  1. Channel Keyword Tags and Advanced Settings

Channel keywords tags will help YouTube to understand your channel. These tags are important to the metadata of websites. Many marketers don’t give these tags much attention, but this is not good for marketing YouTube videos.

The main purpose of these tags is to allow YouTube and google to index your channel for rankings. Add relevant keywords which add value to your channel.

YouTube Marketing: How to Optimize Successfully Your Video Channel
  1. Create Long Videos

One of the most important factors to rank up your channel is the length of your YouTube videos. Watch time is the total amount of watching time of all of your audience combined.

So, if your 10-minute video is watched by 1000 viewers then the total watch time is 10,000 minutes. To increase your watch time, you have to create content that can stick your audience to your video.

YouTube Marketing: How to Optimize Successfully Your Video Channel
  1. Use Keywords in The Video

Google’s new algorithms are very dynamic. Videos, images, and transcriptions are now crawlable. These algorithms use web crawlers to seek information in your content.

Put your keywords in the title of your video and say these keywords throughout your video. It will help the YouTube algorithm to rank your video.

YouTube Marketing: How to Optimize Successfully Your Video Channel
  1. User Interaction Signals

User interactions can help you to boost your rankings on YouTube. Try to get as many user interactions as you can. These interactions help your channel to improve your organic search presence.

You have to ask your audience to like, comment, and share your videos. Sharing your video increases your user interaction and helps you to pull more viewers to your channel.

YouTube Marketing: How to Optimize Successfully Your Video Channel
  1. Video Thumbnails

Youtube thumbnails are important to attract viewers to your channel. Thumbnails should be eye-catching, attractive, and beautiful.

  1. Title and Video Description

YouTube video titles are very important to draw viewers and subscribers to your YouTube channel. Many people only click on your videos when they find a compelling title on the video. The title of the video will help you to generate more views.

YouTube Marketing: How to Optimize Successfully Your Video Channel

Add keywords on your title to get it ranked higher. Another aspect is the video description. Describe your video and don’t forget to add keywords in the video description as well. It will increase your search rankings.

  1. Live YouTube Videos

Live videos are one of the best ways to grow your interaction with your audience. Live videos are now popular on many social media platforms.

YouTube Marketing: How to Optimize Successfully Your Video Channel

You can try out many different types of live videos like a webinar, a Q&A session, interviews, etc.

Last Tip

Make sure that your video has a great introduction. Your introduction is the first impression. It has to be catchy, interesting, and informative.

YouTube Marketing: How to Optimize Successfully Your Video Channel

YouTube is a powerful search engine. Use these tips to optimize your video channel and you will achieve higher rankings and success.

YouTube Tips: How to Grow Your Business With YouTube

YouTube Tips: How to Grow Your Business With YouTube

More than 500 hours of video content is uploaded every minute to YouTube. Two billion users log in every month. YouTube has the greatest reach of any video platform available, giving access to music, shows, personal vlogs, brand channels, and many more.

A report shows that 50% of people under the age of 32 years old will not be subscribed to paid television services (cable) by 2025 but will opt for streaming services that include YouTube.

YouTube is available in 92 countries and 80 languages, and keep growing.

Here are the tips you need to know about how to grow your business with a YouTube channel.

A YouTube channel is a separate entity of its own.

A YouTube channel can be used to build brand loyalty and community (subscribers).

But for that to work, you need to work on your YouTube channel consistently.

  1. Customize your YouTube channel and Grow Your Brand

This is the first important step. You need to set up a channel that will look professional and reflect your brand values.

You need to find your unique value proposition and stick to it.

Also, what you have to offer is another necessity if you want to reach your audience.

Even well-established channels have made the mistake of branching out too far, creating side content that may be related to the central purpose of the channel as a way to upload more frequently without putting in the same level of work as their primary videos.

But that takes focus away from the branding and can often hurt more than help.

Identify your niche content gaps and create effective videos to cover that gap.

  1. Create Many Sources of Traffic

There’s one common mistake that online businesses make over and over again: They tend to rely on a single source of traffic too much. Usually, it’s Google.

Developing alternative sources of traffic, brand awareness and leads is the key to your online marketing success.

YouTube provides for lots of opportunities like that allowing you to connect to influencers and attract customers’ attention without relying on Google ads or social media ads.

YouTube is not just a video hosting platform. It’s also a search engine and a content discovery platform. To build your YouTube presence and find yourself discovered through the powerful channel, you need to set up the plan and stick to it.

  1. Create New Videos – Content Marketing

Developing a YouTube presence is no different from building a blog: You need solid content continuously.

The easiest way to keep yourself organized is to develop a solid content marketing plan, such as an editorial calendar for a few months ahead.

YouTube audiences love consistency. I’ve seen many popular channels outlining their content schedule right in the channel trailer promising to publish new videos on a specific day (or days) of the week.

  1. Use Live Streaming

Live streaming is a huge marketing opportunity on YouTube. No wonder the platform is developing new tools for live streamers to get more out of their broadcasts. This includes YouTube premieres, allowing video publishers to announce their upcoming live event and start building the audience before going live.

With YouTube premieres, you can schedule your live stream in advance to promote your link in your newsletter and social media channels for your audience to receive notifications when you go live.

  1. Promote Your Videos On Social Media

This is a very effective tip. With social media promotion, you can reach your target audience pretty fast. Also, you can attract more interested people to your YouTube channel.

  1. Create and Test Different Types of Videos

Get all your possible assets together and turn everything you can into videos.

Turn your current product demos into short “highlights” addressing specific queries.

Create screencasts to showcase steps and answer easy questions (e.g.,” how to login”).

Email your customers and invite them to make “unboxing” videos or “customer success” videos in exchange for freebies.

Turn your PowerPoint presentations into slideshows.

Create videos from articles.

Ask your subscribers what type of video they like.

Make your research to discover more tips and trends about YouTube. Don’t forget that the online world and technology are changing pretty fast. Educate yourself and keep working every day.

— An investment in knowledge pays the best interest- Benjamin Franklin

You can get access to a range of free courses as well as paid courses.

Discover any interesting topic that you want to learn.

Learn when you want to how you want to and anywhere you want to.

“Knowledge is Power” https://www.bestprofitsonline.com/myblog/ogk7

Youtube: The Benefits of a Successful Video Channel

Youtube: The Benefits of a Successful Video Channel

YouTube is one of the most popular websites in the world and its popularity growing every day. With over 1 billion unique monthly visitors, YouTube ranks as the most effective video platform.

Creating your very own YouTube channel other YouTube users can watch your videos. A successful YouTube Channel has many benefits for your business and your marketing campaigns.

4 Benefits You Need to now

SEO Effect

If you have a video on YouTube, then you will achieve higher rankings on search engines. Don’t forget that Google owns Youtube. Also, You have the opportunity to promote your blog or business on your YouTube channel to drive home more traffic, which helps with SEO.

Also, YouTube video performs much better on search engines than videos from other platforms and blog post.

Money and Fame

While YouTube is an awesome platform to spread your message and promote your blog, your effort on the platform can become very profitable. Some successful marketers and business owners have earned several million dollars from their videos on YouTube.

With YouTube, fame and wealth are just around the corner.

Connection with People

You may have noticed that video content it’s encourages personal connection. YouTube can let you create a much more personal connection with people like you and let them get to know you and see how you react or act in some situations.

There is something about viewing a video where you can feel like you are right there with somebody working on solving a problem. It is a different kind of feeling and it creates an intimate connection.
Creative Outlet

YouTube gives you an awesome creative outlet. It lets you do something creative and different than just pictures. You now have the opportunity to get in front of the camera and show what you can do.

It allows you to film and edit what you like doing- you can experiment with different things.

YouTube allows you to upload your videos and potentially get visibility on a large scale. The revenue and viewership may start small, but if you stick with your channel and promote it, it may eventually become one of the most-watched channels, attracting thousands of viewers and a good stream of income.

You can grow your business, your brand and your income with the help of a successful YouTube video channel.


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YouTube: How to Grow Your Channel and Generate More Sales

YouTube: How to Grow Your Channel and Generate More Sales

Youtube is very powerful and popular. It enables businesses to deliver their message in an engaging format to broad audiences. Here are some effective ways to grow your YouTube channel and generate more sales.

  1. Publish Quality Content

Let’s be honest, building a successful YouTube channel is hard work. That’s because videos take a lot of time to shoot and edit, and the entire production process can take weeks on end.

So if you’re not ready to dedicate hours of work to create and publish quality YouTube content on a regular basis, you might want to consider switching to different, less demanding social media channels.

  1. Create Effective Thumbnails

If you want to grow your YouTube channel you need to make sure that your content stands out on the platform. You need to create visually appealing thumbnails that make your videos pop.

Here are some tips you need to know.

Use vivid, contrasting colors
Use a compelling background photo
Add big, bold text
Use the right dimensions: 1280x720px (16:9 ratio)

If you want to quickly create a YouTube video thumbnail, you can use Canva (Free)

  1. Optimize Your Video Titles

It’s very important to optimize your video titles for search by using relevant, popular keywords.

To ensure your content can be easily found, use keyword research tools and pinpoint phrases you can use in your video title. Remember to aim for keywords with high search volume and low competition.

Then, combine the keyword of your choice with emotion words to spice up your video title.

  1. Include a Powerful Call-to-action

It’s super important that you include compelling call-to-action in your videos.

CTAs are a great way to get users to take the desired action and can help you effectively grow your YouTube channel. (Traffic and Sales)

  1. Keep Your Videos Short and Sweet

Today’s social media users are very busy. It’s essential that you keep this trend in mind, and make your videos short and sweet to improve viewability.

How long should your video content be?

According to HubSpot, videos that are around 2 minutes long achieve the highest engagement. This number corresponds with the findings by Wistia that revealed that the completion rate for videos 1-2 minutes long is 75% – 15% more than for videos 4-5 minutes long.

Stick to the 2-minute limit when creating your YouTube videos. This way, you’ll be able to improve the number of video views and subscribers.

  1. Publish Your YouTube Videos on Other Channels

If you want to grow your YouTube channel subscribers and views, you need to regularly cross-promote your videos.

First of all, take a look at the video specifications of each social media platform to ensure you can convert your YouTube video to the right format. For example, on Facebook, your videos can be up to 120 minutes long, but on Instagram, the maximum video length is just 1 minute.

That’s why you need to make sure that your YouTube videos are optimized for different channels.

Aside from publishing your YouTube videos across other social networks, we recommend including your videos in your blog posts and email newsletters to drive even more users to your channel.

It’s essential for businesses and marketers to establish a solid presence on YouTube. You will become an expert, a trustworthy source, and also, you will grow your brand and income.