Viral Marketing: 7 Techniques For Your Online Business

Viral Marketing: 7 Techniques For Your Online Business
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Viral marketing is a great technique for your online business. You can use these 7 viral marketing techniques to boost your online business and generate traffic for your website. They will also simplify your marketing by the viral effect of easy and instant transmission of messages from person to person.

You offer a discount or a price cut, a valuable free report or an ebook in exchange for sharing that information to a colleague or friend. Just keep your suggestions, offers, discounts, free reports etc. highly relevant to what you want to ask your prospects to do which in this case is to virally share your content. You offer good valuable information that is worth sharing.

1. Blogging. you can have other marketers interacting with you and engaging in the viral marketing needed to forward your message for new and existing products and services. Your site can provide the tools and the marketing for spreading your message across the internet.

2. E-books. Create an e-Book, that has images as well as text, and links to other sites or to your own website, you can get plenty of viral traffic easily this way. Just tell your readers how and what to do with your material for sharing it successfully. You can post your e-Books to e-Book directories often for free.

3. Mobile phones. There is a great opportunity with this medium. There are subtle marketing techniques that you can apply to persuade the prospect to pass on information to their followers or friends. Using text messages for instance is an effective way of communicating a free offer, or service, response, contests etc.

4. Use file sharing. This is very useful for viral marketing too. So many people are going online for downloading video files, text files, audio files, free software files. This means there is a great opportunity for marketers to use this medium virally.

Offer free downloads in different formats that your customers will be willing to pass on, sharing them to their friends, family and subscribers to boost your marketing message to many thousands of people. Image you writing and performing a song that you record as an MP3 that you send to a friend. His friend listens to it, likes it and he sends it to his friends… It would not take long before your song is in many people’s hard drives. This is the power of viral marketing.

5. E-mail marketing. Simply emailing in your niche asking them to pass on your message. Include a joke, or an MP3 file, a free report very targeted to their interests, or a video and you will see the kick that viral marketing gives to your campaign.

6. Forums. in fact, if you use subtle marketing techniques, non invasive and careful strategies in forums, will work well for you. The key here is to not rush into marketing. Your approach needs to be measured, respectful and un-hurried so that after the ground work is set, benefits and results will start to happen for you. For savvy marketers, forums provide another great opportunity for effective viral marketing.

7. Re-branding e-Books. First of course, make sure you have the rights for doing so and then you can give them away freely. Or you can write articles with links to free material that you can pass on to your prospects and them to their subscribers.

There is a lot you can do by searching online for branding rights of products that you can then forward to your customers for free and they in turn, pass them on to their friends and prospects, creating again another viral marketing campaign.

There are many other techniques and strategies that you can use in your marketing to make them go viral. The search engines can give you a ton of information about them. Try these 7 viral marketing techniques to boost your online business.


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