16 Tips for Effective Content Marketing

16 Tips for Effective Content Marketing
72 Amazing Ways to Internet Profits in 2018. How to Make Money Online Free Ebook

High quality content is very important for your business marketing success. The effective content marketing can be more profitable to your business. There are many ways to marketing your quality content effectively.

1: Get bloggers to share your blog posts with their readers

The benefits are two-fold: First, you will likely get extra traffic. And second, it’s a great way to begin building relationships with other bloggers.

Here’s how it works:

Choose a topic for your next blogpost. Now search out other content related to the post you’re writing. It could be articles, podcasts, infographics, blogposts, videos, etc.

How to find the best content. Use a tool like Buzzsumo to locate the highest shared content for your keyword.

Get in touch with these content creators right away. Let them know you’re working on a post and you’re going to include a reference to their work.

Ask if they would like to see the post when you’re done. Be friendly and keep your messages short and straight to the point.

When your post is published, let them know they’re featured in your newly published content. Even if they didn’t reply to your first email, let them know.

If they like your content, many of them will share it with their readers and social media.

2: Offer a bonus in exchange for social media shares

When you create a new piece of content, create what you might think of as a bonus, too. It could be an infographic, a resource list, a pdf of the article, etc.

Sign up for a Pay with a Tweet service and create a new campaign.

Integrate the campaign button or campaign link into your content page. Feature it prominently, and talk up the benefits of what they will receive in exchange for a simple share on social media.

3: Optimize Your Facebook Posts

Things to know…

Run tests to see what types of posts, headlines and images your audience prefers.
Use hashtags whenever appropriate, since they increase interactions by 60%.
When appropriate, use a question to get 100% more comments than non-question posts (Source: KISSMetrics)
Link titles should have less than 100 characters
Engage with photos because 93% of the most engaged posts contain photos
Use videos as well for even more engagement
The most engaging length for a Facebook post? Is between 50 and 100 characters.
Posts with emoticons receive 33% more comments and are shared 33% more often. (Source: AMEX Open Forum)
Saturday and Sunday posts have much higher average engagement (Source: TrackMaven)

4: Join Facebook Groups

Facebook groups are an excellent way to connect with people interested in your topic or niche.

In Facebook groups you can really get to know your audience, and eventually promote your content.

Create a list of keywords that best describe your niche.

Enter each keyword or phrase into the search field, click search and click on ‘groups.’

Join the groups that look the most promising, but don’t share your content right away. Read the rules, participate in the conversations, help others and answer questions.

When someone asks a question that your content can answer, then share your content.

Or share your content as updates, asking the group for feedback.

5: Share your content on LinkedIn

This one depends – can you find your target market on LinkedIn? If so, this is a great place to share great stuff, keeping a few things in mind:

Many LinkedIn groups are nothing more than spam groups.

You’ve got to find relevant groups with lots of activity and very strict anti-spam rules.Try different keyword variations, and use group filters in the search settings. As you gain experience searching, you’ll get better at finding the right groups.

Once you’re in a group, read the rules and see how people interact. Help others, like, comment and ask questions that move conversations forward. Do this for a few weeks before sharing. Remember, you’ve got to give first if you want to receive.

6: Sending traffic from LinkedIn to your blog

Is your audience on LinkedIn? Then every time you write a new blogpost, also write a 300-400 word teaser post for LinkedIn.

This post will give the gist of what your blogpost is about and provide a link back to your blog so they can read the entire post there.

7: Driving traffic from Google+ to your blog

Contrary to popular belief, Google+ is still alive with 300 million active monthly users.

The key here is the communities. Joining and taking part in conversations will get you more engagement on the platform. Here’s how:

Search for your niche keywords on Google+, then scroll down to the ‘communities’ section and click ‘more’ to see the results.

Join the communities and start building relationships. Share your thoughts and ideas, answer questions, be helpful and keep the conversation flowing.

Now get in touch with the owner of the community and ask if they could use your help. If you get approved as a moderator, you should see a big spike in followers and engagement.

8: Get 10,000 new Instagram Followers

The more followers you have, the more traffic you can potentially drive to your blog, your website, your offers, etc.

And it’s easy to get followers if you have some time to kill.

NOTE: Instagram makes you do this manually, so when you have spare time, here’s how to do it:

Open Instagram, tap on the search icon, select ‘tags,’ and search the hashtag associated with your topic.

Choose a photo and start following the account. Like their most recent three photos.

Soon you will see people following you back.

9: Get More Shares (and traffic) With Interactive Content

People love to discover more about themselves, what their spirit animal is, what their personality says about them and so forth.

This is why for decades the Cosmopolitan Magazine Quiz has been one of the favorite features of the entire magazine.

And it’s also why you can use simple quizzes to drive more interaction and more shares from your readers.

Here’s how:

Register for a free account at apester.com.

Click ‘create new’ and select the type of content you would like to create – polls, quizzes, personality, video or countdown.

Add your questions and mark the right questions.

Press ‘publish’ and install the Apester plugin to your WordPress site.

Copy the code and insert it on your website, where ever you want it to be.

10: Run a Contest

Offering a contest on social media is a great way to get lots of engagement, traffic and new subscribers.

But be careful – you’ve got to tailor your prize to the audience you seek. Otherwise you’ll end up with a ton of subscribers who care nothing about your niche, your blog or your products.

For example, don’t offer a free electronic device (as so many do) unless it’s 100% directly related to your niche.

If your niche is online marketing, offer free access to your latest marketing course to bring in super targeted leads, and so forth.

11: Use other people’s great content to drive traffic to your site

This is a great technique on several levels. First, you’re sharing relevant, timely content via social media, so your followers and fans benefit.

The person whose content you are sharing will see you’re sharing their stuff, which can help build relationships with these marketers.

And in the process you can actually drive traffic to your own content as well. Here’s how:

Find articles and posts related to your newly published post. You can use Google Alerts or simply do a Google search for new content on the topic.

When you find an article your audience will likely enjoy, use Sniply to share it via your social channels.

To do this: Go to Sniply and register for a free account. Insert the article’s link and click ‘create snip.’

Then customize the call to action that visitors to that article will see, and link it to YOUR blogpost.

Click ‘snip’ and you’re set.

12: Create Roundup Posts

This is a great way to get social media shares from other bloggers and marketers, and even begin building relationships with them.

Each week, or monthly you will create a collection of the best content related to your topic.

To find this content, you’ll want to subscribe to relevant blogs, set up keyword trackers, or use a notification service like Feedly.

Choose the best posts and write a few sentences of introduction for each one, linking back to the original source.

Notify your sources before you publish your post. Let them know you’re working on a roundup post and their article or post will be included.

Once you publish, let everyone in your roundup article know you are live.

For those who don’t promote your article via social media, it is okay to politely follow up in a few days just in case they missed your email.

13: Create News Posts

This is generally done weekly and it’s similar to the roundup post. Only in this case, you are focusing on newsworthy items from your particular niche.

Your traffic here is likely to come more from people sharing your post than from the sources you are quoting, since many times those sources will be actual news sites.

However, for sources that are regular sites, blogs, etc., be sure to let them know you’ll be including them, and then let them know when you publish.

14: Get Social Share from the Tools and Resources You Recommend

Here’s something almost no one thinks to do…

When you write a “how to” post or article, do you recommend resources and tools?

If so, here’s a little trick:

Locate the email address for each of the resources. Then get in touch and let them know you’ll be recommending their tool/resource to your readers in an upcoming post. Ask them if they would like to know when it goes live.

Once your article is live, let them know and politely ask if they might like to share it with their subscribers. After all, your endorsement is validation that their product works, plus their readers might find a new way to use the product, too.

15: Share. A LOT.

You’ve just finished a brand new blogpost and you are proud as can be at the way it turned out. Time to tell the world, right?

Yes! Tell your followers on every social media avenue on which you’re active.

But don’t make the same mistake most marketers make.

Most folks don’t want to ‘bug’ others. They’re afraid if they ‘over promote,’ then people will get mad, unsubscribe, stop following, etc.

Actually, the exact opposite is true. You’re going to have to share your content many times before some people ever see it. Think of Twitter – do you see all of your tweets the first time? Not likely, but let’s say you do. Do you click all the links the first time you see them? Of course not. You’re busy, you’re distracted, things get in the way…

Your followers and fans want to see your content, so make sure they can my sharing it multiple times.

Create different versions of the posts and tweets you’ll make – maybe 5-8 variations. Change the titles, use different pictures and even emojis to boost engagement.

Set up a sharing schedule in advance by using a service like Buffer.

Share right after the post is published, and again an hour later, 3 hours later, 7 hours later, the next day, the day after, the next week, the next week after, etc.

Track how your posts perform and adjust your schedule accordingly. Also, try to share both during the morning, the afternoon and the evening for full coverage.

16: Keep Your Readers Coming Back Without Social Media or Email

This tip isn’t so much about driving new traffic, as it is bring traffic back to your site time and time again.

No doubt you’re already building a social media following, right?

And of course you’re building your email list, too.

But… what about all those readers who either don’t fall into one of those two categories, or who ignore social media and your emails?

You can still bring them back to your website with push notifications for Chrome and Firefox. Here’s how:

Register to get a free account at Pushcrew.

You’ll get a unique code to insert in your website. Or if you have WordPress, you can install their plugin.

Now you have the content marketing tips to drive traffic to your website or blog. It’s simply about taking the time to do these things to increase your traffic and marketing your content successfuly.

72 Amazing Ways to Internet Profits in 2018. How to Make Money Online Free Ebook


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