Online Marketing: 5 Tips on How to Increase Your Online Sales [Infographic]

Online Marketing: 5 Tips on How to Increase Your Online Sales [Infographic]
Online Marketing: 5 Tips on How to Increase Your Online Sales [Infographic]

Are you looking for ways to improve your online marketing strategy? Do you know how to increase your online sales?

Online Marketing: How to Increase Your Online Sales

Here are some tips you need to know.

Online Marketing: How to Increase Your Online Sales

A quick summary:

Don’t talk “at” people
Understand people don’t care about your product
Use marketing psychology
Get to know your audience
Give away lots of free value

People love to buy but they hate to be sold to. That’s the idea behind indirect online marketing.

Selling is building relationships. You need to build genuine connections with people. And it’s mostly listening.

This is something most people forget on social media. We all want engagement on our profiles but social media engagement takes a lot of effort to increase. And you’ll need to do a lot of it yourself.

Online Marketing: How to Increase Your Online Sales

People don’t care about your product but they care how it’s going to affect or improve their lives.

Use marketing psychology tactics.

All humans have instinctual ways of thinking. And they help us make quick decisions in real-time. Marketing psychology can help to increase your sales.

You can use these tactics on your site and social media platforms. Some popular options are:

Online Marketing: How to Increase Your Online Sales

Color psychology – they create different reactions (red grabs attention, green feels natural).
FOMO (fear of missing out) – limited time offers and sales spark urgency
Storytelling – this can create powerful emotions which inspire us to take action
Social proof – success stories or case studies give us the confidence to follow the crowd
Reciprocity – we want to respond to a positive action

Give away a lot of free value to your followers.

Free value. This is what most sales processes are missing. But it boils down to something simple. Trust.

Online Marketing: How to Increase Your Online Sales

By giving something, people naturally want to give back.

You can’t expect people to give you their hard-earned money if they don’t trust you.

It’s easy to get attention with a paid ad. It’s hard to earn trust.

Last Tip

If you’re wondering how to sell online, there are a lot of guides out there. The most obvious factor: people don’t like being sold to.

Online Marketing: How to Increase Your Online Sales

So, your job is to sell without being too salesy. Especially on social media, where most people aren’t really there to buy.

Any purchase has to feel like your customer’s choice. So, don’t be pushy. Get to know your buyers. Then create clever and helpful content. And let them come to you.


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