Tag Archives: exploit

WordPress Security Plugins And How To Protect Your Website

Wordpress Security Plugins And How To Protect Your Website

When it comes to the best wordpress security plugins, there are a few out there to protect your WordPress website from most hacks and exploits. There is a new concept in WordPress security that you may not be familiar with before you focus on a specific WordPress security plugin.

With WordPress, over 90% of websites that get defaced, or malware installed onto them are due to exploits, things such as SQL injections, header injections, and directory traversal, all looking for your security weaknesses. Your website might have a vulnerable plugin that you have no idea about, and the plugin creator may not even know.

Due to the lack of secure coding requirements from plugin developers, over 90% of WordPress websites have some sort of vulnerability to exploits. Your website is not safe even with the most common security plugins installed, such as Sucuri, iThemes Security plugin, Wordfence, and a host of others.

The problem with installing all these plugins is they only protect you from exploits they know about already, not new ones. This is the wrong way to approach WordPress security, using a patchwork of security plugins that all prevent or block certain threats.

The better approach is to use a new, and what I think is the best WordPress security plugin on the market that solves this problem. This new technology is a behavior based wordpress security plugin that detects unusual behavior and stops it and blocks the IP address immediately. So this type of behavior based technology is really the next trend in WordPress security and you should adopt it in your security planning.

Trying to piece together security for WordPress websites will never be enough to prevent exploits from happening as new ones are created daily by hackers. The problem with reactive security is it leaves you open to unknown vulnerabilities, with is why thousands of WordPress websites get infected with malware daily.

Making sure your website is secure is super important, and no longer can you rely on a combination of wordpress security plugins. It is time to look at the next generation of security which is behavior blocking security plugins.

You can search on google or other search engines to find solutions for your wordpress site security, or to ask wordpress.com to inform you about latest security technology.

You must keep your wordpress site clean and safe. Also every day back up your site to avoid lose your data from hackers.