Content Marketing: What is Evergreen Content? How to Create Evergreen Content? [Infographic] (And a Song)

Content Marketing: What is Evergreen Content? How to Create Evergreen Content? [Infographic]
Content Marketing: What is Evergreen Content? How to Create Evergreen Content? [Infographic]

How to improve your content marketing strategy with evergreen content. How to create evergreen content. Why evergreen content is important for your content marketing strategy?

Content Marketing: What is Evergreen Content?

1. What is evergreen content?

Evergreen content is content that stands the test of time. It’s usually highly informative and extremely relatable.

Content Marketing: What is Evergreen Content?

Most content is relevant for a short time.

Even some articles that gain attention soon after they are published can see that interest declines quickly.

Evergreen topics will always resonate with readers.

As a result, they tend to be shared, ranked, and referenced over time.

2. Why is evergreen content important?

Evergreen content drives traffic

Content Marketing: What is Evergreen Content?

The main benefit of content evergreen is that it delivers a consistent stream of traffic to your site over time.

Evergreen posts stand out in your Google analytics or site traffic statistics. They are the posts that bring visitors and conversions to your site month after month.

Evergreen posts increase backlinks

These posts are super beneficial to your SEO strategy as they not only drive traffic, they also gain links consistently over time.

Content Marketing: What is Evergreen Content?

Backlinks function as a vote of trust for search engines. When Google or another search engine wants to know if a piece of content is valuable, its bots will look for links from other authoritative sources.

3. How do you create evergreen content?

Use influencers and contacts

Content Marketing: What is Evergreen Content?

It’s people that make your content evergreen.

Involving others during the process of creating your evergreen content has a better chance of being shared and linked after it’s published.

Conduct surveys, ask for peoples’ opinions, seek their expert advice, and work this feedback into your content.

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