LinkedIn: 4 Tips on How to Promote Your Business Successfully

LinkedIn: 4 Tips on How to Promote Your Business Successfully
LinkedIn: 4 Tips on How to Promote Your Business Successfully

LinkedIn is a great social media platform for professionals. If you’re active on LinkedIn many times you get messages from people who try to sell you something like SEO services or they promote their business.

LinkedIn: Tips To Promote Your Business Successfully

But there are better sales techniques on LinkedIn than spamming people. You need to provide quality content and avoid over-promotion techniques.

Here are some tips about how to promote your business on LinkedIn.

1. Create a Professional Profile

LinkedIn: Tips To Promote Your Business Successfully

Make sure you have a good photo of yourself or a quality picture of your logo.

Fill each section carefully. Especially the parts where you can list your skills or the services/products you offer.

For company pages, use the LinkedIn profile as an opportunity to promote your services/products. In your description, write something interesting or attractive that will catch readers’ eyes.

2. Use Native and External Links

LinkedIn: Tips To Promote Your Business Successfully

The LinkedIn algorithm works differently than Facebook’s. So you can send users to your website to gain more traffic without penalties. But this doesn’t mean that you should solely focus on external links.

Balance is important. You can publish your blog posts and links to your sales pages, but you need to use some native articles. Many users tend to read native articles more because it’s easier and they don’t have to leave the platform.

3. Join LinkedIn Groups (Relevant to your business)

LinkedIn groups are the perfect places to find new leads. But don’t join too many groups and don’t start spamming their members. It’s better to join groups relevant to your business or niche.

 LinkedIn: Tips To Promote Your Business Successfully

Tip. Most LinkedIn groups have anti-spam rules. So you cannot publish sales pitches or links to your website. But you can showcase your expertise in the comments section.

Help people solve real problems and you will attract more interested people to your business.

4. Connect With People

Look for company profiles or personal profiles of people that might interest in your business. Follow them and engage with their content.

 LinkedIn: Tips To Promote Your Business Successfully

Important! You shouldn’t leave comments showcasing your services or products below articles. Also, you shouldn’t try to sell your services/products in comments. (unless someone asks you what you do).

You need to get prospects’ attention, not to sell with a comment. You can message them directly, once you’ve established a rapport and know a few things about their business.

Last Tip

LinkedIn: Tips To Promote Your Business Successfully

Selling on LinkedIn takes time. You need to build relationships first and leads later. Avoid spamming and create quality and useful content.

These are the two important tips for a successful business marketing strategy on LinkedIn.