Tag Archives: personalization

eCommerce: 7 Tips on How to Use Personalization and Increase Sales

eCommerce: 7 Tips on How to Use Personalization and Increase Sales
eCommerce: 7 Tips on How to Use Personalization and Increase Sales

These days eCommerce industry keeps growing. But many eCommerce business owners don’t know tips and tricks to increase their sales.

eCommerce: How to Use Personalization and Increase Sales

Statistics show that 91% of consumers are more likely to buy from brands that show products based on their specific interests and provide them with relevant offers or discounts.

eCommerce: How to Use Personalization and Increase Sales

Personalizing user experience is an excellent way to improve customer engagement and increase sales and profits.

Here are some eCommerce personalization tips that will help you to grow your business and generate more sales.

1. Use Personalized Landing Pages

eCommerce landing pages are effective tools to generate customers. A personalized landing page is the opportunity to convert your visitors into customers.

eCommerce: How to Use Personalization and Increase Sales

Stars show that 85% of consumers are attracted by personalized landing pages. Also, personalized recommendations influence 92% of consumers to complete a purchase.

You can provide a personalized experience on your landing page by creating content based on your user’s preferences.

Use website cookies to gather your customer’s information including recently viewed products, buying behavior, shopping history, etc.

eCommerce: How to Use Personalization and Increase Sales

This data will help you curate customized content according to your customers’ specific interests.

You know what your customers like or need. So you can fill their needs and increase your sales. Simple but pretty effective!

2. Use Recently Viewed Items And Similar Items Sections

Adding a “recently viewed items” section helps your customers easily find the products they previously visited and prompt them to buy.

eCommerce: How to Use Personalization and Increase Sales

Similarly, adding a “view similar item” section gets related products in front of your customers and nudges them to browse just a little bit longer.

Some of the benefits of adding these sections.

Creating a more efficient shopping experience for users (it’s easier for them to find relevant items).

Better opportunities to upsell and cross-sell.

Increased page views and length of time on your website (increases your search rankings).

Showing related products may lead to a purchase later on.

3. Loyalty Programs

Tip. By increasing your customer retention rate by 5%, you can increase your profits by as much as 95%!

eCommerce: How to Use Personalization and Increase Sales

Attracting new customers is essential for business growth, but retaining existing customers is easier and more profitable.

This is why loyalty programs are vital to the success of your business.

With a well-designed loyalty program, it’s easier to connect with your customers and increase customer loyalty.

Many retailers believe that loyalty programs are the best way to connect with their customers.

Loyalty programs increase referrals and word-of-mouth promotion. Also, you build a community of loyal customers.

4. Virtual Shopping Assistant

One of the most effective ways to help your customers and generate sales is by offering them a personalized shopping assistant.

eCommerce: How to Use Personalization and Increase Sales

A shopping assistant not only saves your users’ time and effort but also helps them compare prices and find the best deals.

AI-enabled shopping assistants can listen, understand, recommend, and even handle one on one conversations with customers to resolve queries quickly.

5. Personalized Recommendations

Statistics show that personalized product recommendations generate 31% of eCommerce revenues and increase conversion rates.

eCommerce: How to Use Personalization and Increase Sales

Recommendations can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

There are many ways to use personalized recommendations.

Showing new arrivals on the homepage

Highlight bestsellers

Displaying what others bought

Recommending products based on reviews

You can also use email marketing to send personalized recommendations and increase repeat purchases.

6. Geo Based Personalization

If you have an online store you can have customers worldwide. So you need to use geo-based personalization.

eCommerce: How to Use Personalization and Increase Sales

Geo-based personalization tips.

Easy Communication: You can use geo-based personalization to communicate with your customers in their regional language. It’s very effective because many people don’t speak English.

So customers can read product descriptions in their native language. It’s easier for them to buy your products.

Product Pricing: You can also offer prices in their currency so they do not have to convert it.

7. Email Marketing

Email is still an effective marketing tool. Statistics show that an email generates $42 for every $1 spent (an impressive ROI of 4,200%).

eCommerce: How to Use Personalization and Increase Sales

You can use user data to send targeted emails to them based on what they have searched for or what was added to the wishlist.

Also, creating urgency and scarcity is a great way to convert your emails faster. You can use phrases like ‘discount price’, ‘offer expires soon’, ‘a few pieces left in stock’ in your emails to convert your customers fast.

Last Tip

eCommerce: How to Use Personalization and Increase Sales

The purpose of personalization is to make your customer feel valued. If your customers are satisfied they will buy from you many times.

Also, they will advertise your business for free! (Word of mouth effect).

Your customers will be happy with personalization marketing and your eCommerce will grow and generate more sales.

Pro Tip

How To Improve Your Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy

Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy
Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy


SMS Marketing and Personalization: How to Grow Your Business in 2022

SMS Marketing and Personalization: How to Grow Your Business in 2022
SMS Marketing and Personalization: How to Grow Your Business in 2022

SMS marketing and personalization have become effective tools to grow your business in 2022.

These days most people are using SMS text messaging as a quick and easy means of communication.

SMS Marketing and Personalization: Business Growth in 2022

A recent study (Google) found that most mobile users expect a response to a text message in 10 minutes or less.

SMS Marketing and Personalization: Business Growth in 2022

Email is a tried strategy and a direct marketing channel for most brands or businesses but many people are expecting businesses to be available via text message for everything. (from customer queries to offers or discounts).

So, if you’re looking to make your mobile experience irresistible you need to use personalized SMS marketing.

Many people are relying on mobile at every stage of their buyer journey. From browsing websites to making purchases to reaching businesses with questions and concerns.

SMS Marketing and Personalization: Business Growth in 2022

Stats show that 58% of consumers use mobile as their primary device for online shopping.

Also, many people say that they’re using SMS messaging to communicate with brands more than ever before.

57% say that they currently receive text messages from businesses, and 25% say that they prefer even more text message communication from brands.

But you need to understand the kind of content that most appeals to your customer.

You can increase engagement with customers who have stopped opening the email. If you’re noticing a dropoff in email opens, use SMS personalization to remind subscribers what they love about your brand.

SMS Marketing and Personalization: Business Growth in 2022

This is an excellent way to add a bit more personalization to your mobile marketing strategy.

Using a combination of SMS, push notifications, and email is a unique way to reach audiences and improve results too.

Focus on SMS personalization

An SMS personalization strategy requires the same attention to marketing and tactics for engagement as email.

SMS marketing also has rules. Here are some tips for creating engaging SMS messages, along with some common mistakes to avoid.

SMS Marketing and Personalization: Business Growth in 2022

Do call customers by name. No one likes to feel they’ve received a message by mistake. Make sure to address your customer by name when sending an SMS message.

If you’re sending a text message, make sure you’re sending an offer, reminder, or a question that matters.

Use a customer’s order history or content preferences to send special offers, alerts, or information about items they’ve browsed rather than making customers feel as if they’re receiving a mass message.

User reviews and ratings become critical for businesses looking to improve service and boost SEO rankings.

SMS Marketing and Personalization: Business Growth in 2022

Asking customers to rate their experiences via text message is a great way to tell you exactly what they love about your business or products.

SMS marketing and personalization is a great way to grow your business in 2022.


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Easy Affiliate System Success
Easy Affiliate System Success

Digital Marketing: How to Personalize Your Marketing Messages and Increase Sales

Digital Marketing: How to Personalize Your Marketing Messages and Increase Sales
Digital Marketing: How to Personalize Your Marketing Messages and Increase Sales

These days digital marketing is changing. Also, users want digital marketing to be relevant and targeted to their specific interests.

Digital Marketing Tips: Personalization and Sales

Stats show that 80% of customers are more likely to purchase from companies, brands, or marketers who send personalization messages.

Here are some tips you need to know about digital marketing and how to personalize your marketing messages.

1. Personalization Messaging and Digital Marketing

Personalization messaging uses customer data like past purchases, demographics, and browsing history to tailor digital marketing to a consumer’s unique character traits.

Digital Marketing Tips: Personalization and Sales

It’s so common that consumers now expect it in emails, text messages, and in-app experiences.

The data that companies collect directly from customers offers the most opportunities for personalization.

You need to know that personalization converts. Two in three consumers like to buy from a brand that knows their name and purchase history.

So personalized marketing increases brand loyalty, engagement, conversions, and customer retention.

2. Tips on how to Personalize Emails

Digital Marketing Tips: Personalization and Sales
  1. Add Customer Names to Subject Lines

Use a subject line that will catch the user’s attention. Emails with names in the subject line will increase open rates.

  1. Use Dynamic Content – Optimization

Personalize experiences with dynamic content. You can create an email campaign based on users’ data, behavior, and preferences.

Also, not every piece of the email needs optimization, but you can change images, calls to action, and more.

  1. Missed Opportunities – Send Reminders

If a user looked at a product but didn’t complete the purchase, you can send product reminders via email to increase sales.

Digital Marketing Tips: Personalization and Sales

Also, you can use cookies to gather information about recently viewed products on your website and then include photos, pricing, or discounts in your next customer email.

Effective Tip! Use the FOMO effect (Fear Of Missing Out). You can use product stock levels if they’re low (left only 15 products) or put an expiration date on the coupon (Only 3 Days).

  1. Use Location and Time Zone

The time of day you send an email matters. If you send all your emails at the same time, then someone in Europe will receive your message at the same time as someone in the USA.

Many customers will ignore your emails because of the location and time zone.

Digital Marketing Tips: Personalization and Sales
  1. Send Triggered Emails

Triggered emails are sent as soon as a user performs a specific action. For example, when placing their first order, automated emails can be set up to engage users right when they want to interact with your brand.

Always include a clear call to action and use a special offer to ensure conversions.

Triggered emails are also sent when a user fails to do an action. Like when they abandon an item in a shopping cart or don’t log in to the app for a few days.

This reminder may encourage a user to re-engage.

Digital Marketing Tips: Personalization and Sales
  1. Text Messages – SMS Tips

Marketers use SMS messages to increase brand awareness, boost user engagement, and increase sales.

Consumers view text messages as more personal and trustworthy than other forms of marketing (they have a 98% open rate!).

Customers must opt-in to receive SMS texts about business news, sales, promotions, offers, and more via their mobile devices.

7. Attract New Users with a Freebie or Discount

When a new user opts-in to receive SMS messages, say thank you by sending a freebie or discount straight to their phone.

Digital Marketing Tips: Personalization and Sales

A freebie will satisfy your new user and will search for more freebies or discounts.

Make sure the offer takes them to your site to explore your products and make a purchase. Also, include an opt-out message just in case they enabled text permissions by mistake.

Last Tip

Digital Marketing Tips: Personalization and Sales

Customers like and prefer marketing personalization because they feel that they are members of a community.

You know their interests and what they like. You are a friend, not an unknown, cold, salesman!

Customers not only want to engage with customized marketing messages, they expect to.

And as personalization becomes more common, you need to know the latest tips, tricks, and techniques of personalization and digital marketing.

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Marketing Personalization: 4 Tips on How to Grow Your Business

Marketing Personalization: 4 Tips on How to Grow Your Business
Marketing Personalization: 4 Tips on How to Grow Your Business

Marketing personalization is a great tool to improve and grow your business. These days the digital world has changed. Businesses are very competitive and people don’t believe ads and promotional emails anymore.

If you want to reach and attract your target audience you need to improve your marketing strategies. It’s time to use marketing personalization to attract more customers to your business.

Marketing Personalization: Tips to Grow Your Business

Stats show that 80% of consumers will like an offer or a discount if you use personalization marketing tips to promote it.
Reports show that personalization increase relevancy.

Here are some tips you need to know about personalization marketing and how to improve and grow your business.

Marketing Personalization: Tips to Grow Your Business

1. You Need to Know the Buyer Journey

The buyer journey is the steps that customers go through as they interact with your business.

if you know the buyer journey you can create personalization marketing strategies to engage customers.

2. Use Analytics

Analytics can help you to find what your visitors are searching for and also their country.

Marketing Personalization: Tips to Grow Your Business

Important Tip! It’s better to optimize your pages for both desktop and mobile devices to give visitors a smooth experience as they navigate your website.

3. Ask Them

You can learn more about your online visitors by asking them directly.

You can use an email survey or ask questions to learn their interests or needs. Listen to their answers and create personalization marketing strategies. Also, You can create personalization campaigns to appeal to them.

Marketing Personalization: Tips to Grow Your Business

Knowing what matters to your online visitors you can improve customer experience and generate more sales.

4. Use Buyer Personas

Buyer personas are fictional characters that represent your target audience. Buyer personas it’s a common tactic for many businesses and marketers.

If you create a well-defined buyer persona then you can create successful personalization campaigns.

Marketing Personalization: Tips to Grow Your Business

Last Tip

Online visitors have many interests and needs. You need to know their needs to create successful personalization marketing strategies to grow your business and increase your sales.

AI and Personalization: 4 Reasons Why Personalization And AI Are The Future of Business

AI and Personalization: 4 Reasons Why Personalization And AI Are The Future of Business
AI and Personalization: 4 Reasons Why Personalization And AI Are The Future of Business

Personalization marketing and AI (Artificial Intelligence) are not only digital marketing trends but the future of business. A customized user experience is what customers like and want. These trends will build a long-term relationship with your customers and increase loyalty.

User experience needs to correlate to customer unique interests through relevant content or offers. Stats show that 58% of consumers are more likely to use a business or service if they are given a personalized experience.

AI and Personalization: The Future of Business

AI and Personalization: The Future of Business

People want to feel special and appreciated. Psychologically, people are more likely to engage with something they find relevant to them. Successful marketing is using more psychological tips than you think.

Here are some reasons why personalization marketing and AI are the future of business.

  1. Targeted Messages
AI and Personalization: The Future of Business

You need to create targeted messages. Product recommendations should be made based on viewed items, or a content offer should relate to a page that was viewed by your visitor or customer.

Think and use what you are learning about this person through each action they take and how you can continue to provide them with content that is interesting to them. Consider what interests people most.

  1. Behavioral Data

Looking at behavioral data is extremely important because it allows you to learn about your visitors and then you can create a customized experience. 70% of a group of senior marketing executives from both the U.S. and Europe said that they used behavior-based data to develop content.

AI and Personalization: The Future of Business

You should measure engagement to see if people find your message or content relevant to them. Personalization will be based on both explicit and implicit data. Make sure that you are asking for the right information in your forms.

People many times are not willing to share their details with you. So you need to know what you ask for and when. The more information you gather about visitors’ interests and needs, the better you can provide a personalized experience.

Once you have enough information about your contacts and visitors, you can segment them into groups and you can nurture them. Automating the process will save you time and money.

AI and Personalization: The Future of Business

Sending relevant and interesting content to the right group of people will gain their trust and will increase sales.

Important Tip: Make sure that you are using current data. Look at what people have been viewing or buying recently. Interests and needs change frequently.

  1. Personalization and Email marketing

Stats show that personalized calls-to-action generates a 43% higher conversion rate than calls-to-action that are the same for everyone. Also, personalization email marketing will lead to a 152% higher open rate compared with other types of email marketing.

AI and Personalization: The Future of Business
  1. AI and Personalization

AI will improve personalization and sales with customer experience and marketing. Businesses that don’t incorporate AI tactics to improve their personalization marketing strategy will lose customers and sales. (Profits).

a) Create Customer Personas

You can begin with initial data (demographics and behavioral data) to identify and understand your customers. You can collect this data by asking customers directly. So you know details about who they are and what they need. Then using AI technology (machine learning, data mining, and natural language processing) you can create a new personalization marketing strategy.

AI and Personalization: The Future of Business

b) Content Creation

It’s impossible to create personalized emails for every customer but there is an alternative way. You can use AI classification algorithms to capture a large number of data points describing a customer’s behavior (such as emails that the customer opened, past purchases, etc). Then you can select the best content for every customer. (Personalization Content)

c) Chatbots

AI-powered personalization chatbots can improve communication with customers and help customers with purchasing products while enabling them to use self-service for their online needs.

AI and Personalization: The Future of Business

d) The Effect of AI Algorithms

Personalization has moved beyond segmentation to the use of algorithms. Brands are using AI through recommender systems to provide customers with more personalized experiences.

Many big brands are using AI to improve purchase recommendations (known as content filtering). Based on customer preferences, the algorithms can be designed to use those preferences and customer behaviors to recommend products, cross-sell items and increase sales.

AI and Personalization: The Future of Business

Businesses can also use AI to share targeted content in real-time, as well as to determine when to send follow-up offers after the customer is finished shopping.

Personalization is the new type of marketing. But in most cases require a strong data set and AI technology to get excellent results, sales, and understanding of the customers.