Tag Archives: research

5 Tips On How To Find Profitable Niches Online

5 Tips On How To Find Profitable Niches Online
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The truth is, only 10% of the hundreds people starting online business everyday succeed. If you like to know what they did, I would recommend you take some paper to take down some notes.

The myth about people making online is very real! In fact you have to reading courses online before you actually knew how people make money online. You can use the guide books as the stepping stone to remind you of the process involved before you even get start making money online.

1. Find Out What You Like Best

Before you even start finding out niches or things you want to sell you have to list down at least 10 hobbies or interest that you have currently. This is a important step. It can changing your life after you did just this simple work. When you fill up this list of 10 things you love to do the most you would instantly know what is your strong points.

2. Do A Research Online

There are many online research tools you can find online. You will discover what people are looking for online. However lots of people made lots of mistake when it comes to keyword research. Keyword research cannot be done in just one day, normally a proper keyword research will take about 3 full days to complete.

Also because the data collected is not 100% accurate and some even say it’s useless. The free tool will actually show you what is the keyword demand that people are looking for online.

So let’s say you type in Internet Marketing , you will find a demand of over 178,835 search per month in Overture’s network and a competition of 392,000,000 for the term Internet Marketing. Some SEO Experts claim that is the wrong way to search as it’s a broad term search.

Because of that reason I always use normal phrase to search for competition to find really good niches with little competition to feed the demand online.

3. Feet The Need

Once you have found a keyword that has high demand and low competition, you would know exactly what type of needs people really need online. All you need to do is go to networks like Clickbank or Commission Junction to find products to feed those need.

Here are just some of the HOTTEST niches online

1. Dating

2. Health

3. Gambling

4. Real Estate

5. Make Money Online

You will noticed most of the niches online are pretty much what human real need are. You will be surprised the amount of money generate for both health and dating niches.

4. Generate Traffic And List

As a full time blogger and internet marketer, you found out that using blogs and squeeze page are the two most powerful tools you can use to grab leads online. Why are leads important? For one simple reason, you need customers to communicate with so that you can update them with the latest products and services

5. Focus And Create A Game Plan

Many people failed to make money online because they lacked to focus their attention online and it can be easily distracting especially when you are running your business at home where your bed is SO CLOSE to you… It takes lots of patience actually to see some form of results when you start your online business.

And that’s it! If you are smart and able to work just print out this article follow the tips. You WILL see results if you are consistent and focus for the next 4 weeks!

Keyword Research: Why It’s Important for Your Online Business

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The importance of keyword research is critical for you and your business. The challenge is most online business owners don’t really understand the value of it or whether or not it’s important for them to do it. what keyword research is and why it’s important for your business success.

What Is Keyword Research?

Keyword research is the process of brainstorming, researching and choosing which keywords to target in your business.

Usually keyword research comes in two parts: Selecting your main niche and keywords, then selecting specific low-competition keywords to target and dominate.

The Benefits Of Doing Keyword Research

Doing keyword research is critical in many ways. What are the benefits of doing keyword research?

First of all, you’ll save a lot of time by doing the proper keyword research. Instead of building your websites and hoping that it’ll work, you’re figuring out whether or not it will work before you build a single page.

You’re only putting work into building campaigns and web pages that you know are specifically targeted for keywords most likely to bring in traffic and buyers.

You’ll also learn a lot about your market in the keyword research process.

The Dangers Of Not Doing Proper Keyword Research

What could happen if you don’t do your keyword research properly?

What’s most likely to happen is that you’ll spend a whole bunch of time creating and promoting your website, only to have very little to no returns.

Not doing your keyword research when you’re starting a website is like opening a restaurant without doing research on the location you’re opening the restaurant at.

If you’re opening a restaurant, wouldn’t you want to know how many people come by this area every day? How many other restaurants are competing in this area? Wouldn’t you want to do your research to see if there’s another area in town with even more traffic and demand yet has less competition?

Keyword research works very much the same way. Before you build a single page, you should know how much traffic you could reasonably expect, plus how much competition you have.

How It Works: Selecting Your Main Keywords

The first step to any keyword research process is to select your main keyword(s).

Choosing the right keywords will determine how well your entire business does. It’s not just part of your traffic strategy, its part of your branding strategy.

It’s very hard to change how you brand yourself once you’re known in your industry. Choose your keywords carefully, before you start. That way you won’t have to go through the costly process of changing your brand later on.

Laser-Targeting Keywords Designed To Rank

Once you’ve done your research on what broad category of keywords you’re targeting, the next step is to select specific keywords to target. You goal when selecting these keywords is to actually get on the top 1-5 spots on Google.

At first, the keywords you’re going to target are going to be very low traffic and very low competition. As your web presence grows, your PageRank grows and your credibility in Google’s eyes grows, you’ll target higher and higher traffic search phrases.

Every keyword that you choose to target should also contain or be closely related to your main keywords. This allows you to instantly rank for the lower traffic keywords while you build towards ranking well for your main keywords.

Build Your Business On Facts.

Very, very few business owners build their business on actual numbers and statistics. This is perhaps one of the reasons why so few business owners succeed.

It’s critical to both your short term and long term success that you build your business based on the facts. It doesn’t matter if you like certain keywords more than others.

If the statistics show you that you’re more likely to be successful by targeting one group of keywords than another, then target that keyword group.

Do your research by using statistics and numbers. Use tools like the Google Keyword Tool that show you actual search statistics.

Successful business owners always know their stats. If you asked an unsuccessful business owner “How much traffic do you get per day?” They probably wouldn’t know. If you asked a successful marketer, they’ll probably say something like “About 500 a day on weekdays, 800 a day on weekends.”

A successful marketer is always looking at his stats.

Before a campaign, a great marketer does his research. He makes sure he’s not wasting time and make sure he’s doing everything he can to increase his chances of making money.

During a campaign, he’s watching his traffic come in. He’s monitoring the stats constantly. What’s his traffic like?
What’s his conversion rate? A great marketer is looking at these numbers on a daily or even hourly basis.

After a campaign, the successful marketer looks at his numbers again. This time he’s looking back to see what he did right and what he could improve next time. He’s looking to learn.

How much attention do you have on the numbers? Would having more attention on the numbers improve your business?
Chances are the answer is yes.

Keyword Research Is The “Secret Sauce” That Separates The Successes From The Failures

“He who fails to plan, plans to fail.” – Proverb

If you’ve heard the proverb “He who fails to plan, plans to fail”, know that this absolutely applies when it comes to keyword research.

Businesses don’t pop out of the ground overnight. Internet businesses can grow a lot faster than brick-and-mortar businesses-which actually makes planning that much more important.

In other businesses, it may be more feasible to correct as you go along. With an Internet business, you could lose so much momentum by having to start over again.

Instead, just do your keyword research right the first time.

The Importance of Doing Keyword Research.

The success or failure of a beginning Internet Marketing business can depend a lot on the keywords you choose. It’s the foundation for your entire business.

Learn the keyword research process, spend some time doing your research. Put your research down for a day or so, then come back to it before making your decision. Remember, this is the foundation that your business is built on. It’s worth spending a little time on it.

Keyword research is critical. Learn the process, do the process and watch your business thrive.

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