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SEO Strategy and Newsjacking: 5 Tips on How to Rank Higher on Search Engines

SEO Strategy and Newsjacking: 5 Tips on How to Rank Higher on Search Engines
SEO Strategy and Newsjacking: 5 Tips on How to Rank Higher on Search Engines

Newsjacking can improve your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. Newsjacking can help your content to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs) if utilized correctly.

SEO Strategy and Newsjacking: How to Rank Higher on Search Engines

Here are some tips about what newsjacking is and how it can benefit your SEO strategy. How to rank higher on search engines

  1. Newsjacking – Explanation
SEO Strategy and Newsjacking: How to Rank Higher on Search Engines

Newsjacking is talking about something popular or trending (Create content around it and sharing it online). Newsjacking can generate attention to your business, products, or services. You can share your thoughts or updates on breaking news stories.

  1. How to Start with Newsjacking Stories

If you would like to use newsjacking to your advantage, you need to know how and when to do it. Here are several steps you can use and tips on how to succeed with newsjacking stories.

Identify the right stories

The first thing you need to do is to identify the right stories. You can’t simply use every story that comes along.

SEO Strategy and Newsjacking: How to Rank Higher on Search Engines

You need to choose big news stories that you have genuine opinions or thoughts on. You also need to make sure you’re keeping it relevant to your business. (This is why you can’t use everything).

Use the right tools

Several tools will help you to stay on top of the new trends and to find the stories that are most relevant to you. You can use:

Using Google Trends to monitor breaking news

Using Google Alerts for a similar purpose (but you can use your specific keywords)

Using social media tools such as Sprout, Hootsuite, etc, to monitor social media

Following journalists, magazines, newspapers, who cover news and stories related to your industry

SEO Strategy and Newsjacking: How to Rank Higher on Search Engines
  1. Find Trends

Social media will help you to monitor relevant hashtags or keywords. You can then use these when creating and sharing content. This will also benefit your rankings and SEO strategy.

Newsjacking and News Stories

If you want to do newsjacking well, you must have a good understanding of the breaking story and subsequent information.

So for maximum results, you need to find the news story fast and get in before the story reaches its peak. You can then create your content using relevant keywords and hashtags.

SEO Strategy and Newsjacking: How to Rank Higher on Search Engines

Search engines tend to feature articles on trending stories at the top of SERPs. Get this story at the right time and you might also find your content ends up higher on these pages.

Traffic for trending stories can be competitive so getting your content out there as quickly as possible is key to success. Also, the news cycle moves fast, so if you leave it too late after the story breaks, you cannot find your content at the top of the search results.

  1. How Newsjacking can Benefit your SEO

Newsjacking can be tricky because it requires a lot of attention and awareness. But newsjacking can be very beneficial for your business, SEO strategy, and for driving traffic to your content.

Here are some benefits of newsjacking for your business

SEO Strategy and Newsjacking: How to Rank Higher on Search Engines

a). You can rank for top keywords

One of the biggest benefits of newsjacking is that you can increase the number of keywords that your website is ranking for. This is very useful if you’re ranking for some of the top keywords related to your industry.

When a story gains traction, search engines like Google will feature articles containing those top keywords. So you can boost your SEO pretty quickly.

b). You can generate backlinks to your website

If your content is ranking well many interested people or website owners could link back to your content for reference.

SEO Strategy and Newsjacking: How to Rank Higher on Search Engines

This is great for your SEO strategy because search engines consider backlinks when ranking your pages.

Essentially, the more backlinks, the more trustworthy your website, so this can help you to rank even higher. You’ll be acquiring backlinks naturally and they’ll be from high-quality domains.

c). You can boost your social media engagement

By using keywords and hashtags you can encourage engagement on your social media channels. This can lead to more people sharing your content, which in turn can help to boost your SEO.

Social media can benefit a lot your SEO strategy. Social media is a quick and easy way for people to share and link back to your content. So encouraging engagement can be very beneficial for your business.

SEO Strategy and Newsjacking: How to Rank Higher on Search Engines

d). You can reach new audiences and drive more traffic

If you share big news stories as quickly as possible, you can attract attention from a wider audience worldwide. This can help you to drive more quality traffic to your webpages.

Search engines tend to trust websites with higher levels of quality traffic. So your website or web-pages will rank higher on SERPs.

Also, reaching new audiences is pretty effective for your business. You can generate more sales, sign-ups to your newsletters, or email list.

e). You can build your brand awareness

SEO Strategy and Newsjacking: How to Rank Higher on Search Engines

If you are using newsjacking successfully and aligning yourself with trending topics and stories, you can build your brand awareness.

You can comment and share your opinions on important news stories. So this can position your brand as an industry leader or a trusted source.

It shows that you know what your customers and followers want and you’re sharing opinions and content that you think they’d be interested in.

  1. Newsjacking and Strategies
SEO Strategy and Newsjacking: How to Rank Higher on Search Engines

If you want to succeed at newsjacking you need to know what strategies you can use to improve your marketing and SEO efforts.

Here’s what you need to do:

Monitoring breaking stories: You need to monitor breaking news stories and also you need to know how to use these stories.

Pick the right stories: Use stories that are relevant to your industry or brand.

Research: Do your research so you know as much as possible about the breaking story. This will allow you to write a more informed piece of content.

SEO Strategy and Newsjacking: How to Rank Higher on Search Engines

Create your content, quickly: Then you need to act quickly to create your blog post, article, social media content, video, etc. This way you can beat out your competition by getting your content out there and ranking first.

Try to be different: Traffic for trending stories is competitive and you don’t just want to do the same as everyone else. So try to do something different.

Publish your content: As soon as it’s ready, get your content out there on your website, blog, or social media.

Share your content across different channels: You need to share your content pretty fast. The quickest way to do this is to share it across your different social media channels.

SEO Strategy and Newsjacking: How to Rank Higher on Search Engines

It’s essential to use all relevant keywords and hashtags. Usually breaking news stories will generate a related hashtag that you can use.

Contact journalists or relevant media outlets: If you want to get your content out there even further and get more backlinks, approach journalists or relevant news outlets to let them know about your content.

They may choose to use this in their work, link to it, or share it on social media.

Track your engagement: You can use social media management tools or social media insights to help you track engagement. This can help you to see what worked and what didn’t. So you know how to create the next successful newsjacking campaigns.

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SEO Tips: Mistakes to Avoid and How to Get Higher Rankings [Infographic]

SEO Tips: Mistakes to Avoid and How to Get Higher Rankings [Infographic]

Many website owners very often are making SEO mistakes. Most of the time they don’t know about SEO best practices or they don’t understand them correctly.

SEO is changing pretty fast. What worked a few months ago may not work today. It’s very important to know the latest SEO tips and trends.

Here are some effective SEO tips about how to avoid mistakes and how to get higher rankings in search engines.

  1. You Don’t Use a keyword Research Tool

Some people believe that it’s not right to use a keyword research tool. But this is a big SEO mistake.

A keyword research tool like Semrush, Ahrefs, or the Google keyword tool will help you to discover what people are searching for. Very simple.

SEO Tips - How to Avoid Mistakes
  1. Page Titles and Descriptions are Not Effective or Attractive

The title of a page is a very important SEO signal. This is what search engines and users read first when they try to understand what a page is about.

If you don’t have a meaningful title you will minimize your chances of ranking high on Google (and other search engines) and you will drive visitors away from your web page or website

How to write SEO titles:

Titles should max 60 characters.

They have to describe what the page is about.

They need to include keywords but not keyword stuffing.

They have to be unique for each web page.

Titles are shown in the SERPs (search engine results pages) so they also need to be attractive to the user

Meta Description Tips

A good meta description can increase your click-through rates (CTR) and if your content delivers what is promised in the description, it will increase your conversion rate.

Descriptions should be unique (between 150-160 characters), non-keyword stuffed, and attractive to the user.

  1. You Don’t Use Social Media

Social media is one of the most effective ways to promote your website or business.

SEO Tips - How to Avoid Mistakes

Most stats show that social signals are a ranking factor and also social media is a free and effective source of traffic.

You need to find which platform is best for your target audience and try to build authority and trust by following the leaders in your niche and sharing informative, quality, and useful content.

  1. You Don’t Promote Your Blog Posts

Promoting your blog posts is very important. It will take a lot of effort and persistence. People and search engines love to find fresh and quality content. It’s up to you to create useful content and also you need to promote it.

  1. You Don’t Have A Consistent Publishing Schedule

Is very important to have a consistent publishing schedule. Consistency can help you to improve your SEO strategy and you can generate more traffic.

  1. You Don’t Use Internal Linking
SEO Tips - How to Avoid Mistakes

Many website owners don’t create internal links because they don’t know that internal links are good for their SEO strategy.

Internal linking is when you link from a page to another page on the same website.

Internal links are great for SEO and also helps search engines to discover pages from your website. Also, internal links give extra information to users about a particular topic.

  1. Slow Loading Website

A faster website will bring more traffic (higher rankings), will generate more sales, and more page views. Don’t forget that search engines and people (target audience) love the fast loading websites.

  1. Images Are Not SEO Optimized

Don’t use too many images. Avoid overloading a page with images.

Not using ALT text. ALT tags help search engines understand what an image is about.

To create an ALT text SEO optimized, make sure that it includes some of your main keywords.

SEO Tips - How to Avoid Mistakes
  1. You Don’t Use The Tag Correctly

The title is the H1 tag.

The mistake that many websites make is that they use more than one H1 tag.

If you have more than H1 tags and don’t know how to fix it, you can ask a programmer to help you.

Make your research to find more tips about SEO and how to fix your mistakes. You can find an SEO expert to help you if you don’t know.

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SEO News: Tips to Increase Your Rankings on Google in 2020 [Infographic]

SEO News: Tips to Increase Your Rankings on Google in 2020 [Infographic]

First, you need to optimize your website. So Google can understand that your website is informative and valuable. This is SEO (search engine optimization).

It’s very simple. You need to create an informative website and an effective SEO strategy to increase your rankings on Google in 2020.

Here are some tips you need to know about SEO and rankings on Google.

  1. keyword Research to Improve Your Rankings

Keyword research is the first, important step in SEO success. You need to figure out which keywords you want to rank for (targeted keywords). Also, you need to analyze the search volume and competition of those keywords.

This will help you estimate the keyword popularity and how difficult it would be to rank. Many tools can help you to get useful data on every given keyword. Some tools are free like Google’s Keyword Planner and Ubersuggest.

  1. Optimize Your Headings – Headlines

Headings are important for organizing your pages of the website. They give structure to your content and help both users and Google to understand the content of your website.

  1. Use Outbound Links

Outbound links are a pretty effective way to get more attention to your website. Start creating outbound links to each of your articles and make sure that the links are relevant enough to your content and from authentic and high-quality sources that help to rank your website.

  1. Use Targeted Keywords in Page URLs

Customize the URL of every page on your website. Each URL should be easy to read. Add your target keyword in the page URL to describe what the page is about and have a self-explanatory URL. This will help both users and Google.

  1. Use Attractive Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Title tags and meta descriptions appear in the search results. Their role is to convince searchers to click through to your website.

Make sure your title tag is very catchy and attractive. It should grab the searcher’s attention pretty fast. A good strategy is to put your target keyword at the beginning of the title so that it appears more relevant.

Meta descriptions don’t directly contribute to your rankings, but they help your titles to get more clicks. So, make sure you describe what your page is about. So give a good reason for users to open your page.

  1. Image Optimization

Using high-quality images on your page improves your content and user experience. Google cannot read and understand images. So you need to give information about your image and google can understand the image.

Optimizing your image alt text will help search engines understand what’s on your image. Google reads your image alt tags, and if they find your images relevant and connected to your target keyword, that will help your website to rank higher.

  1. UX, Speed, and Secure Website

Google always prefer websites with excellent user experience. That’s why you need to optimize your page to make it fast, responsive, and secure so that your user feel good after visiting your website.

Stats show that 45% of visitors will leave websites if the page takes longer than 3 seconds to load. Also, 80% of those visitors won’t return to that website.

There are free tools like Google’s Page Speed Insight, GTmetrix, and Pingdom to check the speed of the website and pages on desktop and mobile.

If you find your speed very low then You should upgrade your hosting plan and choose the best web hosting plan which provides you high speed and good performance.

Also, you need to create a mobile-friendly website.

People are using mobile devices more than desktop to browse the internet and the daily internet engagement is more on mobile than desktop. So your website should be mobile-friendly.

Make Your Site Secure with HTTPS

Security is another one of Google’s ranking priorities. People prefer to visit websites that are marked with https security signals because security is a big concern in today’s online world.

You need to make sure your website is secure with an HTTPS connection. This way you increase the trust and credibility of your website.

  1. Help Google Find and Index Your Website

Google Search Console is another free tool from Google.

You can use Google Search Console (GSC) to analyze search traffic data, fix crawling/indexing errors, track and improve performance, etc.

Once Google’s bots crawl your website, you can monitor the indexing status of your new site and watch for any errors if it shows in the dashboard of GSC.

GSC also helps you index and rank new pages faster. When you create a new page or make changes to existing pages, you can directly request indexing to get it on Google search console as soon as possible.

  1. Use High-Quality Backlinks

Remember the backlinks should be high-quality backlinks otherwise, they will affect negatively your website’s ranking.

Link building is the most important SEO strategy. Without any high-quality backlinks, your website won’t rank for competitive keywords.

The websites with valuable and relevant backlinks will rank over the rest sites.

  1. Use Infographics to Get Quality Backlinks and Rankings (Pretty Effective Tip)

You can create infographics and publish them on other high ranking websites. You can create informative articles and transform into a visual asset for your website. That means informative graphics combined with unique content.

  1. Know Google’s Algorithm Update

Google updates its algorithm pretty often and makes many changes. If you want to keep your website’s ranking high you need to know the latest algorithm updates. A Pretty important tip to achieve higher rankings.

Ranking your website on Google is a long-term strategy. It takes time to get results, but it brings you high-quality organic (free) traffic for years to come.

With the right SEO strategy, your website will start ranking in Google’s search results.

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SEO Tips: How to Find a Successful SEO Partner [Infographic]

SEO Tips: How to Find a Successful SEO Partner [Infographic]

Finding the right SEO partner can be pretty difficult if you don’t have the right knowledge about SEO (search engine optimization). Here are some SEO tips you need to know about how to find a successful SEO partner.

Search On Local Review Sites

Try searching for the SEO provider on local review sites like Google My Business and Yelp. Check their average rating, and read a few of their reviews to discover how effective they are.

Case Studies

Ask to see a case study from one of their previous clients. Case studies serve as a great benchmark of what great results can look like for a specific service.

Attention. Many marketers always want to highlight the outliers, so it should be noted that the results shown in the case study aren’t likely to reflect the actual metrics that you can expect to see if you were to work with the firm.

While many reputable SEO providers will provide transparent communications, some will not. Work with SEO companies who are comfortable with showing you what they’re working on.

Reporting and Relationships

Most reputable SEO providers will provide some form of reporting for ongoing relationships. You should also ask about the primary metrics that their company reports on.

Good SEO firms will report on metrics like backlink count, target keyword rankings, and organic traffic improvements.

Find an SEO Specialist

Speaking with a company’s SEO specialist will give the best feel for the quality of their work. Few companies will include an SEO in the sales process, but it doesn’t hurt to ask if you can speak to one of them.

Learn About Link Building

The number one factor for search rankings is the number of reputable websites that link to you. Getting reputable websites to link to you is the best way to improve your search rankings.

Link building is the fastest way to drive ROI and should be the priority for your SEO strategy.

Important Tip

SEO is changing pretty fast. You need to know these changes and how to create a successful SEO strategy to grow your business.

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Video Marketing: 9 Tips on How to Rank Higher Your Videos

Video Marketing: 9 Tips on How to Rank Higher Your Videos
Video Marketing: 9 Tips on How to Rank Higher Your Videos

These days video marketing is a necessity for all the businesses. But it’s a very competitive area. Stats show that 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube every single day! So, how can you create an effective video marketing strategy to win the competition?
Here are some effective tips you need to know. Discover how you can rank higher your videos on search engines and generate targeted traffic, sales.

  1. Emotional Video Success

Videos that bring out the emotions of their viewers are the most successful. As you know, people buy with emotions, not logic! If you’re able to use that in your video marketing strategy, you are a winner.

How to create emotional videos. First, ask yourself how do you want your viewers to feel when they’re watching your video? Maybe you want them to feel powerful, or happy. And then make them feel that way with your video.

  1. Brand Identity – Customization

Every piece of content that you create must be always aligned with your brand’s identity. This applies to your website, your social media accounts, and your video content. Your brand’s identity is what makes you recognizable to customers and has an impact on how prospects perceive you.

To communicate this identity in your videos, you need to customize them. The colors you use, every single element that appears in the video. Also, always remember to include your logo.

  1. Target Audience

If you want your message to be heard and understood, you need to know who you’re speaking to. Who is your target audience?

Try to be as specific as possible: gender, age, location, interests, income, etc. Imagine your ideal buyer (buyer persona) and create interesting, informative, videos for them.

  1. Audience Retention – Attractive Video

YouTube has an algorithm that rewards audience retention. If you manage to retain your audience’s attention throughout your video, YouTube will know your video provides useful and relevant content.

How to create an attractive video: Make it clear and engaging through the use of powerful visuals and storytelling. Also, you can ask questions your audience has, and instead of answering them immediately, do it gradually throughout the video.

  1. Generate Engagement

Another smart way to improve your ranking is to encourage customer engagement. Getting your audience to like and comment on your videos, is a very effective tip.

You can boost your video engagement by using a CTA (Call-to-Action) and asking your viewers questions. Also, remember to always share relevant, informative, and useful content.

  1. Provide Solutions to Your Target Audience

Content that focuses on giving solutions to your target audience is pretty valuable and useful. You need to know your audience very well. If you understand their problems, then you’ll be able to provide them with the right answers.

If you save your viewers from their problems you will gain their trust and you will become an expert for them! (The Solution They Need!)

  1. YouTube Optimization

Never forget YouTube optimization. This is the most important and pretty effective tip if you want your video to be ranked No. 1 in search results.

YouTube offers many features to help your video rank higher in the search engine results. Use your main keywords and include your longtail keyword in the title of your video. Add a description that explains what your video is about.

Also, include any additional information that can help your target audience.

  1. Create educational videos

Another great tip to attract your target audience’s attention is to create educational videos. The power of educational videos is amazing. Many people searching on YouTube for answers and tutorials.

YouTube has a tutorial for everything: How to build a robot, how to become a successful marketer, how to create a website, etc. Google understands this, which is why YouTube videos often end up being the highest-ranked answers to certain questions.

People like to watch entertaining and useful videos, instead of reading long, boring, articles.

  1. Very Important – Have Fun!

Above all, your video content must be useful and entertaining. Don’t forget, nobody wants to watch a boring video. Communicate with your audience as if they’re your friends. Try to be funny and relaxed.

Any type of video, no matter how serious, can be turned into something worth watching. Storytelling and animation can help make your videos as fun as they can be.

Create useful, engaging, and interesting videos and don’t forget to make it fun and entertaining.

These tips will help you boost your video content and achieve higher rankings on search engines.

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