SEO Tips: Mistakes to Avoid and How to Get Higher Rankings [Infographic]

SEO Tips: Mistakes to Avoid and How to Get Higher Rankings [Infographic]

Many website owners very often are making SEO mistakes. Most of the time they don’t know about SEO best practices or they don’t understand them correctly.

SEO is changing pretty fast. What worked a few months ago may not work today. It’s very important to know the latest SEO tips and trends.

Here are some effective SEO tips about how to avoid mistakes and how to get higher rankings in search engines.

  1. You Don’t Use a keyword Research Tool

Some people believe that it’s not right to use a keyword research tool. But this is a big SEO mistake.

A keyword research tool like Semrush, Ahrefs, or the Google keyword tool will help you to discover what people are searching for. Very simple.

SEO Tips - How to Avoid Mistakes
  1. Page Titles and Descriptions are Not Effective or Attractive

The title of a page is a very important SEO signal. This is what search engines and users read first when they try to understand what a page is about.

If you don’t have a meaningful title you will minimize your chances of ranking high on Google (and other search engines) and you will drive visitors away from your web page or website

How to write SEO titles:

Titles should max 60 characters.

They have to describe what the page is about.

They need to include keywords but not keyword stuffing.

They have to be unique for each web page.

Titles are shown in the SERPs (search engine results pages) so they also need to be attractive to the user

Meta Description Tips

A good meta description can increase your click-through rates (CTR) and if your content delivers what is promised in the description, it will increase your conversion rate.

Descriptions should be unique (between 150-160 characters), non-keyword stuffed, and attractive to the user.

  1. You Don’t Use Social Media

Social media is one of the most effective ways to promote your website or business.

SEO Tips - How to Avoid Mistakes

Most stats show that social signals are a ranking factor and also social media is a free and effective source of traffic.

You need to find which platform is best for your target audience and try to build authority and trust by following the leaders in your niche and sharing informative, quality, and useful content.

  1. You Don’t Promote Your Blog Posts

Promoting your blog posts is very important. It will take a lot of effort and persistence. People and search engines love to find fresh and quality content. It’s up to you to create useful content and also you need to promote it.

  1. You Don’t Have A Consistent Publishing Schedule

Is very important to have a consistent publishing schedule. Consistency can help you to improve your SEO strategy and you can generate more traffic.

  1. You Don’t Use Internal Linking
SEO Tips - How to Avoid Mistakes

Many website owners don’t create internal links because they don’t know that internal links are good for their SEO strategy.

Internal linking is when you link from a page to another page on the same website.

Internal links are great for SEO and also helps search engines to discover pages from your website. Also, internal links give extra information to users about a particular topic.

  1. Slow Loading Website

A faster website will bring more traffic (higher rankings), will generate more sales, and more page views. Don’t forget that search engines and people (target audience) love the fast loading websites.

  1. Images Are Not SEO Optimized

Don’t use too many images. Avoid overloading a page with images.

Not using ALT text. ALT tags help search engines understand what an image is about.

To create an ALT text SEO optimized, make sure that it includes some of your main keywords.

SEO Tips - How to Avoid Mistakes
  1. You Don’t Use The Tag Correctly

The title is the H1 tag.

The mistake that many websites make is that they use more than one H1 tag.

If you have more than H1 tags and don’t know how to fix it, you can ask a programmer to help you.

Make your research to find more tips about SEO and how to fix your mistakes. You can find an SEO expert to help you if you don’t know.

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