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Health and Fitness: The Benefits of Curcumin and Turmeric – Natural Fat Burners

Health and Fitness: The Benefits of Curcumin and Turmeric - Natural Fat Burners
Health and Fitness: The Benefits of Curcumin and Turmeric – Natural Fat Burners


Turmeric is one of the most effective nutritional supplements in the world. There are many studies that approved it. It has some amazing benefits to the brain and the body that cannot be ignored.

Here are the benefits of curcumin and turmeric you need to know.

It has compounds that are Bioactive and they have great Medicinal Properties. Turmeric is actually a spice and it has been known all over the world for a long time. The turmeric actually gives the yellow color in curry. It has been used as a medicinal herb and as a spice for many years especially in India.

Turmeric has many compounds that are helpful to health. The compounds are referred to as curcuminoids. Curcumin is the most important compound in turmeric and it is actually an active ingredient with powerful effects as an antioxidant.

It also has effects that are anti-inflammatory. Since the curcumin content is not that high, it has to be extracted from the spice and then incorporated into different supplements to have better effects.

To encourage the absorption of curcumin, you should use it together with black pepper because it has piperine and it enhances curcumin’s absorption.


Inflammation is important because it assists the body to fight off invaders. It also plays an important role in damage repair. Without it, it would be so easy for pathogens to take over the body and even cause death.

Short-term inflammation can be acute but it is beneficial. It causes a problem if it starts getting chronic and if it attacks the tissues of your body in an inappropriate manner.

Lower level inflammation has a role in most of the western diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, metabolic syndrome, cancer, and even heart disease. It is also has a role in some other degenerative conditions.

This means that if you can find something that can fight the chronic inflammation, it should be considered important in the treatment and prevention of that specific disease.

Curcumin has anti-inflammatory effects. It’s like anti-inflammatory drugs in effectiveness but does not have side effects.

Antioxidant Effect

Turmeric is very effective in increasing the body’s antioxidant capacity. Oxidative damage is associated with aging and different diseases. Free radicals react with organic substances like DNA, proteins, and fatty acids.

As an antioxidant, it means that turmeric actually protects the body from these free radicals. Curcumin is an antioxidant and it can neutralize the free radicals. It also boosts the activity of the antioxidant enzymes in the body.

This means that it works against the free radicals and blocks them while stimulating the body’s defense.

It improves Brain Function

Curcumin tends to boost the Neurotropic factor which is brain-derived. With curcumin, the brain function is improved and risks associated with brain disease are also lowered.

4 Natural Fat Burners – How to Lose Weight

Fat burners are very effective. These nutritional supplements can help you reduce fat absorption, boost your metabolism and speed up the fat burning process in your body.

Here are 4 fat burners that can help you to lose weight

1. Caffeine

Caffeine is found in cocoa beans, green tea, and coffee. Also, it’s a popular ingredient in a lot of fat-burning supplements found in the market today.

With caffeine, you can boost your metabolism to burn more fat. According to many research studies, caffeine can give your metabolism a boost of 16% in just two hours.

Aside from this, many studies have shown that it helps your body burn fat as fuel.

You can buy a supplement to enjoy these benefits, but there is a natural method as well. All you need to do is drink 3-4 cup of coffee. It can meet your caffeine needs.

2. Green Tea Extract

Green tea extract is just a concentrated form of this tea. You can buy capsules or powder of green tea based on your taste. This extract has a lot of caffeine and EGCG. Both of them help you lose fat through a process called thermogenesis.

According to research studies, the combo of caffeine and green tea can help you burn 65 more calories on a daily basis than caffeine only.

If you want to enjoy the benefits of this tea, you may consume up to 500 mg of it per day. It will be like sipping 5 cups of green tea in a day.

3. Protein Powder

For burning fat, protein plays a great role. The consumption of protein can curb your appetite and boost your metabolism at the same time. As a result, your body can preserve your muscle mass.

Protein curbs your appetite by raising the degree of fullness hormones and reducing the degree of the ghrelin, the hunger hormone.

If you want to boost your protein intake, you might want to have protein powder supplements. Good options include hemp, egg, soy, casein, and whey protein powders. But make sure you opt for a protein powder that is not high in sugar and additives. This is more important if you are trying to lose weight.

4. Soluble Fiber

Your digestive system absorbs soluble fiber and produces a viscous gel-type substance.

According to many studies, the role of soluble fiber is to curb your appetite and help your body burn more fat. It achieves the same purpose by reducing the number of calories your body absorbs from what you eat.

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Health and Fitness – 5 Weight Loss Tips: Change Your Habits

Health and Fitness - 5 Weight Loss Tips: Change Your Habits
Health and Fitness – 5 Weight Loss Tips: Change Your Habits


Eating healthy, staying fit and living a good life seem like an easy set of tasks. However, weight loss will only become more challenging if you do not know how to effectively follow certain health and exercise habits. If you are looking to lose weight, change your habits.

Here are 5 weight loss tips you need to know.

1. Move More

When it comes to losing weight, you don’t necessarily have to go on a full workout every time. Burning calories can be achieved by being active throughout the day. The key is consistency. If you have a desk job, sitting all day may impede your weight loss efforts. Move more.

2. Ask a Dietitian

When it comes to losing weight, exercise should be accompanied by a proper diet. Most of the time, people tend to follow health myths that only do harm to their bodies. By talking to a dietitian, you can effectively find an eating pattern that suits your type of body.

3. A Personal Trainer

There are a number of benefits when hiring a personal trainer. They can teach you the proper way of exercising to not only promote weight loss but also avoid any form of injury.

4. Find an Activity

Losing weight doesn’t have to be stressful. You can easily achieve a healthy body by simply finding something that you love. Commitment is the number one factor in successfully losing weight.

5. Eat Less at Night

Many types of research claiming that eating less at night aids in maintaining healthy body weight. In addition, those individuals who eat more during dinners have a higher chance of developing metabolic syndrome. This syndrome is a group of conditions that deal with excess belly fat and high blood sugar.

The Simple Loss Weight Explanation – Calories Effect

There are some people who don’t gain weight even though they eat whatever they feel like. Also, there are people, who seem to gain weight no matter how little they eat. Some remain thin without efforts whereas others struggle hard to avoid gaining weight.

Essentially, our weight depends on the number of calories we consume – how many of those calories we store and how many we burn up. But each of these is influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

The interplay between all these factors begins at the moment of our conception and continues throughout our life.

If we consume more energy (calories) than we burn, we will gain weight. Excess calories are stored throughout our body as fat. Our body stores the fat within specialized fat cells, which are always present in the body.

A good weekly goal is to lose approximately 1% of body fat every two weeks. The number of calories one eats to accomplish this needs to be approximately 250 to 1000 calories less than one’s daily calorie burn.

We can do it by increasing daily activities with more daily steps or other non-exercise activities. Standing and pacing burns at least 2-3 times more calories than sitting for the same time period.

A deficit of 250 to 1000 calories can also be created by increasing workout time or intensity and by decreasing the food intake of approximately 200 to 300 calories per day.

Reasons for not losing weight

• Lack of sleep – Lack of sleep can contribute to weight gain. Many experts said that sleep deprivation may affect the secretion of cortisol, one of the hormones that regulate appetite. When we’re tired due to lack of sleep, we may skip exercise or simply move around less, which means burning fewer calories.

• Chronic stress – Stress and weight gain go hand in hand through some of us not aware of this fact. Chronic stress increases the production of cortisol, which not only increases appetite but it can also cause extra fat storage around the abdomen.

It causes cravings for foods, which are high in sugar and fat. The so-called comfort foods make us feel better. In addition, we skip workouts because we just feel too stressed out to exercise.

• Overeating – The researchers have found that most of us underestimate how much we’re eating, especially when we eat out. Careful scrutiny of our diet is the only way to know how much we’re really eating. We should try eating smaller portions and eat more often.

• Exercise – Exercise is another crucial element of weight loss, along with our daily activity levels. If we are not losing weight, we either need to increase our workout time and intensity to match our weight loss goals or need to change our weight loss goals to match what we’re actually doing.

We need to build lean muscle by doing some form of strength training in addition to our cardio. The more muscles our body has, the more fat we’ll burn.

• Habits – Any extended sitting such as at a desk, behind a wheel or in front of a screen can be harmful. In addition to exercise, we must try to be as active as we can.

We must also limit our screen time. Therefore, we must take a break from sitting every 30 minutes. If we spend more than 8 hours sitting, it could be one more reason we’re having trouble losing weight.

• Unrealistic goals – There are many factors that affect weight loss. Our body may be making changes that can’t yet be measured with a scale or a tape measure. The experts agree that a realistic weight loss goal is to focus on losing about 0.5 to 2 pounds a week.

For any more than that, we would have to cut our calories so low that it may not be sustainable. Conversely, we may be losing inches even if we are not losing weight.

• Health Problems – This is especially important if we’re doing everything right and haven’t seen any changes at all on the scale or our body after several months. There may be a health problem or some common medications thwarting our efforts at weight loss. You must ask a doctor for advice

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3 Tips To Improve Your Health, Wellness, and Fitness


You can adopt a healthy attitude, you can make your life a little better day by day, week by week, month by month and eventually get into the healthy habits on a regular basis that you need to achieve total body balance. Here are 3 tips to improve your health, wellness, and fitness.

1. Nourish.

Focus on one small thing at a time. Start simple and work from there. Don’t expect to change your eating habits overnight. Small changes executed day after day, week after week and so on can lead to really big change.

So pick one small nutrition action and practice it for one to two weeks before adding in a new change.

You could eat slowly and chew your food completely or focus on balancing your meals so that you have protein, carbohydrate, and fat at each meal. Omitting processed foods at one to two meals per day is also another great option.

2. Movement.

Take advantage of the time that you DO have. We get fixated on time so often that we don’t realize that a little is always better than nothing. For example, it’s so easy to think that you have to do a workout for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Wouldn’t 15 minutes of that workout be better than nothing though? The answer is yes!

Get unconventional. Maybe you don’t have time to get in a “workout”. Do what you can with what you’ve got. Maybe you take the stairs that day instead of the elevator. Park in the parking space furthest away from the building to get some extra steps in.

Stand up from your desk and walk around for a minute every 15 or 20 minutes. Run around at the playground with your kids. Go for a walk with your friends.

Move mindfully. Pay close attention to your body and what it’s trying to tell you. Your body and energy levels will fluctuate day by day to take advantage of more vigorous workouts when you can.

Also, it’s important to drink water. Your body needs it more often than you think!

3. Mindset.

Don’t give up. Don’t throw in the towel on eating right and moving your body. It seems easy to take the “all or nothing” approach but that’s not necessary. Something is always better than nothing. Don’t beat yourself up! Take a look at where you’re at right now and what you can make work right now.

The most important thing is to honor where you’re at. Only you know what you’re capable of at this point in your life. Make sure the small steps you take are 100% doable for you and your lifestyle. Small steps over time can add up to big change.

The first step it’s to get action! No Action, No Results!


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