3 Tips To Improve Your Health, Wellness, and Fitness


You can adopt a healthy attitude, you can make your life a little better day by day, week by week, month by month and eventually get into the healthy habits on a regular basis that you need to achieve total body balance. Here are 3 tips to improve your health, wellness, and fitness.

1. Nourish.

Focus on one small thing at a time. Start simple and work from there. Don’t expect to change your eating habits overnight. Small changes executed day after day, week after week and so on can lead to really big change.

So pick one small nutrition action and practice it for one to two weeks before adding in a new change.

You could eat slowly and chew your food completely or focus on balancing your meals so that you have protein, carbohydrate, and fat at each meal. Omitting processed foods at one to two meals per day is also another great option.

2. Movement.

Take advantage of the time that you DO have. We get fixated on time so often that we don’t realize that a little is always better than nothing. For example, it’s so easy to think that you have to do a workout for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Wouldn’t 15 minutes of that workout be better than nothing though? The answer is yes!

Get unconventional. Maybe you don’t have time to get in a “workout”. Do what you can with what you’ve got. Maybe you take the stairs that day instead of the elevator. Park in the parking space furthest away from the building to get some extra steps in.

Stand up from your desk and walk around for a minute every 15 or 20 minutes. Run around at the playground with your kids. Go for a walk with your friends.

Move mindfully. Pay close attention to your body and what it’s trying to tell you. Your body and energy levels will fluctuate day by day to take advantage of more vigorous workouts when you can.

Also, it’s important to drink water. Your body needs it more often than you think!

3. Mindset.

Don’t give up. Don’t throw in the towel on eating right and moving your body. It seems easy to take the “all or nothing” approach but that’s not necessary. Something is always better than nothing. Don’t beat yourself up! Take a look at where you’re at right now and what you can make work right now.

The most important thing is to honor where you’re at. Only you know what you’re capable of at this point in your life. Make sure the small steps you take are 100% doable for you and your lifestyle. Small steps over time can add up to big change.

The first step it’s to get action! No Action, No Results!


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