Tag Archives: short

Social Media Marketing: Short-Form Video Content Strategies in 2022

Social Media Marketing: Short-Form Video Content Strategies in 2022
Social Media Marketing: Short-Form Video Content Strategies in 2022

Many experts say that short-form video content provides the best return. So it’s time to create short-form video content to promote successfully your business, products, or services in 2022.

Social Media Marketing: Short-Form Video Content Strategies in 2022

TikTok and Instagram Reels have changed the way we consume video content. Social media platforms with short video content, provide more than personal entertainment. They provide marketers with a powerful tool to increase brand engagement and sales.

Social Media Marketing: Short-Form Video Content Strategies in 2022

Stats show that short-form video has the highest return on investment (ROI) of any social media marketing strategy.

But marketers have to know a few things about short-form video content and how to create a successful social media marketing strategy in 2022.

1. Short-Form Video (Explanation)

There is no standard length for short-form video, anything under a minute or a few minutes is short. In today’s online world “short-form” refers to TikTok-style content that is consumed quickly and easily.

Social Media Marketing: Short-Form Video Content Strategies in 2022

The idea is that users have to spend only a few minutes with the content, so it should be engaging and attractive from start to finish.

Trends also influence marketers and businesses how to create and share short-form video content. But trends are changing pretty fast!

So marketers have to use these social media platforms every day to understand what’s the type of short video it’s popular and how to create an effective marketing strategy for their businesses.

2. Marketing and Short-Form Video

Short-form video is popular, but why do you need to incorporate it into your marketing strategies?

Social Media Marketing: Short-Form Video Content Strategies in 2022

First, it’s easy for your audience to connect with. Short video content is authentic and relatable. Also, followers and viewers are more likely to view the brand as genuine.

It’s attention-grabbing and highly shareable. Also, it makes the content easier for consumers to digest.

3. How to Create a Short-Form Video Marketing Strategy

a. Customize your video content to each platform.

In today’s online world, sharing the same content on every social media platform using the same message doesn’t work. Consumers expect to see content tailored to each platform.

Social Media Marketing: Short-Form Video Content Strategies in 2022

So you need to customize your short-form video for each platform you plan to share it on.

A video that looks like it was created to be a TV commercial won’t perform well on TikTok or Instagram.

b. Authenticity.

Short-form video is a great way to share brand messages authentically. Viewers want to feel like they’re really connecting to a brand’s content, so they won’t respond well when content feels fake.

Don’t be afraid to show your brand’s real side. Consumers will find a stronger connection with your content and you can increase brand engagement.

Social Media Marketing: Short-Form Video Content Strategies in 2022

c. Use trends quickly (New Trends)

Trends have a short life cycle. If you share short videos based on an old trend, viewers will not like your videos and the videos will lose their marketing value and even you will lose followers.

d. Share educational content.

Short-form video is great for sharing product demos and how-to videos, or other educational content.

Many people these days like educational content, so it’s a good, smart, move.

Social Media Marketing: Short-Form Video Content Strategies in 2022

You need to know what your target audience needs or likes to learn about. So you can provide useful information. (Educate your audience)

e. Don’t sell.

Don’t create short-form videos to generate sales. The short video is more about connecting and relationship building than selling.

So don’t use your short video content as product ads.

As you improve your connection with followers over time, your audience will remember your brand when deciding to buy.

Social Media Marketing: Short-Form Video Content Strategies in 2022

Last Tip

The short-form video has the power to connect you with your target audience in a new, effective, way.

It lets you build connections and trust. So you can increase loyalty to your brand and sales.

If you don’t use short-form video content as a part of your marketing strategy yet, now is the time.

New Tip!

Discover the Best Platform to Promote Your YouTube Videos.

Promote Your YouTube Videos.


Video Marketing: 5 Tips on How to Grow Your Business with Short Videos

Video Marketing: 5 Tips on How to Grow Your Business with Short Videos
Video Marketing: 5 Tips on How to Grow Your Business with Short Videos

In 2021, businesses spent over $49.5 billion on video marketing. Videos are an effective way to grow your business if you’re an entrepreneur, small-business owner, or marketer

Video Marketing: Tips to Grow Your Business with Short Videos

Short videos are the new trend, as they can grab people’s attention quickly, build a relationship with viewers, and promote your products or services.

1. Why short video content is valuable

Video Marketing: Tips to Grow Your Business with Short Videos

Short videos can help you reach to increase your sales by holding viewers’ attention for longer than other forms of content.

Stats show that 50% of consumers would prefer to engage with videos on social media. Also, people stop scrolling once a video catches their attention.

2. Tips to create effective short videos

Here are some tips to help you produce great short videos.

a. Use UGC

 Video Marketing: Tips to Grow Your Business with Short Videos

User-Generated Content (UGC) is a cost-effective way to create video content for your website or blog. Using UGC in your videos also gives your content an authentic feel.

b. Create Educational Videos

Educational short videos are a great way to bring customers to your website by answering their questions.

 Video Marketing: Tips to Grow Your Business with Short Videos

According to Google, the global watch time of educational (how-to videos) increases more than 65% year over year.

These numbers show that people depend on videos to learn new skills, how to use a product, and more.

Businesses can increase lead generation and brand loyalty with educational short videos. But make sure that your videos are interesting.

c. Tell a Story – Storytelling

Storytelling is a great marketing strategy. It increases engagement, emotional connection, and helps people remember you.

Video Marketing: Tips to Grow Your Business with Short Videos

Also, storytelling can increase the value of your service or product by over 20%.

d. Use Music and Subtitles

When you create a brand-new promotional video for your business, you want to encourage viewers to watch the entire video.

Video Marketing: Tips to Grow Your Business with Short Videos

You can do this by adding trending music to your video. This will give you more engagement, as the sounds will grab people’s attention as they scroll. You can use video marketing tools to add music and sound effects.

Also, you need to use subtitles. They allow viewers to watch a video without sound.

You can use subtitles in introductions or give the viewer additional information.

e. Use CTA (Call To Action)

You need to direct viewers to take the next step with a strong Call to Action (CTA).

Video Marketing: Tips to Grow Your Business with Short Videos

Ideally, you should tailor your CTA to your sales funnel. The sales funnel stages you need.

Create Awareness = when the viewer first learns about your brand and product
Create Interest = when the viewer gets curious and seeks more detailed information
Create Desire = when you build a desire for your product or service in your viewer
Create Action = when your viewer takes action and makes a purchase

When creating awareness stage videos, you can use a CTA that encourages viewers to explore more of your content.

Video Marketing: Tips to Grow Your Business with Short Videos

Last Tip

A short video strategy can grow your business if you do it right. A short video is a great way to grow your brand’s awareness on social media platforms.

These are some of the best short video tips to grow your business successfully.

New Tip!

Platform to Promote Your YouTube Videos.

Discover the Best Platform to Promote Your YouTube Videos.


YouTube Shorts: 4 Tips on How to Create Successful Short Videos

YouTube Shorts: 4 Tips on How to Create Successful Short Videos
YouTube Shorts: 4 Tips on How to Create Successful Short Videos

YouTube Shorts are vertical videos (up to 60 seconds in length). Viewers can find your short videos on the homepage “Shorts shelf”, in normal YouTube search, and in their subscription feeds.

YouTube Shorts: How to Create Successful Short Videos

YouTube Shorts are a mobile way for YouTube creators to share short videos with their audiences. YouTube mostly has long-form video content. But with apps like TikTok and booming short-form video, YouTube wants a piece of the pie. YouTube can’t stand the success of TikTok.

Here are some tips about Youtube shorts and how to create successful short videos.

YouTube Shorts: How to Create Successful Short Videos
  1. How to create a short video on YouTube: (Mobile Version)

Sign in to YouTube on mobile.

Tap the “+” Create symbol

Tap Create a Short.

To record a clip, tap and hold the capture button or tap it to start recording and tap it again to end the segment.

Tap the Undo button to remove the previous video clip that you recorded or tap Redo to add the removed segment back to your video.

Tap NEXT to preview your video and then tap NEXT again to add details to your video.

YouTube Shorts: How to Create Successful Short Videos

Add a title (max 100 characters) to your short video.

Tap Select audience to choose whether or not your short is Made for Kids.

Tap Upload to finish.

  1. Ideas For YouTube Shorts

You have only 60 seconds or less to create a short video. Your Shorts should feel like a complete story.

Use one main idea, make people laugh, inspire them, or teach them something new.

Some specific ideas for YouTube Shorts.

YouTube Shorts: How to Create Successful Short Videos

A quick tutorial

A short review

Facts and Tips

Tell a compelling story

Summarise a blog post

Your idea must fit within 60 seconds or less. Shorts are short stories.

A variety of visuals delivered speedily is a good way to keep viewer attention in the Short video story.

YouTube Shorts: How to Create Successful Short Videos

A good rule is to have a 5-second introduction, 10 clips of 5 seconds (the story), and a 5-second outro with a call-to-action.

You need to start filming without too much fluff. Try again and again until you feel satisfied.

So when you do hit record, try and stay within the timing framework. You can refining when editing.

  1. How to Edit YouTube Shorts For Success

If you’re using the Shorts tool on mobile, you may want to stick to that to do your editing for ease. (desktop editing does have its advantages).

If you’ve shot in widescreen on a normal camera (not mobile) and are using desktop editing software and want to edit for vertical video, first switch your video dimensions from 1920 x 1080 to 1080 x 1920.

YouTube Shorts: How to Create Successful Short Videos

Once you’ve cut your clips down to fit around the 60-second mark, you can begin adding elements that, together, will make your Shorts stand out and boost watch time:

Add text: Text adds interest and information to the video, and it can highlight your call-to-action at the end of your video.

Attention! Don’t add text in the bottom quarter of your video, as it will be hidden by the video title, subscribe button, etc.

Add transitions: Like text, transitions add interest to your Shorts and help to keep viewers’ attention.

YouTube Shorts: How to Create Successful Short Videos

Add music: YouTube offers thousands of free music tracks for you to include in your Shorts.

Add sound effects: These only have to be subtle, but they can make a huge difference to the overall quality and appeal of your Shorts.

Add a call-to-action: Viewers CAN like Shorts, but you need to ask them to Subscribe.

So if you are going to choose one call-to-action, I would go for Subscribe – keep it above the bottom quarter of the screen and insert some arrows pointing down to the Subscribe button.

YouTube Shorts: How to Create Successful Short Videos

Change the speed: Slow down or speed up your video as it suits your content.

  1. How to Upload Your YouTube Shorts Video

If you’re uploading a YouTube Short from the Shorts tool, the video will automatically be recognized as a Short and categorized as such.

But if you’re uploading from your desktop, you must upload in the vertical format and add the hashtag #Shorts to your title or description. This tells YouTube that the video is designed to be Short and it can handle it appropriately.

YouTube Shorts: How to Create Successful Short Videos

YouTube Shorts titles can be up to 100 characters in length. However, when viewed on the app, only around 40 characters of the title will appear on-screen.

This means that you need to make your title strictly less than 40 characters long or if it’s longer, that the most important keywords are featured at the beginning of your title, as this is what viewers will see.

Get started today and create YouTube Shorts video stories to promote your business or entertain your subscribers. Test and try until you find the right combination. That’s the beauty of the YouTube Shorts.

More Details. https://www.andrewmacarthy.com

5 Mistakes To Avoid For A Successful Mobile Marketing Campaign

5 Mistakes To Avoid For A Successful Mobile Marketing Campaign

Mobile marketing is the new business strategy for those who want to improve their business marketing plan in a short time. Every business is promoting their products or services online, mainly through mobile apps to grow financially, and build rapport with the customers. So be smart and build an app from leading mobile application development companies in your preferred city for your business growth. Your work doesn’t get finished just after developing an app successfully, the real work starts from there. In order to make your app successful, you have to market it. If you are planning for mobile marketing campaigns, you must avoid these common mistakes in app marketing.

1. Not tracking your campaign

There are so many companies coming to the market daily, so always you should be thinking about the ways to grab the customers’ attention.For this you should be more innovative for doing new things by coming out of the comfort zone. Depends on your campaigns, consumers will show interest to subscribe to your emails, follow you in different social media sites and opt them in SMS marketing.

2. No responsive design

You have to design a responsive website.Responsive design allows you to create a website that automatically adjusts its layout and content according to the size of the screen of multiple devices. For example, if the website is accessed through a PC browser the site will display the content as usual. If the site is accessed through your smartphone browser, it will display only the most important content and images in an easily readable format. By using responsive websites, those who are accessing your site via mobile will be able to find the information what they need quickly without getting frustrated.

3. Lack of engagement with customers

Mobile marketing is not only about just sending messages to customers, simultaneously you should maintain a relationship with them. Engaging customers in two-way communication can make them feel good with your brand. It also increases the likelihood of conversion and repeated customers.To facilitate two-way communication, encourage customers to followyou in social media, and also post regularly on social media pages. Analyse when they visit your page, and respond to all queries of customers in a proper manner.

4. Not making use of automation software.

If you don’t use automation software, you may find that you are spending too much time and money working on mobile marketing, or you may observe that you are unable to reach the customers as you wanted. Happily, you can solve this problem by investing in quality automation software that automates marketing processes and reduce your workload.

5. Not analysing the output of campaign

When you are spending your brand’s time and money on mobile marketing, make sure that you will get decent returns on your investment. The smart way to evaluate the success of your campaign is to track and analyze all of your interactions with customers. With the analysis, you will gain some idea, which you can use for of future campaigns for maximum effectiveness.

These are the 5 common mistakes to avoid. You must read and learn the new marketing tips everyday to keep your business on top.