Tag Archives: hacking

Growth Hacking: 4 Tips to Grow Your New Business [Infographic]

Growth Hacking: 4 Tips to Grow Your New Business [Infographic]
Growth Hacking: 4 Tips to Grow Your New Business [Infographic]

Are you looking for ways to grow your new business? Growth hacking is a field in marketing that uses cost-effective tactics to achieve rapid business growth.

Growth Hacking: Tips to Grow Your New Business

Growth hackers have to find cheap and creative solutions, run experiments, and measure results.

Growth Hacking: Tips to Grow Your New Business

New businesses needed to enlarge their customer base, market share, and revenue as fast as possible.

Startups had low budgets, so they couldn’t afford traditional promotion strategies.

Here are some growth hacking tips to grow your new business.

Craft an innovative business model
Focus on attracting customers
Activate and engage customers
A split test, adjust and improve

A Great Song

Small Business: 15 Growth Hacking Strategies [Infographic]

Small Business: 15 Growth Hacking Strategies [Infographic]
Small Business: 15 Growth Hacking Strategies [Infographic]

If you want to grow your small business you need to use growth hacking strategies and techniques.

Small Business: Growth Hacking Strategies

Growth hacking is much more than a buzzword and you need to focus on one thing: Grow as fast as possible.

 Small Business: Growth Hacking Strategies

Growth hacking is not just for startups, it’s for smart marketers and brave small businesses.

Here are some effective growth hacking techniques and strategies to grow your small business.

1. Use 3rd Party Audiences

Businesses that use social media, influencers, and partnerships to access large, well-established audiences, achieve a 6-to-1 return on their investment.

 Small Business: Growth Hacking Strategies

2. Use 3rd Party Platforms – Find Your Target Audience

Identify and sign up for websites, directories, apps, etc. that already have the audience you want (Your Target Audience). It may even be as simple as signing up for local directories like Yelp or finding the perfect niche forum.

Small Business: Growth Hacking Strategies

3. Social Media and Competitor’s Fans

A clever way to find and connect with potential customers is to engage with the people who are following your competitors on social media. That way you know they’ll be interested in your brand.

Small Business: Growth Hacking Strategies

4. Create Custom Content

Stats show that 61% of people are more likely to buy from businesses that deliver custom content that satisfies their questions and concerns because it helps them make their decisions.

Small Business: Growth Hacking Strategies

5. Use Personalization Marketing

Stats show that 30% of Amazon’s sales come from recommendations. So when you create contextual experiences (personalization marketing), you can increase sales because you’re giving your customers exactly what they want.

Small Business: Growth Hacking Strategies

6. Host Contests

AppSumo has got 140,000+ subscribers in 10 months by promoting contests and giveaways. By collecting contact info, you can grow your email lists at lightning speed.

7. Reward Referrals – Referral Marketing

Small Business: Growth Hacking Strategies

People are more likely to do something when a friend tells them to. So you can give free bonuses for sharing content or for referring a friend you can amplify word of mouth. With referral marketing will increase traffic and sales.

Small Business: Growth Hacking Strategies


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Small Business: Growth Hacking Strategies You Need to Know

Small Business: Growth Hacking Strategies You Need to Know

In today’s online world traditional marketing methods cannot always achieve the rapid growth required for startup businesses to become profitable and successful. Here are some growth hacking strategies you need to know.

Growth Hacking – The Origin

The origin of growth hacking is attributed to Sean Ellis, an entrepreneur and startup adviser, who in 2010 coined the term “growth hacker” as someone who focused specifically on accelerating business growth by identifying ways in which a company can accelerate the product development and marketing cycles to get new products out to customers in the shortest possible time.

Growth Hacking Steps and Tips

Successful growth hacking is an iterative process that consists of the following steps:

Develop your product(s) to directly address the needs of your target market. Growth hackers refer to this as “product-market fit”—having a superior product in a high-demand marketplace is the foundation for growth.

Set specific goals. Your main goal may be, for example, to reach $1 million in sales in the first year. However, to do so the main goal should be broken down into a series of shorter, smaller goals so that you can monitor your progress and be prepared to make changes on the fly as required.

A clothing vendor might want to become the next new trend, but reasonable short term targets should be the day-to-day objective.

An online content site might have a long term goal of reaching a million page views per month but weekly and/or monthly targets will demonstrate a steady rise to the desired levels.

Implement methods of tracking results. Growth hacking is a data-driven methodology that relies on accurate product metrics. Aside from the traditional results from product sales, you can use social media “buzz” to gauge the level of interest in a new product.

For example, by posting information about your product releases on Facebook you can monitor and measure shares, likes, and feedback from “friends”.

Twitter analytics can tell you how many times the Tweet about your product was re-Tweeted or the embedded link to your product information has been clicked. Customer feedback via reviews or emails regarding product usability and/or reliability (even if negative) can provide valuable information.

There are a variety of sophisticated analytical tools available to monitor the popularity of content via page view statistics.

Test drive your product in the marketplace and measure the results. One of the great things about the digital revolution is the ease of testing the demand for new products or services.

Introducing a product or an idea for a product on social media in a “what do you think?” survey can get you immediate customer opinion including suggestions for improvements that can be incorporated into the finished product before it goes to market.

Selling a few sample items on eBay or Craigslist can also allow a business to quickly gauge customer interest in a new product without the time and effort required for a traditional approach such as setting up focus groups, etc.

Similarly, crowdfunding sites such as Kickstarter have also become platforms for introducing products to potential customers. Accompanied by photos, video, and ad copy, a product can be launched on Kickstarter and discounted or even given away for free to encourage customer reviews, ratings, and general feedback.

Using the customer feedback you can refine the product, the pricing strategy, and re-examine the target market as needed. The feedbacks will help you to achieve a deeper understanding of the needs of the customer base and greater growth possibilities.

Whether your product is a new line of clothing, a content website, or a coffee shop, growth hacking strategies can improve your sales and increase your bottom line.​

The growth hacking strategies will help you to improve your marketing plan. So you can grow your business and your income pretty fast.

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